IRC log for #gllug on 20080709

00:08.04*** join/#gllug Leeds (
00:42.09*** join/#gllug Guest19656 (n=shevek@
02:34.19*** join/#gllug Leeds (
03:19.56*** join/#gllug Discordian (
04:09.25*** join/#gllug Discordian (
05:07.33*** join/#gllug Leeds (
07:59.18*** join/#gllug j0nr (
08:00.21*** join/#gllug catalyst (
08:19.48*** join/#gllug mikejw (
09:58.31*** join/#gllug huw-l (
10:19.31*** join/#gllug Blapto (n=martin@
10:37.56*** join/#gllug catalyst` (n=catalyst@allegro/user/angelchild)
10:48.17*** join/#gllug geospart (
11:07.52mikejwcan anyone recommend a good book on Java?
11:12.09wethrinWhat level?
11:18.14*** join/#gllug etorix (n=etorix@unaffiliated/etorix)
11:21.24mikejwalmost intermediate maybe :/
11:21.53mikejwI'm not fresh to it but it has been a while :)
11:22.37antiphasePython is the new Java
11:23.36mikejwnot here it's not
11:24.06mikejwjava is the new java
11:27.45mikejwI don't mind though => Android :)
11:33.13*** join/#gllug dick_turpin (
12:13.09*** join/#gllug nstinDJ_IcT (
12:22.27*** join/#gllug Discordian (
13:00.07*** join/#gllug Discordian (
13:07.40*** join/#gllug rhowe_ (
13:09.22rhowe_hm, has anyone tried davical?
13:38.15wethrinhi rhowe_
14:02.12*** join/#gllug blight (n=blight@
14:06.34*** join/#gllug zaarg (
14:13.52BlaptoYes, heard that on the news
14:13.54Blaptoquite odd
14:14.11bilarh_it's a government/police cover up
14:16.39Blaptoconfiscates bilarh_'s drugs
14:17.00antiphaseStupid sheep shaggers
14:17.22bilarh_oi, she looked better than the welsh women
14:25.17blightSo I have a kernel module for a usb serial device that works when the system is booted without the module loaded and manually inserted into running kernel
14:25.37blightIt doesn't work when set to insert at boot time
14:26.00blightSo that makes me think some device driver is conflicting with this module
14:26.24blightProblem is lsmod output before and after is the same barring the module I'm working with
14:26.28blightAny suggstions?
14:34.33bilarh_ok so i've given up on the 500 quid porsche idea
14:34.38bilarh_i test drove a 944 automatic
14:34.43bilarh_it was slower than my clio :-\
14:34.49bilarh_so no way am i getting that
14:34.56bilarh_instead, i'm going to get a piece of swedish iron :D
14:35.06bilarh_in the form of a volvo or saab turbo
14:58.30*** join/#gllug j0nr (
15:22.45AndyMillarany of you happy people used kerberos auth with apache?
15:24.13blightAndyMillar: shiny people count?
15:26.09AndyMillarblight: yes :)
16:17.10*** join/#gllug axelS (
18:36.11*** join/#gllug andronicus7 (
18:43.21*** join/#gllug Discordian (
19:59.47*** join/#gllug Discordian (
20:11.22*** join/#gllug catalyst (n=catalyst@allegro/user/angelchild)
20:53.17*** join/#gllug mindbendr (
20:54.10mindbendrhow is it going
20:54.21Discordianca va , and you?
20:54.47mindbendr4 hours on the road, 8.5 hours at work
20:54.54mindbendrgot 2 hours spare time for my self including dinner
20:55.22Discordianoh dear been there done that
20:55.37mindbendri have no lufe
20:55.56Discordiani didn't during that era
20:56.07Discordianthough twas 6 hours by train
20:56.25mindbendrdon't ever go to uxbridge
20:56.46DiscordianErrr why not?
20:56.52mindbendrit sucks
20:57.07mindbendrthere's only kfc and pizzahut for lunch
20:57.16mindbendrand it's too far to everywhere, the train is terrible
20:57.29DiscordianI've worked worse places
20:57.50mindbendrif i could drive, it'd be like 45 mins which is reasonable
20:57.54DiscordianAn industrial estate in Maidenhead
20:58.00mindbendrdid it worth it
20:58.13DiscordianThere was no where to eat
20:58.19halithe city is easier to work in
20:58.21halior soho
20:58.24haliall within 3 mins walk
20:58.54Nafalloworks in lots of places now
20:59.11Nafallostill want to find a foody place near the office.
20:59.30Nafalloany hints for Millbank? :-)
20:59.37haliNafallo: aren't you still around spitalfields?
20:59.39mindbendrlol where is it even
20:59.48DiscordianThere's a pub opposite Millbank Tower
20:59.57DiscordianDoes nice food
21:00.05Nafallohali: Millbank, Angel and Aldgateisch
21:00.18mindbendrthere are some pubs around the place i work but i haven't eaten in a pub before, is it a good idea?
21:00.26haliNafallo: changed jobs?
21:00.27DiscordianAngel is well sorted for food
21:00.27NafalloDiscordian: opposite? towards tate you mean?
21:00.36Nafallohali: yea. a while ago.
21:00.58DiscordianI like pub food especially wetherspoons pub food
21:00.59NafalloDiscordian: sounds like Morpeth Arms?
21:01.02haliah, nice, im not up to speed
21:01.13mindbendrDiscordian: what do you have in the pubs
21:01.25DiscordianI've no idea what it's called
21:01.45boudiccasDiscordian; the social meeting is in a wetherspoons pub :)
21:01.46haliim usually quite relucant to go to a weatherspoons :)
21:01.53DiscordianI have scampi and chips, chilli, chicken kiev etc
21:01.55boudiccaswhy hali ?
21:02.02NafalloDiscordian: only one I can think of. basically walk past tate, right past another building, and then it's on the corner?
21:02.25DiscordianIt's much closer to Millbank than that
21:02.28halithe food is usually crap, it's full of old people, no atmosphere, no jukebox... usually decent beer selection though
21:02.34Nafallohmm. not that one then.
21:02.40DiscordianI've only been there once
21:02.47halii even prefer all bar one
21:02.51Discordianboudiccas: sounds good
21:02.51Nafallohali: you haven't been to the one in Cutty Sark? ;-)
21:02.53haliover weatherspoons
21:02.55boudiccashali; its the clientelle who provide the atmosphere
21:02.57haliNafallo: no
21:03.05Nafallohali: lots of nice women :-)
21:03.19halicompare that to an independent place in shoreditch or soho
21:03.22halinot the same
21:03.35haliNafallo: did you ever go to the princess?
21:03.44halijust off great eastern
21:03.47Nafallohali: no. you haven't called me yet :-)
21:04.17Nafallohali: also, see pm ;-)
21:04.22halior the griffin, grotty in a good way
21:04.50halii love the "Please do not remove the furniture" sign :)
21:06.57Discordianthe griffin by CX ?
21:07.01mindbendri'm off, night
21:07.34halino, the griffin next to where boy george lived when he chained up that bloke :)
21:08.05haliin shoreditch, almost anyway, street down from hoxton square
21:09.03DiscordianI've drunk in Boy george's dad's pub by that's Plumstead
21:13.08Nafalloso yea... I still need to find a good place to eat while in the office. guess I'll just have to scout around.
21:13.28halithere are a few decent places up at victoria, but may be a bit far
21:14.00Nafallohmm. yea.
21:14.16Nafallopimlico is on the stretch ;-)

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