IRC log for #gllug on 20090102

00:18.26*** join/#gllug nixofortune_ (n=egor@
04:00.41*** join/#gllug Leeds (
05:27.07*** join/#gllug Mohan (i=roughele@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
05:27.07*** join/#gllug agk (n=agk@nat/redhat/x-a36454fcad0602c6) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
05:27.11*** join/#gllug ChoHag ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
05:27.11*** join/#gllug kinko ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
05:27.11*** join/#gllug londo (n=georgiou@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
05:27.11*** join/#gllug boudiccas ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
05:27.11*** join/#gllug jpds (n=jpds@ubuntu/member/jpds) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
05:27.11*** join/#gllug kraptv ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
05:27.11*** join/#gllug gregj ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
05:27.11*** join/#gllug bilarh ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
05:27.11*** join/#gllug kjs ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
05:27.11*** join/#gllug Nafallo (n=nafallo@ubuntu/member/nafallo) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
05:27.11*** join/#gllug Stephmw ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
05:27.11*** join/#gllug hali ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
05:31.08*** join/#gllug ChoHag ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
05:31.08*** join/#gllug kinko ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
05:31.08*** join/#gllug londo (n=georgiou@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
05:31.08*** join/#gllug boudiccas ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
05:31.08*** join/#gllug jpds (n=jpds@ubuntu/member/jpds) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
05:31.08*** join/#gllug kraptv ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
05:31.08*** join/#gllug gregj ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
05:31.08*** join/#gllug bilarh ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
05:31.08*** join/#gllug kjs ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
05:31.08*** join/#gllug Nafallo (n=nafallo@ubuntu/member/nafallo) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
05:31.08*** join/#gllug Stephmw ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
05:31.08*** join/#gllug hali ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
05:31.27*** join/#gllug morsing (
05:31.28*** join/#gllug Leeds ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
05:31.28*** join/#gllug popey (n=alan@ubuntu/member/popey) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
05:31.28*** join/#gllug Cope_ (
05:31.28*** join/#gllug Alex ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
05:31.28*** join/#gllug z00dax ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
05:31.52*** join/#gllug Mohan (i=roughele@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
05:31.52*** join/#gllug agk (n=agk@nat/redhat/x-a36454fcad0602c6) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
06:06.00*** join/#gllug DiscordianUK (
08:57.58*** join/#gllug phearless (n=ajeannie@
09:35.57MohanGood Morning! All.
09:38.49Mohanhi Cope
09:39.27Mohanhi hali
09:59.18bilarhdamn i aws late today
09:59.26bilarh9:19, latest i've ever been
09:59.34bilarhnever mind, nothing to do anyway :)
10:39.31bilarhjeez, it's really expensive to book holidays now isn't it
10:39.35bilarhdamn pound again
10:50.31bilarhoh man what a write off yesterday aws
10:50.35bilarhi didn't even leave the house
10:50.50bilarhi opened the door once to get my takeaway delivery
10:58.43bilarhi'm not sure if i can take the busyness in here today :(
11:07.26*** join/#gllug Leeds (
12:04.22wethrinbilarh: Let yourself back into the world of work gently
12:43.04bilarhi wish i had some work to do to be honest
12:55.28kinkoworking from home, brings in the year slowly
12:59.59morsingnuzzle kinko
13:03.20kinkostupid servers from around the world, trying to bother me so early in year :Z
13:04.14kinkorun empty
13:08.33*** join/#gllug rhowe (n=rhowe@
13:18.56morsingrhowe: We're just back from the experimentarium
15:33.27rhowemorsing: hey
15:33.32rhowemorsing: Cool - we never made it there
15:33.53rhowemorsing: Louisiana was good though, and we went up to Helsignor afterwards and had dinner in a cafe there
15:35.29morsingrhowe: Losers
15:36.06morsingI sincerely hope you saw Holger Danske?
15:36.33morsingOtherwise visiting Helsingoer without seeing Hoger Danske-------------------
15:39.15morsingrhowe: Why are you ignoring me?
15:39.23rhoweHolger Danske?
15:39.30rhoweIt was pretty dark when we got there
15:39.33morsingrhowe: Oh my god... You're serious?
15:39.43rhowewe just wandered the shopping streets for a bit and found somewhere to eat
15:40.02morsingErmm... Hardly worth going to Helosingor for that
15:40.19rhowewell, we had free transport
15:40.35rhoweand thought we may as well head up there to say we travelled around a bit :P
15:40.55morsingStill, you went to Helsingor without visiting Kronborg and Holger Danske-----
15:41.11rhowemorsing: heh, yes :P
15:41.29rhoweWe went to Cafe Olai and had some pickled herring instead :P
15:43.53morsingrhowe: *sigh*  My dad's silly browser won't let me use or
15:44.26morsingrhowe: Please Google Kronborg - you've missed out on one of Denmarks most famous things despite being right next to it
15:44.41rhowemorsing: We saw where it was on the map and decided it was too far to walk :P
15:44.56morsingrhowe: It wasn't - totally worth it
15:45.03rhowemorsing: Even at night?
15:45.32morsingThey close at 5 I think but it's indoor so day or night doesn't matter
15:45.45rhowemorsing: Ah well it was well after 5 when we were there
15:45.57morsingYou could have gone earlier
15:46.03rhoweWe could
15:46.17rhowebut as it was we spent most of the afternoon at Louisiana
15:47.04rhoweWe went to Rosenborg Slot and saw the crown jewels
15:47.12morsingThat's nice
15:47.26rhoweand went into Kastellat (sp?)
15:47.30rhoweand up to the mermaid
15:47.37morsingCool - only been outside, never inside
15:48.00rhowehm, where else.. had breakfast at La Glace
15:48.19morsingErmm... :)
15:48.26morsingHopefully you had cake?
15:48.35rhowewe did
15:48.53rhoweas well as going to the HC Anderson cake shop next to Tivoli
15:49.02rhowehm, not sure what cake we had actually
15:49.11morsingSportscake ftw
15:49.19rhowewe bought all of one of their cakes :P
15:49.24rhowea large danish pastry type thing
15:49.24morsinglol :)
15:49.27rhowein an 'L' shape
15:49.31rhowethey only had two :P
15:49.35morsingPastry != cake
15:49.46rhoweYeah, kringle
15:49.48morsingOR some type of kringle
15:50.09morsingYou did have proper cake there though, right?
15:50.15rhoweer, no :P
15:50.20rhowejust pastry and coffee :P
15:50.48morsingSo you went to Helsingor and missed the point, then went to La Glace and missed the point
15:50.54morsingYou needed a better guide
15:51.02rhowewe lost the guidebook on the 3rd day :P
15:51.17rhowealthough I think we saw it the next day in La Glace
15:51.42morsingLook for"Sports cake"
15:52.13rhowehm, maybe I ate something similar to that
15:52.28rhoweit was a tube with a creamy filling and chocolate at both ends
15:52.40morsingNo - look kat the photo
15:52.44morsinglook at...
15:53.08morsingDanish cake != British "cake"
15:53.41rhoweoh and we had breakfast at somewhere beginning with 'z' near Stroget
15:54.00MohanThat cake looks really good..
15:54.30morsingMohan: Tell rhowe he's a twat when I'D BLOODY TOLD HIM TO GO FOR THE SPORTS CAKE!!
15:55.37morsingwethrin: ping
15:55.38rhowehas booked accommodation for FOSDEM today
15:55.41Mohanmorsing: no worries, i have noted it in my diary when i go there i will make sure ill have it :d
15:55.47wethrinmorsing: hi
15:55.54wethrinrhowe: Good man. Where you staying?
15:56.16morsingwethrin: Beer/cake/cheese trip to CPH this summer? We'll introduce rhowe to Sports cake
15:56.17rhowewethrin: Four Points by Sheraton
15:56.23rhowewethrin: Just south of Louise metro
15:56.58wethrinmorsing: Potentially, yes. I'll have to do some money-saving before that, though
15:57.06morsingwethrin: Skip FOSDEM
15:57.37wethrinmorsing: No. I've already booked it.
15:57.37morsingrhowe: You up for that?
15:57.37morsingwethrin: !!  Without me?
15:57.38wethrinrhowe: Mm. I'm staying at one of the Novotels
15:57.38wethrinmorsing: Yep. You didn't want to come
15:57.38morsingwethrin: How's Toby?
15:58.03morsingToby > Sports cake
15:58.36morsingrhowe < Holger Danske
15:59.47morsingrhowe: ping
16:01.13morsing15:57 < morsing> rhowe: You up for that?
16:01.25rhowemorsing: Ah
16:01.31rhowemorsing: Hm, potentially
16:01.44rhowemorsing: I think I would combine it with a trip to .se and potentially Berlin too
16:02.53morsingkjs: Beer
16:09.02rhoweOK, school's out
16:09.07rhoweis off to the pub
16:17.39morsingwethrin: Why did boudiccas leave?
16:17.50wethrinRead the quit message
16:22.03*** join/#gllug boudiccas (
16:24.19morsingboudiccas: Why's wethrin upset?
16:24.30boudiccasno idea
16:24.51wethrinI'm not upset.
16:25.04wethrinI'm very rarely upset.
16:25.11wethrinWhat I do get, however, is irritated with stupid questions.
16:43.12Mohani am getting a strange error with grub password, no matter what how many times i reset my grub password, when i enter the correct password at the grub prompt it says wrong in opensuse11.1
16:43.57wethrinDid you forget to save changes?
16:44.47Mohani changed the password manually with grub-md5-crypt and manually pasted in the menu.lst file
16:45.45Mohanjust to makesure i am editing the right file i used the coloroption for the grub menu to the same file and it works, it just the password option isn't working
16:46.40Mohanit use to work earlier without any issues, its just the update to 11.1 is screwed up in many ways.
16:47.13Mohanmorsing: whats your favorite beer ?
16:47.30wethrinI haven't used SUSE for years
16:49.02morsingMohan: Don't have one
16:50.13Mohangrub works the same, independent of distribution i suppose.
16:50.33Mohanmorsing: ok
16:50.44wethrinYeah, it should do
16:50.57wethrinActually, all programs should work the same, independent of distribution
16:51.45Mohanbut distributions tweaks the programs in one or the other way which creates issues.
16:52.04Mohanbut with the grub there is nuthing big there to tweak.
16:52.22wethrinIs there much point in passwording grub? Is this on your laptop?
16:53.35Mohanwethrin: yes its my laptop, and i have like dual linux / vista installed i normally keep all options locked other than the standard first option
16:54.08Mohanso incase even if someone gets my laptop they cant reinstall the os unless they manage to reset bios password
16:54.55wethrinThey can reset the BIOS. Or, more likely, they'll just sell it 'as-is', or bin it.
16:57.01Mohanwethrin: well atleast that make sures that though they steal it they cant use it as easy as they would have thought.
16:58.10wethrinmorsing: Please add something *useful* to the conversation
16:58.35wethrinMohan: True. I assume you keep backups of your data, then, just in case
17:00.07Mohanwethrin:  yeah i do have a copy of some of the important works.
17:00.51Mohanmorsing: i was just wondering you keep saying beer quite often and you dont have a favorite brand?
17:01.07wethrinhe just likes getting attention
17:01.20morsingwethrin: No, I hate attention, you know that
17:01.36morsingMohan: People who know stuff rarely have favourites
17:01.54wethrinwonders how many really paranoid people who password every bit of their system don't actually back up their data
17:01.55morsingIf you have a favourite, you're ignorant
17:02.06boudiccasspitfire from shepherd neames
17:02.19Mohanmorsing: so you have added your name to people who know stuff ?
17:02.36Mohanadds his name to people who dont know stuff :)
17:02.38wethrinYou can know things. Have favourite styles, and all that. And yet still have a beer that you would recommend to people if they asked.
17:03.08wethrinOr maybe if not one favourite, it's entirely reasonable to have 3 or 4 favourites
17:09.35Mohanwethrin: even if you dont backup the data the loss is just yours, but if you have like access details for other machines and if that machine is lost its really pain to reconfigure everything.
17:10.33wethrinYou're assuming the person who stole your laptop is likely to care about accessing other systems. This is very unlikely.
17:10.34Mohanand if it gets in wrong hands whatever happens you stand for responsiblity
17:10.47*** join/#gllug dick_turpin (
17:10.52wethrinSo you make passphrase-less ssh keys a firing offence
17:11.25dick_turpinmorsing: :-)
17:13.37Mohani wouldn't say that as a firing offence, but if you loose a laptop like that ofcourse it can be considered depending on the level of sensitive data accessible.
17:15.11Mohanwethrin: if nothing happens no one is bothered, but if something does happen thats where the issue is.
17:15.11wethrinIf it's a computer with sensitive data, there should be no way in can be accessed without a password/passphrase
17:16.20Mohanyeah but no bios password, cd rom as first boot device, able to start it in single user mode eveything has to be locked as well.
17:21.49Mohani wonder how many people use passphrased ssh keys ?
17:22.02morsingMohan: I suspect more people use beer
17:22.41Mohanmorsing: i suspect more people use whisky
17:24.05Mohanmorsing: i have got a simple question for you
17:26.36MohanIs in anyway aix better than linux ?
17:36.30wethrinThe question you have to ask is 'for what task'?
17:41.04Mohanwethrin: i asked in general, i havent worked with aix machines, just to know if there is any specific adavantage in using them .
17:42.49*** part/#gllug dick_turpin (
17:42.53*** join/#gllug jpds (n=jpds@ubuntu/member/jpds)
17:47.05morsingMohan: AIX is better in every way
17:47.26morsingAnd now I'm leaving - dinner with the Vittrups
18:05.00halithe one advantage with AIX is that it runs on power6 processors
18:05.08haliso you get kick ass performance
18:05.21haliso it's very low cost for high cost software
18:07.00*** join/#gllug DiscordianUK (
18:10.52Mohanhali: Mac switched to intel series processor because the power serious processors couldnt handle demanding leopards processing requirements isn't that true ?
18:11.35halipower6 wasn't really suited for laptops
18:11.45wethrinIntel happened to make faster, cheaper, and lower power processors
18:12.04halifaster for end-users
18:12.09Mohanoh okie.
18:12.12wethrinAnd IBM weren't particularly interested in developing a PowerPC processor based on POWER6
18:12.26halipower6 really kicks ass on database loads
18:12.37haliis researching Juniper routers / switches
18:12.44wethrinDisk IO is very important there, too
18:13.54haliibm is usuall good at that too
18:21.42ChoHag'The hasaddr function returns 1 if this address is included in any To:, Cc:, Resent-To:, or Resent-Cc:'  <--  what earthly bloody good is that?
18:22.17ChoHagI want to know who it's FROM. I know who it's TO. It's to ME.
22:13.00*** join/#gllug rhowe_ (n=rhowe@
22:40.24AndyMillarmmh, this camalyn (sp?) guy's causing fun again \o/
22:44.04*** join/#gllug andrew_ (

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