irclog2html for #gllug on 20060527

00:11.54*** join/#gllug AndrewBlack (n=chatzill@
00:13.44wethrinhi AB
00:21.06AndrewBlackhi there - can't get to sleep
00:21.32AndrewBlackDo you use IRSSI - I havent worked out how to handle multiple channels
00:21.58wethrinJust /join #channel
00:23.27AndrewBlackhow do you switch which you are looking at
00:24.08wethrin/win <N>
00:24.29wethrinOr for windows 1-19, just press ESC, then 1-0; Q-P
00:24.37wethrinI mean Q-O
00:24.53wethrinESC-a switched between active windows
00:28.05AndrewBlackIt doesnt seem to have windows. All text for both chanels are mixed up
00:30.33wethrinIt's just worked for me by default
00:31.10AndrewBlackmaybe RTFM when I can be bothered
00:33.02AndrewBlackI am getting most confused.  I have a KVM switch but only the  Video is connected
00:33.19AndrewBlackLaptop has a USB keyboard port and the KVM is PS2
00:34.01AndrewBlackSo if I start typing complete gibberish its because I am on the worng machine.
00:34.43wethrinOkay :)
00:39.05AndrewBlackMight be other explanations for gibberish like I am cracking up....
00:39.30AndrewBlackI got a shock when I came back to an IRC channel and found I was being address en francais.
00:39.46AndrewBlackMy write french at IRC speeds.
00:40.00AndrewBlackMy write french at IRC speeds isnt very good
00:40.13AndrewBlackTurns out htey wre canadian
00:40.23wethrinRight :)
01:16.00*** join/#gllug SpudULike (
02:46.09*** join/#gllug Leeds (
02:48.45*** join/#gllug angelchild (
03:00.46*** join/#gllug Gonz0 (
03:05.10*** join/#gllug stoat__ (
06:25.08*** join/#gllug stoat_ (
07:09.01*** join/#gllug andrew (
07:10.32andrewanyone around
07:18.16z00daxsort of
08:56.35mozratI am
08:57.31mozratAndrewBlack: For irssi I prefer Alt+[channel number]
08:57.33mozratto switch
09:01.52puckmanyo mozzer
09:03.18puckmanHello mozrat
09:08.52Leedsevening all
09:10.40mozratHi Leeds
09:13.41Leedsbeen to see the Da Vinci Code this afternoon
09:13.55mozratAny good?
09:14.42Leedsnot as bad as it's been reported to be, but some of it doesn't hold up on film, and it's very dense - a lot of story and exposition to get through in a little over 2 hours
09:15.33mozratSeeing as a lot of the book relied on flashbacks amd memories I wondered how it would stand up as a movie
09:15.54Leedsto be fair, the flashbacks were done pretty well
09:18.31*** join/#gllug Erwin (n=erwin@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/Erwin)
09:25.30mozratAmerican people are amazing. Fair enough - construction work can sound a lot like gunfire.. but 2 women reported seeing a white man with a gun (which obviously didn't happen at all) and one woman was taken to hospital with a panic attack
09:25.59mozratAre they that highly strung? Seems like group panicing to me
09:27.24Leedsyes, some of them are that highly string
09:29.23mozratLeeds: last nights HIGNFY was quite good btw
09:29.41Leedsit'll be here in... 18minutes 18seconds ;-)
09:30.25Leedsazureus is currently firing on all cylinders...
09:30.49mozratGood stuff
09:31.15Leeds4 other things downloading at the moment as well
09:37.17Leedsooh, and there's a now show as well
09:37.47Leedswhich - very much credit to the beeb for - is available, officially, to download as MP3 for a week after it's been on
10:04.52*** join/#gllug George (
11:50.25mozrathEllo George
11:55.36mozrati said hello
11:56.48mozratany reason for your rudeness?
12:13.17*** join/#gllug mozrat (
12:13.28mozratstupid freeshell host
12:14.02mozratthey are good 360 days of the year so can't complain really
12:14.15wethrinI suppose :)
12:14.19Georgethis is why I have a server in telehouse
12:15.04wethrinIsn't your shared between some people?
12:15.13Georgeit's a virtual server
12:15.20wethrinThat's not a real server!
12:15.24Georgeit's free.
12:15.59wethrinCheap bastard
12:16.28Georgefuck off
12:23.27mozratwethrin, whats this about your "poor mans SAN"?
12:23.33mozratwhat is it constructed of?
12:26.04wethrinmozrat: FreeBSD box set to use SCSI target mode
12:26.24mozratwhat kind of storage?
12:27.07wethrinIt's got a couple of 100-ish GB IDE drives in it. I create an appropriately sized file in their filesystem, and export that file
12:27.55mozratI see
12:28.03mozratsounds fun
12:28.27wethrinIt was surprisingly easy. Once I got over the whole 'hanging' thing. Apparently if I left it, it'd continue booting after about 40 minutes :)
12:28.43mozratsoo impatient
12:29.27wethrinRight. I'm off to have a wander with a camera
12:30.14mozrathave fun
12:31.10Leedsokay, I just misread that as being a) bad grammar... b) something you really wouldn't announce on IRC and c) something you *really* wouldn't announce on IRC you were going to take photos of
12:31.53Leedsalso, currently, a slightly sick stomach, nose and throat, but that's a different matter
12:40.17*** join/#gllug JAV (
12:51.08mozratsign of a good burger I guess
13:46.31*** join/#gllug Leeds (
14:33.03Leedsmy tummy is unhappy
14:34.17JAVfill it!
14:35.16Leedsgoing to go find some immodium for it soon
14:35.38Leedsor imodium
14:38.20Leedsin fact... I should do that now
15:56.27wethrinAndrewBlack: ping?
16:08.50*** join/#gllug stephanb2 (
16:28.41*** join/#gllug angelchild (n=Catalyst@allegro/user/angelchild)
17:01.53*** part/#gllug stephanb2 (
17:21.58resuDaeddoes anyone know anything about firstclass email?  is it a completely closed protocol, or is it based on something remotely standard (like imap or something)
17:37.31resuDaeddoesn't matter, the mail server supports imap and pop, they just lied to us by saying that we had to use the firstclass client or webmail to access our mail
17:45.04ErwinLike those bastard admins using Exchange once. They said enabling IMAP was a security hole, and what was wrong with using Exchange? I was the company's blood unix systems programmer!
18:09.52resuDaedanyone know if gentoos portage directory is completely self contained, ie can I just replace the directory on multiple hosts as opposed to having to rsync them all to update software?
19:51.38mozratCould someone Op me or change the /topic pls
19:51.56mozratibot wake wethrin
19:51.57ibotwethrin: GOOD MORNING!!!
20:19.26*** mode/#gllug [+o wethrin] by ChanServ
20:19.29*** mode/#gllug [+o mozrat] by wethrin
20:19.38mozratthanks wethrin
20:22.45*** topic/#gllug by mozrat -> Greater London LUG - Next Event is late June (Saturday 24th??) Check website for details. Channel Stats at
20:23.13*** mode/#gllug [-o mozrat] by mozrat
20:43.47wethrinGet more hosts
20:44.24resuDaedwethrin : I would, but I am short on hdds, and I don't fully control dhcp, so can't pxe boot
20:44.33wethrinAhh. Bah
20:45.21resuDaedI would fire up the ultra 2, but I only have a vga monitor, so would have limited amusement, and the network is being hit very heavilly, so ssh would be laggy
20:45.30wethrinSerial console?
20:45.52resuDaedheh, have you seen my serail console cable :-)
20:46.05wethrinNo :)
20:46.08wethrinIs it under your bed?
20:46.12resuDaedmight take a pic and put it online for ya, would amuse me for a minute or 2
20:47.28*** join/#gllug shai (
20:47.48ErwinSheesh the journey planner can come up with some crazy suggestions
20:48.03Erwinlike a 3 hour trip to Heathrow which involves 1.5 hours of waiting at Victora station for no reason
20:48.34wethrinVictoria's a reasonable station to wait at :)
20:48.35ErwinThat's if I want to be there 07:40. If I want to be there 07:41, then it has a 2 hour suggestion.
20:49.02wethrinWhere are you coming from?
20:49.19resuDaedErwin : if you ask to plan you a late night journey to sheffield, it involves waiting at doncaster for 7.5 hours
20:49.35ErwinCanary Wharf area. If you just wait a bit longer, it gives the sane suggest of Jubilee to Baker STreet, then Padding & HEX
20:50.03ErwinOr I could take bus 15, 25, 63, Circle Line and HEX
20:50.50ErwinI wonder if I have to get there early to get the luxurious seats with 6 extra inches of legroom
20:51.09wethrinSuper-Cattle class?
20:51.50ErwinAnd for 1200 UKP too, because I had to buy the ticket just a week in advance.
20:52.17wethrinWhere are you off to?
20:52.47ErwinCalifornia. Well, I'll get reimbursed. Eventually, the company is rather awful at transferring money internationally these days
20:53.10ErwinYes, from their US bank to my UK bank
20:53.25wethrinDon't they have a UK account?
20:54.09ErwinNo presence at all. I handle the software development / theatre & restaurant review section from London.
20:54.32resuDaedwhy doesn't my damn camera have bluetooth, can't find the bloody lead
20:54.41resuDaedor more to the point, why am I not more organised
20:55.00ErwinIf it did, you'd spend more time trying to set it up
20:55.19wethrinHmm. so you get paid for eating out?
20:55.33resuDaedI have it set up for my phone, but unfortunatly my phone is in being repaired
20:55.43resuDaedit's got a better camera on it than my actual camera
20:56.36Erwinwethrin: Well, no, not really. Maybe I could. Not sure how that would work tax-wise.
20:57.07ErwinBack in Denmark, the company can't give you anything without it being taxed
20:57.52wethrinBah :)
20:58.55Erwine.g. if you get free phone from the company, you will be taxed as if you had earned 300 ukp
21:00.10ErwinCompany car? It gets taxed accordingly to the value of the car and the percentage you use it for personal vs work stuff
21:01.25ErwinHmm, there's a Coriander Avenue, Rosemary Drive, Nutmeg Lane & Saffrone Avenue where I live.
21:01.39wethrinYeah. Telehouse is on Coriander
21:01.51ErwinI guess it's appropriate, as it's near East India Dock Road
21:03.18resuDaednow just got to figure out where my homedir is on the uni server
21:03.29resuDaedftp'd in using nautilus and I am at /
21:05.08resuDaedand the dir structure makes little sense (considering there are nearlly 30000 users on this box, and their homedirs must be somewhere
21:07.03wethrinssh in , and run 'pwd'
21:07.18resuDaedyeah, just thought of that, although I did echo $HOME
21:09.07resuDaedfsck me this connection is slow
21:10.34resuDaednaught sysadmins, been logged in and idle for >10 days
21:15.25resuDaedfinally, my seial cable:
21:16.22resuDaedmade with the adapters I could find, and some plumbing solder
21:25.53wethrinNice :)
21:48.52resuDaedgrrr, my email setup doesn't work
21:50.19resuDaedand I am now bored of playing with that
21:53.50resuDaedthiunk I might go make me a carbonara sauce for supper, then watch tv ... laters
22:14.42*** join/#gllug startxwhite (
22:15.05startxwhitei am running debian sarge  and had to upgrade to 2.6.15 but lost sound. whenever i run alsaconf my laptop freezes within seconds!
22:47.33*** join/#gllug unko (
22:51.08*** part/#gllug unko (

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.