irclog2html for #gnu-kbsd on 20050902

00:16.54*** join/#gnu-kbsd jharrison (n=jharriso@
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10:52.34tarzeauchecking gcc version... configure: error: 4.0.2, bad
10:52.35ging_counterCurrent ging-0.0.2.iso.gz downloads: 2942
10:52.38tarzeaui've never seen something like that
10:55.48nyutarzeau: mplayer?
10:56.21tarzeaunope, opencubicplayer
10:56.36nyuwell, just find out which gcc versions are good for it
10:56.47nyutry with CC=gcc-3.4
10:57.21nyuthis isn't gnu/kfreebsd is it?
10:57.27tarzeauyes it is
10:57.31nyui mean, gnu/kfreebsd-specific
10:57.40nyui think it'll probably break on gnu/linux too
10:57.55tarzeauno it worked on non4.0 gcc linux, and it works on freebsd
10:58.10tarzeau(maybe not this version i try, not sure, but i know it works on freebsd)
10:58.12nyuah, non4.0
10:58.20nyudoes it works on debian sid?
10:58.25tarzeaunot with 4.0
10:58.39tarzeauotherwise, yes, i've built it there, a month or two ago
10:58.47nyui would send an RC bug
10:58.58tarzeauto whom?
10:59.06nyuto the package that FTBFS
10:59.15tarzeauheh, it's not yet in sid :)
10:59.22tarzeauand i've told upstream already about it
10:59.25nyuah, right
11:00.02*** join/#gnu-kbsd jharrison (n=jharriso@
12:09.56*** join/#gnu-kbsd SoleKiller (
12:11.26SoleKilleris there a linux/kOpenbsd?
12:12.31shaymaybe you mean GNU/kOpenBSD
12:12.34shayand no, not yet
12:12.39shaybut you're invited to start it
12:12.50SoleKillerill betatest it hehe
12:13.01SoleKillerim not so good with bash
12:13.31SoleKillerur name sounds israelie
12:13.45SoleKilleru r
12:14.33*** join/#gnu-kbsd jharrisonwk (
12:14.55shayyeah, I am
12:14.58SoleKillerneeda register 2 pm
12:15.35SoleKillerpeople say freebsd is as unsafe as linux
12:16.03SoleKillerso its hard for me to see the motive to make a debian based on a bsd kern
12:16.45SoleKillerwell i know that motto make a toaster run linux just coz you can
12:17.44SoleKillerbut is there any other rreason?
12:18.49nyuSoleKiller: performance, stability, clean interfaces
12:19.09SoleKilleri thought debian did that well
12:19.23nyuthat's unrelated
12:19.32nyuDebian is a distribution, we're comparing kernels here
12:19.34shaywe're talking about the kernel
12:19.58SoleKillerlinux does that well i mean
12:20.03shayand I'll stay neutral, don't like kernel wars <g>
12:20.10SoleKillerthe 2.6 kern is quite good
12:20.23nyuwell, yes
12:20.29nyukFreeBSD is quite good, too.
12:20.33nyuwhat's you point?
12:20.39SoleKillerthe openbsd kernel on the other hand ownz the shit outa those 2
12:20.54nyuas for interfaces, I find some of the interfaces in the Linux kernel quite messy
12:21.25SoleKillerif you talk about documentation freebsd is better at that aswell
12:21.41nyulike SCSI transport (I don't say it, it's Schily who does)
12:21.53nyuor /dev handling
12:22.04nyuthere are three implementations of /dev for Linux, and all of them suck
12:22.28SoleKillerabout the symbol
12:22.34nyudevfs would be nice if the path names weren't all fucked up
12:22.34SoleKillerwhich logo will u use?
12:22.45shaythe problem with the sg interface is that Schily hates linux *grin*
12:22.50SoleKillerbeastie or gnu?
12:22.58nyuI don't think we need a logo for the full thing
12:23.06nyubut Ging has one already:
12:23.34SoleKilleri have that webpage open already
12:23.40SoleKillerbut that logo looks messy
12:23.43nyushay: he hates GNU.  he also talks bad about Linux as collateral damage ;)
12:24.10nyuSoleKiller: Schily
12:24.40nyuthere's another logo, see
12:24.49nyubut we didn't make either of these ourselves
12:25.08SoleKillerthats a good one!!!!!!!!
12:25.24shaynyu, yeah, I remember all the flame war back in linux 2.5 devel, when the sg driver was written from scratch and then they moved to ide-cd
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12:25.51SoleKilleryou are elite kernel hackers
12:25.53nyushay: I haven't got much into this, I just mentioned what Schily says
12:26.00nyushay: he's quite an authority on the matter ;)
12:26.04nyuSoleKiller: not really
12:26.14shaySoleKiller, I'm not
12:26.23nyuwe don't do much kernel hacking.  just a few tweaks to fit with gnu userland
12:26.26shaySoleKiller, I'd love to, but I'm doing military service, don't have time
12:26.49SoleKillerim getting drafted soon aswell
12:26.55SoleKillertrying to get into the navy
12:27.03SoleKillerif ill have time at the army ill buy a laptop
12:27.43shayI have one, but I won't take it to the army
12:28.00SoleKillerwhy not?
12:28.10shayno way, worked to hard for it
12:28.26SoleKillerprolly afraid youll break it
12:29.15shayor lose it
12:29.29shayor steal
12:29.45shayplus, I don't have time
12:29.59SoleKillerwhere are you located?
12:30.23SoleKilleryou get to move settlers?
12:30.50shaywe moved already, but to kerem shalom, with is like 500 meters from the strip
12:30.56shayand we'll stay there until next year or so
12:31.07SoleKillernot fair
12:31.16SoleKillergaza is a hellhole
12:31.19shaywe're the last unit to move
12:31.35SoleKilleri wont be surprized if youll meet beastie over there
12:33.41nyuI wouldn't work at anything in gaza for any amount of money in the world
12:34.14shayit's the law down here
12:34.18shaythey don't really ask you
12:34.24shayand they don't pay you neither
12:34.40nyuwtf, you risk your life and they don't even pay you?
12:34.45shay(just like, 140$/month if you're a warrior)
12:35.01nyuyou can't, erm, flee?
12:35.10SoleKilleryoull go to jail
12:35.17shayI can say that I'm mentally ill or something
12:35.28shaybut that would fuck my future up (at least in this country)
12:35.32nyuI mean, flee outside of the country
12:35.36SoleKillerbut then you wont ge to work at alot of diffrent places
12:35.39nyuto western europe, for example
12:35.48shaynah, I like this country
12:35.51SoleKillerthey will anounce you as a
12:36.01shayplus, already did 50% of the service
12:36.14shaysacrificed too much already
12:38.07SoleKilleranyways no metter where you get to serve
12:38.12SoleKilleryou serve with freinds
12:38.19SoleKillerand you get alot from being in the army
12:38.23SoleKillerno metter what shit the feed ya
12:38.50SoleKilleri saw ppl changing for the better after joining the milletery
12:39.13SoleKillerits like collage
12:39.21SoleKilleronly you suffer a great deal
12:42.11shaySoleKiller, where do you live in .il?
12:42.45shayisn't that near jlm?
12:42.57shayhow near?
12:43.05SoleKillerits in the middle of modiin
12:43.11SoleKillerthey serrounded us
12:43.22shaynah, not that near
12:43.24SoleKillerhalf an houre from jerusalem
12:43.26shaylike half an hour?
12:43.48SoleKillerits in the middle of the road betwine telaviv and jerusalem
12:43.52shaywe (the jerusalem linux user club) are having a meeting this motzash
12:44.01SoleKillerwhere they used to throw rocks
12:44.19shayso I wanted to invite you
12:44.22SoleKillerim afraid i wont be able to be there
12:44.22shaybut you're too far
12:44.28SoleKilleri have a gibush in yom rishon
12:45.10SoleKillerif i wasnt goiing there i whould have prolly been at that meeting
12:45.32SoleKillerw8 something is wrong with the sentance
12:47.18SoleKillerwhat do they do at thos elinux meetings?
12:47.23SoleKillerplay around with linux?
12:47.47SoleKilleri have never attanded such a meeting
12:47.58shayben ha shaar
12:48.11shaywe talk, program projects, talks and such
12:48.22shaywe give talks at the hebrew university
12:48.29shayand have a meeting once every two weeks
12:48.36shayoto davar
12:48.49shayI'm programming to give a talk in my next regila
12:48.55shaylike in two or three weeks
12:49.03shaycontinuing a talk I gave in the last one <g>
12:49.34SoleKillerlike ur logo
12:51.22shaythe next talk is programmed to be about wireless security (back when I gave that talk there wasn't WPA and such, just WEP)
12:51.53SoleKilleri saw that book thingie
12:51.58SoleKilleri can give a linux book i have
12:52.24SoleKilleri read only about wep
12:52.31SoleKilleryou can hack wep in 10 min
12:53.14shayanother one who read the whoppix article..
12:53.14shayanyway, check the forums too, brb
12:53.15SoleKillerthey even published a short movie
12:53.20SoleKillerits not whoppix anymore
12:53.23SoleKillerits whax
12:53.25SoleKilleri have the iso
12:53.31SoleKillerwell i burned it
12:53.51shayI made my own debian-based live disc with all the tools I need and such
12:53.57shaytov, kvar chozer
12:55.24nyuwe have one of those (ging)
12:55.36nyuif you have any suggestions for package additions in ging, let me know
12:55.53SoleKillerprolly security stuff
12:56.04SoleKilleri love network security
12:56.10SoleKillerlike umm
12:56.24SoleKillerand umm
12:56.25nyui think pr is included
12:56.32nyubal00: is pr in base still?
12:56.49SoleKillerpublic relations?
12:56.58nyuSoleKiller: if you want, you could make a list of security-related tools you'd like to have in ging, and send it to glibc-bsd-devel
12:57.02nyui'll have a look later
12:57.08nyuapt: pr?
12:57.54SoleKillerput ssl support btw
12:58.14SoleKilleralot of ppl use jabber and msnm with gaim and need to install that suff
12:58.19SoleKillerif you can
12:58.26SoleKilleri used whax and they didnt put it in
12:58.38SoleKillermaybe its considers unsecure
12:58.41nyuerm, i meant to say pf
12:58.46nyuapt: pf?
12:58.48aptsomebody said pf was pink floyd, or a BSD packet filter (not related to Pink Floyd)
12:59.25SoleKilleris that a quate bot?
12:59.30nyuapt: pf is also (no, that's not related to Pink Floyd either)
12:59.31aptokay, nyu
12:59.53nyuapt: bot?
12:59.54aptI ain't no stinkin' bot.  I am a finely tuned and hand crafted tool.  Oh wait... I guess I am a bot (that you should not abuse).
13:00.23jharrisonwkapt: code?
13:00.24aptmethinks code is relatively stable right now, and I think we're going to see lots of changes
13:00.27aptI ain't no stinkin' bot.  I am a finely tuned and hand crafted tool.  Oh wait... I guess I am a bot (that you should not abuse).
13:00.28tarzeauSoleKiller: why do people say freebsd is as unsafe as linux?
13:00.34tarzeauanything is no more safe than its users
13:00.36jharrisonwkapt: pf?
13:00.37apthmm... pf is pink floyd, or a BSD packet filter (not related to Pink Floyd), or (no, that's not related to Pink Floyd either)
13:00.44shayPF is teh ownz
13:00.53shaythat's what I have in my firewall machine
13:01.06tarzeaui have depeche mode oggs on my firewall machine
13:01.11tarzeauwhich does only some redirects and NAT
13:01.19shayandromeda:shay {84} uname -a;uptime
13:01.19shayOpenBSD 3.6 GENERIC#59 i386
13:01.35SoleKillerid like to see the livecd you made
13:01.52nyuapt: ging?
13:01.54aptging is probably Not Ging, or a Live distribution based on Debian GNU/kFreeBSD (see
13:01.54shaydon't have bandwidth for that
13:02.01shaycome to the next meeting and I'll hand you a copy
13:02.03nyushay: buy a cheap CD online
13:02.44nyu2.49 pounds (whatever the fuck a pound is..)
13:03.01jharrisonwknyu: 16 ounces
13:03.03nyusounds like it must be cheap, though
13:03.07shaynyu, it's my upload which sucks
13:03.12nyujharrisonwk: vade retro ;)
13:03.12shayI have 1.5 down
13:03.29nyuso what's the prob?
13:03.29jharrisonwknyu: 48 grams in an ounce
13:03.45SoleKillerii have 0.75 down
13:03.59nyujharrisonwk: how many euro is that?
13:04.00SoleKillersplit into 3 pcs
13:04.11SoleKillervia a router that runs bsd!
13:04.18shaynyu, SoleKiller wanted me to send him the ISO of my livecd
13:04.18SoleKilleri fingerprinted it
13:05.03*** join/#gnu-kbsd azeem (
13:05.28SoleKilleri wont know wha to do with it but i still wona play around
13:05.34SoleKilleri like network security
13:05.42SoleKillerwoot woot
13:05.44jharrisonwknyu: I dont know prices for europe
13:05.56nyulike most live systems, ging is not very useful for anything other than playing around
13:05.59jharrisonwknyu: here 7 or 8 grams is about 20 bucks
13:06.00SoleKilleri know a hamburger costa alot at britin
13:06.13nyujharrisonwk: you're confusing me
13:06.15jharrisonwknyu: of high quality shit
13:06.24jharrisonwknyu: oh talking about ganja
13:06.25nyujharrisonwk: I don't buy shit
13:06.41nyui meant english pounds, the currency unit
13:06.41SoleKilleri dont buy ganja
13:07.35jharrisonwkI dont anymore either
13:07.50jharrisonwkbut thats how I know about grams and ounces and pounds
13:07.57SoleKilleryou have your freinds to do it 4 you?
13:08.05jharrisonwkI stopped all that 5 years ago
13:08.13jharrisonwkim clean as clean can be
13:08.40SoleKilleras cllean as crack cocain
13:08.50jharrisonwkcrack kills man
13:08.59SoleKilleryeah im aware of that
13:09.15SoleKilleri know how to make it
13:09.33jharrisonwkI dont like drugs
13:09.39SoleKillerme nither
13:09.44SoleKillerits still cool to play
13:10.05jharrisonwkdebian/kfreebsd is cooked much the same way that crack is
13:10.45SoleKilleri can develope hybrid shit!
13:11.01SoleKiller*nix os man
13:11.03jharrisonwkthe higher the grade the better
13:11.10shayand that's how you want to go to the navy?
13:11.17shaythey'll make you drug tests and shit
13:11.31SoleKilleri dont do drugs man
13:11.39SoleKillerim just fooling around
13:11.42jharrisonwkdrugs are so 5 years ago man
13:11.53jharrisonwkcoding and *nix are where its at now
13:11.56shaydrugs are going to be in a couple of years
13:12.00jharrisonwkthats where I get my FIX from
13:12.33jharrisonwkI like to inject the *nix and c code directly into my system
13:12.57SoleKilleri like to inject sql right into my database
13:13.55jharrisonwkpython makes my head swin
13:14.06jharrisonwkits so groovy
13:14.22SoleKillerits a ploody snake!
13:15.01jharrisonwkI dont like snakes
13:15.04SoleKillerhowcome when i got here it was so dry and now everyone is chatting?
13:15.13SoleKillermaybe im just hellusinating
13:15.18jharrisonwkcause this channel is like that
13:15.22SoleKillerfrom the sql i injected
13:15.34SoleKillerprolly not
13:15.48SoleKillerim not supposed to do computer crimes befor the army
13:15.53SoleKilleror the will banush me for good
13:15.54shayPugs is teh real shite
13:16.04jharrisonwkSoleKiller: maybe the army is not worth it then
13:16.23SoleKillerguess you werent in israel much then
13:17.32jharrisonwkSoleKiller: nope im in bahamas
13:17.43jharrisonwkSoleKiller: where are you from?
13:18.26shaybahamas is cool
13:18.26SoleKilleryou wont know my city anyways
13:18.51SoleKillernot many israelies have a clue where it is located
13:19.08shaybecause it's not a city
13:19.17SoleKillerits a settelmant
13:19.19SoleKillera legal one
13:19.40shaybath time
13:20.25jharrisonwkSoleKiller: I heard the palistinians said they have won a victory in gaza but they wont be happy until they have taken the entire land of israel
13:21.01SoleKillerthey always say that
13:21.14SoleKillerwhen theyll have theyr own land
13:21.21SoleKillerthats the time when they will be put to test
13:21.34SoleKillerand if they wont stick to theyr words and maitain peace
13:21.46jharrisonwkwell that just goes to show you that they say we will be happy if all israelites get out of gaza
13:21.47SoleKillerthat is the time when we whould be ready to whipe em out
13:22.04SoleKilleras the chose to destroy us as a nation and not as a small group of ppl
13:22.06jharrisonwkand now they are all leaving gaza and they say well sure but we want all the land
13:22.11jharrisonwkthey just want to cause trouble
13:22.24SoleKillerim aware of that
13:22.39SoleKillerthey are cumfterbul with the situation
13:22.45SoleKillerthey get free shit from the un
13:22.56SoleKillerand get to bend the law and break it even
13:23.02jharrisonwkall sons of ishmael are like that
13:23.11SoleKillerim not sure
13:23.11jharrisonwkhatred for israel
13:23.18jharrisonwkits nothing new
13:23.25SoleKilleri know some muslems that dont care about that
13:23.29jharrisonwkthis has been since thousands of years ago
13:23.32SoleKillerbut they drink alchohole and stuff
13:23.56SoleKillerare you jewish or something?
13:25.42SoleKilleri love my cauntry and all and im happy you have such a strong opinion but seriouslly
13:27.14SoleKilleri tend to be neutral as i dont want to get into fights and its not a relevent issue 4 me at the moment
13:31.01jharrisonwkSoleKiller: im not jewish
13:31.08SoleKillerwhat are ya?
13:31.16jharrisonwkSoleKiller: a gentile
13:31.30jharrisonwkSoleKiller: im bahamian born and raised
13:31.36SoleKillerwhat is your relligion?
13:32.46shaychristian surely
13:32.52jharrisonwkSoleKiller: I follow Jesus
13:33.09SoleKillerfunny relligion
13:33.10shayI was reaised with christians
13:33.35shayI mean, in a jewish comunity, but in a country of christians/catholics
13:33.48shayso most of my friends followed jesus
13:34.02shayVenezuela, south america
13:34.17SoleKillerthe cha cha cha land
13:34.26shaymoved to Israel when I was 13
13:34.52SoleKilleri ahve never met a none jewish person till i was 17
13:34.58jharrisonwkthe Bible says that israel are God's people even though they have turned their back on God
13:35.06jharrisonwkand that if you curse israel you are cursed
13:35.14jharrisonwkand if you bless israel you are blessed
13:35.26SoleKillerthe kuran says the same man
13:35.31jharrisonwkand because I follow God I will never be an enemy of israel
13:35.34SoleKilleri talked to some muslems
13:35.45jharrisonwkI dont follow the kuran
13:35.53shayIsrael is a sacred place for most of the religions
13:35.55jharrisonwkand im aware of what it says
13:35.55SoleKillerbut the kuran follows you
13:35.58shayJerusalem specifically
13:36.07jharrisonwkI have studied other religions
13:36.18jharrisonwkbut the Bible is the only one I believe is the truth
13:36.30SoleKillernew testemony or old?
13:37.09jharrisonwkSoleKiller: I read both but the new testament is for the times we live in
13:37.37SoleKillerthe new testament is written in slang
13:38.23shayare you religius, SoleKiller ?
13:38.35jharrisonwkim not religious by the way
13:38.46shayme neither
13:39.05shayI pray sometimes, but I'm not too religius
13:39.11jharrisonwkim spiritual
13:39.12SoleKilleri eat swine
13:39.15jharrisonwkbut I dont follow religion
13:39.45shayI follow coke and coffee
13:39.58SoleKilleri follow my tail
13:41.15SoleKilleri follow the ways of the sith
13:41.20SoleKillerjin the dark side
13:41.37jharrisonwkthe sith will never stand
13:41.55SoleKilleryour jedi skills are no match for my powers of the dark side!
13:42.14SoleKillernow yaung skywalker
13:42.20SoleKilleryou shall die!!!!
13:42.49nyucan you move this to #starwars, #judaism, or something like that?
14:50.13shaynyu, party pooper
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18:44.50jharrisonwkis there a channel appropriate for showing ultrasounds of my baby?
18:45.02jharrisonwk#ultrasound perhaps or maybe #baby?
18:49.44jharrisonwkI dare not post the link
18:56.32shayyou can paste an ASCII version of the ultrasound at #flood
20:04.50SoleKilleri dont think they approve of such a thing
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20:58.31stuhm, nice
20:58.36stuone CD installation
21:04.32stuanyone noticed that backspace doesn't work in vim on the console?
21:04.35*** join/#gnu-kbsd red_cpu (n=Matoou@
21:10.58Heinkelthat might be the same problem freebsd has
21:11.17stulet me boot up freebsd
21:11.21Heinkelvim has an extrange behaviour by default
21:11.36Heinkelyou'll have to edit your .vimrc
21:13.05stunope, vim 6.3 works fine by default on freebsd 6.0-beta3
21:13.17Heinkelwell, mine didn't
21:13.26Heinkelat least with 4.x something
21:13.40Heinkelwhen I upgraded to 5.3 just copied the file
21:13.48stuvim from ports...?
21:13.57Heinkelset backspace=2 <- i think it's this one
21:14.06Heinkelbut i'm not sure, i have lots of lines i don't know what they do
21:14.25Heinkelmm iirc yes
21:15.11Heinkeltry it, and if it doesn't work.. it's something else ;)
21:15.27stunope, it isn't that
21:16.34stustty erase ^H does the trick
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21:34.27stukfreebsd:~# apt-cache show gnupg | grep Depends
21:34.31stuis that intentional?
21:34.55stuotherwise one can install gnupg without installing libbz2:
21:34.59stukfreebsd:~# gpgv
21:34.59stugpgv: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
21:35.37stugnupg has dependencies on i386:
21:35.38stu$ apt-cache show gnupg | grep Depends
21:35.38stuDepends: libbz2-1.0, libc6 (>= 2.3.2.ds1-21), libldap2 (>= 2.1.17-1), libreadline5, libusb-0.1-4 (>= 2:0.1.10a), zlib1g (>= 1:1.2.1), makedev (>= 2.3.1-13) | devfsd | hurd
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