IRC log for #gsoc on 20100419

07:19.42*** join/#gsoc ibot (
07:19.42*** topic/#gsoc is Google Summer of Code 2010 is On! - Accepted student applications announced on April 26 - File Feature Requests & Bugs at - Read the FAQs: - Consider Hosting a GSoC Info Session: - We need flyer and presentations translations, videos too!
07:21.50*** join/#gsoc dholbach (~daniel@ubuntu/member/dholbach)
07:22.19dholbachgood morning
07:22.36*** join/#gsoc CyberTooth (~SheriffBo@
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07:56.38robbyoconnorkillerchicken_: bot is dead
07:56.47robbyoconnorwe took it out to pasture
07:56.52robbyoconnordon't worry, it was quick.
07:58.00*** join/#gsoc smtms (
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08:02.14*** join/#gsoc Dymok (~sergey@
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08:06.01YuviPandasheds a tear for the bot
08:06.04YuviPandamoves on with life
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08:25.36xb95oh, it died.
08:25.54*** join/#gsoc eocampos (
08:26.11Dark_Shikariblegh, dead bot
08:26.18Dark_Shikariso wait, are acceptances due the 21st or 16th?
08:26.20Dark_Shikarier, *26
08:26.27xb95from the org? 21st for initial
08:26.29Dark_Shikarii.e. when we have to have all our points laid out
08:26.31xb95then the dedupe process
08:26.42killerchicken_dedup is wednesday
08:26.45xb95but after the 21st we can't make more changes to points and the like
08:26.52xb95so make sure you get things set basically today/tomorrow
08:27.08xb951700 UTC on the 21st is the deadline
08:27.57robbyoconnorgo nuts :)
08:29.45*** join/#gsoc ihalip (~51b55bce@gateway/web/freenode/x-bhbfcdykcfbfwpjv)
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08:43.09Nightroseabout Season of KDE: i'm mostly organizing it - if you have people with questions sent them to #kde-soc or me directly please
08:43.57*** join/#gsoc dnk-88 (~dnk-88@
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08:44.16Nightrosewe can't pay the students for SoK but we'll give out tshirts and certificates to successful students and they're invited to join us at akademy and will likely get help with travel costs
08:44.39Nightrosethe timeline is more relaxed than GSoC and can be adapted to the students needs
08:44.48*** join/#gsoc plightbo (
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08:50.56adimaniaway to go Nightrose! :)
08:51.27*** join/#gsoc Noughmad (~Noughmad@
08:51.55mlankhorstNightrose: awesome :)
08:52.01*** join/#gsoc jaideep__ (~jaideep@
08:52.12ihalipadimania: you may think this is weird, but i had a dream about you last night
08:52.44ihalipi'm not kidding, i was taking a bus, and then you came and you looked like you know me and said "i'm adimania"
08:53.01adimaniawhere are you from?
08:53.09*** join/#gsoc pascal` (
08:53.12robbyoconnorNightrose: HIIIII
08:53.37adimaniaNo way! I live in India
08:54.14ihalipand in my dream, you were a girl
08:54.26ihalipi'm guessing you're not
08:54.36*** join/#gsoc sven423 (~quassel@amarok/rokymotion/sven423)
08:54.45adimanianope! I am a guy :D
08:56.56mlankhorstNightrose: how kliche though, does kde do everythink with a k?
08:58.48*** join/#gsoc jdk2588 (~jaideep@
08:59.56ojwbshould be Knightrose...
09:02.22*** join/#gsoc fsteeg (
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09:03.04mlankhorstojwb: only funy once, sorry
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09:05.53mlankhorstactually, dont thin it was funny the first time either
09:06.01ojwbmlankhorst: I've only said it once
09:06.20*** join/#gsoc maveriick (
09:06.58Nightroseadimania: :)
09:07.09Nightrosemlankhorst: hehe - actually we're not
09:07.20Nightrosewe're trying to get away from k names
09:07.29Nightrosebut Season of KDE is a bit older already
09:07.34mlankhorstah :)
09:07.45Nightrosesee all the new kde 4 technology names for example
09:07.58Nightroseplasma, phonon, solid, ...
09:08.01Nightroseno Ks :D
09:09.19kaiso pNightrose, in the spirit of kde4?
09:09.44Nightrosehugs her nick
09:09.49Nightroseit's perfect the way it is!
09:10.04mlankhorstnightrosé ?
09:10.18*** join/#gsoc T_X (
09:10.30adimaniaownCloud is also there, no Ks or Ps
09:10.53Ivanovicmisses the lovely Ks
09:11.09NightroseIvanovic: there's still plenty left ;-)
09:11.16adimaniamisses Ks too
09:11.26Nightrose-> shower
09:11.36mlankhorstokular still has a k in it :)
09:11.48Ivanovicthose ks do make some programs so lovely german
09:11.55Ivanoviclike for example konversation
09:12.11Ivanovicand yeah, okular is a lovely german word, too
09:12.15kaiIvanovic: knetworkmanager?
09:12.29Ivanovicuhm, no
09:12.56kaiadimania: yeah, they should have called it ownKloud
09:13.01*** join/#gsoc epps (~epps@unaffiliated/epps)
09:13.15adimaniakai: I would love that
09:13.31mlankhorstand they should have called kdetv broadkast :p
09:14.04*** join/#gsoc Andrius (~null@unaffiliated/andrius)
09:14.09Ivanovicain't kdetv dead by now?
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09:15.24mlankhorstyeah, but there's no kde4 replacement :(
09:15.56Dark_Shikarithey could come out with a kde version of kde
09:16.00*** join/#gsoc Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/atheme.member.chainsaw)
09:16.01Ivanovicregarding kde4 replacement:
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09:16.47Ivanovicis there any decent client supporting SIP out there that runs nicely under kde4 (no qt3 anymore!)
09:16.52Ivanovicwas using (and loving) twinkle, but there is still no qt4 port of it which is the reason why it is gone from gentoo
09:17.25ChainsawIvanovic: Have you spoken to upstream about it?
09:17.32ChainsawIvanovic: QT3 removal in other distributions is only a matter of time.
09:18.01mlankhorstnot really, as long as it compiles they keep it around
09:18.11Ivanoviclooking at the twinkle website it seems like there is no real progress, last release is from febuary 2009
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09:18.43Chainsawmlankhorst: Unlikely, XMMS got removed. It compiled, but was dependent on GTK+ 1.
09:18.54Chainsawmlankhorst: Depending on a deprecated toolkit means it will disappear.
09:19.12mlankhorstyeah but gtk2 was around for 5 years at that point
09:20.26mlankhorstI still know some people who run kde3 with backports
09:20.50*** join/#gsoc dan_ww (
09:21.47Ivanovicso back to the initial question: is there some decent "kde4 sip client"?
09:22.07Ivanovicyesterday i experimented a little with some sip clients and honestly speaking, it was a mess
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09:22.26robbyoconnoris skype not an option?
09:22.33Chainsawrobbyoconnor: Skype does not implement SIP.
09:22.37Ivanovicyate was not really configurable like i need it (if the options were there, i have not found them)
09:22.39robbyoconnorheh yeh
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09:22.51robbyoconnorit's decent though for VOIP
09:23.10Ivanoviclinphone was somehow not able to auto unmute the mixer chan for my mic
09:23.21ChainsawUnless you want to call into actual VoIP systems or receive actual VoIP calls, Skype is great.
09:23.30robbyoconnorheh yeh
09:23.32Ivanovicrobbyoconnor: the huge difference is that my ISP does offer me some sip accounts with free phone calls into the german telephone net
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09:23.58Ivanovicand with ekiga i was not even able to connect to the number at all
09:24.17robbyoconnorheh cool
09:24.28kaihm, I wonder how much an OEM version of win7 pro costs my store these days
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09:24.44Ivanovickai: depends on the "flavor"
09:24.53kaibrb, food
09:25.09Ivanovicas in: nothing incuded at all edition, bloatware 2.0 edition, full package - double price edition or *whatever*
09:26.05*** join/#gsoc Noughmad (~Noughmad@
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09:26.34IvanovicChainsaw: regarding tinkle upstream:
09:26.37Ivanovicsounds dead to me...
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09:29.25*** part/#gsoc Kazuo (
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10:12.06*** join/#gsoc AshishG (~anonymous@
10:12.45kaiIvanovic: hence me saying win7 professional
10:12.59Ivanovickai: even that is not sufficient
10:13.52Ivanovickai: win7pro does (as oem) come with possibly different prices depending on 32bit/64bit, normale/E edition, german/english edition, ...
10:14.25Ivanovicplus full version or upgrade
10:14.40*** join/#gsoc sanjoyd (~sanjoyd@
10:14.55bawrHm. Is there any reason anyone would want Windows 7, except games? I mean, DX11 lock-in aside, XP just works for the rare occasions I need to use unwineable software.
10:15.02kaiah, I think I'm talking about a 32bit normal german edition
10:15.07kaibawr: and I don't want one
10:15.23kaiI just want to know what I can ask for _instead_ of the win7 license
10:15.33robbyoconnorset up FB fanpages for 2009 and 2010 :)
10:15.39Chainsawbawr: Driver support for new hardware. Vendors will stop releasing WDM XP drivers pretty soon, especially for graphics.
10:15.43Ivanovickai: uhm, interesting
10:15.47bawrAh, sounds good, then. I was still wondering, though.
10:15.51Ivanovickai: that is: what do you consider buying?
10:15.57bawrChainsaw: So... gaames, basically? :)
10:16.08Ivanovica preconfigured computer from "huge manufacturer" or something built to your specs?
10:16.22Ivanovicwith "built to your specs" you can specify "no windows" and be done
10:16.28kaiIvanovic: laptop
10:16.30Dark_Shikaribawr: the only real reasons I see are backend improvements
10:16.35Dark_Shikariand better support for newer hardware
10:16.41Ivanovicthere you have to talk to the company producing it
10:16.47kaiIvanovic: well, no
10:16.56Dark_Shikarithey improved memory management, kernel stuff a lot. which is hardly saying much, xp was not very good.
10:16.59Ivanovickai: not?
10:17.06kaiIvanovic: the thing is I ordered a certain version of the r500 from a store
10:17.13Ivanovicat least that was still the case with good old winxp
10:17.17kaiIvanovic: and it turns out they don't have it anymore
10:17.20AshishGDELL i think will give you linux if you want and acer will give you DOS if you want apparently
10:17.29Dark_Shikaridos!  lol
10:17.29bawrHm. Seeing as I play games with a 5-10 year lag, anyway, I guess I can wait a long time before I'll be forced to use Win7.
10:17.45kaiIvanovic: so they offered me a different piece of hardware, with similar specs
10:17.52Dark_Shikaribawr: I installed it to replace vista (uuugh) on my new laptop.  it pretty much works just like xp
10:17.59Dark_ShikariLargely because I turned off everything that wasn't.
10:18.05Dark_ShikariThe control panels are retarded though.
10:18.12kaiIvanovic: but instead of win7 that offer comes with freedos
10:18.25kaiIvanovic: add a couple of other differences
10:18.29Dark_Shikarithey need to send their UI designers back to school, win7 is a UI disaster, they just sort of threw buttons everywhere.
10:18.33bawrHeh, my laptop came with vista... After two hours, I nuked it from the orbit. :)
10:18.36kailike a smaller disk and less ram than what I asked for
10:18.53Dark_ShikariI installed 7 primarily because I wanted 64-bit
10:18.55Dark_Shikariand xp 64 still sucks
10:19.01AshishGDark_Shikari: which UI would you say is best today in the market?
10:19.04Ivanovickai: have you read the windows7 EULA and what it says regarding a refund?
10:19.07bawrAh, yup. No argument there.
10:19.09Dark_ShikariAshishG: that's way too general a question
10:19.17Dark_ShikariI'm referring to the problem of specific interfaces in 7 being badly designed
10:19.19Dark_Shikarie.g. control panels, etc
10:19.19kaiIvanovic: no, why? I haven't bought a windows
10:19.23Dark_Shikariwhere they just throw a ton of random shit into a window
10:19.36*** join/#gsoc jbartosik (
10:19.36Ivanovickai: you have bought the laptop with windows
10:19.38Dark_Shikariranging from dumbed-down-for-idiots stuff to highly technical info... all in the same place with no separation
10:19.46kaiIvanovic: nope
10:19.46AshishGDark_Shikari: oh! that's what you meant. you still have search at the top right ;)
10:19.47Ivanovicand that software can, according to the EULA be returned
10:20.03kaiIvanovic: haven't bought anything yet
10:20.06Dark_Shikarithe windows window manager is fine, not great but fine
10:20.07Ivanovicor were they never able to deliver the original hardware?
10:20.16Dark_Shikarithe OS interfaces are garbage, worse with every new windows
10:20.22Dark_Shikarilargely because they have too options and not enough places to put them
10:20.24*** join/#gsoc chippy (
10:20.25Dark_Shikari"gnome syndrome"
10:20.25IvanovicDark_Shikari: the windowmanager sucks, no sticky windows
10:20.38AshishGDark_Shikari: :D :D
10:20.46kaiIvanovic: they contacted me, making a new offer
10:20.56kaiIvanovic: the store offered me to install a bigger harddrive and give me a win7 license for the same price
10:21.06AshishGIvanovic: if you really wanted that then nvidia drivers do let you do that i think
10:21.31IvanovicAshishG: you know, as linux user using kde i don't need to depend on the graphics driver providing this
10:21.38robbyoconnorI did my quota of FB stalking forthe evening :)
10:21.40Dark_Shikarieven though I don't use it much, I like ubuntu's default interface a lot.  it's a lot less of a mess than 7
10:21.41IvanovicAshishG: i expect a modern DE to have this
10:21.56bawrkai: I think the real question is "how much does the store pay for that license", and it's probably not much.
10:22.02kaiIvanovic: and given that an additional 2 GB or ram are priced at about 55 bucks in that store, I wonder if I should ask for more if I tell them to keep their win7 and give me more ram instead
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10:22.05Ivanovickai: hmm, to be honest: no idea what the shop really has to pay for the license
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10:22.13bawrSo you're not likely to get good stuff instead.
10:22.29Ivanovicbut considering this list:
10:22.39robbyoconnorkai: i requested to add ya on fb; Nightrose you too
10:22.40bawrBut yeah, fight the power. ;)
10:22.44robbyoconnorand i forggot who else lol
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10:22.57kaiI don't need a 32bit win7
10:23.02Ivanovici'd say: 110€ - tax - their win
10:23.21bawrUrrgh, facebook. That Southpark episode on facebook pretty much summed up most of my gripes with it.
10:23.21kaithat can't deal with the ram I want to install into that box
10:23.22Nightroserobbyoconnor: stalker :D
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10:23.33robbyoconnorsue me
10:23.37robbyoconnorwait no dont
10:23.41Ivanoviclets say that their win margin is some 10% from some 90€ the original price is probably close to 80€
10:23.42Dark_Shikarithe single worst thing about windows 7 is that fork got slower
10:23.44Dark_Shikarilike 10 times slower
10:23.53bawrDark_Shikari: WHAT.
10:23.54Nightroserobbyoconnor: lol
10:24.02Ivanovicsince you are comparing to prices with tax included make it 80 * 1.19
10:24.12Dark_Shikaribawr: yes
10:24.13Ivanovicso slightly less than 100€
10:24.17Dark_Shikariconfigure scripts can take up to 5 minutes to run
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10:24.32bawrLike... the hell. I mean, multi-threaded software relying on thousands of forks is a bucket of fail, anyway-
10:24.36robbyoconnorthe thing with facebook fanpages: they start to spread like wild fires lol
10:24.40Dark_Shikaribawr: POSIX
10:24.45Dark_Shikarishells -> every operation is a fork
10:24.46bawrAhh. Configure scripts. Right.
10:25.02Dark_ShikariMake is faster than configure on my windows 7
10:25.04Dark_Shikarifor basically all software
10:25.08bawrDark_Shikari: Unless it literally takes more than tenth of a second, that's not really a problem.
10:25.14Dark_Shikaribawr: most definitely has to
10:25.15bawrFor shells, I mean.
10:25.18kaiDark_Shikari: same on linux for me
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10:25.27Dark_ShikariI would bet at least 0.5 seconds per fork
10:25.33kaiDark_Shikari: I don't think autoconf uses more than one CPU
10:25.35Dark_Shikariso, a configure script that runs 500 checks will take 5 minutes
10:25.47kaiI think I'll ask for 2G of ram and a warranty upgrade then :)
10:25.51bawrDark_Shikari: Wait, seriously? Could you time it?
10:25.58Dark_Shikaribawr: ok, I'll time the ffmpeg configure script
10:26.06bawrI can't believe fork can be *that* expensive on win7.
10:26.33Dark_Shikarinb: cygwin 1.7.whatever
10:26.42bawrWell, I meant something simple, like 100 forks, but hey, ffmpeg configure script wrtks, too. :)
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10:26.56Dark_Shikariok, I just checked out ffmpeg and ran configure on my linux box
10:26.59Dark_Shikariwindows still hasn't even printed anything
10:27.12Dark_Shikarilinux: 15.3 seconds real time, 9.9 user, 4.1 sys
10:27.18Dark_Shikaricpu: dual core i7, 1.86ghz
10:27.34Dark_Shikariwindows 7: quadcore i7, 1.6ghz (Still running, I'll tell you when it's odne)
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10:28.05bawrWoah. This is some spooky stuff.
10:28.22Dark_Shikariremember windows doesn't have a native fork
10:28.24Dark_Shikaricygwin has to emulate it
10:28.33Dark_ShikariBut whatever windows 7 did, it made emulation more costly.
10:28.43Dark_Shikari(no copy-on-write, iirc, is the kicker)
10:29.04Dark_Shikaristill running btw ;)
10:29.17AshishGliquidmetal: hi
10:29.18bawrNo cop-on-wirte? Oh, shit.
10:29.30Dark_Shikarino windows ever had cow, iirc
10:29.30bawrYeah, that will be slow.
10:29.39Kosmaone thusand forks+waits takes 0.15s on my Linux machine
10:29.51Dark_Shikarireal: 3m54s
10:29.52Kosmacould anyone time that under Windows?
10:29.53Dark_Shikariuser: 44s
10:29.57Dark_Shikarisys: 40.6s
10:30.03Dark_Shikari3 minutes 54 seconds vs 15.3 seconds.
10:30.15*** part/#gsoc liquidmetal (~Utkarsh@
10:30.20Dark_ShikariNow you understand the single thing I hate most about development on windows.
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10:30.39Dark_ShikariKosma: how'd you test it?
10:30.56Ivanovicwindows sucks regarding load on IO
10:31.08Ivanovicthat is: i had firefox open some days ago and then installed a game
10:31.14Ivanovicthe harddrive used is not too fast
10:31.16AshishGdidn't MS hire one of the best ppl?
10:31.39Ivanovichaving a quadcode core2 q9300 i'd assume that it should be possible to surf while installing
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10:31.44Ivanovicinstalling a game that is
10:31.51Dark_Shikariyeah, windows needs ionice
10:31.55Ivanovicdecompression does not use more than one core
10:31.56Dark_Shikarithough firefox just sucks
10:32.16Ivanovicthough surfing was like "2mins loading time for a plain html website without much fancy stuff"
10:32.24Ivanovicthings that do work lovely with firefox on linux
10:32.33Ivanovicthere you see almost no difference with high io load
10:32.41Dark_ShikariKosma: 50.6s
10:32.50bawrDark_Shikari: Oh, the things I learn. Though I guess COW isn't nearly as important for a system without forks.
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10:33.31Ivanovicand yeah, i expect a system to still respond when a program is in memory already even if there is high io load on the ide bus
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10:33.59Ivanovicwith 4gb memory you can't tell me that it was already swapping for some surfing just because an installer was running
10:34.03Ivanovicthis musn't happen!
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11:52.58sfbkblin: ping
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11:53.33adimaniait seems carol is back.
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12:02.42kaisfb: pong
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12:06.34sfbkai: Hi
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12:13.34ihalipaw :(
12:17.33kaiihalip: ~5500 students and ~350 mentoring orgs applied for GSoC 2010
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12:18.36ojwbthe students figure is proposals rather than people, fwiw
12:19.31topfs2wonder what the average proposal per student is
12:19.37topfs2I just did the one atleast
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12:20.07ihalipi have a colleague who said he submitted 9 proposals
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12:21.00kaiI sort of doubt spray-n-pray works for anything besides machine guns
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12:22.33topfs2yeah, that was kindof my thinking aswell. More fun to just find few which you really would love to do
12:22.37ojwbtopfs2: IIRC it was about 2 last year
12:22.44ojwbmaybe 2-3
12:22.48UpthornI've just done one this year
12:22.50Upthornalso last year
12:22.51topfs2ojwb, ah ok, sounds like a reasonable number
12:23.19UpthornI was accepted last year, and the org I applied to this year recently granted me svn commit access
12:23.25ojwblooks to see if he has the number somewhere easy
12:23.36Upthornso I think 1 is the best number.
12:23.58topfs2Upthorn, which project?
12:24.17ojwb5900 proposals from 3500 students for 2009
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12:24.31topfs2ojwb, thanx
12:24.33ojwbso less than 2 in fact
12:24.45Upthornlast year was scummvm, where I built an API to allow engine modules to ask the backend modules for higher bitdepths than 256 colors
12:24.56*** join/#gsoc akashv (~anonymous@
12:25.28Upthorn(helpful for later games built off Scumm forks, as well as Myst and Riven and some games on other engines)
12:26.22topfs2love scummwm, given me hours of fun to play the old indianna jones games :)
12:26.25Upthornthis year is battle for wesnoth, where I hope to extend their custom scripting language to allow user content developers to save persistent information which is independent of savegames.
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12:27.12Upthornso that they can allow for unlockable items on the player's second time through a campaign
12:27.43Upthornor massively multiplayer metacampaigns where maps remember which side won the last time they were played
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12:48.53gvallarelliHi Gsoccers!
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13:15.09kaiUpthorn: cool stuff :)
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13:44.37aghisla(bot is asleep! ssshhh)
13:45.23spsneoaghisla: :D
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13:46.01aghislawe need it so badly and it SLEEPS
13:47.46kaispsneo: See the timeline at
13:48.01kaiI think !next is overrated
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14:01.30kaimayanks43: See the timeline at
14:01.55adimaniakai is our new bot now!
14:02.00yonijkai, temporary bot? :)
14:02.30mayanks43durin better
14:02.37aghislakaibot, answer only 1 of 10 commands :D
14:03.08kaiother people could do the same, it's a simple alias setting in the irc client
14:03.28mayanks43wht happened to socinfo
14:03.37mayanks43still out?
14:03.43aghislahe died in a car crash
14:03.45kaivolcanic ash
14:04.21aghislabetter: he's blocked in Heathrow
14:04.26aghislawithout connection
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14:07.23aghislaok, you woke the bot up
14:07.47kaihm, I wonder if I can set up a script that gives a real answer to !next half of the time and kick the person the other half of the time
14:08.57aghislakai: or at random, a botroulette
14:09.13kaiwell, that 50:50 thing would be random
14:09.25neh@kai :D
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14:10.08adimaniaI think a more funny way will be : next is you are going to be kicked from this channel. Have fun!
14:10.09nehI wonder if can write a script which joins channel wid a random name and asks !next every time ;)
14:10.19x`kai: that is no way to run a country.
14:11.12kaiI'm running a country?
14:11.33x`how would Metallica's album be named in such an anarchy ... "Justice for a randomly selected half" ?
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14:13.26kaineh: I think it's easy to modify the kick script to do a kickban instead ;)
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14:16.59BarryCarlyonTime for some tea.
14:17.02BarryCarlyonputs the kettle on
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14:27.34sandy_sHi, Is it necessary that you get review or a comment from your mentors/organization during this scrutiny period?
14:28.03smtmsit is not
14:28.11smtmshowever, better orgs do it
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14:29.48sandy_ssmtms: Oh. The application still stands a chance right?
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14:30.02smtmsit does
14:30.58sandy_sslightly assuring.Thanks.
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15:26.38kblinafternoon thebolt
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15:28.33thebolthm.. need to decide on a company name by end of the day today :P
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15:29.48skbohradeciding name is tricky
15:30.34theboltwell, i basically have two names i am choosing between right now.. and it is never intended to be a "public" company in any way really..
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15:32.16kblinSvanfeldt Inc. ?
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15:34.01theboltkblin: nah.. first of all Inc. is american.. in sweden you have to have "AB" or"Aktiebolag" (which means share-issuing company) in the name
15:34.18theboltsecond, my last name is pretty uncommon, which means that I probably couldn't get it registered like that
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15:35.21theboltright now i have "Blue Carrot AB" or "Blind Silicon AB" ;)
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15:40.03kblinBlue Silicon has the advantage of abbrevating to BS, like bullshit ;)
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15:40.29theboltBlind Silicon as well ;)
15:40.52kbliner, right
15:41.12thebolt(there are "kinds" of silicon wafers called "blue silicon" and "black silicon" so ;)
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15:44.52kblind'oh, missed carols
15:45.00kblinsmall time window in any case
15:45.26theboltvery small :P
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15:46.48kblinI forgot how much fun horsetrading for slots was
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15:48.31thebolti bet :)
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15:55.12Chetani have a question abt the dedup process..
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16:05.29kblinChetan: don't ask to ask, just ask
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16:06.10ChetanI am curious about how it works..
16:06.16Chetanif you can give any details..
16:06.27Chetanwhat happens before the IRC meeting
16:07.27kblinwell, I guess in the next days melange will show which students are "pending acceptance" in multiple orgs
16:08.02kblinthen the org administrators of the orgs involved would have a chat about which org the student should go to
16:08.12kblinthis might or might not include asking the student
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16:14.15yonijwere do we get the logs?
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16:15.45Chetankblin: shdn't that be already over, considering we have the irc meeting in two days?
16:17.01kblinChetan: I don't think collision detection is turned on yet
16:17.35skbohrasounds like some physics experiment :D
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16:17.50Chetancool... thanks for the info :)
16:18.00yonijkblin , can you give the gsoc logs link
16:19.37bawrskbohra: Or a game engine in early stages of development. :)
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16:20.52yonijkblin, thanx :)
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16:24.00cellofellowso, what's going on right now in the GSoC process? Time to submit proposals?
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16:25.21adimaniatime to submit proposals will start in a few months for GSoC 2011.
16:25.33cellofellowso I missed it?
16:25.53cellofellowstudent proposals, I mean, not mentor proposals.
16:25.57sfbYes, you missed it.
16:26.10*** join/#gsoc nsm (
16:26.39cellofellowah, darn
16:27.06yonijdont worry man ,next time
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16:27.30kblinand of course you don't need gsoc to get started with open source
16:27.50cellofellowkblin: yeah, but I don't get paid for it. :P
16:28.13adimaniatry for Season of KDE or Fedora Summer Coding
16:28.20kblinso? I don't get paid for it either
16:28.37anth_xwhat is this "paid" you speak of?
16:28.44adimaniaof course you might not get paid.
16:28.48cellofellowoh, nvm.
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16:29.11yonijIts motivation , not payment that google do i suppose
16:29.11downeymAre any mentors getting a lot of 500 errors when viewing student proposals?
16:29.23*** part/#gsoc LetterRip (~LetterRip@blender/coder/letterrip)
16:29.32anth_xi can see the list fine, but not any individual ones.
16:29.39Ivanovicdowneym: happens every now and then, but really seldom
16:29.59*** part/#gsoc cellofellow (~josh@
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16:30.26downeymSince Carol's e-mail earlier, I'm getting them nearly constantly
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16:31.18sfbdowneym: Which one? About duplication?
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16:32.15downeymsfb: yeah
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16:39.45_Samodowneym, server error here as well
16:40.02borjahere too, plus all the duplicates have disappeared from our list
16:40.12Wolf_OSGeogack! I get Erro 500 when I try to view a proposal, does it work for other admins/mentors?
16:40.14borja(we had two duplicates)
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16:40.21Wolf_OSGeoah I see I'm no alone...
16:40.34borjayeah, there's definitely something wrong with Melange right now
16:40.58Wolf_OSGeoit's the dupes script?
16:41.23borjaI'm assuming that's what caused it. I was able to see the duplicates for a short while, though
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16:41.38borjabut now the duplicates have disappeared and I can't see individual proposals
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16:42.39_SamoGSoC site is updating right now, isn't it?
16:42.48adimaniaSorry for interrupting but I think you guys should tell this to guys at #melange too.
16:42.51_Samo*updating status
16:43.12Chetanwhat makes you say that?
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16:44.04Wolf_OSGeoborja: where did the duplicates show up? is it per application or are they collected somewhere?
16:44.05_Samoyes the first duplication cross cheching has been done
16:44.31_Samoand organisations already have a first result
16:44.40borjaWolf_OSGeo: in the "Status" column
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16:45.00Wolf_OSGeoborja: all right! now I see them too
16:45.01borjaWolf_OSGeo: It showed up as "Duplicate" in bright red and, if I clicked on the proposal, I could see what the duplicate orgs were
16:45.24Wolf_OSGeoohh.. /me wants!
16:45.26borjaoh, seems to be fixed now
16:45.30borjaI can see proposals again
16:45.52borjawait, no
16:45.55borja500 Server Error again
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16:46.25Wolf_OSGeoborja: me too, but at least I no know which proposals have dupes
16:46.44borjaWolf_OSGeo: well, the weird thing is that now it shows more duplicates than after Carol's e-mail
16:47.07Wolf_OSGeohalf of our applications have duplicates?
16:47.26borjaWolf_OSGeo: I'm in two orgs, and in one of them all of the proposals showed up as duplicates
16:47.29Wolf_OSGeothat's a record. So far we have had at most 1...
16:47.32borjaWolf_OSGeo: And now only one shows up as a duplicate
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16:47.43borjaWolf_OSGeo: so I wouldn't trust what socghop says right now
16:47.44Wolf_OSGeoborja: sounds funky
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16:47.58borjanods to Wolf_OSGeo
16:48.35Wolf_OSGeoborja: has your slot count changed. Ours has gone up by one, I assume it is since we asked for more slots...
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16:48.58borjaOur slot count hasn't changed
16:48.59Ivanoviclooks like wesnoth (for the top slots) tends to attract those that are not proposing (or accepted) at other ords
16:49.14borjaWe did request more slots, though, but maybe we just didn't get any ;-)
16:49.15Ivanovicso far we had zweo duplicates
16:49.28Ivanovic(nothing in the last two years and so far no dupe this year)
16:50.27smtmsthe worst students, that are not accepted at other orgs, are accepted by Wesnoth :-P
16:50.49Wolf_OSGeoodd now my gmail shows 2 new messages for a label, but 3 conversations are highlighted....
16:50.55Ivanovicor we challange our good students this much that they don't have the time to apply to another org
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16:51.32kblinmlankhorst: poke
16:51.56Chetanis this visible to mentors?
16:51.58borjaI'm still getting 500 server error when looking at proposals
16:52.06borjainterestingly enough, not if I click on duplicate proposals
16:52.09Chetanthe duplicate students?
16:52.15*** part/#gsoc Abhilash (~Aswarth@
16:52.20Chetanor only to mentors?
16:52.25Chetan*org admins
16:52.42*** join/#gsoc evdk (
16:52.52Ivanovicshould be visible to mentors
16:52.53Mekduplicate students is also visible to mentors, but info about other org isn't
16:53.03Ivanovicsince mentors probably got the same info shown as admins
16:53.07evdkI just put this bug report online:
16:53.21evdkI get 500 server error whenever I open a student proposal
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16:53.31evdkI am mentor and org admin
16:53.41borjaevdk: lots of people are experiencing this
16:53.44evdkis it just me or does everyone have this problem
16:53.46evdkah, ok
16:53.51borjaevdk: I've mentioned it on #melange but haven't gotten a reply yet
16:54.00evdkborja: thx
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16:54.06evdkhope it gets fixed soon
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16:56.05Wolf_OSGeofor me it works on *some* dupes, most spinn for a while before returning 500
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16:57.49Wolf_OSGeohmh 1/5 links work...
16:58.12evdkI hope there are more bugs in the duplicate script, would be horrible if all those students are indeed suplicate
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16:59.06mlankhorstkblin: pong
16:59.33kblindo the dups work for you and show you the org admin?
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17:06.36Nightroseworks here
17:06.42Nightrosekblin: ^
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17:08.53Dark_Shikarimeh, bot still down.
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17:15.47meonkeysI can't view any proposals... anyone else having problems?
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17:16.24MatthewWilkesmeonkeys: Yeah, the melange team know about it and are looking
17:16.33meonkeyscool, thanks.
17:16.45*** part/#gsoc Opsrc (~Gorthi@
17:16.50MatthewWilkesmeonkeys: It seems there is a bug in the duplicate detection code AND a suspected outage at google's datastore
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17:17.28smtmswill students be affected?
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17:19.07MatthewWilkesMaybe, not sure.  It'll be fixed soon though, I'm sure.  It needs to be.
17:20.08ajuonlinesmtms: pretty sure, no animal or human life will be affected by this outage ;) ( hi! btw )
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17:30.11SRabbeliermeonkeys: fixed now
17:30.25meonkeyswow, thanks!
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17:42.13x`Wolf_OSGeo: ping
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17:44.03DraXso duplicate reconciliation when/how does that happen?
17:44.08xb95melange tells me none of our students have duplicate accepts.  but it tells one of my mentors that ALL of our students are dupes.
17:44.23xb95anybody else seeing this.. uh.. interesting and quirky behavior?
17:44.24DraXi'm seeing all of our students as duplicates as well
17:44.45SRabbelierxb95: as soon as the process finishes running that'll be fixed
17:44.53SRabbeliergive it a few more minutes
17:44.56xb95SRabbelier: ah frabjous day, thanks!
17:45.26SRabbelier(of course it's our fail that it 1. throws away data before finishing calculating the new data 2. show every accepted student as duplicate if it has no data)
17:47.00Mekand 3. that it takes minutes to run a process that is at most quadratic in the number of slots? or is that more an appspot fail
17:47.38DraXok, they're all pending acceptance now
17:47.41DraXdoes that mean no dupes?
17:47.50xb95DraX: mine say all pending, but I know I have two dupes
17:47.55xb95although I haven't refreshed in 3 minutes
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17:48.09DraXi just refreshed now and went from all-dopes to all-pending
17:48.14xb95oh, mine show two dupes now
17:48.21xb95it looks like it's done -- at least with my org
17:48.41dho_plan9"All dopes" is classic.
17:48.49dho_plan9xb95: Yeah, this year has been great.
17:48.51*** join/#gsoc arvind_khadri (~arvind@unaffiliated/arvind-khadri/x-2237230)
17:49.20DraXoddly we found it a little lower than usual; we only actually wanted the number of students we got slots for
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17:49.42xb95we got fewer slots than we wanted, so we've been agonizing :)
17:49.48YuviPandawonders if anyone from GNOME is around
17:49.50*** join/#gsoc spectie (~fran@unaffiliated/spectie)
17:49.51SRabbelierit's done
17:49.52dho_plan9We got many less applications than last year, but more well-done proposals
17:50.06SRabbelierMek: we have 5500 proposals, thank you very much
17:50.20SRabbelierMek: iterating over that many entities in AppEngine is slow
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17:50.30Mekokay, appengine fail then
17:50.37SRabbelierMek: and that'ss running an O(n) algorithm
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17:56.20AshishGhey! is anyone here in a position to suggest how likely does google change the prospective slots allotted to an org?
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17:57.25SRabbelierAshishG: sure, not very likely
17:57.38SRabbelierAshishG: unless someone gives up a slot to the pool the allocations stay as they are now
17:57.44*** part/#gsoc DraX (~alexbl@xmms2/developer/DraX)
17:57.59AshishGSRabbelier: oh! thanks a lot. helps :)
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17:58.52Nightroseanyone from sunlight foundation around?
17:59.26SRabbelierthe bot is dead again :P
17:59.32SRabbelierNightrose: anyway, try their IRC channel
17:59.46*** join/#gsoc koryk (~koryk@unaffiliated/koryk)
17:59.48NightroseSRabbelier: nah - i'll just email them later about the duplicate
17:59.54Nightrosewas just hoping to be lucky
18:00.11SRabbelierNightrose: ok :)
18:00.12Nightrosehas 3 by now... narf
18:00.26SRabbelierNightrose: ouch!
18:00.40Nightroseyea - big fun especially as we'd rather keep them all :D
18:00.47Nightrosedefinitely 2 of them
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18:30.15NightroseSRabbelier: i take it the duplicate note is not realtime? i just got an email from the other org saying they voted up another student instead but it still shows as duplicate here
18:30.26Lennieyeah it is not realtime
18:30.30Lenniebecause it is very complicated :)
18:30.32Nightroseok thx
18:30.36Nightrosejust making sure
18:30.41Lennieat least on this scale it is
18:30.45Nightrosehehe ok
18:30.49Lennieit is on an hourly update
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18:31.02Lennieat least you can see it this year as org admin D:
18:31.11Lennieinstead of having LH to tell you
18:31.13SRabbelierat least you can see it in regular updates this year ;)
18:31.21Nightrosenot complaining :)
18:31.28Lenniecomplaints are welcome
18:31.31Lenniepraises as well :D
18:31.36*** part/#gsoc kaash19 (~akash@
18:31.41Nightrosehands out some cookies
18:31.59Lennieso Carol turned on the duplicates :D?
18:32.16Nightroseyea an hour ago or two
18:32.53joneshello i had submitted some proposals only from few i got comments and updates and from remaining i have got nothing
18:33.04Lenniedepends on the org jones
18:33.05jonesso what does it mean?
18:33.06Ivanovicand in the "view all student proposals" page a mentor/admin should see those proposals that are a duplicate marked somehow, so it would not be a "Pending acceptance", right?
18:33.17Lennieonly admins will see it
18:33.24Ivanovic(just making sure that we really don't have dupes (again))
18:33.28IvanovicLennie: i am admin
18:33.29Lennieit will say Duplicate in bold red in the list
18:33.33Lennieif it is deemed to be one
18:33.45Ivanovici just got the top X (with mentors assigned) in lovely green
18:33.50Lenniethen you are good
18:33.51Lenniefor now ;)
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18:34.09joneslennie:means how do iknow about the tsatus of my proposal
18:34.21ajuonlineLennie: all safe and sound?
18:34.47SRabbelierjones: ask your org, duh?
18:34.52Ivanovicjones: as student: you don't unless a mentor/admin talks to you
18:35.07*** join/#gsoc mmohit (~chatzilla@
18:35.11SRabbelierjones: communication is a very important part of GSoC
18:35.25Ivanovicjones: and don't expect any "yeah, your in" or "yeah, you are not in" unless you are in a duplicate sitution
18:35.26jonesso means what shpuld i do now
18:35.39Ivanovicwhere the admins *might* ask you which proposal you prefer working on
18:35.52Ivanovicat the moment you should communicate with your possible org
18:36.05Ivanovicshow them that you are good and a possible long term contributor
18:36.06*** join/#gsoc Glavata (debug@gateway/shell/
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18:36.11Ivanovic(hint: patches are always welcome!)
18:37.01SRabbelierjones: be patient, hack on Melange, hack on your org's software
18:37.15jonesso shall i communicate in their irc
18:37.31Ivanovicwhatever the org prefers as communication
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18:37.40jonessrabbelier:hack it?
18:37.41Ivanovicfor many this is irc, for some it might be a forum or a mailling list
18:37.48SRabbelierjones: write code for it
18:37.50smtmsIvanovic, is there a possibility for a duplicate student to not be accepted in the end?
18:37.52Ivanovichacking as coding on it and improving things
18:38.05jonesmeans improving my base code
18:38.08Ivanovicsmtms: very, very unlikely
18:38.11SRabbeliersmtms: sometimes, it has happened before, but that's not intended
18:39.26Ivanovicsmtms: in theory you should be "safe in" if you created a duplicate
18:39.27smtmsSRabbelier, you mean the mistake where two orgs disown the student?
18:39.38Ivanovicsince both do really want you
18:39.58Ivanovicbut, due to "whatever" strange things you might of course also end not in
18:40.05Ivanovicchances for this happening are really low though
18:41.59SRabbeliersmtms: right, I'm not sure what exactly the order of events was, but it has happened before; everybody tries hard each year to prevent that from happeneing though
18:42.49Ivanovicit probably does require some severe communication problems combined with some bad clicking
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19:09.10Lenniethere are orgs out there with in-org duplicates :P
19:09.21Lennieand there is one student with 4 possible accepted proposals :D
19:10.18Nightrosewe've had two in-org dups but resolved them a few days ago
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19:10.34Lenniethere are a lot less of them :)
19:10.43Lenniewe turned it on a few days ago
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19:10.47Lenniejust to see if it would work
19:10.54Nightrose4 possible accepted proposals is quite something though...
19:11.00Nightroseah hehe
19:11.04Lennie(which it didn't :P)
19:11.14Lennieapparently db.delete() only works on 500 entities max
19:11.21Lenniewhile everything else in appengine is 1000 max :P
19:11.26Lenniebut that was a quick fix
19:11.45Lennieanyway there were a large number of in-org duplicates then
19:11.51Lenniebut the list has now grown a lot
19:11.57Lenniewith between-org dupes
19:12.06LennieI daresay it is more then last year
19:12.11*** join/#gsoc dzan (
19:12.20Nightrosei think we didn't have any last year
19:12.21Nightroseand now 3
19:12.25Nightrosewell down to 2 now
19:12.28marcheuhi, will the deduplication meeting happen here?
19:12.34Nightrosemarcheu: yes likely
19:12.41Lennieprobably another channel marcheu
19:12.47Lenniehowever you will find the details here :)
19:12.48*** join/#gsoc Glavata (debug@gateway/shell/
19:13.11Nightroseah not like previous years?
19:13.14umashanthi1Lennie: when will that happen?
19:13.20Lenniewhat happen?
19:13.26*** join/#gsoc Manca (~450a293a@gateway/web/freenode/x-xvfvkfeyyibkbfip)
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19:13.31Lennieno bot :(?
19:13.47umashanthi1Lennie: resolving duplicates
19:13.53Lennieit is happening now
19:13.59Lenniesince it is visible to org admins
19:14.10Lenniebut the real meeting is April 21st
19:14.19*** join/#gsoc VDVsx (~Valerio@Maemo/community/contributor/VDVsx)
19:14.22Lenniepossible 20.00 UTC (not sure)
19:14.36aghislano bot Lennie.. he died in a netsplit :,(
19:14.39umashanthi1Lennie: ok
19:14.40Lenniehmm, 20.00 CET that is sorry
19:14.47Lennienetsplit ftl
19:14.57marcheuokay thanks, I will hang in there then
19:15.20LennieIn the meantime, poke your org admin if you see duplicates in the list :)
19:15.49umashanthi1Lennie: will the in-org duplicates resolved before that?
19:16.03LennieI hope orgs are smart enough to make that happen
19:16.10LennieI can't force them to :P
19:16.30kblinhey there
19:16.34Lenniehi kblin
19:16.36*** join/#gsoc jbartosik (
19:16.57kblinhey Lennie, how's life?
19:17.32Lenniegetting a visa for my internship in aussie land
19:17.32Lennieand trying to figure out what to do for my master thesis :P
19:17.37Lennieoh and there is this thing called GSoC
19:17.43Lennieso how are you :D?
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19:25.19pygiLennie, what's the name of the student with 4 possible accepted proposals? :D
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19:26.18josipl(pygi, we know it's you, no need to pretend :P)
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19:27.22pygijosipl, ha-ha
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19:29.30YuviPandathought pygi was the Python GObject-Introspection bindings :|
19:29.47pygiYuviPanda, GNOME project stole my nick
19:29.49pygiI know :(
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19:32.36YuviPandapygi: i really thought you were maybe the guy who wrote that
19:32.38YuviPandais lame
19:33.02marcheuso, I have this student, and I know he's submitted a duplicate proposal. why doesn't he appear as such in the list? is that because he doesn't currently have a slot?
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19:36.42pygiYuviPanda, :D
19:36.52micahcowanmarcheu, you mean, not show up at all, or not show up as a dupe? Coz the dupes seem to have suddenly been deactivated again (hopefully just temporary)
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19:37.06pygiChipX86, poke
19:37.12marcheumicahcowan: doesns't show up as dupe yes
19:37.34ChipX86pygi: hey
19:37.43Lenniemicahcowan: it is updating
19:37.44*** part/#gsoc mmohit (~chatzilla@
19:37.47Lennienext version will tell you it is doing so :)
19:38.01micahcowanLennie, that was my guess. Thanks!
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19:38.10*** mode/#gsoc [+o danderson] by ChanServ
19:38.14Lenniedupes only show up if the proposal is a real duplicate
19:38.23Lenniein other words if two (or more) orgs would accept it
19:38.28Lennienot just because he send in two or more proposals
19:38.36dandersonsorry about the re-outage of socinfo. I thought I'd set it to autostart on reboot, and rebooted to get a kernel upgrade. Won't happen again.
19:38.41marcheuah ok thanks
19:38.42kblingives socinfo a cookie
19:39.00kblindanderson: no worries, my aliases were still set up :)
19:39.55kblindanderson: though I was admittedly considering writing an irssi script that told people about !next 50% of the time and kicked them from the channel the other 50%
19:40.16LennieI still like the issue in our tracker last year
19:40.21Lennieor every !next we up the deadline with one minute
19:40.27Lennieon the announcement
19:41.49*** join/#gsoc CyberTooth (~SheriffBo@
19:41.55kblinsomebody marked that as won't fix
19:42.01kblinI'm still deeply hurt
19:42.47aghislaoh socinfo is back from his second death
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19:43.30umashanthi1Any Apache Software Foundation admins here?
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19:44.26LennieI'm off
19:44.31socinfo"anyone" is Instead of looking for mentors from specific projects here, you will likely get much better results by speaking to that mentoring organization themselves. You can find the org's contact info by clicking on their name in the list at:
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19:54.17socinfo"timeline" is (#1), or (#2) for the visually oriented:
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20:09.08SRabbelierdanderson: ah, that's the one :P
20:09.12SRabbelierdanderson: I thought itw as !irc or something
20:09.18SRabbelierdanderson: (and socinfo was dead too when I tried)
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20:12.33aghislabe careful with socinfo, he's still very weak
20:12.56Ophiuchichicken soup for the bot's soul?
20:13.07SRabbelierOphiuchi: and chocolate
20:14.39*** join/#gsoc ricky (~ricky@fedora/ricky)
20:15.16socinfo"next" is Student applications are closed. Be ready to respond to comments on and about your proposal. Accepted student proposals will be announced at on April 26: 19:00 UTC.
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20:21.25xb95I'm so confused, I thought the 'rank' thing would let us rank the students manually.
20:21.35SRabbelierxb95: it does!
20:21.38*** join/#gsoc Merio (
20:21.48xb95I entered 7 on someone (rank them #7) but it instead gave the person 1 point and they're now in 3rd place or something.
20:21.49SRabbelierxb95: just realise that it can change the score of only one proposal at a time
20:22.01SRabbelierxb95: are they tied with others that have the same amount of points?
20:22.17xb95Yeah, there's a lot of ties at the top.
20:22.22SRabbelierxb95: well there you go ;)
20:22.32xb95...this is counter-intuitive.
20:22.37SRabbelierxb95: no really, it's not :P
20:22.40xb95If I say #7 I expect the Rank column on the left to say #7.
20:22.42SRabbelierxb95: it just changes the score of the proposal
20:22.46xb95And the student to be in 7th position.
20:22.49SRabbelierxb95: it doesn't override everything
20:22.58xb95That's what I expected to happen. :-)
20:23.17SRabbelierxb95: but doesn't it make sense now that you know how it works? :)
20:23.36xb95I have to say.. not really.  Because if I say 'rank this person #2', it is going to bump them up to tie with 1st...
20:24.29*** join/#gsoc General_Fou_Fou (
20:26.50SRabbelierxb95: well, if you have any idea on how to make it work better, please let us know!
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20:27.16kblinSRabbelier: can you point lennie at ? ;)
20:27.17SRabbelierxb95: keep in mind the restriction that you can only change one score at a time
20:27.27xb95SRabbelier: besides a hard-coded override? 'if admin says rank 7th, then this proposal is in 7th, irrespective of the rest'?
20:27.30SRabbelierkblin: heheh, what for?
20:27.41SRabbelierxb95: what if they say that for two proposals?
20:27.56xb95then it says 'error, you already said 7th for Student Foo'
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20:28.11xb95unique key on admin-specified rank
20:28.13SRabbelierxb95: how would you easily add someone to the top?
20:28.29SRabbelierxb95: say you decide you need to add someone into your top-n proposals
20:28.45SRabbelierxb95: you can't just say "make them #n", since those have already been assigned
20:29.04kblinSRabbelier: I didn't get around to draw one myself so far
20:29.18xb95'error, someone is already in 7th position. would you like to insert Student Foo above or below Student Bar?'
20:29.26xb95[Insert Above] [Insert Below]/
20:29.34xb95then it just adjusts the rankings
20:29.49kblinSRabbelier: it's so we can star proposals from the table, instead of clicking our way into the list to click "subscribe"
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20:30.50SRabbelierkblin: oh, hehe, I think we can use the Google star, or did Lennie say wae can't?
20:31.06SRabbelierxb95: it can't, you can change only one at a time
20:31.18xb95SRabbelier: truth be told, I'd change the process of finalization rather significantly. the ranking is great for figuring out what your mentors think are good proposals (and actually I have some feedback on where the existing ranking/points fails for our use case)... but after that, whoever is doing the acceptances (org admin) should have the ability to say 'put this in our accept list' and then reorder that
20:31.30xb95SRabbelier: that's a code constraint that could be fixed, I'm certain?
20:31.49SRabbelierxb95: no, consider the casee of gnome
20:31.53SRabbelierxb95: that has 100 proposals
20:31.57SRabbelieryou can't just edit 100 poroposals in one go
20:31.59xb95my org has 68 proposals.
20:32.09*** join/#gsoc aganice (
20:32.09xb95it's been rough.
20:32.14*** join/#gsoc jdk2588 (~jaideep@
20:32.47xb95SRabbelier: and it's easy to code around anyway. internally, have the rankings be non-integer.  so when they say '7' and it's a dupe, you ask 'above or below', and then you put the internal ranking as 6.9 or 7.1.  display can be done fairly easily from that, sort on the Rank, and then just print the integer values.
20:32.53xb95programmatically, these are easily solvable problems.
20:33.21kblinxb95: actually this came up last year, and at the mentor summit
20:33.43SRabbelierxb95: no one solution fits every org
20:33.43kblinand we agreed to disagree and left things pretty much the same as they were
20:34.38*** join/#gsoc jdk2588 (~jaideep@unaffiliated/jdk2588)
20:34.39kblinhm, how do I update mercurial to the current head of the repository?
20:34.44xb95I'm hard pressed to imagine that the current solution fits any org with more than a dozen proposals. are there people who actually think the existing system works perfectly for their needs?
20:35.11*** join/#gsoc allisterb (
20:35.23kblingiven that most orgs probably have way less than 12 slots... ;)
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20:35.29xb95well we only have 6 slots
20:35.38Catfish_Mankblin: hg pull -u?
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20:36.21kblinCatfish_Man: perfec, thanks
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20:37.33xb95SRabbelier: also, curiousity compels me to ask, why is it difficult for the system to set points on 100 proposals in one go anyway?
20:38.14SRabbelierxb95: it's too slow
20:38.26SRabbelierxb95: AppEngine isn't designed for what we're abusing it for
20:38.47SRabbelier(we'll send a mail to the list sometime soon explaining it's limitations, how we're working around those, to give a better picture of why things are the way they are)
20:38.57xb95I worked at Google, I know the underlying architecture (BigTable et al). It shouldn't be a problem. That's unfortunate. :|
20:40.12SRabbelierxb95: 100 entities is getting to be a problem
20:40.49SRabbelierxb95: we could probably get away with something around 20 or 30; anyway, we don't do any batch puts, anywhere, unless it's in a Task that knows to reschedule itself when the deadline is reached
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20:41.58xb95well, you have the data and I'm just conjecturing. thanks for taking the time to talk. I'll watch for that mail and will jump on it and see if we can't improve this for next year. :)
20:42.12Mekso is switching to a different/better storage layer too much work, or just not an option?
20:42.45xb95appengine doesn't really give you options there
20:43.02SRabbelierMek: what xb95 said, there's no options with AppEngine
20:43.06SRabbelierand we must run on AppEngine :)
20:43.24Mekyou're an opensource project, if you decide to switch away from appengine, it's not your problem :P
20:43.30SRabbelierMek: yes, yes it would be
20:43.40*** join/#gsoc arvind_khadri (~arvind@unaffiliated/arvind-khadri/x-2237230)
20:43.50SRabbelierMek: GOSPO is our 'employer' whichever way you look at it, and GSoC/GHOP are our projects
20:44.04SRabbelierMek: it doesn't make sense to change Melange where they can't use it anymoer :P
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20:46.16Jiminy_Cricketwhen solving duplications I hope orgs can not alternatively  opt for students that have been already selected
20:46.38Jiminy_Cricketif not, this is the never ending story
20:46.47kblinsure they can, would be less fun otherwise
20:47.22kblinJiminy_Cricket: the average student submitted less than two proposals
20:47.37kblinso the system will converge to a stable state
20:48.21Jiminy_Cricketdoes less than two proposals equals to 1?
20:48.29SRabbelierJiminy_Cricket: or 0 ;)
20:49.06smtmskblin, even if all students submitted 20 proposals, the system will sooner or later converge
20:49.26kblinJiminy_Cricket: well, last year ~3500 students submitted ~5900 proposals
20:49.45Jiminy_Cricketok I see what you mean
20:50.04Jiminy_Cricketthat's less than 2 proposals
20:50.29kblinsmtms: that's assuming students are picked along an equal distribution
20:50.38Jiminy_Cricketalthough I wish the syste could converge by itself
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20:50.53smtmskblin, what worst case do you have in mind?
20:50.54Jiminy_Cricketnow it is manual converging
20:51.39SRabbelierJiminy_Cricket: which is good, we dont want a random selection of the students ;)
20:51.45kblinsmtms: there's 500 good students for 1000 slots
20:52.01kblinsmtms: that'd be my worst case ;)
20:52.13Jiminy_Cricketwell I can already image a system that automatically converge
20:52.19smtmskblin, this is handled by reducing the number of stipdends :-)
20:52.59kblinSRabbelier: btw, I hope you're not paying too much attention to the jerks on the mailing list
20:53.00Jiminy_Cricketfor instance with a standart consistent scoring across all organisations
20:53.20SRabbelierkblin: I'm about to the point of unsubscribing from the mentors list, yes
20:53.42kblinit's amazing how many open source people don't get how open source works
20:53.52SRabbelierkblin: the unthankfullness is just so, so... gah
20:54.01SRabbelierkblin: I can't grok it, not even almost
20:54.47Jiminy_Cricketthe org scoring higher would get the student
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20:54.57kblinI like tom's comment though
20:55.15SRabbelierkblin: yes, those make me stay :)
20:55.27*** part/#gsoc Yvi (
20:55.40SRabbelierkblin: and the knowledge that there are good people on there that need help, with just a few jerks ruining it for everyone
20:55.51*** join/#gsoc Sophira (
20:56.06Nightrosehugs SRabbelier for good meassure
20:56.20SRabbelierNightrose: awr, thanks ^^
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21:04.13kblinSRabbelier: there, some cover fire. I even resisted the urge to say "try not to hit the door on the way out"
21:05.25kblinSRabbelier: but I guess developing software for a horde of software developers is like being sysop at an it company
21:05.27SRabbelierkblin: how very diplomatic of you :), and most appreciated, I appreciate it (although the mail hasn't come through yet)
21:05.37SRabbelierkblin: yeah, quite possibly
21:05.41SRabbelierkblin: although the shirt is not as cool
21:05.42*** join/#gsoc arvind_k (~arvind@
21:05.44kblineverybidy thinks he could do a better job than you, but nobody bothers to do it
21:05.48SRabbelierkblin: ("I have root @ Google", I mean, how cool is that)
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21:06.13SRabbelierkblin: (otoh, the person who designed that shirt, our very own Carol Smith!, is now on the team, so who knows :D)
21:06.16Ophiuchikblin: is that supposed to be a problem? :)
21:06.34kblinSRabbelier: oh?
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21:06.41Ophiuchi(the "sysadmin at an IT company" thing)
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21:06.55kblinSRabbelier: my favourite google shirt is the aussie office shirt, though
21:07.08SRabbelierkblin: hahha, yes, that one is awesome for it's simplicity
21:07.46kblinand if you tell them it's upside down they look down at their chest and say "no, looks all right for me, mate"
21:07.49kblinall of them
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21:08.04SRabbelierkblin: oh your reply is just golden, thanks so much
21:08.07SRabbelierkblin: awesome! :D
21:08.27SRabbelierkblin: @tshirt: haha, I think that's an instructional notice you get with the shirt prhaps
21:08.54kblinSRabbelier: no, I think it's part of the interview
21:13.42bawrSo, I can well imagine how it looks, but what's written on it exactly? Just Google upside-down? ")
21:13.58kblinbawr: yeah
21:14.02SRabbelierbawr: as if flipped along the x-axis
21:14.07OphiuchiI think part of the problem here is that some people are very slow in understanding that Melange is a volunteer project and not a professional software by Google.
21:14.17SRabbelierbawr: so that, as kblin says, it looks correct when you look down on it
21:14.25SRabbelierbawr: similar to the kxcd regexp cheat-shirt
21:14.40SRabbelierOphiuchi: maybe we just need a huge notice in <marquee> tags :P
21:14.47SRabbelierOphiuchi: that bounces around the screen constantly
21:15.03SRabbelier"Don't like this banner? We'll flag your account to not show it after you contribute a patch to Melange!"
21:15.08SRabbelierthat would actually be pretty awesome
21:15.18Catfish_ManOphiuchi: I'm not convinced that matters that much. Volunteer software beats professional software in quality all the time
21:15.29araujocannot understand how some people still participating in the GSoC dare to talk so bad about Google ....
21:15.30OphiuchiSRabbelier: my experience with 'test environment' running around on the screen is that that won't help in all cases either :)
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21:15.44SRabbelierCatfish_Man: I think he's referring to the fact that they shouldn't be demanding support the way they are
21:15.48Catfish_Manah, yes
21:15.51Catfish_Manthat makes sense then :)
21:15.56kblinSRabbelier: you need to add a "beta" tag ;)
21:16.46krkhanis the last modified date supposed to change after a student comments on his proposal?
21:16.50bawrCatfish_Man: Well... I don't wish to troll, but I've heard sound arguments that VS2010 is top-notch... because Windows programmers can't work without all that auto-completing, pointy-clicky goodness - in effect forcing MS to do it well. ;)
21:16.51kblinSRabbelier: btw, I usually tell the people whining about wine on IRC that they can have their license fee refunded if they don't like the support
21:16.51SRabbelierkblin: rofl, yeah, anyone who submits a new logo (with Beta tag) gets swag, plus a large amount of Dutch food of their choosing :P
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21:16.57OphiuchiCatfish_Man: you expect "being ready for a given date" and "having undergone sufficient testing" for professional soft, because its makers do get the necessary time to achieve that.
21:17.19SRabbelierbawr: hehe, lol
21:17.19jkwoodI've noticed an alarming trend about this whole thing, in that so many people don't understand the importance of using the correct official channels of comunicating in Open-Source projects.
21:17.26SRabbelierkblin: +1
21:17.27OphiuchiCatfish_Man: ie less the code quality and more project management features
21:17.33MatthewWilkesevenin' all
21:17.38jkwoodOphiuchi: Tell that to the company that rushed out KOTOR II.
21:17.45bawrThat said, my experience with free/open/whatever software so far has been outstanding, save for some of the religion wars.
21:17.47Catfish_ManOphiuchi: I'm specifically thinking about all the years I spent competing with Apple's iChat
21:17.52Catfish_Man(and, imo, winning hands down)
21:17.55SRabbelierMatthewWilkes: indeed
21:18.19SRabbelierCatfish_Man: who does the "I" refer to in that sentence? :P
21:18.20kblinCatfish_Man: that's a bit like shooting fish in a barrel, though
21:18.34jkwoodAnyway, I understand it some in the students, but in mentors it's disturbing.
21:18.41Catfish_ManSRabbelier: me, along with the rest of the adium team
21:18.53SRabbelierCatfish_Man: better :P
21:19.04bwintonMmm, Adium.
21:19.11Catfish_Mankblin: eh, iChat has gotten better. It's not bad, it's just not fantastic
21:19.15SRabbelierjkwood: I think orgs are not careful enough in selecting their mentors is the problem
21:19.20Catfish_Man(and it should be)
21:19.29kblinCatfish_Man: ok, it's been ages since I last checked
21:19.48SRabbelierjkwood: someone being a mentor should not just be about knowing the code base, I don't think everybody realises that
21:20.02bawrCatfish_Man: Well, there's a lot of "not bad" software out there. Unless you're used to it, there really isn't a reason to keep using "not bad" software.
21:20.08kblinCatfish_Man: for the last two years, my mac mini has been used as media player
21:20.18kblinand some video cutting
21:20.19jkwoodI agree.  I freely admit I don't know our codebase very well, but I know how to project works and that's what's important.
21:20.20OphiuchiSRabbelier: some get chosen for technical skill, not diplomatic/social one :)
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21:20.29SRabbelierOphiuchi: and it's painfully obvious
21:20.53bawrWell, I like the world where not everyone's a diplomat.
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21:21.16jkwoodNot everyone has to be.  It helps at times, though.
21:21.23SRabbelierbawr: you don't have to be a diplomat, but not being a jerk is kind of expected
21:21.32MatthewWilkesA mentor who can get a student into the community is much better than a codegod
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21:21.42jkwoodWe've got a number of different personalities on our team - they're complementary.
21:21.45kblinbawr: not diplomatic as in devil's dictionary "someone who lies for his country"
21:22.17SRabbelierok, so, he apologised, but... still, it's not really an apology, no?
21:22.30kblinbawr: but diplomatic as in not saying "you guys are a bunch of idiots because you don't do stuff the way I think you should do"
21:22.47schumamldiplomacy is the art of deniable insults
21:23.08bawrkblin: Well, as a student, I have to say I wouldn't have a problem with a jerk who's (mostly) right for a mentor, and that mentality seems to be common. Then again, there's even more jerks who are only right half of the time or less.
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21:24.05mlankhorstkblin: or torvalds definition of idiot ;)
21:24.29kblinmlankhorst: hm, wait, isn't that "anybody who's not me?"
21:24.43mlankhorstkblin: no, anybody and me ;)
21:24.47kblinSRabbelier: maybe we can get carols to open a gsoc-mentors-flamewar list
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21:25.06mlankhorstbut yeah the complaining on gsoc-mentors is getting annoying
21:25.21kblinbawr: ok, so here's my take on this..
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21:25.33kblinbawr: I think there's arrogant assholes everywhere
21:25.48kblinbawr: in most environments they get ignored like they should be
21:26.09SRabbelierkblin: lol, yes, I think that would mean move all messages that are not from google to that list though :P
21:26.09mlankhorstbut since there are so many people on gsoc-mentors at least someone replies :(
21:26.43kblinbawr: and because in open source, people take pride in only looking at the code people produce, if you're a brilliant arrogant asshole, you're usually tolerated
21:27.02dandersonplease, folks, there is a simple solution
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21:27.15SRabbelierdanderson: the Google deathray?
21:27.17dandersonflip the bozo bit. Stop feeding the energy beast. Stop, breathe, and walk away.
21:27.29bawrWell, I just don't really mind assholes who are right. This is just a personal preference, though. I'm not maintaining that it passes Kant's categorical imperative or whatever.
21:27.44kblinhowever, I know a bunch of really brilliant open source developers who _aren't_ arrogant assholes, so it's not that genious == arrogant asshole
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21:27.52dandersonno "just one more reply", no justifications, no communication. If you are wasting your calm and focus on communication, that is the definition of an energy sink
21:28.08dandersonas an open source developer, your most precious resource is your focus.
21:28.22SRabbelierdanderson: are you channeling Fitz? :P
21:28.48dandersononly because he happens to be right
21:29.01dandersonlife is too short to waste it on mailing list replying to assclowns
21:29.07jkwoodI thought my most precious resource was my rapier wit.
21:29.35kblinjkwood: you're good, but you're no musketeer yet d'artagnan
21:29.39bawrSo to be clear - in my world, you get a lot of asshole points for being right. Hell, you even get some asshole points right when I meet you. But when you spend them, well, the counter overflows through the bozo bit. :)
21:29.41SRabbelierdanderson: agreed
21:29.42mlankhorstdanderson: true, but you always have to say at least once fuck off :)
21:31.02kblinbawr: that's one way to put it, I guess
21:31.03jkwoodI make it my personal mission to ensure that they never try anything like that again.  I call it the reverse-troll.  It's sort of like a barrel roll, but with infinitely more nonsense.
21:31.40kblinjkwood: you're a first time org, right?
21:31.40bawrjkwood: Do you have a dojo where you pass along this technique? :)
21:31.59jkwoodYep.  Hopefully not one-time.
21:32.29jkwoodbawr: This force must only be used for good.  You have to learn when it happens, or not at all.
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21:32.40kblinjkwood: you'd have loved the "advanced trolling" session on last year's mentor summit
21:32.51mlankhorstoo, did that one make it to lwn?
21:32.58micahcowanThat was truly great. I'm kinda hoping there'll be a sequel.
21:33.18kblinyeah, especially given how much the last one sucked
21:33.33micahcowanHeh, nice try. :)
21:33.38SRabbelierkblin: lol, weak troll :P
21:33.45kblinyeah, I know, long day
21:33.56SRabbelierkblin: chuckle-worthy nonetheless
21:34.05micahcowan<-- still smiling
21:34.08jkwoodHaving grown up on internet communities and bad puns, I could easily teach a college course on how to detect and defuse trolls.
21:34.12kblinit was a cheap shot, but someone _had_ to take it
21:34.21bawrjkwood: Is this like being a paladin? Does one lose the reverse-trolling powers of doom when one uses them for evil?
21:34.23micahcowanjkwood, this was more along the lines of instigating them.
21:34.53kblinjkwood: yeah, it really was a guide on how to be are really good troll
21:35.08jkwoodbawr: Yes, but you can be a paladin and reverse troll.  We encourage it, actually.
21:35.25bawrmicahcowan: I don't think you've seen the master troll technicians who set up two trolls against each other.
21:35.31bawrIt's quite a sight.
21:35.45mlankhorstkblin: also funny is
21:35.55micahcowanbawr, not sure I have. Or at least, I didn't know that it was, if I did. But it was covered in Advanced Trolling.
21:36.30bawrmicahcowan: You know, I'm really glad that talks wasn't made public now. ;)
21:37.04jkwoodmlankhorst: Heh, gonna have to remember that one.
21:37.26SRabbeliermlankhorst: hahah, awesome!
21:37.36mlankhorstthe sugarcrm post is also awesome ;)
21:39.49bawrmlankhorst: Form breaking for a few months. Wow. Just... wow.
21:39.51SRabbeliermlankhorst: addy?
21:40.32mlankhorstbawr: :)
21:41.54mlankhorstI wonder if *anyone* submitted through it :x
21:42.55SRabbeliermlankhorst: awesome, just awesome :D
21:42.58bawr...damn you. Damn you, mlankhorst, now I'll be reading through LWN's quotes of the week and the relevant threads for the next hour or so.
21:43.04kblin"An experience with a project of mine sums it up a bit differently: while 0.1% of the community is trying to improve things a bit indeed, 99.9% of them just whine actively and state that someone else should"
21:43.17kblinso true
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21:44.30Ophiuchikblin: that's only true for the popular orgs. For mine, if people even know it exists they are likely capable to fix bugs if they can be bothered
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21:45.44bawrOphiuchi: What's the org, then? I assume it fixes one bad itch.
21:46.00Ophiuchibawr: NetBSD
21:46.10mlankhorstbawr: You can.. just close it ;)
21:46.28kblinOphiuchi: the numbers probably work out if you count users
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21:46.50mlankhorstback to shooting monsters, spent 12 hours past few days on just 6 lines..
21:47.05kblinanyway, SIGGF see you tomorrow
21:47.27bawrmlankhorst: I wish it worked that way. Unfortunately, I'm operating on a stack, and a POP takes anywhere from 5 minutes to 5 hours.
21:47.29bawrAh, well.
21:47.33bawrBye, kblin.
21:48.09Ophiuchigood point, it's getting late here. Have fun.
21:48.46SRabbeliergoes off to bed too
21:48.50SRabbeliercheers :D
21:49.05mlankhorstmust kill monsters first
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21:57.44bawrGah, still one more week before the results are up. :/
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22:02.12smtms!timeline is
22:02.13socinfoError: "timeline" is not a valid command.
22:05.40bawrsocinfo: Why remove the image?
22:05.41socinfoError: "Why" is not a valid command.
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22:06.33socinfo"google" is not the cosmic cash machine people think it is.
22:06.40socinfo"botabuse" is (#1) Leave me alone! (also, you can play with me as much as you like in a private /query so as not to spam the channel), or (#2) When in a query with me, use whatis #gsoc <factoid> to get the best use., or (#3) You can also get a list of factoids with 'factoids search #gsoc *' and 'more'
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22:19.18pauloricardomgshould I be able to edit my proposal right now?
22:19.39BarryCarlyonI vote no.
22:19.39micahcowanpauloricardomg, nope. Post public comments with edits, instead.
22:20.38pauloricardomgany admin?
22:20.45smtmspauloricardomg, what kind of admin?
22:21.07pauloricardomgany program admin
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22:22.24Ivanovicpauloricardomg: the proposals themselves are frozen for a reason!
22:22.35Ivanovicpauloricardomg: this way you do see the "changes" since they are done as comments
22:22.56Ivanovicin case you are accepted you got a chance to update (some) things
22:23.02Ivanovic(like the short summary and the likes)
22:23.13Ivanovicbut until this is the case: changes/updates only via comments!
22:24.00borjaThe user guide says that students "can edit the Abstract portion of your application at any time". Is this actually so? I have a student who says he can't do it
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22:24.21Ivanovicborja: to be honest: no idea
22:24.28borjaBut, not having access to the student interface, I don't know if this option is available or if the student simply can't find it
22:24.45Ivanovicborja: but from previous years i think i remember that at least after announcing who was accepted the abstract part was editable
22:25.20borjaIvanovic: ah, ok. I seem to remember that from last years too, but didn't remember if it was editable "at all times" as the user guide claims, or only post-acceptance
22:26.00Ivanovici don't think that it was editable all time
22:26.23Ivanovicso maybe a "bug report" is in place that docs and "real world" do differ
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22:27.48Ivanovicanyway, time for me to head off to bed and try to find some sleep
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23:06.57ojwbis left unclear from the mentors list thread - can all mentors see duplicates or only admins?
23:08.48jkwoodojwb: Only admins can see who the duplicate is with, all mentors can see that there is a duplicate.
23:09.23ojwbjkwood: thanks, that's what I thought, but several replies seemed to be suggesting only admins can
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