IRC log for #gllug on 20071213

00:03.27z00daxpopey: ooh... you have one ?
00:03.32popeyi have two
00:03.43z00daxumm why ?
00:04.16popeyone for me, one for wifey
00:04.31z00daxany good then ?
00:04.41popeyjust installed ubuntu on mine
00:04.44popeywill leave xandros on wifeys
00:04.46popeyshe loves it
00:05.10popeyMany Toys R Us stores have them in stock, and out to play with
00:05.21z00daxthere is one nearby
00:05.35z00daxthe thing is - i already have two fairly decent laptops
00:05.47Paul_UKhad a play with the 7" one, its good... but nahhh
00:05.54popeythere is an 8GB disk, 1GB RAM one due in January
00:06.04z00daxso i am sort of leaning towards the n810
00:06.58z00daxi dont think storage is an issue, it has usb right ? you can hang whatever you want out from the back of that
00:09.50popeywhat the n810? no idea
00:10.04z00daxeven on the eee
00:10.20z00daxit has usb so as long as you can get os on there, you can get /home imported over nfs from somewhere
00:10.21popeythe EEE has 3 USB ports and 1 SD slot
00:10.29z00daxor hand a 120gb drive out the back over usb
00:10.40popeyI just installed Ubuntu by booting off a usb memory stick thing
00:10.58popey a nice guide - gives you an idea what can/has been done
00:11.09popey"Other linux distributions are availabl"
00:12.10Paul_UKsomeone has done a mod with the eee, to give it bluetooth support
00:13.49z00daxspeaking of whom, not heard a peep out of him in a while
00:13.59z00daxhe must have found a reallife somewhere
00:21.56*** join/#gllug sabinef72 (
00:23.49wethrinHe's been around here
00:25.10z00daxand on a different note, its getting cold
00:26.30wethrinIt's been cold all day
00:26.42etorixits going to be colder
00:27.00z00daxetorix: thanks
00:27.16etorixmight have to turn another computer on
00:28.01z00daxyeah, maybe i should have hung onto that e450 after all
00:28.51etorixim short one monitor tho
02:33.29*** join/#gllug catalyst (n=catalyst@allegro/user/angelchild)
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09:18.48haliz00dax: i may have a e420r if that is usable
09:19.21haliit gets quite warm
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09:51.16*** join/#gllug zmey_g (n=egor@
10:00.26zmey_gguys is it possible to limit upload bandwidth for a server?
10:00.48bilarhzmey_g: iptables?
10:00.58bilarhzmey_g: and most routers / firewalls have that feature as well
10:01.22wethrinDo it at your switch, on the server, or per-application
10:01.31wethrinThe third one is the easiest
10:02.35zmey_gi have netgear dg834g router, but i don't remember seeing that fiche there
10:03.17bilarhno it doesn't work with that one
10:03.21bilarhi've got the same crap at home :-)
10:04.02zmey_gi have ftpprod server 1Mb/s upload and when peops are downloading something it chokes my internet to death
10:04.37zmey_gso how can i manage it?
10:04.38wethrinYou should be able to limit the bandwidth at ftpd
10:04.39Ch0HagYay! Daily WTF == Daily WTF again!
10:04.50wethrinCh0Hag: It rarely happens nowadays
10:05.43zmey_giptables than yes?
10:06.08wethrinI s'pose, if you can't configure the daemon
10:06.55zmey_gwethrin: i looked into proftpd howto. it looks pretty large
10:07.15zmey_gbut i think i will work it out.
10:08.02bilarhthis article seems pretty good
10:09.49zmey_gthanks all. i really can't even google now. all frozen. HHHH
10:10.07bilarhpkill -9 proftpd ;-)
10:10.35bilarhit seems weird that a download would choke your internet so badly
10:10.36zmey_gno. can't do it.
10:11.00bilarhhow many concurrent users on your ftp site?
10:11.34zmey_g1, but he has about 20 connections open
10:11.43bilarhah, there's your problem
10:11.51bilarhmaybe limit concurrent connections to say 5?
10:12.06zmey_gyeah, mafbe
10:12.43zmey_gi install ftp yesterday, didn,t configure it much
10:13.22zmey_gwas busy with installing fedora for a friend
10:14.22zmey_ghe bought laptop with vista home ad, and we decided, to change his way of thinking
10:14.37bilarhvista is total shite anyway
10:14.51bilarhi've got this new laptop and vista immediately started swapping on first boot
10:14.56bilarhand it takes ages to redraw the menus etc etc
10:16.02zmey_gi never had a chance to look at vista very close. it never survived the first night with me.
10:18.37Ch0HagIdiots i do IT for are doing something they haven't bothered to talk to me about. Woman just phoned up and asked "These 2 BT lines we're getting, do we want broadband?"
10:19.18Ch0HagHow the hell should I know?
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10:54.34wethrinzmey_g: vsftpd is your friend
10:54.59zmey_gwethrin: why is that?
10:55.10wethrinIt's easier to configure.
10:55.15wethrinFewer options
10:57.05zmey_gwethrin: i found how to configure proftpd, it's really apache like conf. but i need to configure quota mod through Mysql db :(. which is a bit too much for me yet.
10:58.03zmey_gi limited connections instances. and i think i need  to look at iptables.
10:58.19wethrinpoor fellow
10:58.45zmey_gwethrin: thanks for suggestion anyway. i will look at vsftpd.
11:01.58zmey_gwethrin: how can you see who currently connected to the box? netstat -t
11:02.21zmey_gor in proftpd log?
11:02.29bilarhvsftpd doesnt' support any encryption standards, though, i think
11:02.35wethrinIt's FTP
11:02.42wethrinFTP doesn't *do* encryption
11:02.45bilarhyeah i know, but i mean stuff like ftp ssl etc
11:02.53bilarhftps and whatever it's called
11:02.53wethrinThat's not a standard :)
11:02.54wethrinOr is it?
11:02.59wethrinsftp is part of ssh
11:02.59bilarhi think it might be
11:03.02bilarhnot sftp
11:03.05bilarhftp over ssl
11:03.16bilarhbut then again, it's probably not that important
11:03.21bilarhi use vsftp myself :)
11:03.22wethrinzmey_g: Pass.
11:03.35*** join/#gllug huw-l (
11:03.49bilarhzmey_g: ^^^
11:04.15bilarhvsftp is nice because it's easy to set up chroot's as well
11:04.18zmey_gbilarh:  ftpwho
11:04.18zmey_gscoreboard is corrupted or old
11:04.25bilarhzmey_g: arse :)
11:08.13zmey_gok look at me netstat what can you say?
11:10.02zmey_gall this ESTABLISHED connections with foreign IP
11:11.07bilarhsomeone's connected to your ftp server lots of times? :)
11:12.20zmey_gbut these connections remains after i restarted the ftp server . why they didn,t disappear?
11:13.09zmey_gand i limited original 30 connections to 8.
11:13.37zmey_gbut if you count there are 64 of them. more than 30??
11:14.23bilarhdid you restart proftpd or just reload the config?
11:14.43bilarhalso, the number of actual connections will be double (at least) of the number of ftp sessions
11:14.56bilarhas there's one control channel and a data channel
11:16.05zmey_gno i understand the difference.  restart
11:17.23bilarhwhat pid does it give if you run netstat -antup as root?
11:19.51zmey_g1 sec
11:22.54antiphaseThese days I'd have though FTP would be anonymous, or you'd use something more suitable unless you happen to be in web hosting where it's still conventional
11:22.59zmey_gok it looks like originally  there was 30 connection
11:23.11antiphaseIt's always prone to dictionary attacks unless you limit connections by source address
11:23.35antiphaseeven more so than SSH
11:24.11wethrinHm. I only have one IP in my shitlist for trying to do evil things with my sshd
11:24.41zmey_gantiphase: server limited to the ftp group users
11:25.35zmey_gyou might be right about dictionary attack
11:27.24zmey_gantiphase: anonymous user is not allowed
11:28.28antiphaseWhat I meant was if you aren't just publicly publishing files, there are much better solutions than ftp, although the clients are less ubiquitous
11:28.30zmey_g# grant login only for members of the group
11:28.32zmey_g<Limit LOGIN>
11:28.32zmey_gDenyGroup !ftp***er
11:31.07zmey_gantiphase: this is small share server for 5-10 people. not more. i created 1 group for them. all others are deny. it's my first try with ftp server. and i hope to see lots of mistakes here.
11:36.01z00daxhali: pass
11:39.00haliz00dax: it's got two scsi cards!
11:39.19z00daxumm no!
11:39.29z00daxi am trying to cut down the number of machines I have , not increase them!
11:39.37z00daxam more or less down to about 7 now
11:39.46z00daxneed to keep shedding till I am down to 4
11:39.51z00daxi think 4 is a good number
11:43.05zmey_gz00dax: Japanese think that good number is 8.
11:43.23z00daxluckly, i am not hapanese
11:43.30z00daxnot even Japanese
11:43.41zmey_git brings you wealth.
11:44.06z00daxwhat ??
11:44.15antiphaseThat ancient Sun stuff is fit for nothing but doorstopping
11:44.16z00daxso now i need to go buy another computer to get wealthy
11:44.32antiphaseProbably worth more because of all the gold in them than anything else
11:45.15zmey_gz00dax: after stitching your eyes first.
13:06.20*** join/#gllug dick_turpin (
14:07.21*** join/#gllug Armand_Laptop (
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14:48.49Ch0Hagroot@nonsense:~# mount -t ntfs -o defaults,gid=1100,umask=022,nls=utf8 /dev/hda1 /windows/
14:48.52Ch0Hagfuse: mount failed: Device or resource busy
14:48.55Ch0Hagfuse? wtf has fuse got to do with it?
14:49.37Ch0HagIdiotic "let's create a system every fucking moron can use" mentality drives me nuts.
14:49.47*** join/#gllug curson (
14:52.45antiphaseSounds like you either have something mounted there already, or you are missing a package
14:54.58Ch0HagOr ubuntu has retarded itself.
14:59.07*** join/#gllug catalyst (n=catalyst@allegro/user/angelchild)
15:13.21zmey_gCh0Hag: i had this problem with fuse. on Debian etch
15:18.07Armand_LaptopI recall some issue with Fuse on debian myself.. but I
15:18.18Armand_Laptop*I'm on Fedora now, so no issue. :P
15:18.25Ch0HagBut why is fuse even getting involved.
15:18.29Ch0HagI want nothing to do with it.
15:18.46Armand_LaptopI don't even remember WTF Fuse is for.. !?
15:19.12Ch0HagTo mount non-block-devices (eg. ssh or ftp) as a regular user.
15:21.03kjalilhmm, can someone help me with a linux networking issue? I am simply trying to create a "router" type of computer that will just forward traffic on
15:21.26kjalili have been trying to use iptables with no luck. i might be doing something wrong
15:21.28antiphaseecho 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
15:22.01kjalilantiphase: i did that. but when I ping from behind 1 interface to across another, nothing goes through?
15:22.48antiphaseCan you ping from the router box both ways to the same hosts?
15:23.50antiphaseThis stuff is always fairly basic, but impossible to solve without routing tables from all the machines involved
15:25.05kjalilantiphase: yes. router has 2 n/w cards. router can ping hosts both ways. only problem is when coming from 1 end, going thru the router and out the other. i can see the other side blinking because of pings, but nothing comes back
15:25.31kjalilantiphase: have i forgotten to enable something on the way back?
15:25.50antiphaseYes, routing ;)
15:25.55antiphaseMost likely on your target machine
15:26.35antiphaseIf the default route isn't your "router"
15:26.42kjalilhmm. target machine is another f/w. why does it answer  to the router, but not when going thru it?
15:26.49antiphaseIn which case yo uwill need to add a static route
15:27.00antiphaseI don'
15:27.05antiphaset have enough information to answer that
15:27.27antiphaseYou've been looking at it for several hours, I just heard about it 5 minutes ago ;)
15:27.48kjalilyou can tell :-)
15:28.09kjalilantiphase: hang on let me try some things. your comments have made me think of other things to try
15:32.26Ch0HagWell that's a new take on 'File exists. Overwrite?'
15:32.38Ch0HagNow we have 'Cannot save. File does not exist.'
15:33.00zmey_gArmand_Laptop: about your beloved Fedora. maybe it has no issues with fuse, but i have plenty issues with ATI fglrx-drv and latest madwifi drv form freshrpm repository
15:33.25antiphaseATI = epic fail
15:34.29zmey_gabout ATI true.
15:38.34Armand_LaptopI don't use either.. :)
15:43.06Ch0HagATI has just rendered my box inoperable again.
15:43.10Ch0HagI hate rebooting...
15:48.50highburyThe register is saying that the flash version for linux of the BBC iplayer should be available, but I get a message only supported on Windows XP
15:51.01zmey_gthe best experience i had with ATI on Mint 3.1 but Mint 4.0 got it wrong again.
15:58.54DJ_InstincT works here: Linux bart 2.6.20-16-generic #2 SMP Thu Jun 7 20:19:32 UTC 2007 i686 GNU/Linux
16:00.40antiphaseThe free flash players are completely gash ime
16:00.58antiphaseVarying from "partially working" to "completely broken"
16:01.18DJ_InstincTthen you try them on 64 bit :/
16:02.24*** join/#gllug Ch0Hag (
16:06.34DJ_InstincTthought that said gambling4charity :p
16:08.34Ch0HagEvery time I reload X the fonts in Galeon change.
16:09.18zmey_gbbc iplayer started on Fedora 8, I saw the first screen channel 2 intro and than an error. but it went ok on second try.
16:11.16kjalilto everyone who can hear this: antiphase is a very nice fellow :)
16:11.32kjalilantiphase: thanks
16:12.48antiphaseYou can't have known me for very long ;)
16:12.56zmey_gif the bplayer  had failed to make it for linux i would consider withdrawing my BBC license .
16:13.40Ch0HagWhy don't you withdraw it anyway, citing the argument that TV's only full of crap these days anyway.
16:14.17Ch0HagDoes anyone use Gnus?
16:14.41dnSorry, EastEnders is not available to play here.
16:15.06kjalilantiphase: it was a couple of default routes missing. unfortunately i have a lot more work to do ...
16:15.21zmey_gthey raise the license fee as well.
16:15.29dncan anyone fullscreen the iplayer?
16:15.50zmey_gfullscreen works
16:16.07dnwhat distro?
16:16.27DJ_InstincTthink you need the latest version - i am on 9,0,31,0 latest = 9,0,115,0
16:16.28zmey_gfedora 8
16:46.43dndamn ubuntu
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17:42.11goibhniuz00dax: GNOME-do ... much better than gnome-launch-box by the looks of things
17:43.21z00daxgoibhniu: shall look once i have working DNS
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22:07.08antiphasexteddy: Suck my member function
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