irclog2html for #gnu-kbsd on 20061031

01:12.16*** join/#gnu-kbsd otavio (
11:29.34*** join/#gnu-kbsd Penix (n=wenas@unaffiliated/penix)
13:02.29*** join/#gnu-kbsd otavio (
13:08.57*** join/#gnu-kbsd jharrisonwk (
15:54.17tarzeaumaybe now that etch is delayed, lzma can get into dpkg into etch anyways?
16:33.53*** join/#gnu-kbsd davux_ (
16:34.00davuxhi :)
16:35.34davuxI'm going to install debian gnu/kfreebsd on my laptop.. anything important to know that are not listed in the FAQ or the docs?
16:35.41davuxor not up2date anymore?
16:38.46tarzeauyes it's fine
16:38.49tarzeauinstall it, using the cd
16:41.56davuxI'm seeing that wireless doesn't work atm
16:42.13davuxer wireless scanning
16:42.31davuxwhich is annoying for a laptop
16:43.02davuxI guess I should give it a try on a computer that is not my main one (and moreover not a laptop)
16:43.25davuxany thoughts?
16:48.38davux(my card is a broadcom 4318 btw)
17:10.47tarzeaugot no real network card?
17:10.56tarzeauor make it dualboot on your main one?
17:19.29davuxwhat do you mean by 'real'?
17:19.32davuxoh ok
17:20.38davuxI do, but it is often useful to sniff around wireless networks
17:21.16davuxand I don't like multiboots in general
17:22.05davuxbut I'll have a desktop computer in the next months, so I'll install debian-kbsd on it
17:22.51tarzeauone with cable
21:41.53*** join/#gnu-kbsd Firehand (
22:50.40*** part/#gnu-kbsd davux (

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