IRC log for #gsoc on 20100604

00:04.45*** join/#gsoc vgvgf (~vgvgf@
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04:02.26rohitrHey, has anyone got a tracking email, from fedex? Just checking if the packages have started shipping.
04:06.45*** join/#gsoc xnox (
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06:09.01kblinmorning thebolt
06:09.06*** join/#gsoc blkperl (
06:09.48kblinmlankhorst: kind of hard if you try to fix a bug in an existing codebase
06:11.05kblinbut then I remembered my shell programming and of course perl had a similar function
06:11.11kblinso all's good
06:11.30theboltkblin: i'm sorry you have to stick your nose into such horrible languages ;)
06:12.43*** join/#gsoc andrei1089 (~andrei108@
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06:14.08*** join/#gsoc Andrius[] (~null@unaffiliated/andrius)
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06:22.36kblincould be worse
06:26.21blkperlAttention all US GSOC students/mentors there is now an unofficial google group
06:40.35*** join/#gsoc keheliya (~keheliya@
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06:56.33dholbachgood morning
06:57.53*** part/#gsoc phy (~phy@
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10:28.54danbrithis .js-based page at has taken over an hour to fail to load
10:29.02danbri'Please wait while list is loading'
10:29.05danbriwhat's wrong with html? :)
10:29.28danbriok it worked on a reload
10:29.32danbrijust venting!
10:37.11ChainsawYou are quite patient with it.
10:37.29ChainsawSurveys indicate that the average patience of a web user (for a webpage to load or othewise update itself) is 4 seconds.
10:37.47gevaertsIs that for random websites, or websites the user actually needs?
10:38.09ChainsawRandom websites without such mitigating circumstances.
10:40.39danbriit's not patience, it's attention deficit (surplus?), plus another 30 browser tabs
10:43.43*** join/#gsoc precious_ (~73b87aad@gateway/web/freenode/x-ivyoarsmxfbdkjkj)
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12:05.38kaiyay, reading old source code ftw
12:06.05kairight.. why is it better to pretend that? what was I thinking?
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12:26.19lolfrenzkai, reading one's own source code after years is pretty cool
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12:31.43kailolfrenz: I wrote this like.. last year
12:32.13*** join/#gsoc YuviPanda (~chatzilla@
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12:54.57kaiYour code has been rated at -1.53/10
12:55.01kaiscore :)
12:56.46kaiok, that's worse than mine
12:56.56*** join/#gsoc sploving (~sploving@
12:57.31kaiI got "Your code has been rated at 7.12/10 (previous run: -1.53/10)" after a simple "%s/\t/    /g" in vim
12:57.33MatthewWilkesyay friday.
12:57.49MatthewWilkeswhat is this rater?
12:58.05kaiand tab indents violate PEP8
12:58.34kaibut apart from that noise (which is easily fixed) the other stuff makes sense
12:59.50*** join/#gsoc josip (~josip@unaffiliated/josip)
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13:00.00MatthewWilkesYour code has been rated at 0.83/10
13:00.15*** join/#gsoc MalteF (~Miranda@PPPOE-06-0028.UNI-MUENSTER.DE)
13:00.23josiphey, did anyone get his/hers welcome package?
13:00.30mkarnickinot me, no.
13:00.39mkarnickijosip: is't a bit "early"
13:00.53mkarnickijosip: they told they would ship it yesterday/the day before
13:00.59josiphm, okay, I read here quite some time ago that they have been sent
13:01.01josipaah, okay
13:01.04mkarnickiso considering that fact, it's quite early :)
13:01.10josipmakes perfect sense. I should have read the blog first
13:01.12YuviPandaoh, anyone got their tracking codes yet? ;)
13:01.25josipnope :/
13:01.26mkarnickiYuviPanda: no, neither ;)
13:01.57mkarnickiwent shopping
13:02.23*** part/#gsoc josip (~josip@unaffiliated/josip)
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13:04.01kaitoo many local variables?
13:04.50ojwbkai: just make some globals
13:08.29*** join/#gsoc pwbarnes (~pwbarnes@fedora/nman64)
13:11.15MatthewWilkesojwb: No, globals are bad too.  Just create a decorator that provides a dict of the things you need then eval the func_code of the passed in function with that as the locals
13:13.18kaithat's silly
13:13.54kaithat's just workarounds, they don't actually change the fact that for this complex function I need to keep track of a lot of things
13:14.13kaithe design won't get better if I hide a handful of these local vars
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13:14.22kaidisables the check
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13:19.59MatthewWilkeskai: I think you should do what I said :)
13:20.04MatthewWilkes(and get fired)
13:23.34kaiyay, found a -3.59/10
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16:28.04thebolthi carols , how do you do?
16:28.20carolshey thebolt, i'm good. how are you?
16:28.43theboltWant the PC answer or the real one? ;)
16:28.49*** join/#gsoc vgvgf (~vgvgf@
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16:30.11YuviPandareminds himself to steal that line from thebolt
16:30.31theboltwell, been better.. a bit sad and lonley on the friday evening.. but oh well, it will go over, eventually .)
16:30.56theboltYuviPanda: I hold copyright to anything I write and pursue it aggressivly :P
16:32.10YuviPandais sad and lonely during *all* evenings :(
16:33.35theboltwell, technically I am alone 95% of all evenings or so, but seldom feel lonley (or sad, about that or anything else.. )
16:33.44theboltbut hey, what would life be if it was only happiness all the time, eh ?:)
16:36.20SukhEWe need the gloomy days to appreciate life.
16:36.47*** join/#gsoc drdanz (
16:37.04YuviPandathebolt: true, but it does hit you hard when you're 19 and you're the only one from your entire class spending evenings alone
16:37.30theboltYuviPanda: heh, well, i'm 26 and doing that :P
16:37.43YuviPandathebolt: ah, good to have company :D
16:38.02YuviPandawonders if it is any easier at 26
16:38.43theboltor well, still have two friends i see soemtime living here.. but one of them moving back home in two weeks so I won't see her for three months..
16:38.45theboltit's not :P
16:38.54*** join/#gsoc nirbheek (~nirbheek@gentoo/developer/nirbheek)
16:38.54matekanyone know if the welcome packages has been sent (please, don't kill!)
16:39.18JSundmatek: You'll get package tracking information when your package is sent.
16:39.38mateklast year I got my tracking number a week AFTER I got a package...
16:41.44smtmsmatek, tracking numbers are held at customs longer ;-)
16:43.03*** join/#gsoc lucian (
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16:44.44carolsthebolt: why you sad and lonely?
16:46.16carolsserves some tea
16:46.34carolsserves voodoo doughnuts from portland
16:46.47carolscompliments of OS Bridge :-)
16:48.13blkperlwishes he didn't have class in 30 minutes or he would eating the voodoo doughnuts
16:48.26theboltcarols: thanks :) well, sad mostly because I am lonley I guess.. and lonely, well.. most of my friends are 15 hours of flight away, one of my very best friends who is now living here is also going back there in two weeks so after this sunday and a dinner on 17th I won't see her for three, three-and-a-half months..
16:49.12carolsthebolt: aw, well i can see why that would make you lonely. where are you right now?
16:49.38theboltcarols: my "hometown" in sweden
16:49.53thebolt(or well, close to where i grew up, and where i went to uni)
16:50.17carolsserves thebolt some tea
16:50.23theboltthanks, it helps :)
16:50.30carolsbest i can do from thousands of kilometers away
16:50.40theboltHeh yea, I know, distances sucks, don't they? :)
16:50.51carolsthebolt: i could not agree more.
16:51.01carolslong distance anything sucks.
16:51.13theboltmany of my good friends are in, or are soon going back to, Taiwan
16:51.21theboltalso some thousand km or so
16:51.49carolsthebolt: are you going there are some point, or no plans to?
16:51.53*** join/#gsoc jdk2588 (~jdk2588@
16:52.00theboltGoing there in end of september/beginning of october
16:52.03theboltor well, moving there rather
16:52.31carolsthebolt: ah, well, then i bet it can't come soon enough
16:53.21theboltcarols: heh yea, well, I have things to keep me occupied until then.. a thesis (master) to finish and a company to start :)
16:53.44carolsthebolt: yeah, i would say that's a good bit of things to keep you occupied :-)
16:54.12*** join/#gsoc Will07c5 (
16:57.06theboltcarols: heh yep, well, yea :) a bit too much some days ;)
16:57.10theboltbut i'll cope
16:57.17carolsyeah, i hear you on that
16:57.23theboltso how does it feel to run gsoc?
16:57.34theboltstill at least half sane? ;)
16:57.36carolsthebolt: frickin' awesome. i have the best job at google
16:57.47carolsi love everyone i've met and everyone i've worked with
16:58.01carolsi can only hope im giving back to the community as much as they've given me :-)
16:58.29theboltCool :)
17:00.14thebolti wish i still had time (and energy) left to code open source stuff, but atm it just isn't there
17:00.32carolsyeah, i think time for these things ebbs and flows
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17:04.09thebolt8 years and 100k lines of code to the same project and you might need a break
17:04.20carolsyeah, for sure
17:04.28carolswell good luck certainly on your thesis
17:04.33carolsand the business :-)
17:04.50theboltthanks :)
17:05.02carolswhat' the business model?
17:05.02thebolt(business is continuing my thesis work, but trying to make money of it :P)
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17:05.15theboltmake stuff and sell it ;)
17:05.24carolshehe good business plan :-)
17:05.33carols1. make stuff 2. ? 3. profit!
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17:05.42theboltstuff in this case is UAV systems for profesional photography and filming
17:05.51carolsah, cool
17:06.01carolsthat sounds interesting :-)
17:06.04Catfish_Mang'morning #gsoc :)
17:06.07carolshey Catfish_Man
17:06.11thebolthi Catfish_Man
17:06.17carolsserves some more tea
17:06.28Catfish_Mansips his tea while doing the friday dance
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17:06.49carolsim impressed you can both sip tea and dance at the same time :-)
17:07.07Catfish_ManI have many such unique talents :P
17:07.57carolswell, it is friday after all
17:08.07Catfish_Mansighs. I shouldn't leave activity monitor open. It reminds me how friggin' fat Adium is these days
17:08.20carolsserves some more voodoo doughnuts from portland
17:08.20Catfish_Mantakes a heap profile
17:08.52Catfish_Manheh, ever been to Voodoo Too?
17:08.53Catfish_Manthey have pinball machines!
17:08.54theboltCatfish_Man: heh, what you don't know won't hurt, eh? :)
17:09.25Catfish_Manthebolt: I have 4GB in this machine. It won't directly impact *me* at all :P
17:09.32carolsthey're serving them at OS Bridge right now :-)
17:09.35carolsquite exciting
17:09.42carolsmunches a maple bacon doughnut
17:10.04theboltCatfish_Man: hehe, yea, got a new laptop now, feels quite nice to have "unlimited" memory and CPU ;)
17:10.18Catfish_Mancarols: I remember the first time I saw them was at the jive offices. I was peaking over someone's shoulder and said " that cheese on that donut!?"
17:10.24Catfish_Manthey replied "no, I think it's tang"
17:10.39carolsCatfish_Man: that's awesome. such a wonderful exchange on doughnuts :-)
17:10.57Catfish_Manboth sound awful, tbh
17:11.21carolsCatfish_Man: they have some great flavors, maybe not the one with tang on it though
17:12.00*** join/#gsoc riccardo (
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17:14.04Catfish_Manbrb, relaunching with malloc logging on
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18:07.59socinfoError: access denied (owner).
18:08.18rohitrok final try :)
18:08.20Catfish_Manrohitr: if you don't know the command, check in /msg first instead of spamming
18:08.38rohitrok. sorry. :)
18:08.41*** join/#gsoc Kaetemi (Kaetemi@pdpc/supporter/base/kaetemi)
18:14.49socinfoError: access denied (owner).
18:15.18ajuonlinesomething's wrong =) i guess
18:15.22socinfo"lh" is Leslie Hawthorn, Geek Herder extraordinaire for GSoC 2005 till GSoC 2010, carols has taken over as Program Manager
18:15.29ajuonlineerr. not.
18:15.59ajuonlineCatfish_Man: I can haz fish nao?
18:16.04socinfo"logs" is
18:16.08theboltis the right one
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21:18.20viviasince i attached my screen, i just had time to look at #gsoc and i realized i missed the doughnuts :'(
21:21.51viviaCatfish_Man: i think adium is just libpurple with a nice mac interface, isn't it?
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21:22.29Catfish_Manvivia: no, it's used at least 3 other libraries at various points
21:22.35Catfish_Manalso I have issues with "just" :P
21:22.38Catfish_Manit's more code than libpurple is
21:23.17Catfish_Man(currently it uses libpurple, libezv, and mgtwitterengine as backends. In the past it's also used joscar)
21:23.32viviahumm, okay that might explain why you say it's fat. but i'm running pidgin on nokia 770s and n810s and it's always been very fast, so that got me a bit surprised
21:24.14Catfish_Manvivia: 250,000 lines of non-libpurple code is plenty of places to use more ram ;)
21:24.38viviaoh, okay that makes sense then :)
21:24.41Catfish_Manalthough purple_status_new is actually one of the bigger offenders. That thing calls malloc at least a thousand times in a row during startup
21:25.37viviai don't know whether i prefer this, or an interpreted language where you just don't know exactly how much malloc is running
21:25.42Catfish_Manbuddy icons are another big one. I think we can get a good win there by using NSCache to dump icon caches on system memory pressure
21:26.09viviain fact, I don't get why it should download buddy icons when i'm invisible and give me away?!
21:26.21Catfish_Manit generally gets those from the server
21:26.26Catfish_Manso... it's not giving you away
21:26.32viviaon msn at least, it connects to the other peer
21:26.41Catfish_ManMSN is friggin' terrible
21:26.48viviai know but that's where all my contacts are :)
21:26.59Catfish_Manluckily mine are all xmpp and aim
21:27.17viviaand i somehow ended up involved in amsn, so that's yet another pleasure
21:27.39viviabut not when M$ changes the protocol _yet again_ and decides to e.g. require a freaking SOAP request to block someone
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