IRC log for #gllug on 20070803

02:05.42*** join/#gllug mylesbraithwaite (
07:35.35mumperMorning all!:)
07:37.25mumperhall: morning - bright'n'sunny?
07:43.16mumperhall: Cross any bridges on the way to work?
07:44.09halinope, i did pass an ethernet bridge in the comms room this morning though
07:44.34mumperhall: Yeah - a safer route ...
07:46.21mumperhall: Nobody takes any notice any more, do they? Spike Milligan said he was ill - Yanks said that bridge was unsafe. Nobody listens ...
07:52.57mumperGotta go now - SWMBO says "shops" - is anyone listening? No. No-one. i'm not really going. just New Labour chat. Nobody list ...
08:24.14*** join/#gllug goibhniu (
08:42.55*** join/#gllug SlayerXP (
08:53.05*** join/#gllug XPSlammer (
10:14.11*** join/#gllug huw-l (
10:40.15*** join/#gllug clive-h (
10:53.31*** join/#gllug asht_007 (
11:03.51haliis it legal for a company to block websites just because they have gay content (non-pornographic)
11:03.58haliit can't be can it.. it seems a bit wrong
11:07.31jcookemanhali: I would ban all gay content
11:07.35jcookemanif it was my company
11:08.12jcookemansince when can anyone tell a business owner what they can and cannot allow in their network?
11:08.36wethrinI believe the government does
11:08.39haliit does
11:09.07wethrinIt sounds discriminatory to just block gay websites
11:09.09jcookemanthat's just bollocks
11:09.18wethrinHowever, a company can block what they like
11:09.28halijcookeman: so you think gay people should all be shot?
11:09.38jcookemanhali: did I say anything to that effect?
11:09.41haliyou did
11:09.47jcookemanhali: no i did not
11:10.05hali"I would ban all gay content" ... which suggests you think homosexuallity is wrong and should be banned
11:10.10antiphaseEasy now
11:10.15wethrinThe company provides computers and network connections as a tool
11:10.19*** join/#gllug geospart (
11:10.32jcookemanhali: since when does me saying I would ban it incinuate I think it should be banned? or, that they should be shot
11:10.34wethrinAnd therefore they can say how the tool should be used
11:10.41jcookemanwethrin: exactly
11:10.42antiphaseCompanies can block what they want if its availability isn't beneficial to their employees' work output
11:10.45wethrinif you want unrestricted internet access, get it at home
11:10.46antiphaseAnything else is a perk
11:11.03wethrinthanks, antiphase. You put it more succintly than wot I did
11:11.04halipeople here are considering taking it to court
11:11.12antiphaseI only get inbound port 25 open at work :(
11:11.20antiphaseOutbound everything though \o//
11:11.20wethrinHTTP over SMTP
11:11.23halithere has been a few court cases in the uk when companies block job search sites and stuff...
11:11.35jcookemanThat's just plain stupid
11:11.46halisetteled outside court so no predicate yet
11:12.00halior whatever it's called
11:12.15antiphaseprecedent ;)
11:13.00haliwe block so much stuff im considering negating our blacklist and just use whitelisting instead
11:13.18halior rather, the content filter provider we use block it for us.. they are pretty paranoid
11:23.29jcookemanhali: that's the preferable way to do it. that way the homos cant come bitching at you
11:24.30wethrinThey're normally shite
11:24.41jcookemanours is crap
11:25.21wethrinI think there were stories of a medical research place unable to look up sites about breast cancer because it contained the naughty word 'breast'
11:26.11jcookemansomeone should go into the biz of writing naughty stories that can pass through filters
11:26.40haliwe use bluecoat, costs about 100k a year for our sites :)
11:26.48halibest money we ever spent...
11:26.50hali... NOT
11:28.03jcookemanyou know, "...and then I placed my <insert medical terminology for tongue> on her natal lactating glands and ..."
11:36.00halisome breast cancer site was block, "Sexual/Fetish" :)
12:35.27cpufreakcould be worse
13:20.46*** join/#gllug mylesbraithwaite (
13:57.43*** part/#gllug asht_007 (
14:14.33wethrincpufreak: That's just wrong
14:19.06antiphasePiss. Note to self: `cat > file` isn't `cat | file` , even on a Friday afternoon
14:51.48*** join/#gllug sayers (n=sayers@
14:52.16sayersI thought this was the Greater Lansing Linux User Group for a seccond :(
14:52.31*** part/#gllug sayers (n=sayers@
14:52.40*** join/#gllug clive-h (
15:08.49*** join/#gllug sayers (n=sayers@
15:08.56*** part/#gllug sayers (n=sayers@
15:14.26*** join/#gllug AnneC (
15:23.08*** join/#gllug AnneC (
16:46.23*** join/#gllug clive-h (
17:39.41clive-hWhere and when is the event on Saturday?
17:45.01*** join/#gllug goibhniu (
17:54.24clive-hThere's a beer+curry meet in the London Bridge area
17:54.38clive-hrhowe mentioned it the other day
17:54.41cpufreakcancelled, due to the weather.
17:54.45cpufreakeveryone is going to the beach instead
17:54.59*** join/#gllug catalyst (n=catalyst@allegro/user/angelchild)
17:55.44wethrinclive-h: the networking club meeting?
17:56.06wethrinRoyal Oak, 6pm
17:56.10wethrinWhat's your email address?
17:57.11clive-hThank you
17:57.16clive-hAre you going?
17:58.15clive-hI should be there with a friend
17:59.24wethrinNo. I'm up in Durham
17:59.38clive-hahh okay, shame
17:59.52wethrinI will be at the GBBF on Thursday, though
18:00.28clive-hI used to run monthly meets for another channel, someone from Newcastle came to them all
18:00.41wethrinDown in London?
18:00.41clive-hI probably won't be at that
18:00.45wethrinah well
18:00.52wethrinI can't quite afford that :)
18:01.05wethrinOtherwise I could be tempted, as I don't have anything else to do this weekend
18:01.15clive-hI can't afford the GBBF
18:01.30wethrinIt's cheaper beer than most London pubs
18:01.58clive-hIt's the entrance fee that's the barrier
18:02.03clive-hI'm not working
18:02.29wethrinMmm. I see your point
18:03.56murbrather than normal pay as you drink places?
18:04.25clive-hI don't drink in pubs often at the moment
18:04.37clive-hMy local is shut anyway
18:05.51wethrinDid you go to the meet yesterday, then? Apparently there was free beer
18:06.20clive-hI had a guest staying here last night
18:08.00clive-hThanks for that wethrin
18:08.14clive-hI must remember I need to take booze
18:08.20clive-hto the restaurant
18:10.13wethrinRight. I make it time to go home
18:11.29*** join/#gllug mylesbraithwaite (
18:13.15clive-hoooh they do phaal
18:14.29*** join/#gllug goibhniu (
18:15.02clive-hThat restaurant looks fun
18:27.53goibhniuhmm ... I can't seem to disable agpgart from make menuconfig ... it just has --- instead of <>
18:28.42gw280I think it's upgrade o'clock
18:28.44gw280quad core here I come
18:29.43clive-hMy next desktop/laptop will be quad
18:29.53gw280my desktop is currently a dual
18:29.54murbwill it require 2 power feeds?
18:30.02clive-hThis laptop is dual core
18:30.06gw280but as my father's desktop just blew up I'm selling him my components and buying a better one
18:40.31*** join/#gllug huw-l (
18:40.57boudiccasgw280; you =sell= computer bits to your =dad=?
18:41.30boudiccasgee, how mercenary
18:41.42z00daxthese are bits that he most likely paid for in the first place
18:41.50gw280I paid for them
18:41.56z00daxah well, i suppose its fine then
18:42.02gw280I think
18:42.05boudiccasi would have =given= them to my dad
18:42.55z00daxgw280: barcelona ?
18:43.03gw280z00dax: ?
18:43.11z00daxthe AMD Barcelona quad cores ?
18:43.19z00daxis that what you are going to get... in a few months i suppose
18:43.20gw280no, Q6600
18:43.36gw280in the next few days
18:43.47z00daxhumm i would wait a bit for the amd's to swing around
18:44.23z00daxalthough the q6600 are nice too
18:45.23z00daxi need to get a mobo and cpu for the home machine sometime soon
18:45.34z00daxhave a nice areca 1220 sitting here, bu no mobo for it to work on
18:45.53z00daxand my amd athlon 3000+ is getting a bit old
19:16.38*** join/#gllug AnneC (
19:18.58*** join/#gllug dick_turpin (
20:03.40murbgood bye.
20:03.46wethrinbye murb
20:04.32*** join/#gllug dick_turpin (
20:04.54*** part/#gllug dick_turpin (
21:10.30sabinef72hi all
21:24.12sabinef72hi morsing
21:24.18sabinef72what's up in England ?
21:27.24morsingJust went to Eliza's leaving drinks
21:27.35sabinef72who is Eliza ?
21:35.29morsingPolish canteen girl who's going back to Poland
21:36.58sabinef72ah ok
21:37.08sabinef72well it's late, I'm going to sleep a bit
21:37.11sabinef72good night morsing
21:47.59morsingGood night :)
22:16.02*** join/#gllug catalyst (n=catalyst@allegro/user/angelchild)
23:36.33*** join/#gllug catalyst` (n=catalyst@allegro/user/angelchild)

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