IRC log for #gooseproject on 20121024

00:14.59herlokj4ohh: hola
00:19.49herlois here for da meetin'
00:20.23kj4ohhis here too
00:20.31herlokj4ohh: glad to have you back :)
00:21.39goozbachevening folkses
00:21.46goozbachfires up his installer
00:21.51kj4ohhwaiting to get a good answer on stack overflow on my current issue with the one form field getting reset
00:22.17kj4ohhforgot about the install fest, will need to download it and install it in a virtual machine
00:22.49kj4ohhone guy responded to my question and told me since the form was submitting info back it's loosing the chosen item
00:23.22herlokj4ohh: yeah, get to downloading. We have time :)
00:23.24kj4ohhI replied back to him and pointed out that the add/remove buttons are not submit buttons and are being handled by jquery script
00:23.52kj4ohheverything is being handled client-side until you hit save or cancel
00:24.02kj4ohhwaiting for someone else to take a stab at it ;)
00:25.06herlokj4ohh: got a link?
00:25.08goosebotMeeting started Wed Oct 24 00:25:07 2012 UTC.  The chair is goozbach. Information about MeetBot at
00:25.08goosebotUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic.
00:25.31goozbach#chair herlo kj4ohh shalkie Nafai Nafai Gate zaytsev zoglesby_ kim27
00:25.32goosebotCurrent chairs: Gate Nafai goozbach herlo kim27 kj4ohh shalkie zaytsev zoglesby_
00:25.36kj4ohh#action downloading RC3 dvd iso so I can kick the tiers
00:25.47goozbach#topic roll call and whatca working on
00:25.47*** topic/#gooseproject by goosebot -> roll call and whatca working on
00:26.01herlois here!
00:26.02goozbachherlo: can you post a link to the tests and start divyying them out?
00:26.07kj4ohhis here
00:26.10goozbachI'll be back in just a min
00:26.12herlogoozbach: sure
00:26.14herlokj4ohh: thanks
00:26.22herlowill look at the kj4ohh link shortly
00:26.34herloinvites shalkie to take on some of this work too, and probably makfinsky too :)
00:26.53kj4ohh#action shaking the rust off of being away from GoOSe for a few weeks
00:27.20kj4ohh#action just finished removing the gooseadmin website's dependency on WTF Forms, using purse html form code now
00:28.31kj4ohhherlo:  if you checkout the gooseadmin code  make sure you grab the testing branch
00:29.22kj4ohhI've got Ubuntu 12.10 on my laptop atm
00:29.24herlokj4ohh: btw, do you have a problem moving those over into the gooseproject org?
00:29.51herloI was thinking it might get more exposure that way, though it could wait if you prefer.
00:30.12kj4ohhmove gooseweb/gooseadmin to gooseproject's github?
00:30.33kj4ohhhow would I move the repo?
00:30.49herlokj4ohh: we'd just make a repo over there, and then push your code there.
00:30.55herloyou could then 'fork' from gooseproject
00:31.01herloit's up to you
00:31.03kj4ohhah I figured it was something like that
00:31.16herloI also think you can do it directly in the admin
00:31.22herlobut I can't remember off hand
00:31.41kj4ohhlet me do a little bit more cleanup and I'll start moving that way
00:31.51herlothat's awesome
00:32.02herlokj4ohh: did you start downloading ISOs already?
00:32.19herlois trying to find out who has them downloaded.
00:32.24kj4ohhneed to get past getting the interface done and making it do actual stuff already (besides talking to github)
00:32.41kj4ohhit's not quite 50% downloaded
00:33.52herlocool. let me know when it's done
00:34.35kj4ohhdownloading virtualbox now
00:34.42kj4ohhwhen does fedora 18 come out?
00:35.01kj4ohhkeeps his laptop confused by constantly switching distros on it
00:35.48herlokj4ohh: december atm
00:36.15goozbachis firing up a virtualbox instance for goose
00:36.27herlok, time to divvy things out! :)
00:36.50herlonotes that he'd like to move all of the relevant testing stuff over to a wiki page on GoOSe.
00:38.17herloso here's what we've got. Simple stuff to start
00:39.11herlo -- kj4ohh
00:39.24herlo -- goozbach
00:41.33herlo -- herlo
00:41.38kj4ohhdownload done, virtualbox installed
00:41.47goozbachruning repoclousre
00:41.54goozbachtest roger that
00:41.58kj4ohhyou want me to test hash of iso I just downloaded?
00:42.02herlo -- kj4ohh
00:42.12herlo -- goozbach
00:42.19herlo -- herlo
00:42.50herlokj4ohh: exactly, follow the procedure above and replace Fedora with GoOSe. I'm going to take the results here and make sure we get them all documented
00:43.07herlo -- goozbach
00:43.21herlofigures we all can do these in under an hour.
00:44.38kj4ohhyou want me to download all the isos for rc3?
00:45.03herlokj4ohh: if you don't mind. You can delete them when done.
00:45.31herlowould have done that one, but he doesn't have them downloaded yet either.
00:45.38kj4ohhroger, the DVD hash checksum passed
00:45.50kj4ohhyou want me to post results of checksum here or elsewhere?
00:46.02herlojust do
00:46.04kim27where can I download goose and try it out?
00:46.07herlosomething like
00:46.31herlokim27: you can get it at
00:46.41kim27herlo, thanks
00:46.44herlogo into the 6.0 directory and you'll see Beta-RC3
00:46.58herlounder there are architecture specific isos you can download.
00:47.14herlokim27: that's the one we're testing now. Should be pretty solid, however.
00:48.05kj4ohhcurrently downloading 64-bit ISOs
00:48.18herlokj4ohh: awesome!
00:49.13kim27currently downloading
00:50.16herlokim27: great! :)
00:52.38kj4ohhherlo, you want me to do the boot test on all 3 (dvd, 4 cds, netinstall)
00:54.55goozbachrepoclosure test == sucess
00:55.12goozbach#info repoclosure test == success
00:55.24kj4ohhis going to get some h2o, brb
00:55.44herlokj4ohh: whatever you can get to is fine, btw
00:57.24kj4ohhI don't know if this is going to work out herlo, I have a meeting with the Bobs...  ;)
00:58.06kj4ohhhas been tempted to go office space on a couple printers lately
00:58.23herlohaha, I hear ya
00:59.14kj4ohhhad a printer that would not authenticate over the network, doublechecked all settings and everything was right
00:59.30kj4ohhfinally check the printer's time and it was a couple minutes off
01:00.01kj4ohhkerberos is a stickler on keeping good time
01:00.34goozbachkj4ohh: time for an NTP server no?
01:01.03kj4ohhI forget it's cutoff period, either 2 or 3 minutes this printer was just barely past the threshold
01:01.29kj4ohhthe base has it's ntp server setup wierd, it won't give you the time of day (no pun intended) if the computer is not on the domain
01:01.41kj4ohhwindows :(
01:02.00kj4ohhand it blocks you from using external ntp servers, even .gov servers
01:02.35kj4ohhwe have a couple of timeclocks that are using the base network's backbone but are not actually on the domain
01:02.59kj4ohhso the base ntp server won't give out time to them.. so I have to manually go over and fix the clock every so oftern
01:03.35kj4ohh#info almost done downloading isos
01:06.03goozbachI think I broke virtualbox
01:06.14kj4ohhruh rho
01:06.27kj4ohh#info isos download starting checksum verification
01:07.12herlogoozbach: lol
01:09.35kj4ohh#info sha256sum test passed on all ISOs:
01:09.49kj4ohh$ sha256sum -c GoOSe-6-x86_64-CHECKSUM
01:09.49kj4ohhGoOSe-6-x86_64-DVD.iso: OK
01:09.49kj4ohhGoOSe-6-x86_64-disc1.iso: OK
01:09.49kj4ohhGoOSe-6-x86_64-disc2.iso: OK
01:09.49kj4ohhGoOSe-6-x86_64-disc3.iso: OK
01:09.50kj4ohhGoOSe-6-x86_64-disc4.iso: OK
01:09.52kj4ohhGoOSe-6-x86_64-netinst.iso: OK
01:10.22goozbachtries to reboot
01:10.25goozbachle sigh!
01:11.35herlo#info potential conflicts results in quite a few
01:11.41kj4ohh#info beginning isomd5sum test on all ISOs
01:12.00herlo#info herlo working through conflicts now
01:12.44herlogoozbach: btw, if you want to use the new fpaste client that works with Fedora Infra, you can install it from updates-testing 'yum install fpaste' :)
01:13.11herlooh, I mean 'yum install fpaste --enablerepo=updates-testing'
01:16.28kj4ohhherlo, what's the difference betwen and  the latter seems to have more options
01:16.58herlokj4ohh: is going away
01:17.11herlopaste.stg.fp.o is going to be paste.fp.o soon
01:17.27herloand will be managed by myself and another fedora contributor
01:17.59herlopatched the current fpaste client to point to the new fedora paste service
01:19.24kj4ohh#info isomd5sum test passed on all ISOs:
01:19.38kj4ohhoh you using a desktop pastebin widget or something?
01:19.48herlokj4ohh: yes, it's called 'fpaste'
01:19.52herloyou can yum install it
01:20.05kj4ohhhas to apt-get install it at the moment ;)
01:20.25goozbachI've been pstig using gist
01:20.37herlogoozbach: check out jist
01:20.42herloit's a command line for gist
01:20.47herloworks pretty well
01:21.18kj4ohhhmmm no fpaste for deb/ubuntu
01:22.37kj4ohh#info all media checks have passed, moving on to boot tests
01:23.29herlo#info herlo is about done untagging conflicting packages.
01:23.42herloin truth, none of these affect the release though.
01:23.57kj4ohhso for the boot tests looks like all I have to do is get to the live desktop?
01:24.13kj4ohhor at least get to the install wizard?
01:24.14herlokj4ohh: what's the link?
01:25.29herlokj4ohh: yep. Simply put, it's that easy!
01:25.33herlolikes easy tests
01:27.51kj4ohhfor virtualbox should I set it up as fedora 64 bit or redhat 64bit? don't see a centos option
01:29.44herloredhat/centos/goose are all equivalent enough for that
01:32.49herlo#info w00t! http / url install works
01:33.33herlogonna be slow tho
01:33.48goozbachwe still worrying about the red progess bar for the graphical boot?
01:33.53goozbachdid we fix that?
01:34.05herlogoozbach: we didn't fix it, but we can if you think it's important
01:34.16goozbachlet's fix it for .1
01:34.21herlothinks we just need to patch plymouth
01:34.26herlogoozbach: file an issue :)
01:34.31goozbach#action fix red boot progress bar in plymouth
01:34.37goozbachshould be in main?
01:34.39herloand let's add some milestones for 6.1
01:34.42herlogoozbach: yes, main
01:34.44kj4ohh#info boot test passed on netinstall image
01:34.46goozbachor agains plymouth?
01:35.14kj4ohhcan't test installing it atm as I don't have an NFS share available
01:35.22herlogoozbach: I think we should keep them all in one
01:35.43herlokj4ohh: oh, I can probably do that part. Just make an #info for me
01:35.53herloand then an #action so I'll do it
01:36.25goosebotIssue OPENED - gooseproject/main: #1778 (replace plymoth red boot progress bar with goose branded one) <>
01:36.41kj4ohh#info need herlo to test installing the netinstall iso for GoOSe 6 RC3
01:37.10kj4ohh#action need herlo to test installing the netinstall iso for GoOSe 6 RC3
01:37.49goozbach#info Testcase install repository DVD default passes
01:38.42kj4ohhvirtualbox question how do you swap cd's?
01:39.09goozbachkj4ohh: little icon on the bottom of the screen
01:39.11goozbachlooks like a cd
01:39.16kj4ohh#info conducting boot test on RC3 DVD ISO
01:39.29kj4ohhah, it just occured to me, never had to do multi-cd on virtualbox lol
01:39.32herlokj4ohh: no
01:39.36goosebotRemoving item from minutes: <ircmeeting.items.Info object at 0x1b36950>
01:39.38goosebotRemoving item from minutes: <ircmeeting.items.Info object at 0x1b74cd0>
01:39.46herlokj4ohh: I need info from you saying what you did
01:39.55herloand an action for me to do the NFS install :)
01:40.16goosebotRemoving item from minutes: <ircmeeting.items.Action object at 0x1b74b50>
01:40.40herlogoozbach: mind if I do your info again?
01:40.45herlo#info Testcase install repository DVD default passes
01:40.54kj4ohh#info conducted boot test on GoOSe 6 RC3 netinstall, boot test passed and media test passed
01:41.12herlokj4ohh: btw, was that on both x86_64 and i686?
01:41.31goozbachohh, all of mine are only x86_64
01:41.32kj4ohhI only saw x64 on the download section
01:42.18herlothere's a i386
01:42.37kj4ohh#action herlo, I cannot currently test installing the netinstall ISO as I do not currently have an NFS server, can you test that for me?
01:42.58herlokj4ohh: haha, that's a funny action
01:43.10kj4ohhah I went to, clicked on goose 6 then iso and only saw 64bit
01:43.26herloyou clicked on goose then 6?
01:44.04kj4ohhoh nevermind
01:44.08kj4ohhthere is a 64bit dir
01:44.12kj4ohhthen an iso inside of that
01:44.19kj4ohhthen another 64bit dir
01:44.29herlowhat link is that?
01:44.31kj4ohhiso dir I mean
01:44.44herlooh, so only one 64 dir?
01:45.15kj4ohhwell now it looks normal
01:45.30herlohaha, okay
01:45.33kj4ohhis not feeling well, he can be ignored for the moment
01:45.46herlonot sure what you were seeing, but that is okay
01:45.47kim27hmmm, did I download the right version... :0/
01:46.02herlokim27: you are fine. There is only one Beta-RC3
01:46.14kj4ohhah I know where I tripped up
01:46.14kim27I failed to go into the beta dir
01:46.20kj4ohhI was hitting back button on browser
01:46.26herlokim27: it's okay, there's a symlink that points them to the same location
01:46.29kj4ohhnot same as clicking parent dir
01:46.47kim27herlo, thanks for confirming
01:46.47kj4ohhso my tests tonight will be for 64bit
01:47.03herlokj4ohh: okay. Get the 32-bit one too though :)
01:47.15herloand thanks for all the hard work
01:48.31kj4ohhvirtualbox was also tripping me lol
01:48.39goozbachsadly I've got to head out guys.
01:48.40kj4ohhI think after you do the media check it ejects the disc
01:48.56kj4ohhso when it finishes the test and you try to install it says there is no disc
01:49.02goozbachherlo: wanna post the unfisnished tests to the list and I'll hit one or two of them at a time this week?
01:49.10herlogoozbach: sure
01:49.15herloI don't think we have too many left
01:49.19herloonly just a couple
01:49.30herloI can go through the meeting minutes and figure out which didn't get done
01:49.46herlokim27: please let us know if you find any problems. :)
01:49.54herlogoozbach: wanna go to open floor now?
01:49.57kim27herlo, will do, still waiting for my downloads to finish up
01:50.05herlothinks the meeting is about done anyway.
01:50.20herlonotes both makfinsky and shalkie said they would join later on, but haven't yet :(
01:50.30herlokim27: no problem. and thanks for trying it out...
01:51.10kim27herlo, no problem
01:51.19herlo#topic open floor -- I think goozbach left
01:51.19*** topic/#gooseproject by goosebot -> open floor -- I think goozbach left
01:51.48herlokj4ohh: kim27: anything else you guys wanna discuss? If not, I'll close the meeting in 2 minutes.
01:51.52goozbachyah I'm out
01:52.01herlogoozbach: take care
01:52.02goozbachwhat's left for making this golden?
01:52.19kj4ohh#info boot test on 64bit DVD ISO passed, currently installing on virtualbox
01:52.20herlothese tests, and sign off from the team.
01:52.21kim27herlo, I don't have anything
01:52.40herlogoozbach:                        ^^
01:53.20herlogoozbach: and we need to have the qa tests run, explaining the missing/altered RPMs
01:54.05herlok, closing the meeting.
01:54.09herloThanks everyone for coming!
01:54.17*** topic/#gooseproject by goosebot -> GoOSe Project - | GoOSe 6.0 Beta RC3 is available -
01:54.18goosebotGoOSeProject Meeting ended Wed Oct 24 01:54:13 2012 UTC.
01:54.18goosebotMinutes (text):
01:54.18goosebotThank you.
01:54.18goosebotsending meeting email
01:56.21herlothank you, goosebot
01:56.45kj4ohhjust logged into newly install goose 6 rc-3 system!
01:57.07kj4ohhgoing to test 64bit cd install before calling it a night
01:57.42kj4ohhhash tags don't work after meeting closed right?
01:58.49herlokj4ohh: just post here and I'll watch for it anyway
01:58.54herlothanks again!
01:58.57herlograbs dinner
02:01.43*** join/#gooseproject bochecha (~mathieu@fedora/bochecha)
02:26.39kj4ohhherlo - all boot tests passed.  I even installed, on both dvd and cd images for 64bit
02:27.01kj4ohhfirst time through I installed on low memory (512mb) which forced it to do text-only install
02:27.13kj4ohhthen I bumped memory up to 2gb and did graphical install
02:27.19kj4ohhsee you tomorrow!
02:45.04kim27herlo, both x86_64 and i386 DVDs pass the sha256sum and the self test.
02:45.35kim27herlo, I did an install on both i686 and x86_64 and noticed that on reboot the disc is still in the drive for Virtualbox
02:46.19kim27herlo, I believe on CentOS 6.3 this isn't a problem, but my memory could be fuzzy
02:48.06kim27herlo, on firstboot when selecting ntp, it is currently point to redhat ntp servers.
02:51.50shalkieI am going to give it a try on QEMU and we will see if that is the case.
02:52.00shalkienotes that he was at a busy restaurant.
02:54.26shalkieDo we need CDs tested or are we good with DVD images?
03:07.25shalkielooks around for herlo
03:08.42herloshalkie: a bit late
03:09.27herlokim27: yeah, redhat servers are what we chose, but we'll eventually move to our own ntp pool
03:09.57herloshalkie: we need both DVDs CDs and netinstall/boot.iso tested
03:10.44kim27shalkie, are we missing any packages from the Redhat release?
03:11.05herlokim27: I have a list of packages that we're missing compared to upstream
03:11.16kim27herlo, is screen one of them?
03:11.31kim27er.. do you have that list somewhere?
03:11.40herlokim27: all of them are either proprietary or specific to upstream
03:11.56herlokim27: you know, I ran into that too, I think screen should be in our distro, but it doesn't appear to be missing.
03:12.10kim27herlo, I'm trying a kickstart script
03:12.23herlokim27: cool
03:12.24kim27herlo, I am also missing php-mysql
03:13.00herlojust completed minimal install
03:13.06herlokim27: is that during install?
03:13.12kim27herlo, yes
03:13.12herlokim27: or is that from yum?
03:13.18kim27during install
03:13.36herlokim27: there's the 'GoOSe installation repo' or whatever in the repos list during the install
03:13.48herloI think if you check that, you'll get those extra things. They are not part of the DVD iso
03:14.21herlois checking to see if screen and php-mysql are available from the repo, however.
03:14.25kim27herlo, so we are packaging the iso differently from CentOS?
03:14.54herlokim27: we are following what is on the DVD for upstream
03:14.59herlocentos is *not* the upstream
03:15.25kim27herlo, fair enough, I am not familiar with upstream as much. I use CentOS on a daily basis
03:15.34herlokim27: it's also possible I need to add more options
03:15.50herlokim27: indeed. That may be the direction we need to go
03:18.54kim27herlo, have you had any problems with anaconda crashing?
03:20.16herlokim27: nope
03:20.23herlokim27: did it crash for you?
03:20.42kim27herlo, yeah, my kickstart is trying to modify the timezone settings and it says that it is a read only filesystem
03:21.25herlosays what is a read-only fs?
03:21.31kim27herlo, Read-only file system: '/mnt/sysimage/etc/localtime'
03:21.34herloI have modified timezones successfully
03:21.53herlokim27: that is odd, wanna post your kickstart? I can try it out...
03:22.23herloshalkie: let me know if you need any help.
03:23.52kim27herlo, unfortunately, I can't, but lemme try and track down where it is having a problem. I think it might actually be in a package I am installing
03:23.54shalkieHmmm... Yeah, I will. right now I am just trying a netinstall. I hit a hiccup, but that could be something I did.
03:23.57shalkieChecking right now.
03:24.23kim27shalkie, I had a hiccup when doing the kickstart where the i386 didn't detect the network until I shutdown and started over
03:24.26herlokim27: okay.
03:24.42herlokim27: can you pastebin it?
03:25.08herlolike could work, just a simple copy/pasta operation
03:25.29kim27herlo, it might be in a custom rpm
03:25.35shalkiekim27 that sounds similiar.
03:25.56herlokim27: sure, okay. I can just do a kickstart from a default one...
03:28.02herlokim27: the kickstart is all I was asking for, sorry for any confusion. :)
03:28.23kim27herlo, it is a little more complicated than a timezone setting...
03:28.40herlokim27: oh, sure. I was just thinking I could test it here too :)
03:29.53kim27that is the kickstart roughly
03:30.43herlooh, cool. Thx
03:31.15herlokim27: you are in Boise?
03:31.25kim27herlo, no, Orem
03:31.41herlokim27: oh, I think we discussed this :)
03:31.44kim27herlo, I am getting the rpm detail that may have caused some issues
03:31.46herlouses America/Denver
03:32.01kim27uses America/Denver except this kickstart script for some weird reason
03:32.07herlokim27: oh, okay. You can add repo in your kickstart to help btw
03:32.20herlokim27: haha, I see.
03:33.30kim27herlo, looking for weird rpm that may have caused issue
03:34.22herlokim27: something like this:
03:34.27herlokim27: k, let me know.
03:35.22kim27herlo, yeah, that would help with the missing packages
03:36.58kim27herlo, so the weird rpm does this..
03:37.19herloyeah, that's not going to work
03:37.24herlowhat rpm is that? Something custom?
03:37.31kim27herlo, yeah, it is a custom rpm
03:37.36herlofix it! :)
03:37.44kim27but long story short, without the rpm it installs correctly
03:38.03kim27herlo, the behavior is different between Centos 6.3 and GoOSe which is why I mentioned it
03:38.23kim27herlo, any reason that isn't going to work?
03:38.44herlokim27: hmm, really?
03:39.08herlowell, I'm wondering if it was a bug in CentOS 6.0. We are not to 6.3 yet
03:39.14kim27herlo, possible
03:39.25herloI guess I shouldn't say it shouldn't work
03:39.29kim27herlo, so kickstart script works though
03:39.31herlogoes to look at something
03:39.40kim27herlo, KDE install works on x86_64
03:39.47kim27herlo, gnome install works on i386
03:42.00kim27herlo, not sure cause I don't use KDE much, but is the root folder in dolphin supposed to be red, or did you want to theme that?
03:42.01herlokim27: I just noticed on my vm that the alternate consoles do not work properly
03:42.28herlokim27: the idea there is that you aren't supposed to login to a desktop as root
03:42.54kim27herlo: root "file system"
03:43.00kim27I guess dolphin calls it root
03:43.01herloshalkie: when doing an install, can you try ctrl+alt+f{2,3,4,5} ??
03:43.15kim27herlo, works for me
03:43.19herlokim27: I don't use kde, so it shoudl be whatever upstream did.
03:43.36herlokim27: the alt+Fn keys work for you?
03:43.50kim27herlo, the work for sure when I have no gui
03:43.57kim27herlo, are you using virtualbox?
03:43.59herlohmm, I'm doing a gui
03:44.03herlono, kvm
03:44.07shalkieI have been switching using alt-< and alt-> arrows.
03:44.10herloisn't a big vbox user
03:44.21herloshalkie: text only install?
03:44.59shalkieI am apparently having issues, all my big hands faults so far, and haven't found NFS server yet.
03:45.36herloshalkie: what does that have to do with the price of tea in China?
03:46.15kim27shalkie, you can also use an http server to do a net install
03:46.27herlokim27: but there's a test for NFS specific install
03:46.37kim27herlo, fair enough ^_^
03:46.52herloguesses that shalkie is trying to do that...
03:47.58kim27thinks configuring nfs is not fun
03:48.15herlohaha, I guess...
03:48.30shalkieI am.
03:48.31kim27herlo, great work you guys
03:48.49kim27herlo, I guess I really haven't found any *real* issues with the release so far
03:49.20shalkieTerminals seem to be present, but I haven't gotten to stage2.img so there is not bash on tty2 and no commands invoked by python for output on tty5.
03:52.54kim27herlo, yeah, I confirmed that the install works under CentOS 6.2 with that weird rpm.
03:53.09kim27herlo, so it may just be a Redhat 6.0 bug
03:55.24herlokim27: I'll dig into it, mind filing an issue for me?
03:57.13kim27herlo, ha ha, that was the link I scrolled way up looking for
03:58.21herlosorry :/
03:58.45herlothanks for your help for sure, it's awesome!
04:01.03goosebotIssue OPENED - gooseproject/main: #1779 (When doing a kickstart script install, a package that modifies the timezone may cause anaconda to crash.) <>
04:01.39herlois trying to figure out how the 'GoOSe Linux 6 repository' came to be in the anaconda.
04:04.50shalkieherlo: On a side note: You thinking about getting in on the new SLC Transistor location?
04:22.36kim27herlo, I didn't find any tickets on a similar issue
04:23.05kim27herlo, I did a few searches here for #1779
04:23.09herlokim27: right, thanks though
04:23.39herlokim27: I'm digging through anaconda code right now, in fact.
04:23.41kim27herlo, was hoping it was as simple as, oh hey, this was problem on xyz date, and now it is fixed
04:23.58herlois trying to find something else, though.
04:29.15herlokim27: so I have a question about 1779
04:29.36kim27herlo27, yes?
04:29.49herlowhy does this package modify /etc/localtime?
04:30.24herlowhen anaconda does this, it seems that it's set in a configurable item, then applied on boot or something.
04:30.49kim27herlo, it was the fastest solution to some code that could use a bit of clean up
04:31.02kim27herlo, the problem occurs when the package is not installed via a kickstart script
04:31.28kim27if the system timezone doesn't match the application's timezone, misleading information can be generated
04:31.40kim27herlo, basically causing a work storm to occur
04:31.51herloso, the application *forces* a timezone change?
04:31.55kim27herlo, the proper solution would be to fix it so the timzones can mismatch
04:32.01kim27herlo, basically
04:32.25herloeven though it could mean that it's set in anaconda and then changed right back...
04:32.54herlookay, thanks
04:33.16kim27herlo, I bet anaconda's behavior changed, because in the later release the timzone is set correctly
04:33.40kim27or silently handles the error
04:34.05kim27herlo, the bigger concern is if the filesystem for some reason is considered "read only". Seems like a weird error message to me
04:34.17herlokim27: yeah...
04:34.37herloperforming a text install now to see if I can tinker
04:36.12kim27herlo, I'm downloading CentOS 6.0 install disc to see if I can repeat the issue
04:36.25kim27herlo, if so then we can invalidate the ticket as resolved up stream.
04:38.41herlotrue that
04:38.50herloI'm still digging, either way.
04:42.51kim27herlo, this indicates even if the crude timzone change is being made it should be a copy, not a sym link.
04:43.15kim27will fix the timezone change tomorrow
04:45.32herlokim27: I've always done symlinks
04:45.44herlothat's like RHL 9, not even RHEL
04:50.40kim27herlo, figured the trace might be helpful as I wait for the centos download
04:50.59herlobut I'm not able to replicate it so far
04:52.28herloyeah, I can't replicate it by hand. Will have to try with an rpm that does that in the post.
04:52.41herlokim27: does the RPM require tzdata?
04:52.55herloI'm wondering if it's trying to remove a file that doesn't exist
04:53.32kim27the rpm suceeds in making the link to UTC
04:53.40kim27also line 3414 Installing tzdata-2010l-1.gl6.noarch
04:54.18kim27line 3831: Installing example-0.8-1.el6.x86_64
04:54.24herlooh, example is your rpm?
04:54.33kim27herlo, renamed it
04:54.37herloor at least, the renamed version :)
04:54.42herloyeah, makes sense
04:55.15herlowill have to do a kickstart and include an extra rpm that does what yours does to see if he can replicate it.
04:55.33herlobecause I have done most of it and it's not having the same problem
04:55.51kim27herlo, so I think the problem may be a chroot issue
04:56.33kim27so the sym links points to /usr/share/zoneinfo/UTC
04:56.34herloare you doing %post --chroot?
04:56.41kim27herlo, no
04:56.51herloit might need to point to /mnt/sysimage/usr/share/zoneinfo/UTC
04:57.05herlokim27: er --nochroot, rather
04:57.08kim27herlo, yes and no
04:57.20kim27on reboot the symlink is correct
04:57.36kim27anaconda is operating outside of the chroot
04:57.53kim27while my package was inside of chroot
04:57.55herlothe kickstart doesn't, unless you tell it to
04:58.08herloyeah, that's odd
04:59.20kim27herlo, my guess is that the timezone setting inside of anaconda is happening at a different time in later versions, the newer version catches the error, or finally, the newer version isn't even trying to set it
05:01.08herlocould be, I don't know where anaconda does that work. I do know that with pungi, it's all on the DVD, so you could find out by digging through that code.
05:03.17herlokim27: keep in mind, we're hoping to move through updates next, once we get this release out the door. :)
05:03.35herlowhich there are two more updates
05:03.36kim27herlo, hence the reason I am going to see if CentOS 6.0 had the same problem
05:03.57kim27herlo, 10 minutes for the download to finihs
05:04.15herloand at least one would be an update to 6.0, before 6.1 :)
05:04.18herlokim27: aye.
05:05.02kim27herlo, but I did learn, copy, no symlink the localtime
05:05.19herlothis stuff is always good that way
05:05.26kim27herlo, and I outta make the kickstart agree with the rpm at least
05:06.47kim27shalkie, night
05:07.05herloshalkie: sleep is for wimps :)
05:07.27shalkieToday, I cop to wimp. :-)
05:08.07kim27really kicks the llamas a...
05:08.15herlolol, winamp!
05:08.40kim27hmmm wimp == winamp == bedtime shortly here.
05:08.58herlokim27: haha, okay
05:09.13kim27herlo, gonna do this install. I've only got 4 minutes left
05:09.30herlokim27: yeah, no worries
05:09.56kim27herlo, I've been up since like 1 or 2, can't recall which of them
05:11.05herlodedicated soul
05:11.33kim27herlo, I think it is called OCD
05:11.51kim27and what happens when you take the wrong herbal tea at one in the morning
05:11.52herlohaha, that doo
05:11.59herlooh, boy!
05:12.21kim27herlo, yeah, I was so wired.
05:13.02kim27herlo, but year, this problem we stumbled across is related to my day job, so I figure it is worth looking into
05:14.57kim27herlo, install is kicked off, now to wait
05:16.55kim27too bad it doesn't happen until the end of the install, but kickstart scripts are awesome because there is very little I have to do
05:17.40herlolove 'em
05:20.34kim27475 of 476
05:22.02kim27herlo, are you ready for the news?
05:22.44kim27herlo, 6.0 just sucks
05:22.48kim27ditch it as soon as you can
05:22.58herlokim27: did it fail on centos too?
05:23.05kim27herlo, sure did
05:23.17herlois happy to ditch 6.0 soonish
05:23.24herlojust gotta build all the updates
05:23.35herlothanks for testing!
05:24.02kim27no problem
05:24.11kim27might recommend picking up a centos 6.0 copy for testing ;-)
05:27.58kim27herlo, night
05:30.46herlokim27: yeah, maybe for comparison, it might be a good idear
05:30.52herloheads to bed
11:38.47*** join/#gooseproject Nafai (
11:39.13*** join/#gooseproject makfinsky (~imak@fedora/makfinsky)
12:12.11makfinskyGoOSe morning, and doh!
15:10.13*** join/#gooseproject makfinsky (~imak@fedora/makfinsky)
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16:14.41*** join/#gooseproject figg3 (
16:31.12herlomakfinsky: GoOSe!
16:31.24herlomorning all
20:01.02kim27Morning all
22:29.12herlohi there
23:14.20*** join/#gooseproject kj4ohh (~kj4ohh@
23:16.22herlowell, ain't this fun! :)
23:17.37kj4ohhis there any way to have like an irc proxy like I can run on my server so when I'm not on irc I can see chat traffic while I'm gone?
23:17.46kj4ohhI don't idle in irc on my laptop like I do on my desktop
23:18.14kj4ohhjust checked i386 isos and sha256sum passed
23:19.44herlokj4ohh: rocking
23:20.08herlokj4ohh: there's a proxy called dircproxy. If you are using irssi, I know one is built in, though I've not used it ever.
23:22.20kj4ohhcheckisomd5 on the 386 ISOs passed as well
23:27.13kj4ohhthere is no way of doing inplace upgrade on yum right?
23:27.18kj4ohhno apt-get dist-upgrade
23:27.29kj4ohhI just did a yum update and all it downloaded was goose-logos
23:27.50kj4ohhI belive I have goose RC2 loaded on home server
23:27.55kj4ohhlives on the bleeding edge
23:29.51herlokj4ohh: you can do an inplace upgrade
23:30.31herlokj4ohh: the updates should just happen when you type 'yum update'. This is assuming you have the right repository config.
23:32.13kj4ohhjust install dircproxy on server, looking at config
23:32.21kj4ohhlet me check repos
23:42.49herlokj4ohh: should work
23:42.57herloyou only needed to show me the GoOSe repo :)
23:46.12kj4ohhand only need to do yum update?
23:55.25kj4ohhhmmm, yep it only updated goose logos
23:56.29herloyum list which
23:56.33herlowhat is the output of that?
23:56.55kj4ohhyum list which
23:56.55kj4ohhInstalled Packages
23:56.55kj4ohhwhich.x86_64                                    2.19-5.2.gl6                                     @anaconda-GoOSe-201205061000.x86_64/6.0
23:56.55kj4ohh[root@stargate etc]#
23:57.06herlooh, right
23:57.26herlokj4ohh: hang on
23:58.28herloyum list which --showduplicates
23:58.47herlokj4ohh: try that one
23:59.01kj4ohhInstalled Packages
23:59.01kj4ohhwhich.x86_64                                    2.19-5.2.gl6                                     @anaconda-GoOSe-201205061000.x86_64/6.0
23:59.01kj4ohhAvailable Packages
23:59.01kj4ohhwhich.x86_64                                    2.19-5.1.gl6                                     GoOSe
23:59.03herloactually has to go shortly
23:59.29herloyou may have already updated to the latest though
23:59.52kj4ohhhaven't updated in a long time unless there was an auto-update option, don't remember

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