IRC log for #gllug on 20080402

00:29.38Discordiangah can't sleep
00:29.47DiscordianI really must get a job
00:31.10FacundoDiscordian: you wake up late?
00:33.05DiscordianI did today
00:33.13Discordianbut usually at 06;30ish
00:34.28AndyMillarmmh, sleep is overrated
00:40.16secretlondonI should sleep actually
00:50.16cpufreakarse. I have a meeting in 6hrs
00:50.20cpufreakswears massively
00:50.35DiscordianI shall try and sleep I think now
00:51.04cpufreaktoo, but alarm set for 4am CEST, to wake me up to take clothes out of rthe washing machine
02:19.29*** join/#gllug curson (
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05:14.45*** join/#gllug Discordian (
05:59.57*** join/#gllug Discordian (
06:23.28Copepeeks in.
07:32.30*** join/#gllug bilarh (
07:32.49bilarh./quit over /query ftw
07:55.01*** join/#gllug blight (n=blight@
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08:57.12AndyMillar"Customers throughout Hackney & Islington may be experiencing a loss of their Virgin Media broadband service.
09:04.58*** join/#gllug mikejw (
09:06.35*** join/#gllug etorix (n=etorix@unaffiliated/etorix)
09:16.22mikejwhi peeps
09:20.20mikejwso is project Virgle for real?
09:21.48wethrinpoints at the date
09:23.40mikejwcrazy shiznit
09:46.31halihm, interesting, it seems that there is no limit to how many QA servers a business can utilize
09:46.44haliwe actaully have more QA than we have production servers now
09:46.58haliand a fraction for normal dev work
09:48.13*** join/#gllug ElPenguin (n=ElPengui@foresight/developer/elpenguin)
09:55.09AndyMillarno-one cares about production any more
09:56.32*** join/#gllug Axel (
09:56.43Axelgood day ladies and gents
10:06.28mikejwhi :)
10:07.55*** join/#gllug morsing (
10:08.08morsingAnyone know what the problem is here:
10:09.22wethrinsearchUnifiedViewByCli(String, String) -
10:09.23wethrinn: Connection timed out
10:09.54morsingYeah, that's the only thing I noticed as well. Is it possible to tell what it's doing I wonder...
10:10.02wethrin2008-04-01 17:55:33,275 ERROR [] searchContactByCli(String, String)Incorrect result size: expected 1, ac
10:10.05wethrintual 0
10:10.06wethrinAlso that'un
10:10.53wethrinIt's not getting any results back when it expected something
10:11.10wethrinBut the Exception that it's throwing is due to a Conncetion timed out
10:11.43wethrinAnd someone appears to have not written a proper exception handling routine
10:11.47morsingOk -thanks
10:21.02*** join/#gllug dick_turpin (
10:29.31bilarhmr turpin
10:30.14*** mode/#gllug [+o morsing] by ChanServ
10:33.05dick_turpinbilarh: :-)
10:35.15*** mode/#gllug [-oo morsing wethrin] by wethrin
10:38.12dick_turpinI want a mode too :-(
10:38.35bilarhyou're in gay mode most of the time already, why d'you need another one?
10:38.55dick_turpinbilarh: You can talk fat boy
10:39.08bilarhjust about
10:39.24dick_turpinExcept when your mouths full :-P
10:41.51bilarhstuffs his face
10:41.55Nafallowhere can I get kvr667d2d8f5/1g like now? :-)
11:43.46*** join/#gllug dick_turpin (
11:48.19bilarhsheesh, our internet is so slow at the moment that browsing doesn't work
11:48.35bilarhi'm in real danger of having to do real work!
11:48.58morsingleans back and closes his eyes
11:49.11*** join/#gllug cray (
11:49.41bilarhmorsing: been on the drink again?
11:50.05*** join/#gllug siriusly (
11:50.49morsingbilarh: No :(  My drinking buddy at work, Nikki, is off sick :(
11:52.27siriuslymorsing, ?
11:56.20*** join/#gllug siriusly (
12:10.24dick_turpinbilarh: Put that down its dirty
12:11.05*** join/#gllug ElPenguin (n=ElPengui@foresight/developer/elpenguin)
12:12.50ElPenguinhi morsing
12:43.16bilarhdick_turpin: just the way i like it
12:53.09dick_turpinbilarh: where you been? I got so fed up of waiting I had to do some work for a change
12:54.20halihas anyone tried https ssl vpn in Linux?
12:57.22antiphaseSounds terrible
12:57.34antiphaseHTTP is for web pages :P
13:03.12bilarhdick_turpin: had internet problems
13:03.22bilarhi was *so* close to having to do some work
13:03.30bilarhimagine that, i would have been found out :-\
13:03.42dick_turpinbilarh: Try paying the bill that generally helps :D
13:04.28bilarhyeah :(
13:04.45bilarhwe just gave them a credit card we skimmed earlier today in the canteen
13:04.58dick_turpinbilarh: lol
13:08.40AndyMillargood plan!
13:09.19bilarhreminds me of the time we had to go out to the park and rob two old ladies to pay for backup tapes
13:15.51bilarhthis is pretty neat
13:16.48haliantiphase: it's ace, sort of like ssh tunnels but over SSL, it binds to 127.0.x.x addresses
13:17.06haliantiphase: not really useful for full blown vpn's but quite good to publish stuff like RDP servers
13:17.23halino need for vpn software on the client side
13:17.52antiphaseSSH but over SSL? Ha ha
13:17.59antiphaseHow do you think SSH works?
13:18.10antiphaseI know what you mean though
13:18.39haliwhat im saying is that it's just forwarding ports
13:18.47halisimilar to ssh, not that it is ssh
13:18.54*** part/#gllug morsing (
13:19.18haliquite handy in environments where proxy servers and strict firewall policies are in place
13:20.50AndyMillarhali: ip over dns :)
13:22.58haliAndyMillar: that would get you sacked in most places
13:27.25AndyMillarwell, not the sorts of places I work :)
13:28.38*** join/#gllug Armand (
13:30.41haliwe use it for banking clients
13:30.52haliinvestment banks where they are pretty paranoid about security
13:37.08wethrinAs well they should be
14:24.45*** join/#gllug jpatrick (n=jon@ubuntu/member/jpatrick)
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14:33.53FacundoHi people
14:35.21*** join/#gllug Discordian (
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17:24.35DiscordianHi again
17:34.40*** join/#gllug jpatrick (n=jon@ubuntu/member/jpatrick)
17:36.38Discordianbah the way Linux handles USb disks is a bit naff
17:37.31antiphaseYou plug them in and they get automounted these days
17:37.36antiphaseBetter than it used to be
17:38.16DiscordianYeah I wind up having to use /dev/disk/BY_UUID devices though
17:38.26secretlondonautomount ftw
17:40.37ChoHagReally? Mine end up on /dev/sd?
17:41.14DiscordianYeah but the /dev/sd devices aren't invariant
17:42.00DiscordianSometimes the USB drive is seen as /dev/sda and sometimes as /dev/sdb
17:43.02DiscordianI still prefer the solaris way
17:43.18Discordiancontroller target disk
17:43.49*** join/#gllug curson (
17:47.32*** join/#gllug jpatrick (n=jon@ubuntu/member/jpatrick)
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20:10.42*** part/#gllug Facundo (
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20:31.37aguaiibot: are you bot?
20:36.23secretlondonibot bot
20:36.24ibotI ain't no stinkin' bot.  I am a finely tuned and hand crafted tool.  Oh wait... I guess I am a bot (that you should not abuse).
20:36.37secretlondonibot abuse
20:36.38ibotextra, extra, read all about it, abuse is or RFC 2142
21:00.48AndyMillari need to set my voicemail message to say "please email me instead"
21:01.02wethrinThen people will email you to say they left you a voicemail
21:03.36AndyMillarthere must be a way around it
21:06.19wethrinDon't use voicemail
21:07.20AndyMillarbut then people ring for ages and ages
21:07.32AndyMillarwhich is annoying when you're busy
21:40.23wethrinMute it!
21:44.18*** join/#gllug Discordian ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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22:12.34Nafallomy director doesn't want to buy a lion cub for the office :-(
22:12.59Nafallono. lion cub.
22:13.30Nafallohis response included: you've gone mental
22:14.46AndyMillari spoke to a theatre director on the train the other day
22:14.59AndyMillarand he suggested laying turf in his dining room and keeping a goat
22:15.04AndyMillardo that in the office!
22:15.07haliwe have a server called 'goat', fairly good spec, 2x5160
22:15.18AndyMillarturf over one of the small offices and keep a goat!
22:15.35halibut i'd be hesitant to have a goat at home
22:16.00haliany type of farm animal doesn't really work in a city
22:17.39Nafallowe need a lion :-)
22:17.53haligive up, just get a sugar glider
22:18.05AndyMillari can't find my video of business cards floating on iphouse's cooling vents :(
22:18.31*** join/#gllug secretlondo (n=secretlo@wikipedia/secretlondon)
22:19.02Nafallohi secretlondo. do you have a lion cub for me?
22:19.07secretlondonNafallo, lion cub?
22:19.08AndyMillarNafallo: yeah, it was a one off... the only time their air-con was working!
22:19.20Nafallosecretlondon: lion cub! :-)
22:19.30NafalloAndyMillar: haha! :-D
22:19.50AndyMillari quite like iphouse though :(
22:20.04AndyMillarit's cheap... and closer to me than maidenhead!
22:20.39NafalloI don't like it.
22:20.47NafalloI had a server in there.
22:21.00Nafallowell... it sucks? :-)
22:21.45Nafalloin a bad way I might add.
22:23.29AndyMillarone company i work for has (or had) a few racks there
22:23.54AndyMillarit's not *that* bad
22:24.15AndyMillarwhat didn't you like about it?
22:24.46*** join/#gllug Discordian (
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22:25.17Nafallomost everything :-)
22:25.18AndyMillarwhat company were you with?
22:25.35AndyMillardatahop do/did colo?
22:25.48Nafallonope :-)
22:26.03AndyMillarhow much did you have in iph?
22:26.33Nafallothey have a rack.
22:26.48Nafallodoesn't need that much for a switch and a UPS ;-)
22:27.58Nafallothere are two switches in IPH since everyone in there use them :-P
22:28.22AndyMillaronly 2 switches?
22:29.15AndyMillarhmm, datahop appear to have expanded a lot recently
22:30.12Nafallothey have
22:31.10AndyMillaroh for fucks sake, what irritating "brand consultant" advised all hosting companies not to publish prices?
22:32.03NafalloDatahop has them on the frontpage surely?
22:32.16Nafallonot transit
22:32.34AndyMillarwas what i meant :/
22:32.42Nafalloyea. lchost :-)
22:32.51secretlondonI presume the price varies depending how much business you give them
22:33.00AndyMillarsecretlondon: a rough guide would be useful
22:33.03secretlondonbut it'd save you time bothing to contact the expensive
22:33.24NafalloAndyMillar: looking at lchost?
22:33.33NafalloAndyMillar: they are TH based :-)
22:33.55AndyMillaryou wouldn't be affiliated with them, would you? ;)
22:33.57secretlondonhow do I stop Hardy deleting .xsession-errors each reboot, is there a way of making it do a backup?
22:34.19NafalloAndyMillar: I do some work for Phil from time to time indeed.
22:34.21NafalloAndyMillar: why?
22:34.30AndyMillarinterested :p
22:34.41AndyMillaralso, there's no mention of power usage on their site
22:34.57haliNafallo: how much power per rack does telehouse do these days?
22:34.58Nafallocause that depends on the rack normally :-)
22:35.08Nafallohali: see previous line :-)
22:35.42NafalloI know he sold a full rack in THE with 10 Amps quite recently.
22:35.49halithey must have a max allowance
22:36.04hali10 amps not much these days
22:36.09haliwe usually get 32 from INX
22:36.13AndyMillarhali: it is for central london :/
22:36.38AndyMillarNafallo: lchost are about 2-3x what i'm paying now :(
22:36.44hali32 power but 20 cooling capacity from INX though, so you're not allowed to average over 20
22:36.57Nafallohali: I've heard TCRB do 4 Amps those days.
22:37.11AndyMillarNafallo: tcrb is 8 iirc
22:37.22halidepends on the site
22:37.23AndyMillariphouse starts on 2 or 4
22:37.31halii think most are 8
22:37.40haliand meridian gate is probably more
22:37.56AndyMillarhow much is a rack in mer worth now?
22:38.07hali700pm or so?
22:38.11halinot sure
22:38.31haliINX do 20amps racks for about 1100
22:38.40AndyMillarthat's pretty good
22:39.07haliinterxion looks a bit scruffy but the infrastructure is good
22:39.17halithe building looks like dogshit from the outside :)
22:39.26Nafalloand from the inside ;-)
22:39.30AndyMillarrapidswitch do 8A for 850pm (and that comes with 30mbit cdr)
22:39.40AndyMillarwhich isn't that good by the sounds of it
22:39.43haliand thats in the sticks :)
22:39.54AndyMillar20A for 1100 is pretty good
22:40.05halii think bluesquare direct was cheaper than rapidswitch
22:40.11halii have a quote somewhere
22:40.20AndyMillarnot any more i don't think :(
22:40.26haliand they offer a really nice power plan, pay for what you use in 2amp steps
22:40.32halior at least used to
22:40.37AndyMillarthat's what iph do
22:40.39halimust have been a year ago now i last looked
22:40.56haliBSG do the same in level3@gos
22:43.39Nafallowhat about iomart?
22:43.50halinever used them
22:44.10halithey look wanky from the website :)
22:44.20haliwe tend to go carrier neutral
22:44.38NafalloI've heard the new site is pretty awesome.
22:44.47haliwhere is that?
22:44.57Nafallothe one close to Metro.
23:01.02*** join/#gllug secretlondon (n=secretlo@wikipedia/secretlondon)
23:45.13*** join/#gllug curson (

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