IRC log for #gsoc on 20081207

00:00.24mlankhorstThey try to export it
00:00.30mlankhorstbut us produces low grade crap :(
00:00.37mlankhorstfortunately they protest it in holland
00:02.05Landonsummatusmentis: I was thinking more in the terms of how much US consumption of cropular/meatular products is from 'local' farmers and ranchers
00:02.43summatusmentisLandon: 'local' being defined how?
00:10.29lhhas become rather suspicious of the US food supply of late
00:10.32lhwell more suspicious
00:10.43summatusmentisbased on what?
00:11.07lhi dont know.
00:11.46lhi guess too much pondering on how much it costs to buy 'clean' food. i think eating food that is not laced with carcinogens is more of a right than a privledge of wealth and being able to afford to go to whole paycheck i mean whole foods.
00:12.18scorchelh: but everything is a carcinogen in california...
00:12.41mlankhorstlh: Costs zero at google mtv
00:13.26lhmlankhorst: that doesn't really help everyone else though. and i dont always eat here.
00:13.31lhscorche: i suppose it is everywhere.
00:13.41mlankhorstCould always migrate to europe
00:13.52lhmlankhorst: have definitely considered it
00:14.19summatusmentislh: the whole 'whole foods' 'natural' etc. seems like marketing to me
00:14.26antaruslh: buy a farm ;)
00:14.32summatusmentisthat doesn't mean I don't buy it when I can, but still
00:15.04mlankhorstlh: I just didn't like the US :(
00:15.13mlankhorstThey consider you a criminal if you enter
00:16.14mlankhorstwill probably not visit again
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00:20.17lhantarus: actually i think i'd like to. but that's a lot of work.
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00:22.23mlankhorstlh: It's sad :(
00:25.11lhmlankhorst: it is.
00:25.46mlankhorstUK isn't much better, fastly becoming a police nation
00:26.37mlankhorstnl is still sane'ish
00:31.19lh<3's .nl
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00:32.52Landonsummatusmentis: local as in inside the US
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00:34.27mlankhorstThey have this electronic patient dossier they want to push through though :(
00:35.20lhmlankhorst: electronic patent dossier?
00:35.45lhah, that makes sense
00:36.31mlankhorstfor health care
00:36.38mlankhorstso everyone gets to be in this single point of failure..
00:36.39lhi guess such things are inevitable
00:37.55Landonsummatusmentis: I guess more to te point is, do you not eat all meat (seafood excluded :P) just because of the etc, etc, or all meat that you don't know the origin or the origin is suspect?
00:37.59mlankhorstBut things like security will probably suck
00:38.07mlankhorstso everyone's health info will be on the street..
00:38.30Landongrew up on a ranch/farm fwiw
00:38.47lhmlankhorst: with dna analysis getting cheaper it would be like that soon enough anyway wouldn't it? well to some extent
00:38.51lhLandon: good for you.
00:39.30mlankhorstlh: No more like things 'intimate conversations with psychologists' 'medicines used' , etc
00:40.20Landonjust saying, that I might have a bit of a biased view here
00:40.47mlankhorstSo all the things that shouldn't be public are suddenly public to all doctors
00:40.53lhmlankhorst: ah. see i dont have trouble talking about that stuff. i figure it can be requested under the patriot act, so there is no real privacy anymore here.
00:40.59mlankhorstOfficially they need a patient's consent, but it could be abused...
00:41.01lhmlankhorst: sigh. that's not so good.
00:41.04lhLandon: agreed.
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06:09.48summatusmentisLandon: I don't eat all meat
06:09.54summatusmentisbecause of the etc. etc.
06:12.06Landongoes to bed :P
06:12.12Landonbig fun day tomorrow
06:12.27r0bbystudy or slack off
06:12.34r0bbyI love the word "cox"
06:12.38Landonits the weekend, slackattack
06:12.53Landonits what I'm doing until 6 or so tomorrow, heh
06:13.20r0bbyCalc 2 final on Wednesday
06:13.51r0bby"Cox" in scrabble w/ a double word score :D
06:14.16r0bby12 point word :D
06:14.21r0bbyX is 8 points :D
06:15.00Landonbut you dont use all 7 letters
06:16.01r0bbyI have a game going w/ a friend
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06:16.43r0bbyhe's pwning me with obscure words
06:16.49r0bbyI mean REALLY bad
06:16.56r0bbylike 133 to 430+
06:24.04ajuonlinegood morning all
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20:55.37sudvabalishelp me surprise my girlfreind, watch this video on youtube, thanx!
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