IRC log for #gsoc on 20100804

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05:51.27socinfo"timeline" is (#1), or (#2) for the visually oriented:
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06:44.40*** join/#gsoc qrng (
06:44.45qrngGood morning!
06:44.54timoteimorning qrng
06:44.58qrngAnd this morning is exceptionally beautiful.
06:45.24qrngA perfect morning to open a bottle of fine champagne.
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06:53.44dholbachgood morning
06:58.17qrngHave a glass of champagne, m'dear. What a fine morning.
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07:09.56kblinmorning thebolt
07:15.20comodogood morning, everyone
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07:44.11thebolthi kblin , how do you do?
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07:50.25qrngGreetings, thebolt.
07:50.41qrngHow's your GSoC project going?
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07:52.52theboltnot at all, as I am not in gsoc thsi year (and earlier years i have been mentor and admin)
07:57.47*** join/#gsoc dm9 (5f5041fd@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
07:59.19qrngI see.
07:59.44qrngBeing a student is certainly more advantageous.
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08:06.49kblinthebolt: so-so, can't complain too much
08:10.02theboltqrng: well, in "real world" I am a student ;)
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08:11.31kblinqrng: dunno, both is an interesting experience
08:11.39kblinpay is better than a student, of course
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08:14.07kblinqrng: but work hours are better as mentor, and you might get to go to the mentor summit, which is the most fun conference I've ever been to
08:15.43theboltagrees on the mentor summit
08:18.12theboltIf I had time this year I would have been a mentor just to be able to go there ;)
08:21.22theboltunfortunately i didn't have time during this summer, and i  don't have time in october :/
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08:29.00Ivanovicunfortunately there are too many people in wesnoths team so that it is unlikely for me to go this year
08:29.10Ivanovic(yeah, we switch between those that participate)
08:30.25theboltyea, might be up to enough mentors now that might be interested in going
08:30.55theboltfirst two years nobody else was interested at all.. then for two years it has been me + one more (different people though)
08:34.09dm9Mentor summit?
08:34.14dm9what is this
08:34.40gevaertsYou throw all mentors on a big heap, and the one on top is the mentor summit
08:35.05dm9are students participate in it?
08:35.51theboltno, listen to the name.. _mentor_ summit.. an unconference for mentors (and admins)
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08:36.33dm9I was a bit confused with the previous messages, ok
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08:48.01qrngkblin: Well, I don't count work hours very precisely, I just do what needs to be done.
08:48.20qrngAnyhow, things take some time.
08:49.17qrngLook at this and guess how much time it takes to write this:
08:56.01*** join/#gsoc peper (~peper@gentoo/developer/peper)
08:57.46qrngWith a properly optimizing compiler, this header gives you O(1) integer_pow<Base>(arg)
08:58.00qrngand O(log n) logarithm.
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08:58.53qrngAlso, this is portable.
08:59.56qrngBeats naive implementations by a biiiiiig margin. Orders of magnitude.
09:01.21*** part/#gsoc diver_in_sky (~diver_in_@
09:03.49kblinhard to tell, though
09:04.09kblinany naive implementation can be as bad as possible
09:04.44gevaertsuses bogopow()
09:04.56kblinI've seen n^2 array searches, but I bet I can implement a version that's worse :)
09:05.29gevaertsOf course you can!
09:05.47gevaertsThe trivial way is to just run it twice to make sure :)
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09:07.11kblinalso sometimes the language plays tricks on you.
09:07.58kblincPython's list().remove() is really slow
09:08.15kblintook me a profiler to figure out that was hurting my code's performance
09:09.36ojwbjust running it twice is no good - if the answers aren't the same, you've no idea which is right
09:10.54gevaertsYes, you're right. You run it five times, compiled with five different compilers on five different architectures (probably emulated) :)
09:11.22gevaertsYou'll still lose against smart people who use n^n implementations though
09:15.13kblinI wonder how hard it is to get a search that still looks reasonable but needs O(n!!)
09:16.13gevaertsThat's going to get tricky
09:16.57theboltgevaerts: that doesn't change the complexity though ;)
09:17.01theboltkblin: hm..
09:19.37theboltkblin: even a bogosort is only O(n*n!)
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09:20.00thebolt(quantum bogosort is O(n) sorting ;)
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09:28.36comodowe got to test a sorting algorithm with O(n!) in one of our courses... extremely useless
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09:29.56gevaertsthebolt: bogosort isn't actually bounded, so I'm not sure if that O(n*n!) is really true
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09:36.10theboltgevaerts: i think the analysis is based on statistical average analysis
09:36.19thebolt(ie not worst case)
09:36.54gevaertsthebolt: yes, but the worst case here is infinite. Doesn't that change the average in annoying ways?
09:37.15gevaertsNot that it matters much. I don't use bogosort() often
09:38.04*** part/#gsoc jasebo_home (
09:38.11theboltno, you can still calculate average (ok, expected value) for something that occasionally is infinite
09:38.31theboltthe gaussian distribution is non-zero all the way up to infinite, but still has an expected value ;)
09:39.44*** join/#gsoc Merio (
09:40.22gevaertsExcept you can't use the gaussian distribution for expected running times, but that's a detail of course. There will be another distribution you *can* use with the same properties in the positive-infinity direction
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09:45.25theboltgevaerts: yea, it was just a general example that some probability for infinite does not mean it does not have an expected value/average
09:45.35theboltreplace gaussian with chi-squared ;)
09:45.41gevaertsdoes so :)
09:47.22qrnggevaerts: The probabilistic space (O, F, lambda) is still very much integrable.
09:48.36qrngAnd if you integrate this Integral_O f dlambda, where lambda is the Lebesgue measure and f a variable on this space, you get what you would call "an average".
09:48.42gevaertsneeds to pay more attention to his mathematics skills
09:52.10theboltqrng: given that it converges (which it does not have to do..)
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09:52.37thebolt(like a Cauchy-Lorentz distribution.. )
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10:23.01qrngthebolt: Well noted.
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10:34.05theboltqrng: my teacher just loved to give us problems like that when i took stochastic processes.. having non-integratable stuff etc and make us show that etc :/  also a like of his were probability distribution functions (or and other functions in L2 or Lp spaces) that are integratable but undefined at coutably infinite number of points :P
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11:41.59qrngthebolt: Let's not make poor gevaerts more distressed about his maths than he should be. I think those chapters are better left to be discussed with a more thus inclined public.
11:42.47theboltqrng: aww.. ;) well, i for one am usually pretty pragmatic for maths (after all, I am an electronics engineer..).. if it worsk it is probably ok ;)
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11:44.47gevaertsjust ignores qrng :)
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17:11.36toriHow established does an FOSS project need to be in order to be accepted by GSoC as a mentoring organization?
17:12.22carolstori: you might want to look over this doc:
17:12.46toriCarols, thanks for the link. I'll look it over.
17:12.58kblinhi carols
17:13.02carolshi kblin
17:13.02kblinhow's life?
17:13.10carolsgood, how are you?
17:13.13thebolthi carols , hi again kblin ;)
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17:13.18carolshey thebolt
17:13.27carolsserves tea, coffee, and cookies
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17:13.36carolswe seem to have gathered a crowd :-)
17:13.55Catfish_Manhi folks
17:13.57kblincarols: so so right now, the wetware is acting up
17:14.02kblinhey Catfish_Man
17:14.28carolskblin: sorry to hear that
17:16.55kblinah, I'll survive and will be good in time for my trip to california
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17:19.01kblinand you've got mail, glad to be of service
17:19.15carolsthanks again kblin :-)
17:19.25Catfish_Mankblin: will you be by the bay area?
17:19.26carolswhen do you arrive in CA, btw?
17:19.32carolswhat Catfish_Man said :-)
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17:20.51kblinCatfish_Man, carols: I'll be arriving on thu, sept 16, some time in the evening
17:21.14carolscool. :-) CA is looking forward to having you
17:21.27kblinflying out again to see yet another evil empire close to seattle
17:21.35kblinon the 24th
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17:25.16theboltkblin: an evil empire whos software you spend considerable time making sure people can be compatible/interact/communicate with? :P
17:26.04kblinyeah. they invited us over to make sure we can be a better competition
17:26.31kblinI didn't have time the last two years, but I made time this year
17:26.37Catfish_Manhm, I have a house guest that week. Still, could probably meet up for dinner or some such if you're interested in hanging out
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17:27.23kblinCatfish_Man: sure, I'll be in santa clara from saturday-friday, but I've got a car
17:28.34kblinI'll be in SF thu-fri before that
17:31.50thebolthm, just realized this will be the first year since 2004 or so that I don't go to US once during the year..
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17:40.41kblinthebolt: you know, when the german gouvernment decided to introduce passports that included fingerprints five years ago, I hurried to get a passport before that deadline.
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17:41.08kblinthebolt: but now that the US has my fingerprints, I have less isssues with providing them to my own gouvernment as well
17:42.09theboltkblin: hehe, nowdays US takes 5-finger, right?
17:42.14thebolt(or well, 10 finger even)
17:42.29gevaertsYou're allowed to keep a few I think
17:42.32kblinthey do? last year they were happy with my index fingers
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17:42.45thebolthm, maybe it was some other country then.. but I wonder where I went then ;)
17:42.53kblinfor the german passports, you get to pick your finger
17:43.00theboltah :)
17:43.10kblinI actually considered using the middle fingers for a while
17:43.18theboltmy passport is good for another 3 years (valid to 2013)
17:43.28thebolti got a 10 year one the only year i could
17:43.46thebolt(the year i turned 18.. and year after they changed all passports to be max 5 years)
17:44.04kblinmine's running out in september, so I needed a new one
17:44.31kblinI need a pouch that stops RFID spillage, though
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17:44.45kblinan antistatic ziplock bag might do
17:44.49thebolti just need to make sure i get to keep my old passport when i get a new one
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17:45.08theboltmany stamps and forms in there with memories :)
17:46.51kblinmine is a bit boring
17:49.09kblin5 stamps from US immigration and one from the dutch antilles
17:50.08thebolt7 or 8 from US, 10 entry/exit stamps + my first resident visa from Taiwan (soon another resident visa I hope... ), short-time entry visas + stamps from japan, malaysia and philippines
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17:51.09kblinI'm hoping to finally get a talk accepted at LCA
17:51.26kblinso I can add an aussie set of stamps to the new one
17:51.29thebolti have been thinking about getting a new one before i get a new taiwanese visa.. (somewhat running out of pages in my current)
17:51.34theboltbut not sure i have the time now
17:52.04valeufthebolt: what are you doing in Taiwan?
17:52.07kblinwhen do you need to apply for that?
17:52.19theboltkblin: for the visa? probably i have another month before i have to
17:52.38bkgoodkblin: the us took your fingerprints at border patrol?
17:52.44theboltvaleuf: right now I am not there.. but i will be working for a swedish company and study chinese (is the plan.. if work doesn't work out in the end i'll study chinese for a year and then reevaluate ;)
17:52.55kblinbkgood: that and a photo
17:53.08valeufthebolt: where will you study chinese? did you already choose institue or university?
17:53.16bkgoodkblin: and I thought it was bad for us citizens :x
17:53.26valeufthebolt: I spent a summer school at the the NTU there, it has been one of my best summer ^ ^
17:53.33theboltvaleuf: ah
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17:53.40theboltvaleuf: i was one year at NTHU (in Hsinchu) last year
17:53.50kblinbkgood: it's worse if your skin color isn't the right tint
17:53.52thebolt(exchange student, 4th year of my MSc in EE)
17:54.13theboltand yea, it was my best year ever, which is one of the reasons i want to go back :)
17:54.20thebolt(also it is where i have most of my friends still ;)
17:54.40kblinbkgood: if you're black or look southern/middle american, you're in for even more fun questions
17:54.41bkgoodkblin: no doubt, but I'm a white 21-year-old uni-educated male and I still get questioned like a criminal by my own government, it's sickening really
17:54.54theboltvaleuf: what did you do at NTU?
17:55.25valeufthebolt: summer school, I worked in a laboratory for 2 months, with a scholarship from the Taiwan National Council of Science
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17:55.34kblinbkgood: that said, sometimes the folks at border partrol are very friendly while going all gestapo on you
17:56.05theboltvaleuf: ah, cool
17:56.09kblinbkgood: I've had my least pleasant encounters with border patrol officers in germany, with germans, as a german
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17:56.35valeufthebolt: good lucke to write the traditional chinese ideograms, it was horrible for me ^^
17:56.38theboltvaleuf: okay, nice :)
17:56.51theboltvaleuf: hehe, i did take a couple of classes in chinese when i was there last time
17:57.00theboltforgot most of it, especially hand-writing :P
17:57.20bkgoodkblin: haha yeah I'm a bit more okay with it when they're polite, and I understand the customs and agricultural implications of their questions (once I had to have my shoes washed after visting England and walking through a pasture there) but the personal questions seem invasive
17:57.24theboltreading and writing on computer is a bit better.. but yea, language is hard :P
17:57.43valeufthebolt: needs a really strong memory
17:57.53theboltvaleuf: and loads and loads of exercising :P
17:58.00theboltwhich is why i forgot most this year.. didn't practice
17:58.05kblinbkgood: what personal questions do they ask from US citizens?
17:58.32bkgoodthings like why were you where you were, what did you do, etc.
17:58.44kblinI just have to fill out a visa waiver stating I won't shoot the president, deal drugs, or kidnap kids and the like
17:58.47theboltvaleuf: where are you from originally, if i may ask?
17:59.04theboltkblin: and that you weren't part of the nazis in 1940s etc ;)
17:59.14kblinbut that's easy
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17:59.20valeufthebolt: France
17:59.35bkgoodyeah just show your date of birth is <=1940
17:59.55theboltvaleuf: ah, I see.. knew some french people in taiwan last year.. hm, one of them were there last summer and half autumn as well
18:00.10kblinbkgood: that, and you need to check "no" on all the questions anyway
18:00.21theboltvaleuf: but i guess there are more french people than swedish people in taiwan ;) (there are somewhere between 200 and 250 swedish people in taiwan)
18:00.54valeufthebolt: ah ah easy to organize a party at the "embassy"( I guess you are like French people, you don't call it embassy :p )
18:01.08kblinbkgood: and of course they ask what you're planning to do in the US, not where you're coming from
18:01.09theboltvaleuf: hehe yep
18:01.13theboltvaleuf: swedish trade council
18:01.27valeufthebolt: For us it is a Culture Center :D
18:01.32theboltvaleuf: i see :)
18:01.45valeufthebolt: even if at there culture looks more like visa, and other trade affairs :p
18:01.47bkgoodkblin: I find that reasonable; taking prints, not so much
18:01.56theboltvaleuf: :)
18:02.05bkgoodphotos are meh because they could pull if off your passport anyway
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18:02.52kblinbkgood: fingerprints as well, on my new passport
18:03.11bkgoodkblin: well that's your government's fault :)
18:03.43theboltkblin: if i get a new one i have to put fingerprints on there as well
18:03.48theboltbkgood: EU regulations i think
18:04.00kblinyeah, because the USA whined long and hard enough
18:04.36bkgoodyes because _so_ many of our criminals and terrorists are EU visitors :rolleyes:
18:05.06kblinI wonder how long you can refuse the backscatter X-ray thing, though
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18:13.05kblinbkgood: it's security theatre, anyway.. all the "success stories" so far have been non-terrorist criminals
18:14.01bkgoodkblin: probably at least partly because terrorists are far less common than normal criminals, and better funded :)
18:15.47kblinbkgood: not sure about the funded part, but I agree on the commonness
18:16.41bkgoodwell I guess there are the organized criminals, although those are probably terrorists in their own right (mob, mafia etc)
18:16.54kblinthough of course you can argue that following the "crime doesn't pay, if it does it's not called crime anymore" rule, the better funded ones aren't criminals :)
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18:17.12bkgoodthe distinction is really only political, used by politicians to gain votes and power
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18:19.43kblinbkgood: you know the really sad part? The EU is getting rid of privacy rights so fast that soon moving to a country where the fact that most of the citizens have guns at home puts a natural stop to how many of their rights you can take away sound like a really good idea
18:20.35bkgoodkblin: having guns has done nothing to stop the loss of privacy in the United States, we've given it away freely
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18:22.02kblinyeah, didn't say it stopped yet
18:23.06kblinbut germany's a bit too good at this gestapo crap, we invented it
18:23.11bkgoodyet? pssh the right to own firearms is probably the only one still really held dear
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18:23.34kblinbkgood: one more than here then :)
18:23.52bkgoodeven freedom of religion is on its way out, the majority is converging on one non-inclusive denomination of christianity (if you can call it that)
18:24.07bkgoodkblin: well that's a scary thought indeed
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18:31.15schumamlin order to reduce the number of privately owned firearms, I'd just introduce yearly compulsory handling and safety exercises for $$$ each :)
18:31.51kblinthat's probably against the constitution
18:32.08kblinlook how the brits are just waiting to get their colony back
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18:33.44schumamlreferring to the "if we can't get you back, we'll at least wreck your environment" approach?
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18:37.48kblinno, according to what I saw on fox news, that's entirely obama's fault
18:38.54kblina texan would have known how to handle the oil industry business
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19:01.49dberkholzfox may not be the most objective source for reliable information
19:02.05theboltwhat? are you sure? :)
19:02.19schumamloh noes!
19:03.54theboltschumaml: well, technically it was a company with HQ in Switzerland (but with its roots in Alabama)
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22:47.20RoAkSoAxcarols: Hi there. I received your email about submitting the code and that Organizations are the ones who have to create the project hsoting site. However, according to [0], does this means that they will also have to add each student to the proejct hosting to be able to upload the code as per "All students receiving passing final evaluations will be added as members to the project for their particular organization and can begin uploading their code samp
22:47.59carolsRoAkSoAx: sure, if your org needs to add you they can do that
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22:50.32RoAkSoAxcarols: right, but due to CPT I'm officially ending the GSoC by the 7th, and you todl me that I would have needed to provide a copy of my code to you by that date, so I though that those project sites would have been created by then
22:50.41RoAkSoAxnever though that our organizations where the ones who have to do that
22:50.51RoAkSoAxanyways, I'll ping them to do so and provide my code
22:51.07carolsRoAkSoAx: it takes on the order of 3 minutes to create a new project. probably an extra minute to add a member. i dont think its an issue.
22:51.53RoAkSoAxcarols: oh no not at all, I was clearing my doubts because I though that was handled by you guys instead of our organizations :)
22:52.15carolsRoAkSoAx: it is, and will be. however you are on an accelerated timeline and so in a different bucket
22:52.55RoAkSoAxcarols: indeed. Anywas, I'll ask them to do so. Thank you!
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