IRC log for #gllug on 20140616

07:51.46*** join/#gllug ess_tee_u (~NULL@2001:8b0:908:6a91:12fe:edff:fe24:450)
08:18.22*** join/#gllug chrisp (wibble@nat/redhat/x-umbjjbgurwzviwxg)
08:45.04*** join/#gllug Armand (~martin@
08:56.20*** join/#gllug londo_ (~georgiou@
11:39.43*** join/#gllug dick_turpin (
11:40.39dick_turpinmorsing: Was you at the trooping of the colour?
12:15.29dick_turpinmorsing: Listen to our Podcast where you'll hear me slag off the shits of GLLUG for not going to the meeting that was arranged.
13:30.33morsingWhatsa podcast?
13:31.16dick_turpininfobot: slap morsing
13:31.17infobotACTION slaps morsing, keep your grubby fingers to yourself!
13:37.02wethrindick_turpin: Did you go to the meeting?
13:40.44dick_turpinwethrin: I went to the FlossUK event in Birmingham instead. (Nice try) :-)
13:41.53wethrinSo you're part of the problem!
15:59.04*** part/#gllug dick_turpin (
19:23.23*** join/#gllug w1bble (
19:23.24*** join/#gllug w1bble (~Jamie@unaffiliated/w1bble)
19:27.41*** join/#gllug toxboi (~toxboi@lopsa/member/toxboi)
20:26.56*** join/#gllug londo__ (~georgiou@
20:51.52*** join/#gllug w1bbl3 (
21:09.20*** join/#gllug AndyMillar (

Generated by Modified by Tim Riker to work with infobot.