IRC log for #gllug on 20140703

02:01.42*** join/#gllug infobot (
02:01.42*** topic/#gllug is Greater London LUG | Next meeting: Today (7th June 2014) |
02:06.02*** join/#gllug infobot (
02:06.02*** topic/#gllug is Greater London LUG | Next meeting: Today (7th June 2014) |
05:37.31ChoHag What is this shit?
05:37.37ChoHagI have to get the hell off of linux.
06:46.57morsingLinux sucks
06:49.52ChoHagMore by the day.
07:12.49*** join/#gllug ess_tee_u (~NULL@2001:8b0:908:6a91:12fe:edff:fe24:450)
08:28.11cbzthe gui side of things is shit
08:28.16cbzreally really shit
08:28.22cbzand an unconfigurable mess often
09:17.56ChoHagYou know dbus has leaked into freebsd via xorg?
09:18.24ChoHagAnd udev or some similar pointless layer of abstraction.
09:43.43*** join/#gllug chrisp (wibble@nat/redhat/x-oxfudtkxrpilksrc)
10:56.06*** join/#gllug Elleo (
10:56.37*** join/#gllug Armand (~martin@
11:00.13*** join/#gllug ess_tee_u (~NULL@2001:8b0:908:6a91:12fe:edff:fe24:450)
12:02.49*** join/#gllug dick_turpin (
12:04.44dick_turpinmorsing: I'm still waiting for you to pop round for a coffee.
12:25.29ArmandNice BB gun. :P
12:30.57dick_turpinIt can still do some damage. :-)
12:43.26ArmandI love my BB gun.. It's a pump-action, shotgun style.
12:43.44ArmandOnly fires one at a time though
12:45.45ArmandSame model, but without the stock.. Completely black.
12:49.13dick_turpinIt's this one only apparently the girl in the shop made a mistake and gave him the metal one instead of the plastic one
12:51.09ArmandI've seen a lot of gas-powered in metal.. typically the springers are plastic.
12:51.35ArmandI'm not sure if I would trust a gasser in plastic.
12:56.12dick_turpinThis was all metal as far as I know? You put the gas in the magazine which I'm sure was metal but I'll ask the lad when he gets off the phone
12:57.45ArmandDo want this.. >
12:58.26dick_turpinArmand: He says it's metal
13:04.37dick_turpinHe paid £70 for his but as I say he thinks the girl made a mistake and gave him the better one for the price of the plastic one.
13:05.14ArmandShweet. ^_^
13:05.37ArmandI'd love to get some decent airsoft kit, but most of my money is going into the wedding.
13:07.47dick_turpinWe went to the shop (Use this like Google maps you can walk round the shop. Amazing!)
13:08.57ArmandI've not seen anything like that in London. O_O
13:16.25dick_turpinSoft as it sounds I actually like the feel of this old thing
13:16.44dick_turpinI wasn't that interested in the machine guns
13:17.27dick_turpinArmand: How about a minigun?
13:18.13ArmandFeckin' heck!
13:18.34ArmandNot nearly as hefty as the price tag. :P
13:18.53dick_turpinThey had this on display
13:19.18dick_turpinThe magazine was like a 40ft container!
13:44.19ChoHagdid the court just hear "this one small company is helping to serve malware".
13:49.07ArmandWhat, Facebook ?
13:50.14dick_turpinNa, he mean No-IP
13:53.07dick_turpinThing is No-IP are not telling the full story and it's a slight cockup from Microsoft's point of view as well. MS went after the domains but most of No-IP's users are hiding under a morass of Sub-Domains so when they took down the top level names all the little silver fish was screwed too.
15:22.09ChoHag... the British were not very interested in having a strong [gsm] encryption. And after a few years, they protested against the high security level that# was proposed.
15:22.15ChoHagYay us!
15:22.48ChoHagThe British argued that the key length had to be reduced. Among other things they wanted to make sure that a specified Asian country should not have the opportunity to escape surveillance.
15:23.08Leedsoh, how I want to apply this to my site and freak the *fuck* out of my boss :D
15:24.05ChoHagI find it amusing that this interface must be navigated using the mouse.
15:27.09wethrinLeeds: That is sickeningly awesome
15:27.51Leedsit wouldn't be worth it - I work at home, wouldn't be able to see the boss' face
15:57.01*** join/#gllug chrisp (
16:22.38*** part/#gllug dick_turpin (
16:30.10Leedsoh god my first ever website - from when I was at uni - is on
17:04.27AndyMillaroh god
17:08.31ArmandYou called ?
19:30.04*** join/#gllug gregj (
20:41.39*** join/#gllug w1bbl3 (
21:31.02ChoHagIf you think you know everything, you're a novice. If you think everyone else is out to destroy your work, you're an intermediate. If you keep vodka in a water bottle in your desk, you're a pro.
21:38.03ArmandI'll take rum, thanks. :P
22:20.14*** join/#gllug Leeds (~richardc@
23:15.08*** join/#gllug mindbender (

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