IRC log for #gllug on 20140129

02:29.58*** join/#gllug ChoHag (~mking@
03:08.45*** join/#gllug Armand (
10:06.18*** join/#gllug ess_tee_u (
11:12.02*** join/#gllug chrisp (
12:54.28*** join/#gllug Armand (~martin@
13:06.54*** join/#gllug quaisi (
20:06.41*** join/#gllug hexhaxtron (
20:06.55hexhaxtronAnyone living nearby Wandsworth?
20:10.41morsingErmm... Is that in London?? Then, no
20:11.29hexhaxtronmorsing: I wanted to meet geek people nearby.
20:11.35hexhaxtronIt's in London yes.
20:14.24morsingLeave London
21:50.28*** join/#gllug NewChannelsInfo (
21:50.31NewChannelsInfoInfo for using irc
21:50.32*** part/#gllug NewChannelsInfo (
21:50.33ArmandNo, I don't live near your prison. :P

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