IRC log for #gsoc on 20100628

00:07.56*** join/#gsoc ben_AU_honeynet (~ben_AU@
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06:01.20dholbachgood morning
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06:50.25neXyongood morning Europeans
06:52.18geoaxisneXyon,  in Sweden the sun rises at 2 am these days
06:52.43geoaxisat 9 am its more like noon here
06:53.16neXyongeoaxis: awesome xD
06:55.10sanjoydAre there any more people who still have not received their tracking numbers?
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07:53.04h4xordoodhey i alreay set pin for atm  i can login into on atm but while making transaction it says sorry transaction cant be processed :(
07:53.20h4xordoodi am from india
07:53.24*** join/#gsoc neo01124 (~neo@
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07:55.52smtmsh4xordood, how much money do you have on your card?
07:56.15*** join/#gsoc MatthewWilkes (
07:56.48comodogeoaxis: where in Sweden are you?
07:57.02h4xordood505 dollors
07:57.58*** join/#gsoc neo01123 (~neo@
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07:59.45h4xordoodsmtms why ?
08:00.40smtmsh4xordood, how much did you try to withdraw?
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08:01.45h4xordood450 dollors
08:02.26smtmsh4xordood, did you wait after you set up the PIN and before your first withdrawal attempt?
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08:04.39h4xordoodi did set my pin on saturday
08:05.18h4xordoodand today on monday tried to access
08:06.46h4xordoodso i think plenty of time
08:08.01smtmsh4xordood, did you try another ATM?
08:08.20h4xordoodi tried 4 atms
08:08.48h4xordoodeven talked  with citi bank people in india
08:08.54*** join/#gsoc hiddenpearls (~hiddenpea@
08:09.14*** join/#gsoc Kaetemi (~Kaetemi@
08:09.14*** join/#gsoc Kaetemi (~Kaetemi@pdpc/supporter/base/kaetemi)
08:09.15smtmsh4xordood, what did they say?
08:09.29h4xordoodthey told me they cannot help me as this is international account
08:09.54h4xordoodthey told me talk in america citi bank
08:10.30smtmsh4xordood, that's what I recommend too
08:11.20rohitrh4xordood: try withdrawing a lower amount first?
08:11.42rohitrINR 10kish
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08:12.22h4xordoodi would call them and write to carol also but i am not sure if all indian students have such problem may be i am the only one :(
08:16.55MatthewWilkesh4xordood: How are you doing the money conversion calculation? Are you sure you're using the right rate?
08:18.02h4xordoodits 46 INR for 1 dol
08:18.51h4xordood505 dol equal to 23,730
08:19.02h4xordoodi tried 20000
08:19.39h4xordoodso more than 18 dol left on macine if processed
08:19.41MatthewWilkesh4xordood: Right, that's the interbank rate though
08:20.01MatthewWilkesWhat is it in the bureaux de change?
08:21.36rohitrh4xordood: exactly, HDFC gives you 45.5 for each dollar.
08:22.24h4xordoodanyways lets see what happens
08:24.39*** join/#gsoc robin___ (~robin@unaffiliated/robin---/x-7346543)
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08:28.13*** join/#gsoc felipe_ (
08:32.06*** join/#gsoc Aule (
08:40.35kaiah, durn, I just realized that the XM beagle is a tad bigger than the old beagle boards, so they won't stack nicely
08:42.26*** join/#gsoc Andrius (~null@unaffiliated/andrius)
08:43.10thebolthi kai
08:43.13theboltkai: that sucks :P
08:44.41*** join/#gsoc valeuf (
08:45.19kaithebolt: yeah, but that means I can probably try to build my own cool case ;)
08:48.09kaibut there goes my plan of a 3" rack ;)
08:50.08*** join/#gsoc c4chris (
08:51.47kaimeh, that's it
08:51.57kaimy gsoc student just failed
08:52.04theboltoh :(
08:52.09theboltsorry to hear that
08:52.47theboltwhy/in what waY?
08:52.50kainot responding to requests from the other developers, missing the daily progress reports for over a week, no code commits for 9 days
08:53.33theboltah :/
08:53.48kaiand he's been very flakey before that
08:54.07kaihence the daily progress reports
08:54.08pygidaily progress reports kai? :p
08:54.25pygithought you just liked to bug him :p
08:54.29kaiI haven't gotten a single of the weekly progress reports on time
08:54.48kaiand so far he has produced like 100 lines of code
08:55.12kaiso as a measure to help him get back on track we switched to daily milestones and daily progress reports
08:55.44kaijust a short email consisting of "stuff I did yesterday" and "stuff I'm going to do today"
08:55.53kaibefore starting to work on the code
08:57.58pygikai, what was your student working on?
08:58.13h4xordoodoh really some one failed o_O
08:59.17kaipygi: 3d model preview for WorldForge's asset management tools
09:00.17ojwbkai: commiserations
09:01.48kaiojwb: yay, a personal "new word a day", thanks :)
09:02.11theboltkai: ah.. too bad.. that is an interesting project (or well, used to be at least;), too bad it failed :(
09:03.07kaiyeah, of course now I'm mostly annoyed that I didn't pick the other student applying for it
09:03.35ojwbkai: glad to be of service
09:03.36kaithough his approach sounded less viable..
09:04.04kaidoesn't believe in WebGL
09:05.00kaiI still think doing a couple of image renders and then using some ajax magic to allow "turning" the model is the more portable approach
09:05.12ojwbjust port mesa to javascript
09:05.15theboltkai: heh, you should talk to the peragro devs (mostly sueastside).. he is doing/did something similar ;)
09:05.18ojwbhow hard can it be?
09:05.54kaithebolt: I did. sueastside believes in WebGL :)
09:06.28kaiso I thought trying another approach would be good, and we can then see how well both of these work in production
09:07.12ojwbkai: what don't you like about webgl?
09:07.19theboltkai: yea :)
09:07.27theboltkai: did you see it in-action?
09:07.37thebolt(he did btw implement it without webgl as well)
09:08.02kaiojwb: linux opengl drivers suck, browser plugins suck
09:08.02thebolt(i don't have webgl but it still displays )
09:08.25kaithebolt: oh, right, there's some "render on the fly" fallback, I think
09:08.45*** join/#gsoc k0p_ (
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09:09.09ojwbkai: if wikipedia is to be believed (tm) it's built in to the browsers, not a plug in
09:09.32ojwb(I'm not defending it, I only just heard about it and am curious about it)
09:09.59kaiojwb: well, in a couple of years, it might be useable
09:11.15*** join/#gsoc bisc (
09:11.24kaihanding off the computationally intensive part to the client makes sense in principle
09:12.08kaibut I think that using pre-rendered sprites and ajax is going to be more useable _now_
09:14.33ojwbdespite what the wikipedia page suggests, it doesn't actually seem to be available in the browsers I have to hand
09:15.02*** join/#gsoc kunalb_ (~kunalb@
09:15.08ojwbnot the very latest, but probably typical versions, so yeah I'd say it's not a good answer this year
09:16.05tylercurtisojwb: I don't think it's available in any browser yet outside of their nightly or dev versions, and even then usually requires a special config option(chrome requires a command line option, and firefox requires a config option, iirc).
09:16.07*** join/#gsoc aoszkar (
09:17.28kaijust my point
09:18.06kaithe biggest browser microsoft is trying to get out of business with their new IE8 is still IE6
09:18.34kaiso maybe in another five years a significant percentage of browsers out there will have webgl support
09:19.47MatthewWilkesGaaaah.  "We've posted you a cheque."  - I asked you to pay me by bank transfer for a reason, geniuses, I don't have an address in england anymore.
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09:26.18kaiMatthewWilkes: "the check is in the mail"? :)
09:26.28kaicheque, dammit
09:27.07kaibrain context switch still a bit slow this morning
09:31.09*** join/#gsoc pygi (
09:33.15MatthewWilkeskai: Yup
09:33.25MatthewWilkeskai: Bastards, eh?
09:34.59*** join/#gsoc kunalb_ (~kunalb@
09:36.27ajuonlinesympathises with MatthewWilkes
09:37.20ajuonlinei kinda like it how Amazon spies on what I was browsing and the next day sends me a targetted email of such products
09:38.05*** join/#gsoc Agon (
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10:11.10kaitries to work up the energy to go to today's seminar
10:12.43MatthewWilkeskai: You can find me a house instead, if you like
10:13.17*** join/#gsoc neXyon (
10:17.43MatthewWilkesEverywhere's miles out of town
10:18.08MatthewWilkesThere have been great places online for months but it seemed like a waste of money
10:18.24theboltMatthewWilkes: which city/town?
10:19.03MatthewWilkesthebolt: Berlin
10:19.14*** join/#gsoc hugo_br (
10:21.39kaiMatthewWilkes: if you don't mind eastern berlin, there should be plenty of places
10:22.13theboltMatthewWilkes: ah, ok, good luck :)
10:23.51MatthewWilkeskai: Should be, yes.  It seems everything is closer to Pankow than Berlin proper.  I want relatively central, don't mind it being Neukölln, F-hain
10:25.45kaiseminar time, bbl
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11:17.39sanjoydDoes anyone know what Google's fedex account number is?
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13:10.46h4xordoodokay  my problem is solved tried on different atm got it :)
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15:24.12AdityabHi, I don't get an option to get my PIN when I call the number.
15:24.40AdityabThe system first asks me to select language
15:24.43AdityabI choose English
15:24.54Adityabthen it gives two options
15:25.07Adityab1. Something about lost/stolen card
15:25.15Adityab2. Getting account balance
15:25.20AdityabThat's all.
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15:34.13smtmsAdityab, which number do you call?
15:35.29Adityabsmtms: The outside-US number.
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15:36.29Adityabsmtms: 001-610-941-4607
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15:44.58smtmsAdityab, are you sure you were listening carefully to the voice menu?
15:45.26smtmsAdityab, I called the outside-US number and set up my PIN, but it was a week ago and I don't remember the details
15:45.45hari2981where can I get my track Number
15:46.21smtmshari2981, it is sent to you by e-mail
15:47.00Adityabsmtms: Yeah, I tried it four times.
15:47.29smtmsAdityab, try option 2 and enter your card number as account number
15:47.41Adityabsmtms: Ok
15:48.01hari2981I requested carol twice about my track Number , but she didn't respond
15:48.09smtmsAdityab, they say you can use Skype to call the US 800 number and save money
15:48.15Adityabsmtms: What did it say for the PIN option?
15:48.19Adityabsmtms: I see
15:48.26smtmsAdityab, I don't remember
15:48.37smtmsAdityab, I'm not calling them again to check
15:48.38Adityabthanks anyway :)
15:48.45Adityabsmtms: sure
15:50.13hari2981where is carol ?
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15:52.13smtmshari2981, she's hiding
15:52.54smtmshari2981, your package travels at the same speed with or without tracking number
15:52.58Adityabhari2981: She's swamped by too many mails, I'm sure
15:53.52kblinactually she's at OSBride
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15:58.01hari2981all the people in my country got the package except me
15:58.44kblinit's not google's fault. google loves you. keep clicking those ads.
15:59.56hari2981kblin: how can I find my tracknumber
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16:01.43kblinhari2981: you'll get one when fedex processes your package
16:02.22kblinonce all the packages should have been sent, google will put up a web form where people who didn't get a package can register themselves
16:03.01kblinat least that's the way it was the last years
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16:04.58hari2981sorry , Its about one month of long waiting
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16:05.44kblinwhen I did my first gsoc, I didn't get any money until after gsoc...
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16:05.56kblinthe new system works much better
16:06.02kblinthough of course it's not perfect
16:07.00kblinwhen you find a way that'll allow thousand people spread over the whole world to easily receive money while it still can be managed by a single person, do speak up
16:10.10smtmswhy do we put the single-person restriction?
16:10.28smtmsand, if Google can't do that, nobody can ;-)
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18:04.31hari2981I mailed twice about the my trackNumber
18:04.32kblincarols: having fun at osbridge?
18:04.32carolskblin: osbridge? that was like three weeks ago :-)
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18:04.32carolskblin: i was at USENIX last week?
18:04.32kblinah, whatever
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18:04.32kblinI loose track of all these conferences
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18:04.33hari2981carols: please look my mail and give my trackNumber
18:04.33carolskblin: me too, truth be told
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18:05.02carolshari2981: as soon as i have information for you i will let you know.
18:05.02theboltevening kblin :)
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18:05.29kblinhari2981: you need to chill a bit
18:05.29socinfo"patience" is very important in GSoC. Check !next and the !timeline and go code something useful.
18:05.55kblinhey thebolt
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18:38.27*** topic/#gsoc is Google Summer of Code 2010 is On! - Coding has started! - File Feature Requests & Bugs at - Read the FAQs: - Consider Hosting a GSoC Info Session:
18:38.32qrngWe do not share the view, unfortunately. IMO, when we are gone, we are gone. La fini de la comedie.
18:39.01dandersonwhich is why you should damn well enjoy yourself while you can :)
18:39.07qrngExactly. :-)
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18:39.42Kosmadanderson: damn true :-)
18:40.26qrngI would raise a glass of wine to your healt, danderson, but I'll wait for the weekend.
18:42.22qrngAnyhow, mid-term is coming. I am very happy with my supervisor.
18:42.25qrngErrr... mentor.
18:43.10Kosmaso, would Google be a hypervisor in this case? ;)
18:43.43qrngMakes sense. :-)
18:44.04qrngRegardless, Doxygen will put me to the early grave.
18:44.20qrnglights up a fag.
18:44.24Kosmaor an early tomb ;)
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19:18.37sanjoydcarols, thanks for the quick response! :)
19:19.44MatthewWilkeswaves at *
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20:34.13bkgoodI find it somewhat disheartening that I'm about to use my Google-branded citi card to pay a google checkout invoice :(
20:36.25smtmsit's a Citi-branded Google card
20:38.25bkgooderm the card's backed by citi, not google. it's just got google's name and logo on it for looks
20:38.47copprodgregor: Status update: I think I've got the basic infrastructure down for Parse; I'm currently going through and changing basically everywhere where attributes are mentioned, which is lot of places.
20:38.53smtmsbkgood, you are too serious
20:38.54copprooops, wrong channel
20:39.07bkgoodoh lol
20:39.43bkgoodI couldn't figure out why someone would argue such a minute point to begin with :)
20:40.28thebolthm, :P
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21:01.00summatusmentiskblin: can I but you about sequencing stuff again?
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21:07.48kblinsummatusmentis: sure
21:08.11summatusmentisd'you remember at all the description I gave you of what I'm working on?
21:08.25kblinnot really, no
21:08.49summatusmentisroughly, I've got sequences of numbers
21:09.02summatusmentisand i'm looking for how similar they are
21:09.32summatusmentisbased on what I'm reading Bio::Seq is what I'd be looking for, kind of?
21:10.00kblinI guess so
21:11.32summatusmentisin the little bit amount of reading I've been doing, they're talking about sequence objects, which look to be pretty specific to dna sequencing? How extensible are these things?
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21:12.03summatusmentisonce you've got your sequence in an object, what then? I assume there's stuff to compare it and so forth, is there something I should be looking for?
21:13.42kblinI'm pretty sure it's not specific to DNA sequencing, I've been using it to wrangle proteins
21:14.09summatusmentisok, maybe dna sequencing is the wrong word "strings of characters"
21:14.24kblinthat might be the case
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21:14.27summatusmentiswhere a "unit" would be a single character, from what I understand
21:14.39kblinyou might want to ask on #bioperl
21:14.46kblinthey're a helpful bunch
21:15.23summatusmentisI don't mean to steal your time :)
21:15.23kblinI really do pretty ordinary stuff myself, nothing fancy
21:15.40summatusmentiswell, on a conceptual level, this shouldn't be that fancy either, from what I've gathered
21:15.42kblinno, I just mean the folks on #bioperl might have more clue about this
21:15.59kblinsome of the core devs hang out there
21:16.13summatusmentisalright, I'll stick my head in there
21:18.03kblinoh, and they know perl, I don't
21:18.08kblinI just write perl code
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21:37.05kblinsummatusmentis: see, I said they'd know
21:37.30summatusmentisyou did, thanks
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21:39.10kblinI hate "try to find it in the sources, somewhere" documentation
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22:23.31drt24did the person who wrote the source use comments?
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