IRC log for #gsoc on 20101217

00:28.53*** join/#gsoc madewokherd (
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04:35.05*** join/#gsoc skbohra (~shreekant@
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14:52.37kaiweb development _and_ databases... I should have stayed in bed today
14:53.19*** join/#gsoc rodrigods (~rodrigo@unaffiliated/rodrigods)
14:58.04*** join/#gsoc MatthewWilkes (
14:58.26thebolthi kai
14:58.31theboltkai: yes.. that sounds painful :P
15:00.39*** join/#gsoc haxxpop (3d5ae671@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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15:19.39skfinQuite a lot developers thinks that web development is awful, but they dont respect web developers so much. Weird.
15:19.54skfinI dont think that web development is awful
15:20.09skfinIt just can be really annoying
15:23.41*** join/#gsoc napster00 (~chatzilla@
15:23.45kaiskfin: it's hard to respect people who tell me they reinvent the wheel on auth mechanisms every time they need one, and still call their framework "complete"
15:25.03kaias a system developer, I know that the first rule of developing authentication systems is "don't"
15:25.46skfinkai: Well, all I can say is good luck
15:26.49theboltkai: second rule is "don't yet"? ;)
15:29.21*** join/#gsoc integral (internal@p3m/member/integral)
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15:36.46MatthewWilkeskai: Who does that??  I'm a webdev and the only messing I've done with auth on my current framework was custom role assignments
15:39.08sfb<3 Spring-Security
15:39.09*** join/#gsoc skbohra (~shreekant@
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16:02.03kaithebolt: no, that's optimization. for authentication systems it's  'see rule 1'
16:02.51kaiMatthewWilkes: when I started wombat some years ago, that's what people on the #pylons IRC channel all told me
16:04.14MatthewWilkesPylons reimplements itself every year
16:05.52kaiI probably wouldn't pick it again if I rewrote wombat
16:06.16kaibut I didn't get a GSoC student to reimplement wombat using another framework last year :)
16:09.20kaiprodds sqlalchemy and wonders why queue updates from one process to the other work and I need to close() my session the other way around
16:34.50*** join/#gsoc jbartosik (
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19:21.44*** join/#gsoc laknath_ (~buddhika@
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20:21.12carolsserves tea and peppermint bark
20:22.31gevaertsdecides to find out if the bark is really worse than the bite, so he grabs some
20:22.43gevaertsIt's not :)
20:26.11*** join/#gsoc Chainsaw (
20:26.11*** join/#gsoc Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/atheme.member.chainsaw)
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20:29.47carolsi see what you did there, gevaerts :-P
20:31.10gevaertsI hoped you would :)
20:35.23*** join/#gsoc Bat`O (
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20:38.16*** part/#gsoc neL (~neL@
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20:51.40skfinsmells tea, thats not good for me, where is coffee?
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21:56.14Nightrosecarols: i just saw the cfp for grace hopper 2011 and was wondering if you'd be interested in doing a talk together about gsoc/code-in
21:56.29Nightroseand if you are interested if you know other women who'd be interested
21:56.59carolsNightrose: would love to! i think cat is probably thinking something similar as well for next year - the response to this year's OS track was great
21:57.01Nightrosethey seem to have a requirement that it's not only about one project/company/org so i can't do a mentoring in kde proposal it seems
21:57.37Nightrosei'll put it on my todo list then
21:57.42carolsNightrose: want to start an email thread with us?
21:57.53Nightroseyes will do
21:58.02carolsthanks, happy frieday :-)
21:58.04carolsfriday even
21:58.17Nightroseheh thx - i have a case of tgif
21:58.39carolsme too
22:00.39Nightrosewill have some hot chocolate and soup - makes the day so much better instantly :D
22:00.48carolsthat sounds amazing
22:18.00*** join/#gsoc neXyon (
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