IRC log for #gllug on 20071022

01:08.45*** join/#gllug etorix (n=etorix@unaffiliated/etorix)
04:52.40*** join/#gllug Avnit97 (i=22@gateway/tor/x-8fdc2381495dd4fc)
06:33.49*** join/#gllug ibot (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
06:33.49*** topic/#gllug is Greater London LUG | |
07:51.10*** join/#gllug goibhniu (
08:07.30bilarh_morning folks
08:28.04*** join/#gllug zmey_g (n=gorynych@
08:28.14*** join/#gllug huw-l (
08:28.49zmey_gmorning all
08:29.45zmey_gxteddy:> morning
08:48.11*** join/#gllug centrosales (
09:15.56*** join/#gllug Provito (n=Provito@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/Provito)
09:29.18bilarh_wtf is this crap i hear about increased NI contributions?
09:29.37bilarh_robbing cunts
09:29.46antiphaseJust get a job that pays more
09:29.57bilarh_then I'll have to pay even *more* tax
09:30.07antiphaseYou'll end up with more left over though
09:30.22antiphaseAlternatively you could fuck off back to your own country ;)
09:30.25bilarh_what's the point anyway, for every 1k/year, i only get 50 quid month... hardly worth it anymore
09:30.43bilarh_oooh, the "fuck off to your own country" card ;-)
09:31.02bilarh_i bow to your supremacy ;-)
09:31.17antiphaseThey need to claw back all the money that they're giving away in election-winning tax incentives
09:31.24antiphaseSo they rip off the common man
09:31.31bilarh_i'm sick of this government, and it's not even mine :P
09:32.17bilarh_why is it i have to pay more and more tax so that the government can squander it by giving 30 quid a week to teenagers to stay in school
09:32.50antiphaseYou're just jealous because they didn't give you 30 quid to stay at school :)
09:32.57bilarh_i used to think it was all cool, and that when i needed some money the government would help me, because i'd been faithfully paying taxes for years and years
09:33.12antiphaseWe haven't had any decent wars for ages so the scum quotient is increasing again
09:33.28bilarh_and then, lo and behold, when my wife was a student and needed to get some dental treatment we were piss poor, but because i earnt too much, i wasn't eligible
09:33.50bilarh_never mind having to pay extortionate rent, bills etc from my wages
09:34.18antiphaseYou seem to be able to afford a shiny car, so you can't be that badly off
09:34.52bilarh_the little scrotes should stay in school because they'd want to avoid the beatings they'd get for quitting, not because some nancyboy in government has decided that it's politically correct this week to give *MY* tax money to some lazy teenager
09:35.03bilarh_that's not the point, why do I have to pay for everyone else
09:35.13bilarh_and this was back when my wife was doing her msc
09:35.22antiphaseYou could try not paying tax
09:35.29antiphaseIt worked for Ken Dodd for a bit
09:35.33bilarh_i should be self employed :-)
09:36.24bilarh_ken dodd, the comedian?
09:37.43antiphaseYes. I believe he was a relatively famous tax evader
09:37.51bilarh_i should become british so I could vote the incumbents out
09:37.54bilarh_ah, good man
09:38.16antiphaseYou can probably get away with it trivially if you're not rich and famous
09:40.03bilarh_i think i might have inadvertidly found the best chatp up line ever:
09:40.37bilarh_"hey pet, d'ya like chicken?" "yeah?" "well, suck on my ****, it's foul"  :-D
09:44.39bilarh_dick_turpin: what services do you provide?
09:44.46bilarh_dick_turpin: just a standard leg, or what?
09:45.49dick_turpinYou should be feeling the effects any minute, our therapist is connecting with you
09:46.59bilarh_dick_turpin: cool, that really worked! where do I send my credit card details?
09:47.43dick_turpinWe have already debited £800.000 from your bank account
09:48.05dick_turpinYou filled in a DD mandate
09:48.21*** join/#gllug tripitaka (n=chatzill@
09:49.46bilarh_dick_turpin: 800, seems a bit stiff!
09:50.20bilarh_dick_turpin: the russian maffia only charge me 5 quid for my c1al1s :(
09:50.32bilarh_dick_turpin: you're worse than the governemtn
09:50.33dick_turpinI have lots of foreign workers who need paying cash in hand ;-)
09:52.23bilarh_dick_turpin: you *are* the government!
09:52.43bilarh_... and i claim my five pounds :)
09:53.35dick_turpinbilarh_: If I was the government my friend, things would be a lot tougher, people would have to work for a living
10:00.12dick_turpinbilarh_: Everyone would have ID cards
10:00.39dick_turpinbilarh_: Everyone would have to supply a DNA sample to a national database
10:00.47bilarh_dick_turpin: fight to death! now! ;-)
10:01.18dick_turpinbilarh_: Everyone would have to be micro chipped
10:02.31dick_turpinbilarh_: Criminals would be executed and their body parts used for transplant
10:03.54dick_turpinbilarh_: Anyone who shopped at ALDI would be shot
10:04.27dick_turpinbilarh_: Anyone who reads the Sun would be castrated
10:22.50tripitakasaw a copy of the Daily Heil a few years ago. Page 2 had a full page story about paedophile monsters, page 3 had a full page spread of Charlotte Church in a bikini, when she was 14. Surely a candidate for castration.
10:28.40dick_turpintripitaka: Yeah Charlotte Church definitely needs castrating
10:30.16bilarh_tripitaka: hehe, it would be funny if it wasn't so ridicilously sad :(
10:30.57bilarh_i'm surprised the daily mail or the sun haven't started a campaign to remove all those evil shrubs and bushes in the country
10:31.14bilarh_after all, we all know that there's paedophiles and terrorists hiding under most of them
10:31.22bilarh_it said so in the news papers i read
10:31.56tripitakabilarh: heh, headline: Reds's Under The Bed? No! Pedoes Under The Primrose!
10:32.24bilarh_dick_turpin: i don't recall ordering that service from your clinic!
10:32.47bilarh_tripitaka: rotfl :D
10:33.08dick_turpinbilarh_: It was just a front and a way to make funds for Zee party
10:33.29tripitakathe real killer is, at 2.5 million copies a day, the Daily Hate is the second highest circulation paper in the country
10:33.56bilarh_tripitaka: there's a lot of "outraged from tunbridge wells" type of people who read it, i think
10:34.10bilarh_hell, even my parents buy it when they come to visit
10:34.54bilarh_without fail, i manage to have at least one argument with them per visit with regards to civil liberties, government surveillance or just general stupidity
10:35.02bilarh_they're raving fascists :P
10:35.16dick_turpinbilarh_: I lke em
10:35.21bilarh_when the revolution comes...
10:35.47bilarh_oh, on that note... i managed to buy an "asbo" badge and a red communist star badge to wear on our family holiday as well :D
10:35.49dick_turpinbilarh_: Ask them to pop round for tea
10:35.51bilarh_that will hopefully go down a trat
10:35.55bilarh_dick_turpin: hehe
10:36.24bilarh_i'm 27, but mentally i think i'm about 16 :)
10:36.58dick_turpinbilarh_: 6 max
10:37.38bilarh_dick_turpin: hmm, maybe... i *do* still enjoy the occassional potty joke, so you may be right there...
10:38.26dick_turpinbilarh_: When you're parents come round we can sing a few bars of the Horst Wessel together
10:38.57bilarh_dick_turpin: perhaps you could sign their copy of mein kampf as well :P
10:39.14dick_turpinbilarh_: Why not I wrote it after all
10:40.57bilarh_rotfl, i like how the wikipedia article describes horst wessel as "at least of average intelligence" and that he was portrayed by "hostile sources" as an "illiterate thug" :D
10:42.12bilarh_damn you, i'm stuck on for the rest of the day again
10:43.06dick_turpinbilarh_: Actually he was a petty criminal pimp thug who got killed by accident, even his NSPAD membership is dubious
10:44.10bilarh_no but i liked the irony that a nazi would be described in terms of intelligence etc in a wikipedia article
10:44.32tripitakaI sent the link round at work a few weeks ago, and have been plagued with quotes ever since. It's like getting mail forwards from the 90s.
10:44.44bilarh_tripitaka: hehe :D
10:45.50dick_turpinbilarh_: David Bowie did a film, Just a Gigolo where he ended up being Horst Wessel very funny (And I'm a Bowie fan!)
10:46.43bilarh_i quite like the bowie stuff i've heard, but i can't say i really know anything about him
10:48.18tripitakabilarh: Just to get you off, here's the first set of reviews by Henry Raddick:
10:48.30tripitakahands down the funniest thing I've read on the web
10:49.36bilarh_tripitaka: hehe got as far as armpit farts and i'm already giggling like a little girl
10:49.40bilarh_dick_turpin: shut up! ;)
10:49.52tripitakathere are 23 pages of reviews, hallelujah
10:53.44dick_turpinbilarh_: Popping up the Garage to get some fuel brb
10:54.20dick_turpinbilarh_: Your mum and dad are bringing the crosses and bedsheets
10:54.37bilarh_dick_turpin: hehe
10:58.36*** join/#gllug Discordian (
11:28.16*** join/#gllug gethoper (n=chatzill@
11:28.57*** join/#gllug londo (n=georgiou@
11:38.39bilarh_bastard sun.. why is the network trunking code a free dl for solaris 10, and not free for solaris 8
11:45.38dick_turpinbilarh_: Dunno, I give up, whats the answer?
11:47.20bilarh_dick_turpin: well i don't know, why don't you give sun a ring and ask them...
11:48.14bilarh_my office has reached a temperature of -273.15 degrees :(
11:48.23dick_turpinbilarh_: Oh I thought it was a question
11:48.35bilarh_it was, but i don't know the answer :)
11:49.27bilarh_one more hundredth of a degree and all will be still
12:08.48dick_turpinAnyone read my thread on gllug mailing list about cheap linux PC's?
12:08.59wethrinDon't buy cheap.
12:09.04wethrinIt'll just come back to bite you.
12:09.35dick_turpinwethrin: Its Tesco's it must be good
12:09.37bilarh_cheap is great if you don't care much about uptime
12:09.51wethrinbilarh_: And if you want to spend most of your time with a screwdriver
12:10.05bilarh_most our cluster nodes are cheap as chips dells with the best cpu's and 4gigs of memory... saves a packet compared with compaq, apparently
12:10.29bilarh_wethrin: hmm, just call an engineer out ;-)
12:10.36wethrinthey'll like that :)
12:10.51wethrincluster nodes are different - if they fail, you just swap them out
12:10.58bilarh_exactly :-)
12:12.19antiphaseITYM "technician"
12:12.40bilarh_antiphase: i mean the dell support line :-)
12:12.51antiphaseDefinitely not engineers then
12:13.07bilarh_antiphase: well, they seem to get most of our boxes up and running again
12:15.10zmey_gguys which distro .iso: x86 or x86_64 are better for this system ?
12:15.26wethrinThat depends if it's an x86_64 system or not
12:15.40zmey_git looks like yes
12:16.43zmey_gi have CentOS x86 .iso will it suit or should i get x86_64 .iso?
12:17.50dick_turpinzmey_g: Stick the 64bit on
12:18.42zmey_gdick_turpin:> thanks. i will get it than. i just read on some forums x86_64 issues that ppls come across
12:19.15antiphaseI run 32-bit because it all works properly. 64-bit could have got better in the last 6 months though
12:20.57tripitakachaps: does anyone here use kickstart to install a lot of different systems? I'm looking for a good way to handle different partitioning schemes
12:21.23dick_turpinzmey_g: misery guts antiphase may have a point I'd keep the i386 disc to hand but I've just installed openSUSE 64bit without any major issues
12:24.24zmey_gdick_turpin:> x86_64 will be at my boudoir in 1,30 hours. :) thanks all
12:25.43tripitakazmey_g: I have RHEL5/centos5 running fine on those procesors
12:26.07zmey_gtripitaka:> nice
12:28.24zmey_gi installed Mandriva 2007 x86_64 for a friend of mine with some very strange minor issues at the installation process.
12:30.50dick_turpinMy install does seem fairly nippy, I have seen a lot of threads on openSUSE mailing list But I think thtas to do with AMD cpu and ATI graphics
12:32.15zmey_gdick_turpin:> you right as usually. he had both: ati and amd :)
12:38.28dick_turpinzmey_g: Thank god you didn't say "You are right as usual" everyone would have given me a kicking ;-)
12:41.06zmey_gdick_turpin:>  you know i meant to say precisely that. just my illiteracy played a joke. :)
12:49.10dick_turpingoibhniu: You in?
12:54.07boudiccasin what? trouble? :))))
12:54.41dick_turpinboudiccas: Drag
12:54.53boudiccasdrag what?
12:55.03dick_turpinDrag Queen
12:55.09boudiccaswho is?
12:55.48dick_turpinboudiccas: S'bit slow today
12:55.48boudiccasthats not a problem is it?
12:56.18boudiccassame here, brain cells not properly recharged i think. i need to go back to bed to complete the recharging
12:57.25dick_turpinboudiccas: I'm full of beans, been up since 4.30am going to South Staff's Lug meeting tonight may get to bed around midnight
12:59.00boudiccasmore fool you :) i shall be in bed at abaout 2130 and asleep by 2200. i love my sleep, i sometimes think that i ought to hibernate, it would make more sense for me
12:59.47*** join/#gllug etorix (n=etorix@unaffiliated/etorix)
12:59.48dick_turpinboudiccas: Its what keeps me so beautiful :-)
13:00.21boudiccastry regaine for hair restoration :)
13:00.55dick_turpinboudiccas: Grass don't grow on a busy street :-P
13:03.03antiphaseIf there's grass on the wicket...
13:03.17bilarh_antiphase: funny, i was just thinking that
13:04.52boudiccasfirst time ever eh dick_turpin ??? :)
13:04.53bilarh_dick_turpin: like on the occassions, eh?
13:05.44bilarh_wtf, stupid ibot
13:06.04dick_turpinOn the contrary I cant get excited too often the blood loss make s me go faint :-P
13:06.33boudiccasso lie down and get excited!!! :))))
13:06.58bilarh_alas it's not because you're john holmes, just your weak heart
13:07.25zmey_gMmm... soup!
13:07.30bilarh_boudiccas: shocking - i thought you were above all of us
13:08.12bilarh_i can't seem to string together a correct sentence today
13:08.33dick_turpinbilarh_: Thats cos you are a retard
13:09.06boudiccasbilarh_; a coherent sentence perhaps??? :)))
13:09.10bilarh_dick_turpin: that might be so :-)
13:09.23boudiccasdick_turpin; that not nice :(
13:09.24bilarh_boudiccas: don't kick a man on the floor!
13:09.41boudiccasi aint a kicking of him, i'm a just swinging my foot
13:09.59bilarh_i was talking about myself
13:10.01bilarh_for a change :P
13:10.15dick_turpinboudiccas: When did I ever say I was nice? I used to be until I met one or two here
13:14.20dick_turpinbilarh_: Oh how we laughed when the school bully gave us a Dead Leg
13:16.58dick_turpinboudiccas: I'm still not smoking :-)
13:17.31boudiccasme neither, i've had 7 cigs this month, but quite a bit of snuff
13:18.02bilarh_dick_turpin: i must have forgot... what's a dead leg
13:18.09boudiccashow long is it for you since you last smoked dick_turpin ???
13:18.49dick_turpinbilarh_: When some arse wipe knees you in the leg between the knee and the hip
13:19.07dick_turpinboudiccas: Four + months now
13:19.20boudiccasthats very good
13:22.48boudiccasdont fall off the perch over christmas though by having a celebratory cigar. stick to snuff, it makes more sense
13:24.22goibhniubtw the gutsy upgrade WFM ... so far
13:25.16dick_turpingoibhniu: You Ubuntu weenie
13:27.00goibhniuby new I mean ... fresh from the skip
13:27.23goibhniudick_turpin: how's arch these days?... I still haven't set up a box :(
13:27.43boudiccasgoibhniu; are you a skip diver? diveing into skips for something useful although second hand??
13:28.14dick_turpingoibhniu: Have it here with me now taking it to Staffs Lug tonight
13:28.20goibhniuboudiccas: big time ... I found a lovely office chair yesterday too
13:28.46goibhniudick_turpin: you're going to your lug!! ... nice!
13:29.01boudiccasooh, you're lucky. ive been sitting on this chair since 1979 and it was old then too
13:29.10dick_turpingoibhniu: A Lug I belong to few
13:29.27boudiccasdick_turpin; talk sense mate please!!!
13:29.50dick_turpingoibhniu: Please change your nick to swampy
13:29.58dick_turpinboudiccas: What?
13:30.20boudiccasyour sentnece about lug didnt make any sense
13:30.38boudiccasquote "goibhniu: A Lug I belong to few"
13:30.40dick_turpinboudiccas: Yes it does if you follow the conversation
13:31.00boudiccasbut the last word doesnt make sense
13:31.17dick_turpinboudiccas: Ah grammer A lug, I belong to a few
13:31.17boudiccasnot with the rest of the sentence
13:31.24boudiccasah, ty
13:31.40boudiccasnow i understand after you've elaborated one it
13:31.48dick_turpintusk Women!
13:32.04boudiccasthe power behind most men :))))
13:32.39dick_turpingoibhniu: So have you seen the 0.6.0 announcements for comp-fus?
13:33.06goibhniudick_turpin: nope
13:33.39dick_turpingoibhniu: I cant figure out how you have 0.6.3
13:36.39goibhniudick_turpin: I tried to figure it out for 10 mins and then just accepted it
13:36.52goibhniuis 0.6 out now?
13:36.56dick_turpingoibhniu: rotfl
13:37.22boudiccasaaah snuff
13:40.33bilarh_screw this, i'm going home... see you persons tomorrow
13:40.47goibhniudick_turpin: that looks tasty
13:41.00dick_turpinbilarh_: I'm sorry, I'll behave, please don't go
13:41.07goibhniubilarh_: are you a primary school teacher now?
13:41.40bilarh_goibhniu: be nice ;-)
13:41.51bilarh_i worked to god knows when on friday, so i'm pissing off early today :-)
13:41.52dick_turpingoibhniu: Yeah I know will have to wait until tomorrow to see if its in either Arch or openSUSE
13:42.35boudiccas build your own sputnik
13:42.40bilarh_dick_turpin: and you, son, behave! no passing of notes to the girls or goibhniu
13:42.55bilarh_dick_turpin: that's after school detention for you
13:43.01boudiccasi saw him miss!
13:43.12bilarh_boudiccas: !!!!
13:43.20boudiccashe couldnt hit for toffeee!
13:43.23bilarh_boudiccas: hold your hands out
13:43.28boudiccasyes miss bilarh_ :)
13:43.38boudiccaswhich one, theyre both clean
13:43.54dick_turpinbilarh_: Not again sir I don't like playing with sammy snake
13:44.06bilarh_dick_turpin: funny you should say that :D
13:44.17boudiccasits cold!
13:44.42bilarh_dick_turpin: but it's your lucky day, sammy snake is reduced to a worm
13:44.47*** join/#gllug flips_and_rails (
13:45.05bilarh_and with that heresy, i'm off :-)
13:45.12boudiccasbyeee bilarh_
13:45.51dick_turpinAnd there we will leave before it descends into some smutt land
13:45.56boudiccasdoes it smell fishy?
13:46.10boudiccasif so then someone has a urine infection!
13:46.14zmey_gboudiccas:> no
13:46.32bilarh_i think we've reached a new low on #gllug
13:46.33*** join/#gllug Leeds (
13:46.37bilarh_we should all be proud of ourselves :D
13:46.55dick_turpinbilarh_: Its always low when you are here :-)
13:47.12boudiccasi'm the shortest, i claim that honour! :))))
13:47.23bilarh_yes, but this was *so* unexpected on this gray monday afternoon
13:48.08dick_turpinbilarh_: I thought I'd swum the depths of depravity but you are the master
13:48.23boudiccasnothing is unexpected in this channel :)
13:48.32bilarh_boudiccas: except for technincal discussions, of course
13:49.02boudiccasoh, we get them too, and they tend to go whoosh over my head
13:49.06dick_turpinbilarh_: Will you stop swearing!!!
13:49.38boudiccasdick_turpin; work is a four letter word! does that make it a swear word???
13:50.13boudiccastime for noodles
13:50.20dick_turpinboudiccas: No but a pucker, sensible conversation here is ;-)
13:50.35bilarh_dick_turpin: sorry father
13:51.07boudiccasfather as in father ted???
13:51.29dick_turpinbilarh_: your father and I are just off to look at some very large pits ;-)
13:51.39bilarh_boudiccas: well, now that you mention it, the similarity is striking
13:51.55bilarh_boudiccas: if you imagine dick_turpin with a toupe
13:52.14bilarh_you lot are impossible, i'm late for my 2:15 train now
13:52.23dick_turpinbilarh_: That toupe swore it was 16
13:55.25boudiccaswhat is a toupe? is it a wig, aka squirrel???
13:56.04dick_turpinboudiccas: syrup
14:05.31boudiccasand so ends happy hour :(
15:23.19bilarh_fear not, for I am back
15:24.03bilarh_oi! stop looking so uneasy, everyone
15:25.19boudiccasyou caught your train then?
15:26.04boudiccasand now you're home in the warm :)
15:26.08bilarh_not the 2:15 as originally planned
15:26.20bilarh_i got the 15:43 coffin dodgers express
15:26.27bilarh_it was weird, it was full of old people
15:26.32boudiccasyou were enjoying the joshing too much for that one to be caught :)))
15:26.34bilarh_i thought the man who sat opposite me died mid journey
15:26.46boudiccasmaybe he did
15:27.05bilarh_no, he poked my leg at just before bromley
15:27.15boudiccasdid you want bromley?
15:27.31boudiccasor was it just a random poke?
15:27.41bilarh_he tried to poke his wifes leg to tell her to get off (well, at least I *hope* that's what he was doing - he didn't look like a priest)
15:27.44*** join/#gllug zmey_g (n=gorynych@
15:27.54bilarh_but yes, i wanted bromley
15:28.11boudiccasthats right, you live just down the road from z00dax
15:28.21boudiccasi remember now
15:29.05boudiccasnormally used in the past tense
15:30.29bilarh_anyone would think we'd been burgled
15:30.38bilarh_but annoyingly, it's just very very messy
15:30.50bilarh_which means i can't claim on my insurance to have someone come around and clean the place up
15:32.16boudiccashire someone who comes in and 'does' for you, but they have to start with a clean slate, i.e. an unmessy environment
15:37.24bilarh_that doesn't make any sense
15:37.39bilarh_if i had an unmessy environment, i wouldn't need to be burgled to claim insurance money for cleaning
15:40.12*** join/#gllug Armand (
15:48.28ArmandHi all. :)
15:53.15ArmandHows things?
15:54.04antiphaseSame shit, different day
15:54.46Armandstandard.. :P
15:55.07wethrinIs it still Monday?
15:56.32ArmandYup. >:(
15:56.53*** join/#gllug boudiccas (
16:00.38ArmandI've been trying to find info on my greyhound, as he was a registered racer.
16:00.45Armandcan't find a damned thing. >_<
16:06.30boudiccascant his previous owner tell you anything about him???
16:07.08ArmandNah, he is a rescue dog.
16:07.13ArmandErm, Dogs Trust?
16:11.06ArmandTis annoying, coz I would love to track down his previous owner.
16:11.26ArmandI'd fuck him up like he did the dog.
16:12.45antiphaseWe should be able to eat dogs, there wouldn't be a surplus then
16:12.56antiphaseHow many people do you know that have pet cows?
16:14.29wethrinA cow wouldn't be able to get up stairs particularly well, for a start
16:14.41wethrinAnd they'll probably be too large to fit through a standard door
16:14.44Armandantiphase: My aunty has one..
16:15.02goibhniuwethrin: micro-cows
16:15.05ArmandKeeps it for milking, sold all the others years ago.
16:15.17wethringoibhniu: Good idea!
16:15.19goibhniuor cow-chickens
16:15.26wethrinCross a cow with a mouse
16:15.37goibhniueggs milk steak and breast!
16:15.45goibhniua boneless one
16:15.57goibhniulike a slug except tastier
16:16.07goibhniugm 4tw
16:18.50ArmandTo fool vegans, right?? :D
16:19.04wethringoibhniu: Surely patent, rather than copyright?
16:19.27boudiccaswhy not copyleft???
16:20.32goibhniuok then ...but no less than gpl v3
16:20.42boudiccassounds polish a 'chickow'
16:20.58goibhniuand I get all rights to the name and associated trade marks
16:21.32goibhniuhmm .. it's missing something for the veggies
16:21.46boudiccasadded tofu???
16:23.07goibhniugood thinking ... maybe chickpeacow? ... hmm ... doesn't work
16:24.19Armandlaters all.
16:25.49wethrinbroccoli's giving you head?
16:26.55goibhniuwethrin: you've a sick and twisted imagination
16:27.27goibhniuyou want my creation to be a sex toy as well as the solution to world hunger?
16:28.45goibhniuthat's what happens when you release something under the gpl :(
16:29.11zmey_ghi all
16:29.24bilarh_wethrin wants to release something as well, by the sounds of it :-S
16:29.25boudiccashi lo
16:30.06*** join/#gllug JohnDoe666 (n=JohnDoe6@
16:30.51*** part/#gllug JohnDoe666 (n=JohnDoe6@
16:30.58zmey_gi have announcement to make about yesterday's' slug
16:31.22wethrinyou poured salt on it?
16:31.41zmey_git was good. all the comrades where really nice persons.
16:31.54goibhniudid you arrange the battle?
16:32.32zmey_gthe battle
16:33.37zmey_gi bought server as well. waiting now for it to arrive.
16:34.01zmey_ggoibhniu:> thx for your tip off.
16:34.25bilarh_zmey_g: ah don't worry, i know a good lawyer, he'll get you off no time
16:36.29zmey_g+ 2gig ram and 160 Gb sata
16:37.23zmey_g+ small 14" monitor - just in case
17:11.51*** join/#gllug Provito (n=Provito@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/Provito)
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17:23.26zmey_gnice tune  ->
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18:19.52boudiccas~ibot SecretLondon
18:19.53ibotsomebody said secretlondon was probably in London, and otherwise a secret
18:20.09boudiccas~ibot seen SecretLondon
18:20.13ibotsecretlondon <n=secretlo@wikipedia/secretlondon> was last seen on IRC in channel #gllug, 7d 19h 55m 2s ago, saying: 'i'm gonna go into windows to use the vodafone thing, this connection to too rubbish'.
18:20.51boudiccas~ibot seen serris
18:20.52ibotserris <> was last seen on IRC in channel #gllug, 38d 10h 43m 32s ago, saying: 'hi morsing, Leeds '.
19:23.46*** join/#gllug geospart (
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20:08.49aguaithe1reakplease kick aguaithefreak
20:12.08*** join/#gllug londo (n=georgiou@
20:12.14antiphaseDo they not have a Chanserv here?
20:13.24halion freenode, yes
20:14.01*** join/#gllug Ch0Hag (
20:15.54Ch0Haggdm has decided to ignore me when I tell it not to start an X server.
20:20.51antiphaseUninstall it; works for me ;)
20:24.08boudiccasCh0Hag; sound slike a reinstall jobbie, or a reboot at least :)
20:24.26Ch0Hagchmod 0 /etc/init.d/gdm keeps everything fairly happy.
20:31.13antiphaseOr edit /etc/inittab or your distro's replacement and change the default runlevel from 5 to 3 or 2
20:36.50*** join/#gllug Avnit97 (i=22@gateway/tor/x-ba4f28c28fd0f81a)
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23:21.13*** join/#gllug ells| (

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