IRC log for #gllug on 20120117

00:53.34*** join/#gllug n0x00 (~n0x00@
08:55.03*** join/#gllug stu__ (
09:07.20*** join/#gllug n0x00 (
09:25.14ChoHagGmail's filter rules are utter shit.
09:29.49AndyMillarindeed, have you considered using someone better for email?
09:37.32ChoHagActually I'm just trying gmail out.
09:37.45ChoHagI'm not impressed, although the spam has been mercifully reduced.
09:38.18AndyMillarChoHag: I find using postini quite good for dealing with spam
09:38.33ChoHagI haven't bothered with a spam filter on my own server yet. Checking gmail was supposed to be a way to get all that I have now (webmail, imap, etc.) with spam filtering without having to actually implement and maintain a spam filter.
09:38.34AndyMillarI might get 1-2 spam emails through a year
09:38.45ChoHagAlso, I hate running an email server.
09:39.26AndyMillaralso: you trust someone else to suitable handle and secure your email (contacts, and calendar)?
09:39.51ChoHagFor regular email it's fine.
09:39.59ChoHagI wouldn't put anything confidential through google.
09:40.08ChoHagAnd there will be backups.
09:40.14ChoHags/will be/would have been/
09:41.54ChoHagAnd yeah, not having to set up things like my own calendar would be nice.
11:39.11*** join/#gllug jpds (~jpds@ubuntu/member/jpds)
11:39.30*** join/#gllug zeroXten (
12:05.12morsingChoHag: You can still use Google to filter your mail before sending it to your own mail server...
12:13.47ChoHagI'm considering it.
12:43.17ChoHagWhy is it that all the good actors have bit parts while all the actors with major roles are basically tits?
12:43.21ChoHagAnd not in a good way.
12:44.12morsingMmm... tits
12:46.08*** join/#gllug ivan_ (
12:46.17ChoHagTits indeed.
12:47.14ivanggot a job going in london if anyone is interested
12:47.42ChoHagYou don't understand.
12:47.44ChoHagThis is GLLUG.
12:47.53ivangdid i do it wrong?
12:48.20ChoHagUnless you're offering 50 bajintillion dollars an hour nobody here is interested.
12:48.26ivangi imagined so
12:48.49ivangno one know of any unjaded youngsters looking for a start?
12:48.56ChoHagYou should see some of the shitstorms there have been on the mailing list after job adverts offering merely 40kpa and such.
12:49.26ChoHagMine's only 7 months. She shows promise but I don't think she's ready.
12:49.34ivangwhen i'm recruiting a starting position?
12:49.36ChoHagPlus she lacks the 2 years experience.
12:49.47ivangcan't offer 40k for graduate jobs really can you
12:49.58ChoHagivang: You have never met a larger group of cocks than the members of GLLUG.
12:50.23ivangit's a funny thing, we recruit in edinburgh as well
12:50.24ChoHagHmm also she can't speak English. She's only got as far as Mama.
12:50.31ivangwith relative ease
12:50.52ivangi have considered siring a dynasty
12:50.59ivangas an alternative to recruitment
12:51.00ChoHagPeople who aren't in London probably don't feel the need to imagine they're priveleged.
12:51.06ivangkeep them in the family cloud provider business
12:51.19ChoHagHowever you spell it.
12:51.46ChoHagHave you tried the linuxjobs mailing list?
12:52.01ChoHagGenerally fewer egos and the mods are usually on the ball.
12:52.11ivangyes, think so
12:53.24ivanganyway, just thought i'd put it out here
12:53.50ivangthanks for the feedback
12:59.34*** join/#gllug dick_turpin (
13:38.31morsingTa da... EMC crap defeated
14:12.28*** join/#gllug Indian (~Indian@unaffiliated/londonmet050)
16:03.26ChoHag"I sometimes get a little fright walking down a dark hallway in my own home if the house creaks even slightly" how the fuck did we ever evolve?
16:51.43ChoHagI have to send a company this email:
16:51.49ChoHagI think you may be the first service provider who have ever sent me a 'we will disconnect you' message with sufficient time to actually pay up before the cut-off date.
16:51.56ChoHagUnfortunately, in this case, I don't actually use any of your services.
16:52.42ChoHagI started signing up for ADSL with goscomb but never got all the way through. They've been billing me for the past 6 months anyway.
16:53.20ChoHagThat said - they seem pretty good. An actual warning before cut-off and it's a Tuesday, not the standard 4:45 on Friday.
17:16.53*** join/#gllug Indian_ (~Indian@unaffiliated/londonmet050)
17:59.51*** join/#gllug Mohan (~nixh0st@unaffiliated/mohan)
18:06.28*** join/#gllug Provito (
19:10.29*** join/#gllug n0x00 (
19:44.22*** join/#gllug gmarkall (~graham@
20:54.09*** join/#gllug Indian (~Indian@unaffiliated/londonmet050)
21:43.46*** join/#gllug ibot (
21:43.46*** topic/#gllug is Welcome to the Greater London Linux User Group IRC channel |

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