irclog2html for #gnu-kbsd on 20070322

00:25.41*** join/#gnu-kbsd aurel32 (
01:05.32agdoes someone actually know where a svg or an eps version of the horned-logo is located?
01:20.10aurel32ag: I doubt there is such a version
01:25.21agaurel32: has it been edited directly with gimp on a jpg file?
01:30.31KiBiag: If you've got a vecto version of the debian logo, I guess that my gf could add the horns.
01:37.21agKiBi: well,
01:37.53KiBiag: Hmm, well, that was a bit rhethorical :)
01:38.04KiBiThe question was mostly if you wanted me to ask her to :)
01:38.35agit'd be nice to have the vectorised version :]
01:39.57KiBiGonna ask her in some hours.
01:40.02KiBiFeel free to poke me in the morning. ;-)
01:40.39aurel32ag: I don't know the full history, but I have been said it has been done quickly as a joke from one of the debian women
01:41.36agaurel32: i heard the same, probably by you now that i think of it...
02:03.55*** join/#gnu-kbsd sinned- (
02:16.01*** join/#gnu-kbsd Firehand ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
02:16.01*** join/#gnu-kbsd CIA-7 ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
04:16.15*** join/#gnu-kbsd asac_ (n=asac@debian/developer/asac)
09:03.09*** join/#gnu-kbsd plutonas (n=user@
10:13.06*** join/#gnu-kbsd otavio (
10:13.32*** join/#gnu-kbsd otavio_ (
10:13.47*** join/#gnu-kbsd otavio__ (
10:15.32*** join/#gnu-kbsd otavio (
11:53.08*** join/#gnu-kbsd plutoway` (
12:06.48agKiBi: poke :]
12:07.18KiBiGood job, ag. :)
12:15.45KiBiag: Just FTR: pstoedit -f plot-svg fichier.eps fichier.svg
12:16.04KiBi(I didn't know about how to open EPS files in inkscape some minutes ago ;-))
12:19.43*** join/#gnu-kbsd bahadunn (n=bahadunn@
12:26.07*** join/#gnu-kbsd nyu_ (n=rmh@
12:44.29agKiBi: you should have asked me that
12:44.42agKiBi: also consider adding -ssp
12:44.47KiBiI googled on inkscape+eps :-)
12:45.39agKiBi: -ssp will avoid filling the inside of the letters with other objects
12:45.59KiBi(Forwarded "upstream" :))
12:46.16agKiBi: excellent ;D
12:50.07KiBiag: : any preference?
12:51.28agKiBi: huhu, the first one :]
12:51.38ag(left side)
13:02.21KiBiag: final.
13:14.35KiBiag: If you need it, licensed under the same terms as the original logo.
13:29.05agKiBi: sure, thanks to your girlfriend ;)
13:32.24KiBiag: [14:31:06] rore: (de riennnnnn :))
14:46.55*** join/#gnu-kbsd plutoway` (
23:00.20*** join/#gnu-kbsd nyu (n=rmh@unaffiliated/nyu)

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.