IRC log for #gllug on 20080830

00:22.00*** join/#gllug catalyst (n=catalyst@allegro/user/angelchild)
01:04.16*** join/#gllug catalyst (n=catalyst@allegro/user/angelchild) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
01:04.16*** join/#gllug ChoHag ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
01:04.17*** join/#gllug kjalil ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
01:04.17*** join/#gllug xteddy ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
01:04.17*** join/#gllug gregj ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
01:04.17*** join/#gllug kinko (i=kinko@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
01:04.17*** join/#gllug jpds (i=jpds@ubuntu/member/jpds) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
01:04.17*** join/#gllug zaarg ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
01:04.17*** join/#gllug popey (n=alan@ubuntu/member/popey) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
01:04.17*** join/#gllug cpufreak ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
01:04.17*** join/#gllug mikejw ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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01:04.17*** join/#gllug londo (n=georgiou@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
01:32.43*** join/#gllug Leeds (
02:21.52*** join/#gllug etorix (n=etorix@unaffiliated/etorix)
06:28.03*** join/#gllug etorix (n=etorix@unaffiliated/etorix)
07:09.43etorixslaps morsing around a bit with a lackluster sack of festering ear wax
07:16.05boudiccasetorix; gross man, really gross
07:21.14etorixits a /slap script for xchat, boudiccas
07:21.27etorixit does /insult too
07:21.45etorixive never managed to make it repeat
07:24.41morsingboudiccas: What's for breakfast?
07:25.43morsingWith marmite?
07:25.52boudiccasyou're being silly again
07:26.09morsingAre you wethrin?
07:26.26boudiccasno, i am moi
07:27.14boudiccasall being well [DV] i should be making some more beer this afternoon, if all my plans come to fruition
07:29.07boudiccasyou know you like it along with english apples dont you morsing
07:29.52morsingWorse than "curry"
11:34.23*** join/#gllug Stephmw (
13:17.00*** join/#gllug kinko (i=kinko@
14:08.01*** join/#gllug sabinef72 (
14:11.47*** join/#gllug z00dax_airport (n=z00dax@
14:16.12z00dax_trainMorsing! Check it
14:24.25*** join/#gllug kinko (i=kinko@
15:03.25*** join/#gllug shai_ (
15:04.19*** part/#gllug shai_ (
16:36.34*** join/#gllug Discordian (
16:38.11*** join/#gllug londo__ (n=georgiou@
17:00.43*** join/#gllug kIlleRaDzE___ (n=killerad@
17:05.39*** part/#gllug kIlleRaDzE___ (n=killerad@
17:28.39*** join/#gllug _kinko (i=kinko@
17:35.06*** part/#gllug kinko (i=kinko@
17:43.21kraptvmorsing, should I drink the coke.
17:58.29*** join/#gllug DiscordianUK (
17:58.49DiscordianUKgood evening
18:05.27morsingkraptv: You are the coke man
18:09.46kraptvnice, DONE.
21:08.57*** join/#gllug shai_ (
21:32.06z00daxmd5 ?
21:32.55DiscordianUKit's a polynomial algorithm
21:33.08DiscordianUKused for checksumming
21:33.13DiscordianUKinter alia
22:23.24*** join/#gllug mindbendr (
22:28.21mindbendrgot hardware issues
22:28.23mindbendrI've got a strange problem, I've changed my mainboard and thus the storage interfaces have changed. Now it loads the kernel and initrd via GRUB, it can't find the Volume Groups so it can't mount the root file system. When I boot with fedora rescue, I can reach the filesystem without any problem, I did a e2fsck and nothing is corrupted as well. The strange thing is when I check with grub, it looks like the device is (hd0,1), when I boot with the f
22:34.20antiphaseEpic fail
22:40.24mindbendrantiphase, ?
22:42.04antiphaseYou hit a character limit I think
22:42.38z00daxmindbendr: pvscan ; vgscan ; lvscan etc - and what antiphase said. so no one really knows what you went onto say
22:45.00antiphaseDepending on what distro you're running you may no longer have the right modules in the initramfs to bring up your disk interfaces
22:46.02mindbendrit can load the /boot from the same hard drive
22:46.13mindbendrit just can't find LV Group
22:46.31mindbendrit's fedora and it can load those LV Groups with Rescue C
22:46.54mindbendrso it has got access to the hard drive, I haven't changed initrd and the kernel
22:47.00mindbendrstill can that be related to initrd?
22:47.01antiphase/boot can't be on LVM though
22:47.08mindbendrantiphase, yeah it's not on LVM
22:47.29antiphaseSo you can read and boot the kernel, but it can no longer bring up the disks within the kernel
22:47.30mindbendrantiphase, but the drive is IDE so it doesn't have any problem with accessing to the drive
22:47.40mindbendrantiphase, it's the same disk though?
22:47.46antiphaseDonesn't matter
22:48.04antiphaseIf you're using LVM and/or RAID your initramfs needs drivers for your hardware
22:48.18antiphaseIf you change the hardware, you need a new initramfs
22:48.28mindbendrhmm sounds good
22:48.40mindbendri'll make a new initrd then
22:49.04z00daxlvm and mdraid support are always included in the fedora kernels
22:49.15z00daxthe entire dm-raid stack
22:49.42z00daxmindbendr: whats really changed ?
22:49.49mindbendrz00dax, IDE controller
22:49.58mindbendrz00dax, it was a normal IDE controller before
22:50.18mindbendrz00dax, now it's using some chipset that actually used for RAID or something to load IDE interface
22:50.22antiphaseconsiders the amount of wine consumed and the relevance of his advice
22:50.34z00daxantiphase: same boat here
22:50.36mindbendrz00dax, however the thing I can't understand how can that access to the /boot partition on the same drive
22:50.40mindbendrif it doesn't have the module
22:50.57z00daxmindbendr: /boot is read by grub, using stock bios calls.
22:51.17antiphaseGRUB reads the disk raw to boot the kernel; the root file system has to be mounted by the kernel/initramfs combo
22:51.51mindbendrmakes sense
22:53.37mindbendrwhich modules should I include when I'm creating new initrd?
22:53.44mindbendrexcept raid
22:54.00mindbendris there any generic module for this kinda stuff
22:57.51mindbendri'm gonna recreate this bloody initrd

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