IRC log for #gllug on 20100420

04:22.05*** join/#gllug kjs (
05:18.15*** join/#gllug Leeds (
07:03.03ChoHag>I want to build a replica TARDIS for the lobby of our building, but
07:03.03ChoHag>the requisite sheets of plywood won't fit in my car.  Whaaaaa!
07:03.06ChoHagIf only you had some kind of transportation which was bigger on th inside...
09:38.05*** join/#gllug lejocelyn (
10:15.39*** join/#gllug ChoHag (
10:23.15*** join/#gllug lejocelyn (~lejocelyn@
10:53.54ChoHagThere's nothing quite like a wife to make you wish you were gay.
11:14.31*** join/#gllug dick_turpin (
11:15.17dick_turpinAfternoon all
11:27.32AndyMillarChoHag: but then you'd have a husband
11:27.37AndyMillarand they'll be worse
13:49.37*** join/#gllug osde8inf_ (
14:04.06cbzOr a PNT
14:44.57ChoHagI bought dinner on the train on the 9th. It just showed up in my bank account today.
14:47.48haliit's the ash
14:48.29ChoHagAh yes that'll be it.
14:49.29*** join/#gllug celesteh (~celesteh@sblug/member/celesteh)
14:58.34*** part/#gllug osde8inf_ (
15:46.26*** part/#gllug dick_turpin (
15:53.19*** join/#gllug wethrin (
17:14.02ChoHagThey try and make it sound so exciting. Like it's the best thing that could ever happen to me.
17:14.27ChoHag"you may already be receiving money more quickly through the Faster Payment Service. However, things have got even better. You'll now be able to *send* payments that will reach the account you need to pay into even quicker."
17:14.32ChoHagThey fail.
17:59.32*** join/#gllug DiscordianUK (~ch@fedora/DiscordianUK)
17:59.51*** join/#gllug sabinef72 (
18:29.53*** join/#gllug lejocelyn (~lejocelyn@
18:34.04*** join/#gllug DiscordianUK (~ch@fedora/DiscordianUK)
19:24.18*** join/#gllug DiscordianUK (~ch@fedora/DiscordianUK)
23:30.56*** join/#gllug sabinef72 (
23:34.41*** join/#gllug celesteh (~celesteh@sblug/member/celesteh)

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