IRC log for #gsoc on 20090129

00:03.37*** join/#gsoc pfenwick (
00:07.12*** join/#gsoc nman64_away (n=n-man@fedora/nman64)
00:32.02*** join/#gsoc dmitrig01|afk (
00:32.28*** join/#gsoc F__i__L (
00:33.18*** join/#gsoc MatthewWilkes (
00:33.55F__i__Lanyone knows when the registrations will open?
00:34.22F__i__Lare you sure?
00:34.43F__i__La thought it was after easter..
00:34.45lhstaticvector: lies
00:35.04lhF__i__L: that hasn't been announced yet. patience. look at the timeline from last year
00:35.09lhabout the same this year
00:35.12F__i__Lok :)
00:36.46z4chhwhat is the easiest way to get accepted? do most people think of their own ideas or do they look for ideas mentors put up?
00:37.11dberkholzlh: hey, are y'all gonna update the site w/ new details around fosdem?
00:37.17lhdberkholz: sort of
00:37.43lhdberkholz: we will definitely have a new timeline published shortly thereafter
00:37.58lhz4chh: most people think up their own ideas or greatly expand on a mentor suggestion
00:38.10lhz4chh: best way to get accepted is to start talking to interesting projects now
00:38.36dberkholzlh: sounds good. i'm finally about to write an lwn story about gsoc around fosdem time (wiki's open and all), and i wanted to put some details about this year's program
00:39.03F__i__Lok one question only
00:39.21F__i__Li know very good C
00:39.31F__i__Lam i going to be accepted by aby project?:P
00:39.38z4chhlh, do the interesting projects talk back?
00:39.43SirpF__i__L: I think there are plenty of projects which involve plenty of C
00:39.43F__i__Lbecause i was looking on the site on the ideas
00:39.44dberkholzi want to see if i can find any info about past students' continued involvement w/ their specific projects and foss in general
00:39.59F__i__Lnice :)
00:41.40Sirpz4chh: from the perspective of a mentoring organization last year, we loved students who approached us early, could hit the ground running, and ideally were interested in working on our project whether as a part of SoC or not.
00:42.03dberkholzagreed on that.
00:42.16z4chhare you guys mentors?
00:42.37Sirpz4chh: it's hard to say whether we *are* going to be mentors, but I was a mentor last year.
00:42.45r0bbystabs/me sighs
00:42.54dberkholzseems like a lot of people say that last bit, it's a bit harder to get them to follow through
00:44.43Sirpdberkholz: certainly; you can try to get a feel for their enthusiasm for your project vs their enthusiasm for SoC though.
00:45.47F__i__Lthanx guys i will try to do my best :D
00:46.09*** part/#gsoc F__i__L (
00:46.12*** join/#gsoc mithro (n=tim@unaffiliated/mithro)
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00:47.02lhheads out to get stuff done
00:48.35r0bbylh: work is for whimps
01:11.18*** join/#gsoc allisterb (
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01:29.34*** join/#gsoc Greywhind (
01:48.19*** join/#gsoc kendrick (
02:07.03dberkholzlh: tweet away!
02:07.08kendrickanyone here speak german? :)
02:07.21kendrickbabelfish and google lang. tools are failing me miserably
02:08.31kendrick"Mit TuxPaint werden kleine Kinder auf spielerische Art und Weise an ein Bildbearbeitungsprogramm herangeführt. "
02:10.30dandersonwith tuxpaint, young children can be introduced to artistic creation and image editing software
02:10.34dandersonsomething like that.
02:10.46kendricksounds good :)
02:12.27*** join/#gsoc mithro (n=tim@unaffiliated/mithro)
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02:19.40*** join/#gsoc Alesis-Novik (
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08:56.27*** join/#gsoc Ivanovic (
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10:22.55llnzgrr... tax issues... so confusing....
10:23.47*** join/#gsoc mithro (n=tim@unaffiliated/mithro)
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10:42.10*** join/#gsoc dreimark (
10:43.32kblinif I'm studying to be a M.Sc. in computer sciences, what's my title? I know for biology it's cand. biol. but I don't recall ever seeing cand.comp-sci.
10:47.32*** join/#gsoc welterde (
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10:51.24ThomasWaldmannkblin: just use 'geek' :D
10:51.35*** join/#gsoc edvin_lt (
10:51.49kblinthat's not an academic title, though, that's the job description ;)
11:03.15*** join/#gsoc vonami (n=vonami@
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11:19.44*** join/#gsoc _Geo_ (
11:38.19*** join/#gsoc Ivanovic (
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11:46.22straydawgkblin: that sounds like BS :-)
11:51.05kblinstraydawg: well, yeah, but I don't technically have a bachelor's degree
11:51.34*** join/#gsoc jaguarandi (
11:51.55straydawgkblin: it was kind of a pun too
11:54.34kblinI suspected, but tried to ignore the fact ;)
11:54.45straydawgkblin: sorry :)
11:55.03*** join/#gsoc boom1992 (
11:56.37kblinI'll just wait for the next conference signup to show off with an academic title then ;)
12:18.33*** join/#gsoc Ivanovic_ (
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12:43.11*** part/#gsoc stefanb85 (n=stefan@
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17:34.03*** join/#gsoc JefferyM (n=JefferyM@bzflag/projectadmin/JeffM)
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18:09.19r0bbyo/ o/ o/ o/ o/
18:09.52r0bbywhat's doin :)
18:09.58*** join/#gsoc Mordante (
18:10.09ajuonlinewhacks r0bby with his ninja skills
18:10.31ajuonlineanyone who works on Python and/or web2py ?
18:10.34r0bbywhacks ajuonline
18:10.57r0bbyif I cared bout python/django i'd do melange, i'll just watch instead :-/
18:11.16r0bbymy gmail inbox is gonna be bloated :-x
18:11.41ajuonlineSahanaPy - :) <-- Sahana re-write in Python
18:12.27r0bbynow write it in grails :D
18:13.07r0bbyMy CSS/HTML skills are non-existent :'(
18:13.07r0bbywell they're there, but they suck
18:13.13ajuonlineits ok :P
18:13.31ajuonlinesomeday we all sucked.
18:21.06ajuonliner0bby: dont meh me
18:21.17ajuonlineis hungry
18:21.33r0bbyajuonline: meh
18:21.33ajuonlineok i forgot to have my dinner :/
18:21.39r0bbyperhaps this is why i'm single
18:21.42ajuonlinegoes to the kitchen to fetch food
18:21.57r0bbyI'm a sarcastic, difficult, and just plain well mean sometimes :x
18:22.05ajuonliner0bby: because I forgot to have diner, you are single?
18:22.17r0bbyno because i'm difficult
18:22.27ajuonlinetrust me, everyone is ;)
18:22.45ajuonlinea matter of perspective :P
18:23.22ajuonlinei need a super cool template for my next presentation :/ i am bored of the old theme
18:25.51*** join/#gsoc alunduil (n=alunduil@
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20:12.51ravenlockshould I expect any sort of tax forms in the mail from Google if I received money on my organizations behalf?
20:13.07*** join/#gsoc llnz (
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