IRC log for #gllug on 20100118

00:32.35*** join/#gllug DiscordianUK (n=ch@fedora/DiscordianUK)
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03:08.29*** join/#gllug Leeds (
07:19.43*** join/#gllug ribalba (
08:09.45halihm, dells new online configurator sucks just as much as the old one :/
08:11.27AzundrisCount your blessings, at least you have the option. My company no longer allows Dell. :-/
08:11.45haliisn't that semi-good? :)
08:12.05halii do like HP kit better generally but have a hard time justifying the extra cost, even to myself...
08:12.35bilarhwe're buying purely new dell kit lately
08:12.45bilarhand have been doing for the past 2-3 years
08:13.01AzundrisLet me rephrase.  I had the choice between a tiny "look at me, I'm an exec" Toshiba or Panasonic or whatever it was with no CPU, no RAM, and no display, and a *Macbook*. With a *glossy display*.
08:13.05bilarhi do like the new rack rails
08:13.19halir610/r710 rails are excellent
08:13.34halir710 especially with the little blue snap-snag-thingy
08:13.36bilarhwe can rack a rack in about an hour now, which is retty damn fast :)
08:13.40bilarhyeah exactly
08:13.48AzundrisThe Dell I had before may not have had the fastest I/O subsystem in the world, to put it mildly, but the display was excellent, and the keyboard acceptable. More than I can say for the Apple.
08:14.32bilarhazundris: does it really make any difference on a laptop nowadays though?
08:14.53bilarhi find even an old and / or cheap laptop is fast enough nowadays for what i need to do
08:14.56Azundrisbilarh: Especially with laptops, I think?
08:15.09Azundrisbilarh: Not so much in terms of CPU this and RAM that, I agree.
08:15.35bilarhi tend to only either browse the net or read/write .doc's nowadays anyway on localhost, so speed doesn't really bother me anymore
08:15.39Azundrisbilarh: But that's my UI. The bit that interfaces with me. So I need them to get the display right, and the keyboard. Which makes Apple a double #fail. Nice trackpads though.
08:16.11bilarhand i like apple :)
08:16.27bilarhthe powerbooks are excellent imo
08:16.30haliyes, osx is quite nice
08:16.42haliim on a unibody 13" right now
08:16.47bilarhwe bought one about 4 years ago now and it's been handed down to the bother in law
08:16.51halibest laptop ive ever owned, hands down
08:16.51bilarhand he's still using it to this day
08:16.53AzundrisDell can build a 15" with 1600x1200. Apple, apparently, can't. Also, it's glossy. I rest my case. :(
08:17.10bilarhglossy is a huge plus
08:17.16bilarhin my book
08:17.16AzundrisEr, NO.
08:17.22haliscreen res do suck on apple sometimes, mostly because they want people to buy bigger machines to get res
08:17.30haliim not bothered either way with gloss
08:17.31AzundrisAt home, where you control the lighting sitch, yes, maybe.
08:17.40AzundrisBut laptop = travel.
08:18.01bilarhclearly, you're just wrong ;)
08:19.24AzundrisLook, I'm ... how do I put this? This machine's name is vanity. I wouldn't mind looking at myself in Apple's mirror all day, but the boss expects me to sometimes get work done. They're kinda weird that way.
08:19.59bilarhtime to change bosses
08:20.14AzundrisYou know someone who could make me an offer to that effect? :-D
08:20.29bilarhhmm, i don't know... i hardly ever travel with my laptop to be honest
08:20.32AzundrisPreferably in LA, but London would work, too. :-D
08:20.50bilarhmaybe we could swap
08:21.02AzundrisThen why did you get a laptop?  (I'm asking out of interest, as I'd much prefer a desktop if I didn't travel.)
08:21.16bilarhbecause i needed something for on call
08:21.20bilarhat work i've got a unix workstation
08:21.24bilarhwell, linux
08:22.06AzundrisBut couldn't the on call machine be a desktop?  (Not that you'd find that preferable, necessarily.)
08:22.29bilarhi like my dual apple cinema displays
08:22.42bilarhand the laptop i have doesn't support more than 1600x12xx something
08:22.50bilarhand also, that'd mean carrying it around
08:23.05bilarhand it makes sense for me to have similar hardware on my desktop as the users
08:23.51halii try to have slower hardware than our users (developers)... so i can say "but it's fast enough for me, go compile on a build server you lazy git'
08:24.05AzundrisTotally agree on that last bit. Why carrying it around though? I read it as, "One deck at work, one at home for on call"?
08:24.19bilarhyep, that's what i've got now
08:24.20Azundrishali: That sounds cruel. :-D
08:24.29bilarhbut i mean if i used it for my desktop, that'd mean lugging it around
08:24.38bilarhand then i'd probably need a company car :)
08:27.17halibilarh: have you tried any r410/r510 dells?
08:27.49bilarhwe've got a bunch of them somewhere
08:28.19haliany good compared to r610/r710? they aren't much cheaper
08:29.18AzundrisIt's late. I still don't get the lugging it around bit. :)
08:30.07bilarhhali: umm, i'm not sure to be honest... i don't use them myself
08:30.15bilarhhali: we just get 610's and 710s nowadays
08:30.24bilarhanything new that comes in is either those two or r900
08:31.08bilarhazundris: never mind, i haven't had my coffee yet
08:33.20AzundrisGood idea, that.
08:33.52*** join/#gllug Provito (
08:52.06*** join/#gllug cityLights (
08:52.20cityLights~seen antiphase
08:52.22ibotantiphase <> was last seen on IRC in channel #gllug, 2d 16h 14m 51s ago, saying: 'dick_turpin: Welcome to 10 years ago'.
08:52.36cityLightsis there anyone alive here?
08:52.50cityLightsI am so happy
08:52.57Leedswhat's her name?
08:52.58cityLightsporing rain in the desert
08:53.16Leedsyeah, I heard that winter finally hit Israel today
08:53.28cityLightsok, I cam e on to ask for help with networking
08:54.07cityLightsI saw the last of the six chapters all the truth about monty python
08:54.10Leedsgo to parties, meet the right people, pass out business cards...
08:54.49cityLightsok before I forget, where can I ask about layer 2 bridging?
08:55.00cityLightsI am very new to bridging and read about it
08:55.23cityLightsyet I can't ping a client from the bridge
08:55.55cityLightsas for "her name" - that was good
08:56.53cityLightsoh ya, I also need html assistence.
08:57.26AzundrisIt's the season. Rain in LA, too.
08:57.58AzundrisOf course, we don't have the kinneret to refill. :-D
08:58.07Leedsnot here - was 22C here yesterday and pushed 20C today, nice and sunny
08:58.30cityLightsI mean it is not that cold here
08:59.37cityLightswhen I ask about bridging in openvpn channel - they told me not to ask there
08:59.56Leedsthat was nice of them
09:00.03cityLightsas for html - I am teaching kturtle to 12 year old
09:01.23cityLightswow, radio is telling there are flods everywhere - may not work today!
09:01.25cityLightsdamn it
09:02.52cityLightsok, back to html, I made a screen shot and have the program to draw it, yet when I just write it down it doesnt look good
09:03.03cityLightsI first used oowriter
09:03.28cityLightsso, how should I publish this? where can I find a CSS?
09:09.51Leedsyeah, I heard there were floods down in the aravah
09:10.22Leedsnot quite sure what you mean by made a screen shot and the program to draw it
09:10.26Leedsa screenshot is just an image
09:11.28Leedsremember driving through a flood there in a bus once - was quite impressive
09:11.54bilarhwhat the... am i missing something completely obvious, or is there no option in kickstart to set the runlevel to anything but 3?
09:12.10bilarhwithout modifyting /etc/inittab directly in e.g. %post
09:12.22halibilarh: you can get it start in 3 or 5
09:12.27halibilarh: if you configure X it defaults to 5
09:14.03bilarhi've got x installed
09:14.20bilarhah balls..
09:14.33bilarhi've got x installed, but i'm doing skipx ...
09:14.42halixconfig -startxonboot?
09:14.50hali-- even
09:16.57cityLightsLeeds: right , I got a picture that shows a flower I draw with kturtle (a language like logo)
09:16.59bilarhhmm, i remember now.. i'm skipping x to install nvidia drivers \
09:16.59LeedsI know logo well(ish) - I wrote a logo interpreter in BASIC when I was at school :)
09:17.00bilarhhali: is xconfig available on a normal redhat nowadays?
09:17.00cityLightsLeeds: I also got the code I wrote to draw it, I now need to format it nice and add stuff, so the page looks better. how?
09:17.01halibilarh: yes
09:17.01Leedsoh, format the code!
09:17.01cityLightswell , not just that, I maen the page looks too emtpy
09:17.15cityLightsI guess I can add the course name and a logo
09:17.26Leedsdunno, really - I tend to go for really plain and boring layouts, unless I'm starting with something and extending it
09:18.19cityLightsso you think I shouldnt add a css?
09:18.42cityLightshali: can you help me with a 802.11d bridge?
09:18.43LeedsI think you should add a design and layout which is implemented in css, sure
09:19.07cityLightsand where can I find a good css to work with
09:19.14cityLightsI am new to this
09:21.36bilarhhali: i'm using our homegrown stupid crap and it obviously hasn't got it... ffs, i hate rubbish like this
09:21.54LeedscityLights: if you're going to do it properly, you start with *a design and a layout* and implement it
09:22.13Leedsif you're just looking to do it quickly, find someone else's design that you like and let the css... inspire you
09:22.47cityLightsso I should surf the net and find a similer design
09:23.24cityLightsa for th bridge, I am destroying it all and trying to build it up manually again
09:23.26LeedsI think I gave you two options :)
09:23.41LeedsI don't think they destroy the forth bridge, just paint it
09:23.46cityLightswell ok
09:24.31Leeds(the forth bridge is a famous bridge, over the river forth, which is long enough that - at least according to the story - they are always painting it, because when they finish it's taken so long that it's time to start again)
09:43.55*** join/#gllug ibot_ (
09:43.55*** topic/#gllug is Greater London LUG -
10:10.15ChoHagNow I need to do weekly reports.
10:10.21AzundrisAbout the horsies?
10:10.48AzundrisWho does the chief of the clan chiefs report to?
10:10.49ChoHag"This week I spent an hour trying to remember what I did in order to write this report"
10:10.58ChoHagHis wife.
10:11.08AzundrisHahaha, insightful +1
10:13.56AndyMillarChoHag: this is why I hacked up a script to email me what tickets I did every week :)
10:15.10ChoHagI don't do anything as easy to quantise as tickets though.
10:15.34AndyMillarsucks to be you then :)
10:15.52ChoHag"This week I spent all the time trying to work out what some brain-dead developer was thinking 15 years ago. The net result is a 16-line diff in SVN."
10:31.03*** join/#gllug cityLights (
10:31.26cityLightshi , how can I block dhcp requests using iptables?
10:31.46cityLightsI bridged two subnets in two sites using openvpn in layer2
10:32.11cityLightsnow I get replies to the client LAN from the server's dhcp server
10:34.09antiphaseThis is why bridging is a bad idea :)
10:34.27antiphaseYou need to use ebtables to manage traffic on bridges
10:34.56ChoHagBridging isn't always a bad idea.
10:35.05ChoHagI find network switches to be quite useful, personally.
10:36.45antiphaseUsing things for their intended purpose? Madness!
10:37.39cityLightsantiphase: googleing ebtables ...
10:39.17cityLightsebtables -I INPUT -i tap0 -p IPv4 --ip-protocol udp --ip-destination-port 67:68 -j DROP
10:40.11antiphaseI don't know; I've never had any reason to do bridging before. Try it and see if it works
10:40.44cityLightsI am a big fan of avahi - by now
10:41.08cityLightsin other issue, does anyone use an ATI card with opengl?
10:41.13antiphaseHa ha
10:41.17cityLightsit is very slow here..
10:41.18ChoHagIt crashes repeatedly.
10:41.28ChoHagLuckily I don't currently have a monitor for that box.
10:42.01antiphaseI've got an X1600 card in this PC and it's fucking shit, like everything else ATi. I can't think of any other words to describe it adequately
10:42.07cityLightsantiphase: I read about STP and it seems to solve most loops issues when briding
10:42.11antiphase3fps for 3D stuff
10:42.34cityLightsopen source drivers?
10:42.41antiphaseAre they finished yet?
10:42.45cityLightsor ATI's own stuff?
10:42.46ChoHagAre there any graphics cards which don't suck?
10:42.58antiphaseI'm using the ATi-provided binary driver from their webshite
10:43.20antiphaseI've always had 100% success with nvidia cards. Not so good for the freetards, but I'm not one
10:44.45ChoHagMeh. They crash things randomly too.
10:44.57ChoHagJust not so often as ATi
10:45.02z00daxI've been mostly ok with the nvidia's as well, and tbh slightly better overall experience than with the ATI's
10:45.02halion gentoo perhaps
10:45.08haliworks well under ubuntu/centos
10:46.15ChoHagAlso, when I used it back in whenever, their driver fucked about with my opengl header files and libraries, which made 3d development more fun than usual.
10:46.17z00daxalthough, my 'newest' display card is an 8600GT, and newest ati is a x1950, neither are very new so dont know what/how things have changed in the last year or so
10:48.06antiphaseThe nvidia driver/environment is very invasive, which is why it works
10:48.22antiphaseI've got a GTX260 running perfectly under Debian at home
10:48.32ChoHagAnyway the only thing I really want from a graphics card is multi-head support without xrandr but which still lets me move windows from one screen to the other.
10:49.04ChoHagIf it happens to render 3d screensavers without crashing, that's a bonus.
10:49.56antiphaseI think 'ur doin sth rong'
10:50.06AndyMillarintel gfx cards :)
10:50.36ChoHagI have intel here. It doesn't support proper multihead, just xrandr shite.
10:51.09ChoHagSo I have L-shaped moniters viewing a square desktop. Sometimes my mouse and/or windows get lost.
10:51.24ChoHagAlso I have a vertical line of shared pixels where they join.
10:52.06antiphaseI'll be interested to find out what multi-head stuff is like, because I've got a couple of new monitors turning up tomorrow
10:52.25ChoHagThe only thing zaphod-mode dual head lacks is the ability to move windows between screens.
10:53.04ChoHagFailing that, I'd like at least ONE web browser to be able to display on separate screens simultaneously.
10:54.06ChoHagEverything else manages it. Why must web browsers be 'special'.
10:54.26antiphaseUse Firefox on one and Chrome on the other :P
10:55.29ChoHagThat would count as 'special'.
10:57.36z00daxI've never had a problem with multihead displays with either nvidia or ati in the last 3 years or so
10:58.04z00daxI've had 8 displays on a machine, at one point
11:02.09*** join/#gllug Leeds (
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11:23.08ChoHagWhat is the green stuff in an aero?
11:23.14ChoHagIs it chocolate or something ... else?
11:23.21AndyMillarflavoured stuffs
11:24.21antiphaseGreen-coloured white chocolate with mint flavour, one assumes
11:32.41ChoHagGreen white chocolate.
11:33.10wethrinGreen & Black's chocolate?
11:33.31ChoHagOnly if it's an evil aero.
11:34.49ChoHagIs there a command to turn file foo from a link into a real file?
11:35.04wethrincp, and dereference links?
11:35.05ChoHagOther than cp foo foo.tmp && rm foo && mv foo.tmp foo
11:36.12antiphaseDoesn't your cp overwrite?
11:36.48ChoHagNot if you copy a file to itself.
11:37.06ChoHagcp: `gay' and `gay' are the same file
11:37.14*** join/#gllug stu_ (
11:37.41ChoHagNow With `GnuQuotes'!
11:42.58antiphasecp -f
11:43.15antiphase"if an existing destination file cannot be opened, remove it and try again"
11:44.08ChoHagThat still doesn't do it.
11:45.44antiphaseif [ -h file ]; ...
11:46.18antiphasenow starts to wonder what Chef horror this is going to end up with
11:46.29ChoHagOh it's not. I was just curious.
12:46.59*** join/#gllug dick_turpin (
12:47.38dick_turpinAfternoon All
12:48.30antiphaseYour money or your life!
12:48.55dick_turpinantiphase: ello appy :-)
12:49.18dick_turpinH's deliberately dropped
12:56.18AzundrisI think Hantiphase figured it out :)
12:56.49bilarhdick_turpin: retard! :)
12:57.28dick_turpinbilarh: I tank U
12:57.51antiphase| | | |
12:57.52antiphase| |_| |
12:57.54antiphase|  _  |
12:57.55antiphase|_| |_|
12:59.02cityLightsthats it for me
12:59.08dick_turpinantiphase: I don't get it? :-(
12:59.16dick_turpinIs it a face?
12:59.52bilarhdick_turpin: see what you've done... it was probably something *you* said
12:59.57antiphaseSpot the person using mIRC on Windows still
13:00.08ChoHagIs citylights really Rimmer?
13:00.34dick_turpinNope Pidgin on Karmic
13:02.19*** join/#gllug sales (
13:02.59salesOi antiphase do it again then I'm on irssi with this one
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13:30.15*** join/#gllug lejocelyn (
14:36.17dick_turpinwethrin: Ping
14:37.53boudiccasdick_turpin, he's in the cleanroom
14:38.05bilarhas in the shower?
14:38.32dick_turpinCYB has had a Sales brain wave! We are to sell Windows Home server to businesses (Cos its a cheaper option and we can make more money) FFS
14:45.09ChoHagThat's the sort of intelligence that he needed to land a job in sales.
14:51.45dick_turpinChoHag: No thats the sort of intelligence he needs to part own the company
14:53.32ChoHagOh, yes, well.
14:53.34ChoHagThere you go.
15:01.36halibilarh: where was it you lived now again?
15:02.01halithe lady in control thinks we should move to east dulwich
15:02.22antiphaseYou could probably get better drugs there
15:02.46haliyes, im not overly keen on south east
15:04.02z00daxeast dulwich isnt either too far east or south
15:04.13z00daxits still zone2 isnt it ?
15:04.35z00daxdont expect reasonable public transport
15:04.57halidecent mainline trains :/
15:04.59halinothing else
15:05.13bilarhthe mainline trains are usually faster than the tube anyway
15:05.28bilarhi'm in petts wood now
15:05.31z00daxbut they are 4 or 5 an hour
15:05.44bilarhso are tubes if you go outside of zone 3
15:07.04z00daxi drive outside zone 2:)
15:09.20bilarhuseless for commuting
15:09.25bilarhplus hali doesn't drive :)
15:11.03wethrindick_turpin: ayy?
15:11.34dick_turpinwethrin: I was expecting your stock answer TBH
15:13.05ChoHagHow can you let a user access an nfs4 share without any kerberos credentials?
15:13.33wethrindon't use kerberised NFS?
15:13.39antiphaseWhat he said
15:14.21wethrinAnyone fancy spending at least a year doing sys- and network-admin stuff for the Physics depatment at Durham?
15:14.42ChoHagWill you pay enough?
15:14.45wethrin£36.5 - £43.6k/year
15:15.34wethrinwhich is perfectly livable in the Frozen North :)
15:15.52Azundris"North", eh
15:16.09AzundrisI show 45 for London.
15:16.38antiphaseToo many Geordies up there
15:16.52wethrinEh. Durham's mostly full of southerners
15:16.53gregj40k is plenty in north
15:17.09gregjin london it is just survival rate really
15:17.21AzundrisAh, $70,000, that's not so bad
15:17.38antiphaseI used to survive quite happily on 25k when I started sysadmining in 2005
15:17.51antiphaseI can't believe our 2% inflation rate has done that much damage in 5 years
15:18.15antiphaseYou're just all greedy :P
15:18.21wethrinI reckon £30k is reasonably survivable in London
15:18.52z00dax£60k for a couple should be plenty!
15:19.20bilarhwethrin: if you live in council housing maybe
15:19.23z00daxeven better if the other half of the couple made all of it
15:19.35bilarhz00dax: eh, how do you work that one out?
15:19.37gregjeven tube drivers get around 40k in london
15:19.37antiphaseDo you mean talk you talk to women?
15:20.24gregjlast offer I had in London was for 80k, but I decided to stay in NI
15:20.27antiphaseTube drivers aren't representative of anything apart from a greedy subterranean minority. The UK average wage is still in the low 20s, although I'm not sure what the London average would be
15:20.40gregjwhere I can rent full house for 450
15:20.47gregjnot just a tiny room :)
15:21.02wethrinAs long as you're earning reasonably in NI :)
15:21.17z00daxbilarh: decent 2 bed place in a decent part of zone2, ~ 1400 to 1600 - thats the major cost
15:24.05antiphaseONE MILLION DOLLARS
15:24.27AzundrisI rent for half that in a decent part of LA!
15:24.40ChoHaggregj: Abroad.
15:24.44z00daxAzundris: but you are not inside london there are you ?
15:25.03ChoHag15:20 < gregj> where I can rent full house for 450
15:25.07Azundrisz00dax: good point, the weather's also much better
15:25.23z00daxAzundris: you mean boring
15:25.30gregjChoHag: well, true, but that's not the question. Question is where in UK :P
15:25.48z00daxmind, i do like the changes - but the last few weeks have been a bit on the extreme side
15:26.40z00dax( i dont mean to imply that i like 'climate change', but more along the lines of a season should feel itself - a wintery winter and a summery summer )
15:26.44bilarhz00dax: so what's that got to do with it being better if one half of the couple earnt all of it?
15:27.06Azundrisz00dax: I'm quite content to pick a season I like, and then stick with it. :)
15:27.18z00daxbilarh: ah prolly nothing.
15:28.31bilarhzoodax: reason for asking is that i think they'd be worse off by quite a bit than if they both earned 30k
15:28.51bilarhz00dax: considering personal tax allowances and the higher rate tax of 40%
15:30.48z00daxI was being more frivolous, than anything else
15:32.28ChoHagIs there a posix network fs which isn't nfs?
15:32.35ChoHagNot that I can change it now, but I probably will one day.
15:32.56ChoHag... which isn't nfs and doesn't suck
15:33.41wethrinOh. All network filesystems suck
15:33.47wethrinIt's Law
15:35.33z00daxI think pretty much every storage tech out there at the moment sucks in some way or the other, networked or not
15:36.23hali10gE and NFS for the win!
15:36.40wethrinNo. NFS is never for the win
15:37.00ChoHagThankyou wethrin.
15:37.05ChoHagI'm glad I'm not alone.
15:43.01ChoHagAs it's mainly for $HOME, I considered some sort of windows-like roaming profile setup, but my home currently stands (well, wallows) at 30G.
15:44.45antiphaseWhy do you need roaming profiles for your house?
15:45.06antiphaseYou should be working 'in the cloud'
15:45.17ChoHagWell I do sometimes work in bed.
15:45.30ChoHagAnd often half asleep.
15:45.39dick_turpinNot from what I hear
15:46.49*** join/#gllug Dominic_ (
15:53.26bilarhok so quick question
15:53.38bilarhif i've got a file open
15:53.55bilarhi can rm it, and still be able to read the contents from the open file handle, right?
15:54.06bilarhuntil i close the handle, at which point the inodes etc are released?
15:54.53bilarhanswer, yes i can :)
15:54.57Azundrisrm only removes the name, yes
15:56.23antiphaseI imagine that it may become corrupted unless the file system protects the blocks used for the file until the last file handle is closed
15:56.50bilarhno i think the file isn't actually deleted by the fs driver until all file handles are closed
15:56.54bilarhwell, that's what i'm hoping happens
15:57.02bilarhthe filesystem still shows 100% full :)
15:57.05antiphaseYou shouldn't rely on it
16:06.24ChoHagOh. It's 4.
16:06.26ChoHagTime to go.
16:13.44AndyMillarwonders who leaves at 4
16:27.28antiphaseLazy contractor scum
16:37.15dick_turpinAndyMillar: The 16:00 from Liverpool Street?
16:41.32cpufreakyo AndyMillar
17:05.57halicpufreak: have you done any power usage measurements on idle/full workloads?
17:06.32halitesing an r710 (2xX5550) and it goes up with about  .3 amps when i compile apache... thought it would be more difference
17:07.00haliit does apache in about 14 secs.. quite ok
17:12.06*** part/#gllug dick_turpin (
17:12.21antiphaseHow fast does it do a 2.4 kernel or Gentoo stage 1?
17:20.18andrewblackreminds me of a call I had onece.  "My disk is full". "Why dodn';t you delete some files then"
17:20.56andrewblack(ignore that - replying to something ages agon....)
17:27.13*** join/#gllug ribalba (
17:37.17gregjwhy people in northern ireland are so daft...
17:37.24gregjI can understand that they don't use blinking indicators
17:37.35gregjbut they are pissing all over the highway code , art 243
18:53.52*** join/#gllug shai (
19:14.06*** join/#gllug DiscordianUK (n=ch@fedora/DiscordianUK)
22:12.28*** join/#gllug ibot (
22:12.28*** topic/#gllug is Greater London LUG -
23:47.59*** join/#gllug Leeds (

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