IRC log for #gllug on 20070620

00:23.44*** join/#gllug geospart (
00:34.12*** join/#gllug sanelson (
00:39.11*** join/#gllug sanelson (
01:12.28*** part/#gllug JohnDoe666 (n=JohnDoe6@
06:47.37*** join/#gllug niv_one_three (
06:54.38*** join/#gllug goibhniu (
07:38.04bilarh_better start time today :-)
07:38.55*** join/#gllug SlayerXP (
07:44.14*** part/#gllug mumper (
08:20.05*** join/#gllug [Clive] (
08:22.23*** join/#gllug clive-h (
08:22.39clive-hgood morning
08:41.53*** join/#gllug asht_007 (
08:50.59*** join/#gllug AnneC (
08:59.11bilarh_numpty question coming up
08:59.28bilarh_if i have a bonded network interface in an active / passive config
09:00.43bilarh_is the reason i can't tcpdump on the current slave interface that the network cards only publish one mac and that the switch doesn't send broadcast traffic to my slave interface as it think it lives on the other switch port?
09:00.56bilarh_as in, i can tcpdump, but i don't get any packets
09:05.39*** join/#gllug AnneC (
09:08.44niv_one_threeis anyone aware of how to sync google calender with any linux based PIM client
09:08.48niv_one_threelike evolution?
09:09.33niv_one_threeI just discovered goosync, and feel so lame. it is out since November 2006
09:10.40bilarh_btw, i had no idea google even did a calender type application :-)
09:10.47bilarh_is it part of that google hotmail thing?
09:10.53*** join/#gllug edit_lp2 (n=me@unaffiliated/edit21/x-00000001)
09:11.01edit_lp2morning all
09:12.33edit_lp2Gentoo have a london meeting/seminars in a few weeks at UCL if anyones intrested
09:12.57bilarh_cool, what kind of seminars are they?
09:13.04bilarh_as in what topics, i mean :)
09:13.23z00daxi thought gw280 was the lat gentoo user in London - and we managed to cure him
09:13.39edit_lp2the list will be updated on tomorrow with list of speakers and topics
09:13.55edit_lp2bilarh_, ^
09:14.08bilarh_edit_lp2: cheers
09:14.14edit_lp2entry is free etc but we are asking for people to preregister
09:14.18bilarh_gw280: you have anger issues... have you considered sectioning?
09:14.36edit_lp2could someone drop this on th ML for me please or add it to topic
09:14.39bilarh_edit_lp2: ah :( can't do 14th... i'm going to a kung fu seminar the same day
09:14.50z00daxedit_lp2: do one thing - post something to the gllug-social list
09:14.52edit_lp2bilarh_, shame :(
09:15.07edit_lp2z00dax, ok i will later
09:15.15z00daxand i can also put something on the website
09:15.28edit_lp2z00dax, that would be great
09:15.29z00daxso whatever you want on the gllug site - put that into the email to the social list :)
09:15.42bilarh_oh man, that really sucks... the community topic seems interesting
09:15.51edit_lp2z00dax, i'll get on to this in an hour or so, ty
09:15.58z00daxthere is a good chance  I wont be around on the 14th though :(
09:16.41bilarh_edit_lp2: there's no chance you can move the date for me, is there? ;-)
09:16.49edit_lp2bilarh_,no sorry
09:16.58bilarh_btw, in case you haven't heard, the earth revolves around me :P
09:17.11edit_lp2bilarh_, it runs all day so just come for an hour ir so
09:17.40bilarh_doing kung fu from 10 to 6
09:18.02bilarh_maybe next year :-)
09:18.15edit_lp2lol ok, just move ya KF
09:19.28bilarh_yeah i'll propose that to sifu... i'll call  you from hospital to let you know if i can make it to the gentoo seminar :p
09:21.04edit_lp2got a link for the social list guys?
09:21.43edit_lp2nm found
09:22.35bilarh_maybe i should check out gentoo again
09:22.49bilarh_i used it up to about a year and half ago
09:22.54bilarh_but i got fed up with portage breaking on me all the time
09:23.09bilarh_i like the idea of it
09:23.42edit_lp2portage is rock solid now
09:23.48edit_lp2has been for ages
09:23.51bilarh_with dependencies and stuff as well?
09:23.57edit_lp2oh yeah
09:24.00bilarh_it wasn't portage as such, it was dependencies
09:24.02bilarh_ah cool
09:24.43bilarh_to be fair, there was a newer version out when i stopped using it, but i just couldn't be bothered so i popped an ubuntu cd in :-)
09:24.57edit_lp2ubuntu huh
09:25.01bilarh_s/in /into the cd drive /
09:25.11bilarh_ubuntu is nice, though
09:25.23niv_one_threebilarh: its nice that google calender
09:25.28edit_lp2its lazy and a lil bloat but yeah it works
09:25.38bilarh_gentoo is more fun, but ubuntu just works which is nice as i don't have time to mess about with the system at the moment
09:25.39niv_one_threeoh ya, I also like using gentooo
09:26.03bilarh_then again, gentoo also always "kjust worked", it was just that i had to do a bit more of the 'working' :-)
09:26.12edit_lp2ok i better write a mailer for you lists
09:26.25bilarh_i'm not particularly fond of ubuntu's gnome, and it doesn't seem to work very well with xfce4 unfortunately
09:26.51edit_lp2gentoo a lil x and openbox ftw =)
09:28.14bilarh_hmm openbox... never checked it out... i'm too old skool
09:28.21bilarh_i still hanker back to the fvwm2 days :-)
09:28.33bilarh_or even the default redhat 3 fvwm setup... that rocked :-)
09:29.36bilarh_oh, i like the word 'minimalistic' in the openbox wiki :D
09:30.16bilarh_hang on...
09:30.23bilarh_am i running openbox on ubuntu already by default? :-)
09:30.47bilarh_uh.. this shows how much i've actually poked around in ubuntu as anything else but a luser
09:31.42bilarh_ah.. i think i'm already using it :D
09:32.27bilarh_umm, no :)
09:34.50bilarh_ah, the default in ubuntu is metacity
09:43.10Ch0HagBe are retarted.
09:43.50Ch0HagTheir web interface (for partners) is crap, but it has a button 'Download CSV Description File' which should give me the information in a form I can actually use.
09:44.04Ch0Hagmking@knight:~/Desktop$ file WholesaleCSVUploadFileDescription.xls
09:44.04Ch0HagWholesaleCSVUploadFileDescription.xls: Microsoft Office Document
09:51.34bilarh_ch0Hag: hehe nice :D
10:00.09halibilarh_: ratpoison is the shit :)
10:02.16*** join/#gllug sanelson_ (
10:02.19bilarh_so i've heard :-S
10:02.37bilarh_out of date chicken gives you the shits also :-\
10:03.47clive-hThat sounds nasty
10:06.31Ch0HagWtf? All that time installing openoffice all it is is a description of the fields in a spreadsheet they won't actually give me.
10:07.58Ch0HagUtterly retarded.
10:20.02*** join/#gllug sanelson (
10:45.57*** join/#gllug adminjs (
11:29.01clive-hTis quiet
11:29.26wethrintoo quiet.....
11:32.34Ch0HagTrying to find a character perl doesn't have a special use for is proving taxing.
11:45.51*** join/#gllug londo (n=georgiou@
12:00.37wethrinNot working today?
12:07.45niv_one_threehow can I tell when a fish I cookin oil on the stuve is ready?
12:08.09niv_one_threeany english ppl?
12:09.14clive-hThe word is stove
12:09.26clive-hand on not oil
12:09.49bilarh_niv_one_three: when the meat comes off the bones easily?
12:10.05Ch0HagWhen it's cooked to your liking.
12:10.16Ch0HagAssuming the fish is fresh, it doesn't need blasting.
12:10.18bilarh_if you have fish fingers, it's a bit problematic, because they don't tend to have bones
12:10.19clive-hMight depend on the fish I guess
12:10.38Ch0HagPersonally, that state would never be reached because I don't like fish.
12:11.05Ch0HagIt's probably easier to just cook it Japanese style.
12:11.10clive-hI prefer shellfish particularly cruistaceans
12:11.27bilarh_ch0hag: as in, not cooking it?
12:11.34niv_one_threelet me ask it as a english speaking person: hi, How can I prevent over cooking a fish in oil?
12:11.58Ch0HagDa. Much easier.
12:12.03bilarh_deep frying it, you mean?
12:12.07niv_one_threeFrst it was under cooked, then over..
12:12.08clive-hkeep checking it to see when it's done?
12:12.20niv_one_threeya I mean deep fre
12:12.35Ch0HagOh that's easy.
12:12.52Ch0HagGo down the chippy, say "One cod and chips please".
12:12.52bilarh_when it stops bubbling like mad, i think :-)
12:12.53niv_one_threeI used an egg and flower to cover it
12:13.08Ch0HagOh yes it's lunch time.
12:13.12bilarh_did they still serve you after you did that? :-O
12:13.13Ch0HagChips or Chinese?
12:13.15clive-ha rose? tulip?
12:13.18niv_one_threebut even it was just about to turn yellow - fish was under cooked
12:14.00niv_one_three(my english is bad today)
12:14.00clive-herrr no this *is* #gllug
12:14.13niv_one_threenever mind
12:14.15wethrinYou expected #gllug to talk about Linux? :)
12:14.20clive-hI thought I was on #cookery
12:14.41Ch0HagWell wives are hard to come by for Linux users, so cookery is a useful skill.
12:14.49niv_one_threedont linux ppl eat fish inlondon?
12:15.14clive-hI get fish from the fish and chip shop
12:15.26clive-hI don't own a deep fat fryer
12:15.30Ch0Hagniv_one_three: Only if it's had the nastiness deep fried out of it.
12:16.02*** join/#gllug ranner (
12:16.28clive-hI usually get cod roe and chips anyway
12:16.35bilarh_cod roe?
12:16.43bilarh_tell me it's not fish eggs>
12:16.51clive-hIt is yes
12:17.04bilarh_you're gonna have small baby fish swimming about in your tummy :(
12:17.33clive-hI think the frying might kill em off you know
12:20.25Ch0HagWhy? Oil's a liquid isn't it?
12:20.28Ch0HagFish live in liquid.
12:51.03Ch0Hagchip buttie for teh win.
12:51.08clive-hPrawns, veggie springs rolls, garlic mash
12:53.15bilarh_chip butties are ace, but i'm gonna go with clive-h's offer here
12:53.27bilarh_clive-h: when will it be done?
12:53.37clive-hheh about 5 mins
12:53.53Ch0Hagmeh. Praws suck. Veggies suck more.
12:53.56clive-hand possibly some camembert
12:54.01Ch0HagExcept king prawns. They're OK.
12:54.19bilarh_clive-h: ah ok, i'll have to pass then, i'm still at work :-(
12:55.38clive-hLocal indian takeaway does an excellent king prawn vindaloo
12:55.54edit_lp2hrm, now im hungry ..
12:56.31bilarh_hmm... i don't do vindaloo's...
12:56.48clive-htoo hot or do you prefer phaaal?
12:56.49bilarh_although i like that the clue as to how you'll feel after is in the name :-)
12:56.58bilarh_too hot for my ickle tongue
12:57.13clive-hTheir jalfrezi is nice too
12:57.27Ch0HagWe get a great saag from the one round here.
12:57.32Ch0HagOnly costs about 3 quid, too.
12:58.15bilarh_i usually play it safe with a madras or korma :-)
12:58.25bilarh_i usually find the vindaloos too runny as well
12:58.38bilarh_madras kan be too hto for me sometimes though
12:58.58clive-hI like hot curries and things
12:59.16bilarh_i'm more of a chinese / thai man myself
12:59.18bilarh_food wise
12:59.31Ch0HagWhe restrict yourself?
12:59.46Ch0HagChinese, Indian, English, Italian.
12:59.48bilarh_because i don't like indian food :-)
12:59.54Ch0HagAnything except American, in fact, is good.
13:00.05bilarh_and english :P
13:00.23bilarh_steak and kidney pie, mmmmm *not*
13:00.30bilarh_i made the mistake of having one of them at work once
13:00.37bilarh_my god, it's like eating concentrated evil
13:00.56bilarh_and then someone told me that the thick pastry on top of it was actually some sick thing as well
13:01.18Ch0HagAlthough kidney sucks.
13:01.22boudiccasmixed grill with the liver cooked so well that it almost melts in your mouth
13:01.22bilarh_yeah pie++, but pie.with_intestines--;
13:01.23Ch0HagI prefer steak and steak pie.
13:01.37bilarh_boudiccas: bleurgh is what i say to that
13:01.56Ch0HagYou can seperate the kidney by feel though because it's smooth and just swallow it without having to taste.
13:02.13bilarh_i mean, if you think about it... it's like dismantling a sewer cleaning plant and eating it
13:03.07bilarh_steak sandwiches for the win
13:03.15bilarh_s/for the win/ftw/
13:03.23bilarh_forgot to be l33t :)
13:04.13Ch0HagIf you've get Steak sandwiches ftw and chip butties ftw, where does that leave steak and chip butties for the 2 times win.
13:04.35Ch0HagYes thankyou ibot. Go back to your hole.
13:05.27bilarh_ah, speaking of holes
13:05.34bilarh_i'm a great fan of toad in the hole :0
13:05.48bilarh_but, what sick perverted mind came up with the design
13:05.54clive-hyes that's always good
13:06.10bilarh_or is it just my wife that's perverted with the sausage? :D
13:06.23Ch0HagSomebody with a penchant for lard?
13:06.39Ch0HagOh THAT kind of perverted :P
13:06.48bilarh_so innocent :-)
13:07.05bilarh_swiftly moving on
13:07.15Ch0HagYes indeed.
13:07.23Ch0HagSo, 'bout them Nicks.
13:07.31bilarh_hehe :-)
13:07.32bilarh_go bears
13:08.18Ch0HagThinking of ftw/ftl, there used to be a gomes company called ftl.
13:08.21Ch0HagUnlucky choice.
13:17.15bilarh_hey are fairlight still around? :D
13:17.24bilarh_as in the group that cracked loads of games back in the 90's?
13:17.34bilarh_for a while, it seemed like every game i had was cracked by them
13:17.44bilarh_i never bought any games, of course :-)
13:18.46bilarh_heh, it was amazingly stupid actually... fairlight had an address you could send a letter to to ask for a list of software they could supply on cdrom :D
13:19.01bilarh_it was some address in germany... wonder if the police cottoned on :)
13:20.22Ch0HagOh I don't know. Might be a bit too complicated for them.
13:22.24*** join/#gllug xotl (
13:26.30SlayerXPFTL did the Dungeon Master series on the atari st
13:26.36SlayerXPclassic game
13:26.53SlayerXPfairlight were active in the 80s, also
13:41.45Ch0HagOn the Atari and just about everything else.
13:47.02halithe fairlight tune was great
13:47.12halistill remember the 64k demos :P
13:47.16halithose where the day
13:54.45bilarh_ah good old 64k demos
13:54.49bilarh_and even the 4k ones, damn :D
13:55.04bilarh_packing that kind of thing into that little memory is really really cool
13:55.37bilarh_i'm guessing that they used self extracting executables, really :)
13:56.00bilarh_because it would be nigh on impossible to put stuff like graphics, sound etc into 64k, wouldn't it
13:56.20bilarh_unless you used bits of your code image as samples :-)
13:56.33bilarh_afaicr, they used that technique in some of the old NES games
13:56.41bilarh_nes games are like 16-64k, aren't they?
13:56.53bilarh_which is *really* tiny for somethign like zelda 1 for example :-)
14:15.38*** join/#gllug mylesbraithwaite (
14:34.20niv_one_threehali: hi
14:34.35niv_one_threepls help me understand piping
14:35.07niv_one_threewhen I want to use htmldoc to generate postscript from html then print it
14:35.24niv_one_threeI do htmldoc <URL> | lpr --
14:35.33niv_one_threewhat am I doing wrong?
14:36.41niv_one_threesorry I ment # htmldoc -t ps <URL> >> lpr --
14:38.13niv_one_threeas in OK?
14:38.29clive-hThe latter will redirect the output to a file called lpr
14:38.50clive-hhtmldoc -t ps <URL> | lpr
14:39.04clive-hwill output to the line printer
15:00.00*** join/#gllug edit_lp2 (
15:06.58wethrinmorsing: ping?
15:08.06bilarh_wethrin: icmp reject from bilarh_
15:08.17wethrinYes, well, you're the wrong Henrik
15:09.24bilarh_oh yeah, i forgot he's henrik as well :D
15:09.37bilarh_i was acting like a router there, though :-)
15:09.45bilarh_although that's quite weird, as i have no route to morsing
15:10.11wethrinAre you coming to the Peak District?
15:10.24bilarh_me or morsing?
15:10.32wethrinI know morsing's coming
15:10.39bilarh_oh, i didn't even know about the peak district D
15:10.45wethrinGet thee on the Social list
15:10.52bilarh_i thought the lists were down all the time :-)
15:11.02wethrinThey're currently running :)
15:11.14bilarh_hang on then
15:18.11bilarh_wohoo, i'm now officially connected with everything hip and cool in london
15:18.19bilarh_i.e. i've signed up to the gllug mailing list :-)
15:18.29bilarh_it better be a high traffic one, or i will be disappointed :)
15:18.46Leedsmmm... pie
15:18.53SlayerXPjust say something to cause Juergen to chip in
15:19.06bilarh_leeds: watch out, it might have kidney or liver in it :-\
15:19.11SlayerXPand then several people with reply pointing out that he's talking bollocks
15:19.29wethrinbilarh_: Gllug, or Gllug Social?
15:20.48bilarh_what's this?
15:20.58bilarh_there aren't 100s of interesting mails flooding my inbox :(
15:21.04bilarh_is the list server broken again?
15:21.32wethrinNah, just Juergen's not posted
15:25.02bilarh_i love drac... it's now hung on me and refuses to do anything
15:25.06bilarh_except display my typo
15:25.09bilarh_cheers drac!
15:25.32bilarh_dell remote access crap
15:25.40clive-hAhhh yah
15:26.03clive-hTried sending it a Ctrl-q?
15:26.30wethrinProper LOM++
15:26.42wethrinNone of this half-arsed PC hackyness
15:26.43clive-hwhat model of PowerEdge is it?
15:27.27bilarh_1750 even
15:27.35bilarh_i hate dell
15:27.42clive-hHmmm those do IPMI too
15:27.49clive-hvia the BMC
15:28.46clive-hI guess i'd reset the BMC if it hung via IPMI
15:28.50bilarh_what is this ipmi thing anyway?
15:29.13clive-hIt's the new industry standard remote access thing
15:29.24bilarh_i power cycled the box instead :-)
15:30.00clive-hNewer boxes have IPMI and I wouldn't bother with DRAC cards for them
15:30.11clive-hat least for linux
15:30.13bilarh_so how does that work then? ipmi that is?
15:30.20bilarh_do you need linux drivers for it, or is it seamless
15:30.26clive-hPretty much like a DRAC does
15:30.36wethrinIndustry standard across PCs, then?
15:30.50clive-hSome sun kit implements IPMI
15:30.56clive-hI believe
15:31.00wethrinThe opteron stuff?
15:31.18clive-hThat would seem to be a reasonable assumption yes
15:32.09clive-hIt does serial over lan and stuff
15:32.20clive-hYou can reboot via IPMI
15:32.39clive-hAlso monitor the environment etc
15:32.43wethrinThat's what remote power switches are for :)
15:32.53bilarh_cool, serial over ethernet is cool
15:33.12bilarh_so is it a bit like sp then?
15:33.16bilarh_on the suns?
15:33.25clive-hsimilar idea
15:33.55clive-hI did IPMI on the servers I built at my last contract
15:34.09clive-hSaved the need for a console server
15:34.39clive-hI had a remote power bar though as well just in case
15:34.51bilarh_ah :-)
15:34.54bilarh_remote power is hard core
15:35.05clive-hNever used the power bar
15:35.17clive-hI cycled power etc via IPMI
15:35.21bilarh_yeah but just having one is scary enough :-)
15:36.03clive-hThe company I was working for baulked at having a console server
15:36.10clive-hSo I used IPMI instead
15:36.29clive-hI wouldn't bother with a console server again now anyway
15:36.53clive-hIPMI is a much better way
15:38.03clive-hIt's been in the kernel for a while now
15:40.31bilarh_ah, but it requires the kernel to work then does it?
15:40.51clive-hIt's hardware
15:41.02bilarh_so what's with the kernel  then?
15:41.14clive-hBut the kernel interface lets you manipulate the IPMI setup
15:41.21clive-hcreate users etc
15:41.28clive-hassign IP addresses
15:41.44bilarh_oh right, cool :)
15:42.07clive-hRather than having to go to the BIOS and do it offline
15:42.21bilarh_yeah that's quite convenient
15:42.42clive-hRather as you can on DRAC cards with the DELL dkms stuff
15:44.03clive-hI did all that during kickstart installs
15:44.27bilarh_i'm starting to like kickstart, but i wish there was some nice interface to configure it :-)
15:44.39bilarh_rather than writing it all yourself
15:44.44bilarh_or modifying the anaconda file
15:44.49clive-hThere's ksconfig
15:44.54bilarh_oh right :P
15:44.56clive-hwhich is a KDE app
15:45.06clive-hbut it's very basic
15:45.24clive-hNot really up to the job
15:45.41bilarh_i suppose one of the problems is that if you make it so advanced that it's  useful, it'll be as complicated to use as vi kickstart.cfg
15:45.49bilarh_although it may have nicer keybindings, i suppose
15:46.21clive-hIt's a bit too basic
15:46.21bilarh_what we need is a modularized system, so that you have like modules for networking etc
15:46.34bilarh_and then you could have like a list of modules to pick from
15:46.48bilarh_like say you had different networking modules etc for different lans
15:46.58bilarh_and different software setups depending on what machine it is (i.e. different modules
15:47.03clive-hYou still have to know what you're doing
15:47.08clive-hBut yes
15:47.16bilarh_you could pick and mix the modules and come up with a custom kickstart
15:47.28clive-hI had different setups for web servers , database servers etc
15:47.35bilarh_and then if you could also have some kind of macro language, you could generate configs on the fly, for a bunch of servers
15:47.50clive-hI did the macro bit
15:47.59bilarh_what did you use for macros?
15:48.17bilarh_ah ok.. we're actually using m4 at the moment :-)
15:48.23bilarh_it works ok, but it's a bit complicated to use :)
15:48.52bilarh_i'm not a huge fan of m4 actually, it ends up looking like spaghetti eventually imo
15:49.21clive-hheh m4 is odd
15:49.25bilarh_totally :-)
15:49.34clive-hbut i use it it for sendmail
15:49.37bilarh_it would be cool to have something similar, but something using perl instead
15:49.40bilarh_yeah it's a must
15:49.48bilarh_sendmail without m4 is like ... eating kidney pie :-)
15:50.10bilarh_i can't believe people used to configure sendmail by hand
15:50.22bilarh_i pity the person who wrote the first config as well :-)
15:50.29bilarh_although mr allen probably knew what he was doing :)
15:50.36bilarh_it was allen who wrote sendmail wasn't it?
15:51.05bilarh_eric allman :)
15:51.13clive-hthat's it
15:54.05bilarh_wohoo, my first gllug mail :D :D
15:55.09*** join/#gllug londo_ (
16:24.48*** join/#gllug gregj (n=gj@
17:10.55phearlessguys, can I put /boot in a RAID1 ?
17:20.11*** join/#gllug JohnDoe666 (n=JohnDoe6@
17:46.38*** part/#gllug JohnDoe666 (n=JohnDoe6@
18:34.19gregjphearless: you shouldn't
18:34.49gregjphearless: and unles it's hardware raid, I;m 99% sure neither lilo or grub will be able to use
18:53.39*** join/#gllug flips_and_rails (
20:10.54flips_and_railstrousers_, whats that star thing for??
20:25.31*** join/#gllug mylesb (
20:26.33*** join/#gllug EddNix (
21:26.24goibhniumorsing: how's the wine?
21:29.14*** join/#gllug catalyst (n=catalyst@allegro/user/angelchild)
21:29.14goibhniutrousers_: I know you've got a real life or something ... but still you should come to the gentoo thing
21:37.47*** join/#gllug catalyst` (n=catalyst@allegro/user/angelchild)
22:08.35*** join/#gllug EddNix (
22:43.06*** join/#gllug catalyst` (n=catalyst@allegro/user/angelchild)
22:50.51*** join/#gllug adminjs (n=adminjs@
22:51.46*** join/#gllug mylesbraithwaite (
22:53.28*** join/#gllug edit_lp (

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