IRC log for #gooseproject on 20120905

00:00.45kj4ohhI went to OLF for a couple years until SELF got started
00:00.51kj4ohhmuch cheaper to go to SELF for me ;)
00:02.52zoglesbykj4ohh: I enjoy SELF more, but I think OLF is cheaper to get to (but I am not sure)
00:04.55kj4ohhlives in the southeast
00:09.47herlozoglesby: I don't think I am
00:10.05herlobut it might happen. I was going to be doing some OLFI stuff, so far I haven't heard confirmation.
00:11.05zoglesbyherlo: it seems like most of the folks I know that go are not this year
00:12.30kj4ohhif the meeting starts and I am not here I am working on javascript/jquery integration into the gooseadmin website
00:15.39herlozoglesby: I did go last year
00:15.45herlokj4ohh: awesome!
00:15.57zoglesbyherlo: yes, we walked to Italy
00:16.05herlozoglesby: aha, yes. Right! :)
00:16.11herloforgot you were there
00:16.21herloit was such a crazy weekend for me
00:16.45zoglesbyyou drove from KY or something didnt you?
00:31.39herlo#startmeeting weekly
00:31.39goosebotMeeting started Wed Sep  5 00:31:39 2012 UTC.  The chair is herlo. Information about MeetBot at
00:31.39goosebotUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic.
00:31.39*** topic/#gooseproject by goosebot -> (Meeting topic: weekly)
00:31.53herlo#chair shalkie zoglesby kj4ohh makfinsky goozbach
00:31.53goosebotCurrent chairs: goozbach herlo kj4ohh makfinsky shalkie zoglesby
00:32.00herlo#topic whatcha going to work on?
00:32.00*** topic/#gooseproject by goosebot -> whatcha going to work on? (Meeting topic: weekly)
00:32.02shalkieI am here and chaired!
00:33.09shalkieSo I am going to keep poking the koji build. Try to understand it a bit better.
00:33.18kj4ohhis here but preoccupied (playing a game)
00:33.31shalkieI forgot my kickstart script for kicking off installations though.
00:33.51shalkieSo I will just play around with some VM's.
00:38.50herlokj4ohh: thought you were working on javascript/jquery stuffs
00:39.04herlowil be here for support and will be looking at the qa scripts a bit more tonight
00:40.26herlo#topic Get to work!
00:40.27*** topic/#gooseproject by goosebot -> Get to work! (Meeting topic: weekly)
00:40.57kj4ohhis multiatsking ;)
00:41.37herlono worries
00:41.41herloLeonIV: welcome
00:49.25shalkieMaybe herlo puts some time in on skein? *nudge nudge* *wink wink*
01:22.07*** join/#gooseproject LeonIV_ (ad0eed8d@fedora/LeonIV)
01:28.58*** part/#gooseproject LeonIV (a8b33c71@fedora/LeonIV)
01:29.40LeonIVherlo: ping
01:53.09*** join/#gooseproject bochecha (~mathieu@fedora/bochecha)
01:58.22herlois slow
01:58.26herloLeonIV: hello
01:58.38herloshalkie: what would you like to have me do on skein?
01:58.46LeonIVI found the source for the script I was using for qa
01:59.18LeonIVI tweaked it a little to do ldd for binary files and remove some of the headers I didn't care if they changed.
01:59.21herlocool, this will be extremely helpful!
02:00.27LeonIVI'll see if I can find the script changes I made when i did my qa
02:05.27shalkieherlo: Get oauth working? :-P
02:05.37herloshalkie: no, you
02:05.43herloshalkie: I have plenty to work on.
02:08.46herlo#topic progress report people!
02:08.46*** topic/#gooseproject by goosebot -> progress report people! (Meeting topic: weekly)
02:09.04herloshalkie: kj4ohh zoglesby herlo, report!
02:11.45herlokj4ohh: report!
02:12.16kj4ohhfound a jquery module to help out with the user roles gui
02:12.31herloshalkie: any progress?
02:12.38herloplans to close the meeting in 8 minutes
02:13.09shalkieEh... Nothing worthy of reporting.
02:14.25herloshalkie: okay
02:14.34herloclicks kj4ohh's link
02:14.50herlokj4ohh: very nice
02:15.01herloanyone else have anything to report? We'll leave it open for a few more minutes
02:15.17herlonotes he didn't do anything too useful tonight, unfortunately.
02:15.37kj4ohhnot much goose work done over the weekend....
02:16.18herlono worries on that
02:16.22kj4ohhsince I'm going to try to use that multiselect jquery module I'm going to see if I can get rid of the WTForms dependency
02:16.53shalkieherlo: Regarding Oauth support in Skein: Do you really want a unskilled hack like me doing that? There would probably be more work fixing what I break instead.
02:17.41herloshalkie: that's why you fork and send a pull request
02:17.45herloI'm happy to help you learn :)
02:17.53herlolikes patches and pull requests
02:18.05herlo#topic open floor
02:18.05*** topic/#gooseproject by goosebot -> open floor (Meeting topic: weekly)
02:18.17shalkieslaps the SUSE Yast virt stuff with a fish!
02:21.12*** topic/#gooseproject by goosebot -> GoOSe Project - | Get Beta RC2 -
02:21.12goosebotGoOSeProject Meeting ended Wed Sep  5 02:21:09 2012 UTC.
02:21.12goosebotMinutes (text):
02:21.12goosebotThank you.
02:21.12goosebotsending meeting email
02:21.17herlothanks for coming everyone
02:21.22herlosee you next week
02:21.29herlotakes the kids to the park
03:01.51herlois back
03:02.14shalkieWelcome back herlo.
03:02.32herloshalkie: gee, thanks :)
03:11.57herloshalkie: so maybe we could grab coffee on Saturday, or even possibly Friday night if you wanna.
03:13.51shalkieAye sir, either of those should work.
03:14.26shalkieAre you feeling morning personish lately?
03:16.23herlowhy do you ask?
03:16.36herloand you pick the day, I'm easy going.
03:16.40shalkieCause that would make it saturday morning. ;-)
03:17.51shalkieEh Saturday morning is probably the best schedule wise. Say 10am?
03:22.15shalkieHmmm... Well these things are going to take some time to install.
03:22.32shalkiebegins packing up.
03:25.12shalkieAlright, I am out of here for the night. See ya in a bit.
03:25.16shalkieis commuting.
03:25.32shalkieErm... something like that...
07:50.38zaytsevgoozbach: herlo: have you seen already?
07:52.12zaytsevone way to spare work on documentation is just to describe the infra in a declarative fashion, e.g. use puppet, however, i'd say i'm getting tired of the amount of work it imposes of small deployments of a couple of machines. i was hinted that this thing is totally hot.
07:52.18zaytsevlike puppet without puppet
08:09.06herlozaytsev: I have. I'm using salt instead, however. I think there may possibly be room for both down the road.
08:10.00herlosalt is also declarative, and simpler overall to read. It is still a bit immature, but I think using it helps them along the road as much as it helps us.
08:10.48herloHowever, documentation is in my mind much more about the description of the infrastructure. I mean, how do you build the packages, how does the lookaside cache work for koji, etc., etc.
08:11.08herloOnly so much can be done with something like salt/ansible/puppet/etc.
08:11.54herlois late to bed, so he had better try to sleep now.
08:35.14shalkieYes sleep....
08:35.19shalkiegoes back to Hulu
09:01.10zaytsevherlo: right, but this kind of documentation has nothing to do with re-doing the infra per se. i was referring to your plans of redoing the infra and documenting along the way...
09:04.05zaytsevherlo: aha, i have yet to have a look at salt as it appears. looks like it's nowhere as mature, but keeping an eye on new stuff is always good.
12:56.23*** join/#gooseproject figg3 (
13:31.29*** join/#gooseproject LeonIV (a8b33c71@fedora/LeonIV)
13:36.17goozbachzaytsev: I've been working with the ansible project for quite a while
13:36.39goozbachI just finished the selinux module for 0.7 actually
15:21.52herlogoose morning
17:35.24herlogoozbach: ping
17:36.25herlogoozbach: unping
17:41.26herlonotes he's messing with goosebot again
17:41.27*** join/#gooseproject goosebot (
17:43.16*** join/#gooseproject goosebot (
18:03.01*** join/#gooseproject goosebot (
18:07.36*** join/#gooseproject goosebot (
18:07.48goosebotherlo: Admin, Channel, Config, Hubie, MeetBot, Misc, Owner, Plugin, Seen, Unix, User, and Utilities
18:07.54herlo.list Hubie
18:07.55goosebotherlo: That plugin exists, but has no commands.  This probably means that it has some configuration variables that can be changed in order to modify its behavior.  Try "config list supybot.plugins.Hubie" to see what configuration variables it has.
18:08.06herlo.config list supybot.plugins.Hubie
18:08.08goosebotherlo: #description, #pathmaps, #port, and public
18:10.24*** join/#gooseproject goosebot (
18:12.00herlo.config list supybot.plugins.Hubie
18:12.02goosebotherlo: #description, #pathmaps, #port, and public
18:32.48goosebotIssue OPENED - gooseproject/main: #1766 (test issue) <>
18:33.02herlowelcome to the new world of issue management with Hubie!
18:36.22goosebotIssue CLOSED - gooseproject/main: #1765 (test issue) <>
20:15.56*** join/#gooseproject makfinsky (~imak@fedora/makfinsky)
22:27.43*** join/#gooseproject Sparks (~Sparks@fedora/

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