IRC log for #gllug on 20130724

00:14.09*** join/#gllug Leeds (
07:35.56*** join/#gllug devilhorns (~devilhorn@
07:36.06*** join/#gllug devilhorns (~devilhorn@enlightenment/developer/devilhorns)
08:19.37ChoHagOh dear fucking god Oracle what the fuck kind of idiots do they employ?
08:21.57ChoHagScript which is 'RECOMMENDED FOR ALL MySQL SERVERS IN PRODUCTION USE!' (to undo the shit the mysql_install_db script did immediately prior). Asks questions on stdin, doesn't bother to tell perl not to parse the input as utf-8 and assumes the answer is yes unless it has an 'n' in it (matches /n/i).
08:22.39ChoHagUndo shit, or re-do it properly.
08:22.52*** join/#gllug ess_tee_u (
08:27.30*** join/#gllug Vyizis (~Vyizis@
08:27.33*** join/#gllug mindbndr (
08:30.14*** join/#gllug gregj (
08:43.48*** join/#gllug chrisp (
09:02.18*** join/#gllug gregj (~gj@pdpc/supporter/student/gregj)
09:40.58ChoHagPriority Express Shipping! £7.49! 2-3 working days...
09:41.03ChoHag3-5 days is free.
09:46.58jpdsChoHag: Amazon?
12:32.02*** join/#gllug dick_turpin (
12:35.05dick_turpinmorsing: That royal baby looked just like you!
12:38.41ChoHagGod damn fucking baby.
12:38.53ChoHagYes. Prince Whatsisface has a dick and knows how to use it.
12:51.50morsingdick_turpin: I know - even though you've never met me
12:54.59dick_turpinmorsing: You are famous plus bilarh told me what you looked like. :-P
13:28.48halipoor bilarh
14:39.07morsingdick_turpin: Ok
14:39.29morsingdick_turpin: Told you... Well, I've never met bilarh either.
14:46.31dick_turpinmorsing: you  sure?
15:04.47morsingdick_turpin: Yes
15:05.01morsingOnly Swedish GLLUGer I ever met was eye69
15:05.27dick_turpinmorsing: The lying bastard
15:06.39*** join/#gllug ess_tee_u (
16:15.52*** part/#gllug dick_turpin (
16:37.47ChoHagPuppet's parser is utter wank.
16:41.42ChoHagOh dear god another one:
16:42.30ChoHagWhat's that you say? exec() takes an array?
16:42.33ChoHagIt's like bloody mysql.
16:42.40ChoHagOh you want to get out the same data you put in?
16:42.48ChoHagWell tough. We like throwing data away.
16:42.56ChoHagFucking. God. Damn. Develeopers.
16:43.13ChoHagI swear to fucking god. Does nobody actually *understand* what the fuck they're doing any more?
16:44.34ChoHagI dedicated my life learning this shit the hard way, actual _learning_ with real depth, because nobody knew how to teach me and then I find out that all the people who had it easy with their 'uni-fucking-versity' are thick as shit.
16:45.03ChoHagThe economy's tanking? Everything's going to shit? Yeah maybe that's because everyone's a fucking moron these days despite their so-called education.
16:46.40ChoHagAlthough actually that rant cannot be stopped, it seethes under my skin constantly.
16:46.44ChoHagPerhaps: /outburst
17:03.59ChoHagOh and of course it doesn't do anything useful to get itself out of the way, like pass that string into sh -c
17:56.41ChoHagOh yes let's document experimental features which must be explicitely enabled in amongst the other features with no visual clue a whatsoever.
18:19.22morsingChoHag: I spotted in seconds that British universities are shit...
18:22.37ChoHagYes. All the engineers throughout the industry, from Oracle to Google to Redhat were trained (if it can be referred to as such) in British universities.
18:26.04ChoHaglanguage_guide.html: (The reasons for having two identical variables with this information are outside the scope of this document, ...)
18:26.22ChoHagYes that little language detail has no place in a Guide to the Language.
18:27.16ChoHagI think they mean "The reasons for having two identical variables with this information are too complicated for me to understand and too boring for anybody to document."
18:41.58gregjmeanwhile in Ireland :
19:26.43ChoHagLVM's response when a snapshot COW space fills up is fun.
19:26.46ChoHagJust entirely bork the device forever, whether it's enlarged or nit.
20:27.39*** join/#gllug funkyHat (

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