IRC log for #gllug on 20131210

00:50.49*** join/#gllug infobot (
00:50.49*** topic/#gllug is Greater London LUG | Next meeting: TBA |
01:02.20*** join/#gllug Leeds (
07:01.09*** join/#gllug Armand (~martin@
09:03.09*** join/#gllug ess_tee_u (
09:17.51*** join/#gllug cityLights (
09:39.37*** join/#gllug chrisp (
11:06.49gregjJavaScriptCore WTF::wtfThreadEntryPoint(void*) + 14
11:11.13gregjthere's a guy here, that comes in with a trolley, and says 'trolley' (with snacks, walks around the office). But I could swear I thought he was saying 'charlie' instead.
11:11.39AndyMillarnow that'd be the sort of company I'd like to work for ;)
11:12.48yaMatthmm... coke or cakes to get you through the day
11:12.58AndyMillarwhy choose?
11:13.18yaMatt"oo... look, frosting!"
11:38.29ChoHagWhy is there always a mac fanatic?
11:39.04yaMattbecause there are always idiots
11:39.44ChoHagAnd why do they always evangelise?
11:39.55yaMattwe have an unnecessary abundance of windows fanatics here
11:42.33yaMattah, they're from the flock of steve jobs?
11:43.39yaMattwe have "it's broken because it's that umbumtoo shit" yes, but it's microsoft's hyper-v drivers
11:43.57gregjAndyMillar: that's apple
11:44.10gregjAndyMillar: or you mean with the trolley, that's channel 4
11:46.21yaMattah, yes, I forgot you worked there, I was going to say I know the BBC has a trolley service still, not the civil service anymore though :(
11:47.44gregj4od ios still gets horrible reviews :(
11:47.52gregjdespite my hard work to fix loads of crashes
11:47.58gregjoh well, no pleasing
11:48.07gregjsome things I can't fix, architectural and design issues
11:48.20gregjand the android app is rubbish too, but then, it has 1% of ios users, so...
11:48.24yaMattthe android one seems alright, though can't say I've used it a lot
11:48.24gregjnobody cares much about it :0)
11:48.56gregjthe ios one has far more features you see
11:48.58yaMattah, right
11:49.14gregjand has a database
11:49.25gregjwhere the android one refetches all data from network each time you open a page
11:52.38yaMattah, I see
11:52.47yaMattno problem is properly solved until you have a database ;)
12:41.07gregjyaMatt: ;]
12:41.43gregjyaMatt: the android one has a db too, but I think only for some info, whilst ios stores all info in that db, and there's like 2 layers of abstraction over it, which obviously 'helps' (in mind of an architect maybe)
13:04.15morsing*sigh*  Why is it that companies in this country can just change their name regularly and void all warranties?
13:06.06halihere we go
13:25.11gregjmove back if you don't like it
13:28.50*** join/#gllug AcerRevo (
13:53.36*** join/#gllug AcerRevo (
14:28.11*** join/#gllug infobot (
14:28.11*** topic/#gllug is Greater London LUG | Next meeting: TBA |
14:31.35dick_turpinmorsing: There's the perfect job for you on the GLLUG mailing list they want a chef
15:44.20wethrinIt's only if companies go into administration, and are wound up, then re-formed under new management
16:40.23yaMattgregj, there was one on the mailing list posted today
16:40.56ChoHagThey are too afraid of killing the process which runs a VM.
16:41.06ChoHagWhy do people run things they don't understand?
16:45.28ChoHagAlthough 'VBoxManage controlvm foo poweroff', which by the manual 'has the same effect on a virtual machine as pulling the power cable on a real computer', is fine.
16:47.15yaMattsurely that is the equivilent of killing the process except with maybe a bit more tidying up done by the host
16:50.39ChoHagIt's identical, except with some bookkeeping to find out the pid.
16:51.21ChoHagI sat here for about 5 minutes while they tried to work out how to reboot the box saying "I could kill the process. It has pid 17676."
16:52.21gregjyaMatt: what was the ML address, I don't think I've been subscribed for the past 10 years :-)
16:52.31gregjbasically ever since I moved to belfast
16:56.43gregjI'm on the gllug social
16:56.59gregjlast email from 2011-12-30
16:57.55yaMatti'm pretty sure that doesn't work
17:00.09wethrinThe Gllug lists run by Jason are dead
17:00.17wethrinSystem died, he never recovered it
17:00.34gregjI see
17:00.37gregjwhat happened to Jason
17:00.43gregjawoled ?
17:01.39yaMattAndrew Black said he saw him at a Perl meet on the weekend
17:02.29wethrinHe hangs around the Perlmongers channel
17:02.34*** join/#gllug londo_ (
17:02.43Leedsgood lord:
17:03.30gregjnot bad
17:03.57yaMattLeeds, you got that nice fibre line don't you?
17:04.49gregjso how many pesos is it per month
17:05.12gregjin HK probably $10 :=]
17:05.20Leeds20 quid, give or take
17:05.41yaMattI was looking at AAISP and it's £35pm for 40mb fibre
17:05.53gregjnot bad
17:06.03gregjI pay £28 for 120mbps from virgin
17:06.07yaMattLeeds, you doing FOSDEM?
17:06.38LeedsyaMatt: Friday night drinking at least, yeah
17:07.04gregjis stuck in london
17:07.40LeedsI'm not sure how many people will be traveling almost 6000 miles for beer :)
17:07.45yaMattgirlfriend suddenly realised it was chinese new year so may have a spare ticket and half of a bed ;)
17:08.07Leedssure, that's why I'll be there - CNY is our travel time
17:09.33LeedsI mean, we're not going just for FOSDEM... but it seemed to be worth making an effort to fit it into the plans for the trip - my parents and sisters will (probably) be coming out from the UK to meet us, so I'll be with them over the weekend
17:11.21gregjLeeds: alas proper beer
17:11.54dick_turpinOoh me and yaMatt might get to share a bed if the campaign comes off :-)
17:12.41dick_turpinIts not as if we haven't already slept together
17:13.50LeedsI think we just assumed
17:14.42wethrinyaMatt: AAISP is *pricy*, though
17:25.55*** part/#gllug dick_turpin (
17:51.21*** join/#gllug AcerRevo (
20:38.12*** join/#gllug AcerRevo (

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