IRC log for #gllug on 20100512

00:03.11*** join/#gllug stafacus (~stafacus@
00:32.54*** join/#gllug Leeds (
04:42.23*** join/#gllug gethoper (~gethoper@
04:47.08*** join/#gllug shai (
06:04.02*** join/#gllug Leeds (
07:07.33*** join/#gllug DiscordianUK (~ch@fedora/DiscordianUK)
07:36.08ChoHagChrome has a 'bookmark sync' option which, by all accounts, will be perfect for not confusing my wife when she switches browsers and/or computers.
07:36.11ChoHagTurn that on.
07:36.37ChoHagOh wait! Now rather than having 2 browsers with 2 sets of bookmarks, I have 2 browsers with _3_ sets of bookmarks.
07:36.40ChoHagThank you Google!
07:47.19ChoHagIronically it appears that Firefox now uses google bookmarks but Chrome doesn't.
08:40.46ChoHagThe worst thing about working from home is that the old lady next door hangs up her and her husband's underwear to dry when the weather is good.
08:57.10z00daxI setup weave in firefox a few months back, and run my own server for it.
08:57.30z00daxnow i have 4 different computers, and 11 browsers, with 1 set of bookmarks and one set of prefs.js
09:01.59AndyMillarz00dax: I find that not using bookmarks and remembering everything you use to be a better solution
09:02.51ChoHagIndeed. I hardly ever use bookmarks.
09:03.09ChoHagJust start typing and the address bar finds it.
09:03.12z00daxAndyMillar: I dont try to remember stuff that i dont need to - so i can actually get things done :)
09:03.18ChoHag$wife, however, does.
09:03.27z00daxi like to type in 'nagios' and see the urls for 5 instances of nagios i look at
09:03.34z00daxpick one, enter, off we go
09:04.04DiscordianUKWeave is good stuff
09:05.52ChoHagWeave appears to be FF only.
09:06.30z00daxanother example of using bookmarks for productivity : I have a 'monitoring' group, can click that, open in tab's and get all 16 tab's open, zoom to one window and get a nice overview of all status' with 1 click!
09:06.39z00daxChoHag: yeah :/
09:07.03z00daxI've heard someone mention something about a chrome addon, not actually seen anything
09:09.07*** join/#gllug Provito (
09:13.31z00daxChoHag: looks like chrome cant do this directly, but it might be possible to have weave sync with google bookmarks
09:14.25z00daxI'm not entirely convinced if this is a better or worse solution, since its also going to mean something like an appengine app running around trying to keep things in order
09:24.36AndyMillarz00dax: you just need to make sure you name all your nagios instances sensibly, so you can work out what they are :-)
09:32.41z00daxAndyMillar: at the moment, typing in 'nagios centos' takes me to the right url ( which is amazingly long! )
09:33.03z00daxFF does the right thing grabbing the relevant url out of the bookmarks and taking me there
09:33.35ChoHagconsiders working in the garden.
09:39.14AndyMillarwould argue that that's a problem with your naming schema ;)
09:41.44*** join/#gllug mikejw (
09:43.51z00daxAndyMillar: really ? btw, 'nagcen' works too :)
09:44.10z00daxbesides, i dont see how a naming scheme would help me do group opens and summary views etc
10:16.41*** join/#gllug DiscordianUK (~ch@fedora/DiscordianUK)
10:34.03ChoHagSo we couldn't send mail to French diplomats because their mail server
10:34.11ChoHagcouldn't negotiate [TLS] properly.  Of course, when I told my mail server to
10:34.11ChoHagnot even try to negotiate, their mail server surrendered immediately.
10:40.51ChoHagWow. NatWest just sent me a 'welcome to online banking' email.
10:40.55ChoHagI signed up about 2 months ago.
10:44.36AndyMillarare you sure it's not fraud?
10:56.09*** join/#gllug DiscordianUK (~ch@fedora/DiscordianUK)
11:14.16*** join/#gllug dick_turpin (
11:14.44dick_turpinAfternoon all
11:21.16*** join/#gllug DiscordianUK (~ch@fedora/DiscordianUK)
11:58.24*** join/#gllug mindbendr (
12:12.32*** join/#gllug boudiccas (~boudiccas@
12:26.40bilarh_dick_turpin: any tales from the front line?
12:32.59dick_turpinNot really :-(
12:36.50dick_turpinDid I tell you about the silly Billy who, to prove he was not twelve, posted a url in a channel of him and his girl friend and the subsequent baying of male testosterone?
12:37.48bilarh_perks up
12:41.55dick_turpinSo the silly numpty befriends me on Facebook
12:42.51dick_turpinCourse you've gotta browse his friends list aint ya? Never guess what I find buried in his gf's albums :-)
12:43.07DiscordianUKI dread to think
12:43.20DiscordianUKa picture of his private's?
12:46.46dick_turpinMeh she is naked but with a teeny towel over her :-)
12:47.19dick_turpinYou honestly could feel the blood drain from his face over IRC when I told him
12:47.58bilarh_this thread is worthless without pics :)
12:48.01DiscordianUKAnd was he in fact 12?
12:48.25dick_turpinI think he is about 18
12:48.50dick_turpinbilarh_: Um you trying to get me into trouble?
12:48.50DiscordianUKSo you're viewing that pic could be very illegal
12:49.16bilarh_calls the police on that pervert dick_turpin
12:49.31dick_turpinNot really
12:49.52DiscordianUKor facebook hosting it could be
12:50.04dick_turpinI undestand she is 19 :-)
12:50.15DiscordianUKAhhh ok
12:50.41bilarh_i love the way that someone who is 18 -1 day (or whatever the limit is) is totally off limits, and someone who is 18 (or generic limit) is perfectly fine
12:51.42DiscordianUKThe police generally act with some discretion if the ages of both parties are roughly similar I understand
12:51.58bilarh_yes, but dick_turpin is 58
12:52.04dick_turpinbilarh_: No no here is a better thought, how come its OK for say a 60 year old to marry an 18 year old?
12:52.36bilarh_dick_turpin: i don't know, but out of interest, when's your oldest one 18? :D
12:52.53dick_turpinThey are both 18 in June
12:52.56DiscordianUKThere was that american rockstar who brought his 13 year old bride to the UK in the 60s
12:53.07DiscordianUKThat caused a rumpus
12:53.14DiscordianUKand some hasty law making
12:53.48DiscordianUKSince the UK recognises US marriages
12:54.01dick_turpinThat was whats his face, oh god I know this one
12:54.16DiscordianUKLittle richard I think
12:55.41DiscordianUKThese days it's pretty much 18 everywhere in the states for marriage I think
12:55.59dick_turpinNo, kin el what was his name
12:56.30DiscordianUKIf it wasn't little richard , my guess is Jerry Lee
12:57.05DiscordianUKin fact I'm sure it was
12:57.25DiscordianUKsuddenly hears the mekons tune that mentions that
12:58.29dick_turpinThtas him Good ol Jerry
13:11.24bilarh_was he the "balls of fire" guy?
13:11.26bilarh_that sounds wrong :P
13:11.46DiscordianUKHe was
13:12.04DiscordianUKgreat balls of fire/good golly miss molly
13:16.26cbzI believe the 13 year old in question was actually a distant cousin
13:17.05DiscordianUKWell yes
13:17.21DiscordianUKBut the point is she was married to him
13:17.36cbzI don't think it was actually legal in america at the time either
13:17.40DiscordianUKYou can marry some cousins legally here
13:18.03cbzYeah, that bit of it wouldn't have been illegal either in the UK or here
13:18.07DiscordianUKI believe it was legal in the US state he came from
13:18.11cbzUS or here
13:18.20cbzI like how wikipedia puts it
13:18.23halifine here too, if you are in the royal family
13:18.27cbz"The scandal over the marriage destroyed Lewis' promising rock career, although he later gained acceptance in country music circles"
13:18.49cbzBecause of course country music types are less discerning when it comes to screwing ones cousins :)
13:19.28cbzThe laws in both the US and here are derived in part from the old tables of affinity
13:19.55cbzWhich do not rule out cousin marriages.
13:20.09DiscordianUKThere are tables of permitted relations in the Book of Common Prayer
13:20.29DiscordianUKwhich are a little more strict than the legal ones
13:20.42cbzISTR there was a time when the papers were scandalised over prince williams relationship with cousin whose name slips my mind by who has a pierced tongue
13:20.44DiscordianUKThese days they matter little
13:21.00DiscordianUKwell yes well
13:21.23cbzSee above.
13:40.30*** join/#gllug Armand (
13:59.07ChoHagI can't believe how hard it is to get the notwork team to do one simple bloody thing.
13:59.24ChoHagI even have the altar built and the goat ready.
14:51.20*** join/#gllug DiscordianUK (~ch@fedora/DiscordianUK)
15:11.16ChoHagFirefox over ssh over adsl == fun times to be had!
15:11.42bilarh_why don't you use a squid proxy and tunnel to that instead?
15:28.42halihm, ssh socks proxy?
15:28.59hali-D ftw
15:49.49*** part/#gllug dick_turpin (
16:34.11*** join/#gllug Leeds (
16:39.57haliput david cameron side view in google image search
17:55.14*** join/#gllug DiscordianUK (~ch@fedora/DiscordianUK)
20:07.02*** join/#gllug an0key (
20:08.49*** join/#gllug DiscordianUK (~ch@fedora/DiscordianUK)
20:13.41*** join/#gllug an0key (
21:05.47*** join/#gllug an0key (
21:59.28*** join/#gllug Dominic (

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