IRC log for #gllug on 20091209

00:00.24MohanThe current LVM has reiserfs filesystem, unless the lvm collapses I dont see a point in rebuilding it.
00:01.05z00daxspeak with toracat in #centos-social about the state of reiserfs support in c5 plus kernels
00:01.45MohanOk, I will speak to him.
00:02.21MohanBetween what filesystem do you recommend for large arrays with centos?
00:02.58z00daxanything < 4 TiB, ext3 is fine. or for a new install, on x86_64 - ext4 is also an option
00:03.07z00daxif > 8 TiB, then cosider xfs as well
00:04.03Mohanok, cool. Thanks :)
00:04.03Armandback. :)
00:04.26ArmandMohan. :)
00:04.54Mohantoo much porn damaged your disk ?
00:05.14ArmandI think it was me, being an idiot.
00:11.12MohanAlright, Its time for bed. Good Night z00dax, Armand.
00:27.24Armandgnite Mohan..
01:15.09*** join/#gllug celesteh (n=celesteh@sblug/member/celesteh)
01:40.24Armandz00dax: Still there?
02:31.05*** join/#gllug ibot (
02:31.05*** topic/#gllug is Greater London LUG -
02:55.53*** join/#gllug Leeds (
05:21.44*** join/#gllug shai (
06:05.35*** join/#gllug shai (
10:10.53z00daxso, yahoo calendar tells me its mozrat's birthday today
10:10.57z00daxibot: seen mozrat
10:10.59ibotmozrat <n=sm@> was last seen on IRC in channel #gllug, 147d 23h 30m 19s ago, saying: ''allo'.
10:40.49*** join/#gllug DiscordianUK (n=ch@fedora/DiscordianUK)
10:58.11*** join/#gllug Leeds (
11:32.42*** join/#gllug DiscordianUK (n=ch@fedora/DiscordianUK)
12:09.40*** join/#gllug lejocelyn (
12:20.35ChoHaglol @ xkcd
12:29.43z00dax*someone* needs to save daylight
12:47.32ChoHagWhat for?
12:47.34ChoHagI don't use it.
12:48.51*** join/#gllug dick_turpin (
12:50.15dick_turpinAfternoon All
12:51.15*** join/#gllug DiscordianUK (n=ch@fedora/DiscordianUK)
13:03.31z00daxI love daylight
13:04.06DiscordianUKIt's a nice day, quite warm for the time of year
13:04.09ChoHagTCP kicks arse.
13:08.24dick_turpinBright light, bright light
13:15.14boudiccasflashing through the dark night
13:15.23boudiccasjust gotta see Jane
13:15.35DiscordianUKClassic song, boudiccas
13:16.16DiscordianUKTCP is good to gargle with if you have a sore throat
13:25.11dick_turpinBored now the flame war has died down on the mailing list
13:32.29AndyMillaryeah :(
13:37.53dick_turpinAndyMillar: TBH I think they should all be suspended for be touchy morons
13:51.49bilarhponders getting a lathe
13:52.20bilarhthen i can say "i got lathe yesterday" the day after :D
13:54.04dick_turpinbilarh: Your brother gets lathed more than you :-P
13:54.31bilarhnobody gets lathed as much as me
13:54.40bilarhi'm all worn out
13:54.43bilarhno more cutting fluid
14:10.57haliinstalling f*cking aix zzzZZzzzzz so slow
14:16.08dick_turpinbilarh: You shrivelled up prune
14:17.36bilarhlooks like this:
14:48.35bilarhbrilliant, so now that fscking idiot Alistair Darling is raising NI again
14:50.15boudiccasi like .....
14:57.24*** part/#gllug dick_turpin (
15:01.22*** join/#gllug DiscordianUK (n=ch@fedora/DiscordianUK)
15:06.09*** join/#gllug AndyMillar (
15:07.39rhowesickipedia comedy night tonight in Shoreditch
15:10.39wethrincool. Pity I'm not anywhere near there
15:36.11ChoHagWho the fuck decided gems on Debian should install their binaries in /var/lib/?
15:36.18ChoHag/var/lib/gems/1.8/bin/ to be precise.
15:41.23MrKenChoHag: Lame, I know, but I think it's because they're not package managed, so can't go in /usr
15:42.36ChoHagCPAN modules are fine.
15:42.42ChoHagWhy is ruby so fucking special?
15:42.48ChoHagAnd by special, I mean 'special'.
15:43.29ChoHagAnd by 'special', I mean retarded.
15:43.48MrKenWhere do CPAN modules go?
15:44.03MrKenDon't think I've ever installed one on a Debian system
15:44.38MrKenWonder why gems don't go there
15:44.45ChoHagBecause ruby is 'special'.
16:14.54*** join/#gllug wethrin ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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16:14.54*** join/#gllug ChoHag ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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16:14.54*** join/#gllug agk__ (n=agk@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
16:14.54*** join/#gllug outoffocus (n=andrew@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
16:14.54*** join/#gllug MoZes ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
16:15.15*** join/#gllug j0nr ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
16:15.15*** join/#gllug bilarh ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
16:15.15*** join/#gllug Dominic (n=dominic@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
16:15.15*** join/#gllug Filbert (n=jon@fedora/filbert) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
16:15.15*** join/#gllug cpufreak ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
16:15.15*** join/#gllug phearless (n=phearles@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
16:57.40bilarhanyone know of a way to get the serial number of a monitor attached to a box?
16:57.51bilarhseems to work witn WMI in windows, but is there anything like that in linux?
17:09.49DiscordianUKmonitor-edid perhaps
17:11.39rhoweIt's in the Xorg startup log if nothing else, I think
17:11.52rhoweWell, model#, maybe not serial
17:13.58rhowehm, my monitor doesn't seem to tell the OS the serial#
17:15.44rhowe(read-edid Debian package, commandline "get-edid|parse-edid")
17:16.32boudiccasbilarh, can you not eyeball the monitor for the serial number? or is that too sensible? :)
17:28.48*** join/#gllug jpds (n=jpds@ubuntu/member/jpds)
17:42.45*** join/#gllug j0nr_ (
17:43.38*** join/#gllug nixofortune (n=egor@
18:26.33*** join/#gllug Discordian (n=ch@fedora/DiscordianUK)
18:40.02*** join/#gllug j0nr (
19:01.32*** join/#gllug DiscordianUK (n=ch@fedora/DiscordianUK)
19:38.33*** join/#gllug Discordian (n=ch@fedora/DiscordianUK)
21:16.11*** join/#gllug Discordian (n=ch@fedora/DiscordianUK)
21:27.01rhoweOh this is annoying
21:27.16rhoweAny drawing of graphics in X kills audio
21:27.26rhoweSo it's hella choppy
21:27.36rhoweglxgears just makes anything garble
21:28.04rhowekicks the kernel folk, alsa folk, xorg folk, intel xorg driver folk and anyone else who might be relevant
21:28.16rhoweWork harder for free k pls thx
22:07.00ChoHagIt's not for free for Intel.
22:07.04ChoHagYou paid for the chip.
22:33.17*** join/#gllug Discordian (n=ch@fedora/DiscordianUK)
23:32.32rhoweChoHag: Well, work did :)

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