IRC log for #gsoc on 20100723

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08:50.37kaihm, damn, hit the limit of my regex-fu
08:51.21kaiI've got a python script that someone used a two-space indent for, and I want to reindent it to a PEP8-style four-space indent
08:52.22kaii've tried using "s/  /\t/g ; s/\t/    /" so far, but that also messes with the whitespace in some of the strings it's using for parsing
08:56.03baeryou could limit it to the beginning of the line
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08:59.14kaiyeah, but then I don't get the indentation right for deeper levels of indent
08:59.21kaiwhich kills you in python
09:01.27denndakai: ggVG then =
09:01.57denndaif you're using vim
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09:02.51kaidennda: that's just broken the indentation completely
09:02.53denndaAssuming you set up vim to oblige PEP8 for .py files
09:02.57denndaoh has it
09:03.03kaiit was the first thing I tried, obviously
09:03.06ojwbwhile (s/^(\t*)  /$1\t/) {} s/\t/  /g; ?
09:03.06denndaworked here in a quick test
09:03.24baerhm you could run it for every level of indentation ;)
09:04.18ojwb%= would be less typing in vim, if it worked
09:05.08kaidennda: yeah, it usually works for me as well, but in this particular case, I get level 1 and level 2 indents to sometimes be intented to 4 spaces
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09:08.09kaidennda: fails in my version of vim
09:08.27kaiindenting fails, that is
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09:10.36denndakai: just that snippet? works here
09:10.52kaidennda: my vim only indents the first line
09:11.05denndamine doesn't
09:11.18denndai get a properly indented file
09:11.21denndasend me the entire thing
09:12.03kaias silly as that might sound, I'm not allowed to distribute that file before we published it
09:12.15kaiyay for academia
09:12.26denndaand you can't publish it before it's properly indented \o/
09:12.32kaidennda: I can
09:12.39kaiit works with a 2-space indent
09:12.42denndayes sure
09:12.45kaiit's just ugly
09:12.51denndaugly as hell yes
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09:12.59denndayou might get shot
09:13.03kaiyay for academia indeed
09:13.12kaiit's not my name that's listed as "author" :D
09:13.24denndacollateral damage
09:13.55denndabtw that function name isn't pep8 compliant either
09:14.03kai$author is just running this on windows, and I'm trying to make it work on linux
09:14.28kaiand my first thought when looking at the code was "ahrg, let me fix the indent to be readable"
09:14.58gevaertskai: use a proportional font with wider spaces
09:15.00kaiyeah, but at least it's not camel case
09:16.01kaiit's not using hungarian notation either, both unlike the perl code I usually have to work with
09:16.35kaiit's also not perl, but practice does make perl more bearable
09:16.59kaiespecially when it's my own code and I can avoid stuff like my ($var, %var, @var);
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09:22.02MatthewWilkeskai: You're a strong willed man, not using the operator module in a function like that
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09:23.36kaiMatthewWilkes: this isn't my code
09:23.45kaiif it was, it'd follow PEP8 :)
09:24.00MatthewWilkespep8 is overrated
09:24.08thebolthi kai, MatthewWilkes et al
09:24.33MatthewWilkeshi thebolt
09:25.12thebolthow's it going?
09:26.26MatthewWilkesthebolt: Good, back to Berlin tonight.  Getting my house keys :)
09:26.46kaiMatthewWilkes: I'd probably use sorted() with a lambda function for the key= parameter
09:26.57kaijust to show how cool and pythony I can be
09:27.08MatthewWilkeskai: operator.itemgetter(1) ftw ;)
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09:28.03theboltMatthewWilkes: nice :) just had a meeting outlining hwat is needed for my move east in october
09:28.15theboltMatthewWilkes: basically just need to secure the financing for my salary (to get my work visa;)
09:28.43MatthewWilkesthebolt: Cool, where are you going to?
09:28.44kaioh, wow, I also like this line:
09:28.49kaiwhile len(sys.argv[1].split(".")) < 2 or sys.argv[1].split(".")[1] != "embl" and sys.argv[1].split(".")[1] != "EMBL" and sys.argv[1].split(".")[1] != "gbk" and sys.argv[1].split(".")[1] != "GBK":
09:29.07theboltMatthewWilkes: Taiwan, again
09:29.14theboltkai: :)
09:29.22MatthewWilkeskai: hideous
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09:30.03MatthewWilkesthebolt: Ah right :)
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09:31.42theboltMatthewWilkes: lovely country with lovely people :)
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09:34.01MatthewWilkesthebolt: I've never been, but I did go to university with a half thai, half swedish guy, from that small sample size I agree
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09:35.59theboltMatthewWilkes: thai people are from _thai_land.. I am going to _tai_wan ;)
09:36.25MatthewWilkesthebolt: Urgh, sorry, misread :)
09:36.31MatthewWilkesthebolt: RoC :)
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09:37.41theboltMatthewWilkes: yea
09:38.42theboltTaiwan is a "neutral" term in the cross straight relations issue ;-)
09:39.45MatthewWilkesIndeed, but I very much dislike the PRC.  More so since the execution of a british subject by their government last year.
09:41.52theboltMatthewWilkes: ah, well, thing is hwne you are in Taiwan/RoC you don't really know where people stand in the "free/reunite" debate.. so it is best as a foreigner to be neutral (and not discuss it ;)
09:42.24theboltnow I know several of my friends there are very much for an official separation and independence, but still :)
09:42.43MatthewWilkesSure, same with the irish here
09:42.56MatthewWilkesback home, even
09:51.30MatthewWilkesthebolt: I once had to explain to some chinese students about the concept of an opposition in democracy, others have thought that taiwan was under the control of the PRC.  I don't think any country that is curtailing the intellectual freedom of its citizens like that deserves any claim of land
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09:58.26theboltMatthewWilkes: :)
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12:20.52comodothere's some simple function to convert a string of numbers (like "34200") to an int in C, right?
12:21.42comodoknows this is not a programming support channel, but asked anyway
12:22.50LawnGnomestrtol; atoi. ##c might be better for that sort of question in general. :)
12:23.23comodoLawnGnome: I know, but thanks for helping out in any case :)
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12:24.49gevaertswarns about base detection
12:25.28comodogevaerts: "all your base are belong to us"?
12:25.43gevaertsno :)
12:26.13gevaertsah, no, I'm wrong. atoi() assumes decimal
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15:28.16*** topic/#gsoc is Google Summer of Code 2010 is On! - Coding has started! - File Feature Requests & Bugs at - Read the FAQs: - Consider Hosting a GSoC Info Session:
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