IRC log for #gsoc on 20090120

00:01.52*** join/#gsoc allisterb__ (
00:13.31*** join/#gsoc JeffM (n=Jeff@bzflag/projectadmin/JeffM)
00:37.59*** join/#gsoc glaksmono (
00:41.11*** join/#gsoc ravenlock (n=ravenloc@enlightenment/developer/ravenlock)
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01:09.06*** join/#gsoc thiagoss (n=thiagoss@
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01:23.19*** join/#gsoc allisterb_ (
01:25.40*** join/#gsoc allisterb (
01:38.18*** join/#gsoc dmitrig01|afk (
02:21.43*** join/#gsoc Lhet (
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02:36.37*** join/#gsoc emet_ (n=jonathan@unaffiliated/emet)
02:42.37*** part/#gsoc n|ns3| (
03:05.02*** join/#gsoc mrs_spearce (
03:09.02*** join/#gsoc Ivanovic_ (
03:55.16*** join/#gsoc jkerihuel_ (
03:58.28*** join/#gsoc karkul (n=karkul@
05:07.32*** join/#gsoc mithro (n=tim@unaffiliated/mithro)
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05:20.42*** join/#gsoc llnz (i=lee@
05:27.25*** join/#gsoc Sup3rkiddo (n=sudharsh@unaffiliated/sudharsh)
05:38.54*** join/#gsoc clever_ (
06:19.58*** join/#gsoc i386_ (n=james@
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06:38.00*** join/#gsoc davidL (n=david@unaffiliated/davidl)
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07:12.45*** join/#gsoc BarryCarlyon (n=bcarlyon@unaffiliated/bcarlyon)
07:13.25*** join/#gsoc summatusmentis (
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08:02.06*** part/#gsoc n|ns3| (
08:02.54*** join/#gsoc bentob0x (
08:23.38*** join/#gsoc Lhet| (
08:27.08*** join/#gsoc solydzajs (
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08:38.21*** join/#gsoc KillerX (n=anant@gentoo/developer/KillerX)
08:41.27*** join/#gsoc pygi (i=Mario@
08:57.12*** join/#gsoc mithro (n=tim@unaffiliated/mithro)
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09:23.10*** join/#gsoc mithro (n=tim@unaffiliated/mithro)
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10:12.52*** join/#gsoc oy (
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10:18.25*** join/#gsoc llnz (i=lee@
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10:55.02*** join/#gsoc kaka (n=opera@
10:58.15*** part/#gsoc kaka (n=opera@
11:12.18*** join/#gsoc boom1992 (
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12:11.51*** join/#gsoc i386_ (
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12:38.45*** join/#gsoc vimzard (n=arunc@
12:44.57*** join/#gsoc i386 (
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12:50.13*** part/#gsoc virtuoso015 (n=vinay@
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13:48.46*** join/#gsoc vmassol (
13:51.20*** join/#gsoc vmassol_ (
13:53.00*** join/#gsoc Vip-nick (n=Vip-mirc@
14:06.04*** join/#gsoc ranjith (i=root@
14:06.32ranjithhi all
14:06.42*** join/#gsoc thiagoss (n=thiagoss@
14:07.31ranjithany news about gsoc 2009
14:08.05Vip-nickno news( sorry
14:08.35Vip-nicki am in training now)))
14:09.15Vip-nicknick My_name
14:11.33My_nameWhat kind of application do you create?
14:16.00My_nameWhat kind of application do you create ranjith?
14:16.38*** join/#gsoc mhutch (
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14:22.05*** join/#gsoc Knick_ (n=Vip-mirc@
14:22.50*** join/#gsoc nman64 (n=n-man@fedora/nman64)
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14:29.13*** join/#gsoc bgola (
14:30.31*** join/#gsoc My_name (n=Vip-mirc@
14:30.32ranjithMy_name: sorry i was not at my desk for a while
14:31.24*** join/#gsoc vonami (n=vonami@
14:31.28ranjithMy_name: I am a student and interested to participate in gsoc2009
14:31.45My_nameand i too
14:31.52ranjithand trying togo through the project ideas of the organizations..
14:32.11ranjithwhat is your name..?
14:32.24My_namefrom russia
14:32.36ranjithok.. me  ranjith
14:32.40ranjithfrom india
14:32.54ranjithhave you paricipated in previous gsoc
14:33.03My_name) nice to meet
14:33.12ranjithme too
14:33.22My_nameno i am going to try
14:34.05ranjithhave you gone through any organizations ideas till now?
14:34.26*** join/#gsoc lewing (
14:37.30My_namei was read ud the wireless technology
14:38.16ranjithMy_name: pardon i dint get what you mean..
14:41.41My_namei will looking for the project with net technology
14:42.04My_namelooking -> look
14:42.47My_namei was read up the wireless technology
14:44.58kblinyay, running win7b1 for 5 minutes and got my first crash :)
14:45.38easwarlol kblin
14:46.14My_nameHow did it happen
14:46.25kblinhang on, pressing the power button to initiate an acpi-shutdown still worked
14:46.31kblinso just the UI hung
14:46.54kblinI ran this windows experience indicator test thing
14:47.03*** join/#gsoc staticvector (
14:47.07kblinand it probably doesn't cope with being run from a VM too well
14:55.09My_namedid you kill the Win MONSTER 2007
14:56.57kblindunno looks cleaner than vista so far
14:57.04kblina bit like 2008 server
14:57.34*** part/#gsoc easwar (n=easwarh@unaffiliated/easwar)
15:08.30My_namefi the windows does not have any bugs then it is not exist now
15:11.12ajuonlinekblin: the beta i downloaded was corrupt!
15:11.20ajuonline2.4 gigs of trash :P
15:12.26ajuonlineyeah right :P no patience :P
15:12.43ajuonline512 kbps line
15:12.56ajuonlineif it was a torrent download, i could try
15:13.01My_nameWho is going to send bugreports
15:13.19ajuonlineMy_name: for windows 7 beta? the testers. of course.
15:13.47ajuonlinebbl dinner@!
15:14.15kblinbon appetit
15:18.42*** part/#gsoc thiagoss (n=thiagoss@
15:19.55*** join/#gsoc easwar (n=easwarh@unaffiliated/easwar)
15:21.31demographic_explkblin: What OS do you usually use
15:29.10easwarkblin, which distro?
15:29.23kblinkubuntu 8.04 currently
15:29.33kblin8.10 sucks
15:29.41*** join/#gsoc solydzajs_ (
15:29.55kblinno, I don't boot windows on real hardware that often
15:35.05*** join/#gsoc ravenlock (n=ravenloc@enlightenment/developer/ravenlock)
15:50.12*** join/#gsoc solydzajs (
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15:51.08*** join/#gsoc pidus (
15:53.23*** join/#gsoc lut4rp (
16:07.25*** join/#gsoc vimzard (n=arunc@
16:26.31*** join/#gsoc PINguAR_ (n=PINguAR_@
16:28.48*** join/#gsoc allisterb (
16:34.47*** join/#gsoc dirigeant (n=dirigean@unaffiliated/mew/x-344925)
16:41.49*** join/#gsoc mdc_mobile (
16:54.09*** join/#gsoc spectie (n=fran@unaffiliated/spectie)
16:55.44*** join/#gsoc thiagoss (n=thiagoss@
17:11.13*** part/#gsoc PINguAR_ (n=PINguAR_@
17:13.49*** join/#gsoc vmassol (
17:14.07*** join/#gsoc nithinkumary21 (
17:16.10*** join/#gsoc seether (n=chatzill@
17:16.59*** part/#gsoc seether (n=chatzill@
17:20.17*** join/#gsoc hpa_ (
17:21.45*** part/#gsoc easwar (n=easwarh@unaffiliated/easwar)
17:25.09*** join/#gsoc G-Man (n=user@
17:25.56G-ManWill Google Chrome be part of GSoC 2009?
17:26.12*** part/#gsoc ranjith (i=root@
17:27.30*** join/#gsoc ntgrl (i=bsmith@p3m/member/integral)
17:28.09*** join/#gsoc mrs_spearce (
17:34.35*** join/#gsoc JefferyM (n=JefferyM@bzflag/projectadmin/JeffM)
17:38.50*** join/#gsoc solydzajs (
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17:43.34*** join/#gsoc robla (
17:49.02*** join/#gsoc vmassol (
17:51.51*** join/#gsoc freak_vishal (n=vishalga@
17:54.43*** join/#gsoc thiago_home (n=thiago@kde/thiago)
18:00.43*** join/#gsoc bgola (n=Bruno@
18:06.05*** join/#gsoc sanjiv (n=chatzill@
18:07.54*** join/#gsoc G-Man1 (n=user@
18:11.52*** join/#gsoc lewing (
18:13.19*** join/#gsoc bgola (n=Bruno@
18:22.45*** join/#gsoc virtuoso015 (n=vinay@
18:26.31*** part/#gsoc G-Man1 (n=user@
18:30.16*** join/#gsoc Erroneous (n=dtremena@about/essy/CrazyCoder/DTRemenak)
18:35.15*** join/#gsoc kane77 (n=kane@
18:38.02*** part/#gsoc freak_vishal (n=vishalga@
18:56.43*** join/#gsoc dhaun (
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19:14.11*** join/#gsoc juanescobarsamur (
19:26.17*** join/#gsoc pygi (i=Mario@
19:31.21*** join/#gsoc no_mind (n=orion@
19:35.38*** join/#gsoc bgola (n=Bruno@
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19:44.38*** join/#gsoc emet_ (n=jonathan@unaffiliated/emet)
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19:45.48*** join/#gsoc bgola (n=Bruno@
19:46.36*** join/#gsoc schumaml (i=schumaml@
19:48.10*** join/#gsoc alunduil (n=alunduil@
19:48.36*** join/#gsoc bfirsh (
19:50.29*** join/#gsoc jgay (
19:55.55*** join/#gsoc lewing (
20:09.28thiagossGeneric english question: is it "more than one is" or "more than one are" ?
20:09.54thiagossPlural, I suppose, right?
20:09.55lhmore than one is
20:10.05*** part/#gsoc juancaescobar (
20:10.09lhthe verb refers to one because of separation of "than"
20:10.11lhso singular
20:10.32*** join/#gsoc vmassol (
20:10.32*** join/#gsoc allisterb (
20:10.32*** join/#gsoc welterde (
20:10.32*** join/#gsoc ajuonline (n=ajuonlin@unaffiliated/ajuonline)
20:10.32*** join/#gsoc nrp (
20:10.32*** join/#gsoc LawnGnome (n=adam@unaffiliated/lawngnome)
20:10.32*** join/#gsoc Mek (n=marijn@
20:10.32*** join/#gsoc CompBrain (n=wan@pdpc/supporter/student/CompBrain)
20:10.32Landon^ never ceases to amaze
20:11.20thiagosslh: thanks :D
20:11.30lhthiagoss: my pleasure
20:11.32lhLandon: how goes?
20:11.46Landon"work" :)
20:12.04Landonis trying to fix the apps that were made over the summer and mysteriously broke
20:12.11Landonwell, the django app mysteriously broke :(
20:12.16Landonthe other one is just fine!
20:12.48lhdid the latest django release cause breakage or is it another bork?
20:13.03Landonlooks like an apache/modpython bork
20:13.15Landonat least from the error logs
20:14.05Landonthis is probably the most maintenance these apps will ever get though... just doing it because I can't find anything else to do :P
20:16.20lhLandon: help with melange :p
20:16.58Landonwe'll see
20:17.00LandonI'd really like to
20:17.31*** join/#gsoc wadeb|w (
20:17.35LandonI have 3 classes involving some form of programming this semester, maybe that'll help me get into the flow :P
20:18.25Landon(some assembly, some c#, and some matlab, but goodness knows I'd love to get some python in :( )
20:18.53lhLandon: sounds cool.
20:20.02*** join/#gsoc oxigen (
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20:42.32*** join/#gsoc jag_haxxan (n=andresp@
20:52.21*** join/#gsoc smtms (n=sometime@
20:55.29*** join/#gsoc MatthewWilkes (
21:15.08MatthewWilkesDamnit!  1GBP is less than 1.40USD now.  The days of cheap imports from threadless are over
21:15.32MatthewWilkesCongrats on your regime change, btw USAians.
21:17.04MatthewWilkesIsrael are officially the international pariahs now :)
21:17.12MatthewWilkes(Worst use of :) ever))
21:17.49LandonUS is it's own national pariah now if my roommate is to be believed :P
21:28.24*** join/#gsoc lewin1 (
21:57.26*** join/#gsoc arhan (n=ant@
21:58.43*** join/#gsoc no_mind (n=orion@
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22:36.19*** part/#gsoc virtuoso015 (n=vinay@
22:41.55*** join/#gsoc z4chh (
22:43.45z4chhIs there any information out for the 2009 gsoc?
22:44.05*** join/#gsoc RT|Chatzilla (n=rt@reactos/tester/RT)
22:44.05thiago_homeit's a go
22:44.30thiago_homeand there will be less orgs
22:44.36thiago_homethat's about as much info as there is
22:44.51z4chhwhat is the estimated deadline for applying?
22:44.57z4chhmiddle march?
22:45.12thiago_hometimeline is not known yet
22:45.20thiago_homelook at last year's and make your own conclusions
22:56.42*** join/#gsoc thiagoss (n=thiagoss@
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23:45.39*** join/#gsoc mithro (n=tim@unaffiliated/mithro)
23:45.39*** mode/#gsoc [+o mithro] by ChanServ

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