IRC log for #gsoc on 20100109

00:12.22*** join/#gsoc tct13 (
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01:14.43caitlin_I'm a bit confused about the application process for the Google Summer of Code. Has anyone here been through it?
01:14.53kpreidI have.
01:15.03kpreid(as a student, I assume you mean.)
01:15.12caitlin_Yeah, it does not matter
01:16.16caitlin_Do we need to apply at the individual projects? I saw a few organizations that already had a bunch of students accepted for 2009
01:16.42kpreidAs opposed to what?
01:17.01caitlin_There is supposed to be an application available at the google site in March
01:17.05*** join/#gsoc Enl (n=Dmitry@
01:17.26kpreidUm, this is 2010. GSoC 2010 hasn't been announced yet.
01:18.10kpreidIn 2009 the period for applications by students was in March, yes
01:18.46*** join/#gsoc mata (n=Mata@
01:18.48caitlin_I was wondering what was going on with that, saying the organizations will be announced in March and yet they're right there. heh. well I feel dumb.
01:19.20kpreidright, anything that says "will be" hasn't been updated to be in the past tense :-)
01:19.59*** join/#gsoc RT|Chatzilla_ (n=rt@reactos/tester/RT)
01:20.14caitlin_Yeah, I figured it was either someone who forgot to update it or they were adding them as they were accepting them
01:20.31*** join/#gsoc Intensity (i=[iKhVexW@unaffiliated/intensity)
01:21.14kpreidcaitlin_: so, do you have any questions about what you should do in the event that there is a GSoC 2010 and it has the same rules as GSoC 2009? :)
01:23.58caitlin_heh, no I think I'm ok.
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22:48.39yoindiaaround what time will gsoc 2010 be announced?
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