IRC log for #gllug on 20150215

01:27.50*** join/#gllug Leeds (
04:57.31*** join/#gllug ChoHag (~mking@
07:54.24*** join/#gllug quaisi (
09:18.35*** join/#gllug agk_ (agk@nat/redhat/x-wdzsmyhprbqbjxzu)
09:26.50*** join/#gllug mindbndr (
13:59.58*** join/#gllug dgeary2 (~portlandi@
16:04.14*** join/#gllug ChoHag (~mking@
19:22.11*** join/#gllug yaMatt (~yaMatt@2a03:b0c0:1:d0::4b:c001)
20:30.37*** join/#gllug hexhaxtron (
20:30.46hexhaxtronyaMatt, hi!
21:03.17yaMatthey hexhaxtron
21:03.38hexhaxtronyaMatt, I'm looking forward to buy a desktop.
21:03.43hexhaxtronCould you help me find it?
21:03.58yaMattoh yeah? I can try
21:04.03yaMattnot bought a desktop in a very long time
21:04.08yaMattwhat are your requirements?
21:04.45hexhaxtronI want it to have 8-cores, 32GB DDR4, 512GB SDD and graphics with 8GB GDDR5 for about 1000 or 1500 pounds.
21:05.02hexhaxtronDo you think it's possible to find?
21:05.08hexhaxtronI'm not having luck on Google.
21:05.30ChoHagMake one.
21:05.37ChoHagYou're only problem is probably the graphics.
21:05.39yaMattyeah, definitely make one
21:06.01ChoHagBut unless you have penis problems, they're basically irrelevant.
21:06.04yaMattthat's a pretty powerful machine
21:06.23hexhaxtronChoHag, I don't like messing with hardware, I may smash a pin of the processor when trying to plug it in the socket for example.
21:06.39ChoHagAlthough only half the RAM (so far).
21:06.50ChoHaghexhaxtron: They're stupidly simple these days.
21:07.13ChoHagI think Intel got tired of people whinging at them and trying to get free replacements.
21:07.36yaMattyeah, they're quite simple
21:08.09ChoHagEverything's pretty well built these days. I'm fairly sure my similarly-specced machine was well under 1500.
21:08.18yaMattplus you won't pay over-head, or have to deal with crappy customer service
21:08.20ChoHagBut I bought the bits a year or so ago.
21:08.22hexhaxtronOnce I built my own computer buying piece by piece and assembling it and... I remember I was mining bitcoins and in the next day the processor burnt... it was such a waste of 1000 pounds...
21:08.44yaMattI'd send it back
21:08.51yaMattsounded faulty
21:08.51hexhaxtronI did.
21:09.09hexhaxtronAnd then I sold it for about half the price to another guy.
21:09.30hexhaxtronIt had a lot of problems and I got tired and sold it.
21:09.44ChoHagAnyway I have to go.
21:09.46yaMattwhen you buy high spec machines the depreciation is pretty terrible
21:09.54hexhaxtronTake care!
21:10.07ChoHagBut my advice is to a) build your own, and b) buy 2 drives and RAID them rather than splurging on graphics.
21:10.24ChoHagEspecially if you buy SSDs. They don't go a bit bad, they just fail hard.
21:10.37yaMattthing is any company I would recommend has terrible service
21:10.50ChoHagOr if you're feeling adventurous, zfs instead of regular raid.
21:11.19hexhaxtronSSDs are not durable?
21:11.24ChoHagThey're very durable.
21:11.38ChoHagBut if/when they fail, they fail suddenly and completely.
21:12.02yaMattmy colleague did have a partial failure, it just mounted as read-only
21:12.17yaMatthe spent 2 weeks reading and writing tiny files on disk XD
21:12.29ChoHagI have 3 (4?) running in various home machines now and 1 which is in pieces because it died and I haven't sent it off for data recovery yet.
21:12.54ChoHagOf all the spinning discs I've had which died I've been able to do the recovery myself.
21:13.01hexhaxtronData recovery is expensive...
21:13.23ChoHagSSDs basically throw a "Fuck you. I'm out." and you never hear from them again.
21:14.37yaMattI've replaced the PCB on HDDs before to get them working again, but I figure if you lose data you haven't got a good enough backup strategy
21:15.06ChoHagShe didn't, no.
21:15.14yaMattyup :)
21:16.18ChoHag"Sorry, $wife, this copy of all your pictures and files is completely dead. You'll have to restore from your backups."
21:18.03ChoHagAnyway. Bed time for me.
21:18.45yaMattI could only recommend HP but I suspect you won't get the memory you require
21:19.40hexhaxtronI think I have to wait about 1 year to find such things.
21:20.26yaMattnot really seeing much movement in the desktop market
21:20.33yaMattthey don't really care any more
21:21.31hexhaxtronyaMatt, do you know easy ways of making money online?
21:22.45yaMattheh, wish I did
21:23.19hexhaxtronWould you like to make money reviewing songs?
21:23.25hexhaxtronI get some cents for the referral.
21:23.56yaMattna, I don't really have the time
21:33.11*** join/#gllug quaisi_ (
21:53.46*** join/#gllug dgeary2 (~portlandi@
23:20.12hexhaxtronyaMatt, you there?

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