irclog2html for #gllug on 20060516

00:42.02JAVbedtime! night
00:43.09rhoweheh indeed
01:27.00*** join/#gllug Leeds (n=richardc@
06:21.50Leedsthe warning now officially says "if you're on a small boat, get out of the water and secure it, well, *now*"
06:22.34*** join/#gllug SlayerXP (
06:28.13*** join/#gllug Gonz0 (
06:45.02*** join/#gllug SlammerXP (
06:55.03*** join/#gllug shai (
06:58.21*** join/#gllug AndrewBlack (n=chatzill@
07:30.37AndrewBlackBit quiet here today ?
08:23.29*** join/#gllug cbz (
08:38.57cbzFor anyone who knows Oxford Circus, megaphone man has been given an ASBO
08:39.03cbzbanned from using his megaphon
08:43.46iTronWe'll have no criticism from you, Citizen!
08:44.33LeedsI may be a citizen, but I'm a resident of the glorious people's republic of China!
08:45.19iTronHas anyone seen V For Vendetta yet?
08:46.28Leedspressure is falling towards 1 bar
08:47.18iTronLeeds: Ah yes, that typhoon's been loitering around just short of landfall for the last 12 or so hours, hasn't it.
08:47.42iTronLeeds: It'll start wearing it's hoodie soon, then come in for the attack.
08:48.05LeedsUCL are showing a greater than 80% chance of at least tropical storm level winds over HK in the next few days
08:48.47Leedsit's not so much loitering short of landfall as hanging out in the sea , threatening all the towns on the coast to see who offers least protection money
08:49.46iTronPedant. :P With the size of the bloody thing, it's more or less just off landfall. ;)
08:51.28Leedsit's not raining here yet, but we are relatively far north... it's raining on the southern islands of HK right now
08:58.06*** join/#gllug Erwin (n=erwin@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/Erwin)
09:13.34Leedsso, is dead?
09:23.07ErwinUh oh. "closed for maintenance"
09:23.21ErwinWell, I heard something about Russia signing some copyright deal to appease US..
09:23.24Leedsand has been for a couple of days now
09:24.06ErwinRussian President Vladimir Putin proclaims, "We must defend copyright inside the country. That is our obligation to our foreign partners",
09:24.13Leedsalso, possibly not as a coincidence, it was reported over the weekend as the second source for music downloads in the UK, after iTunes
09:25.04ErwinThis site claims it really is maintenance (for several days?)
09:27.01Leedshope so
09:31.33Leedstyphoon is 460km away
09:31.39SlammerXPsomeone care to answer a, *shock*, kernel compilation question?
09:31.58rhoweSlammerXP: Someone's not here right now. Care to call back later?
09:32.00LeedsSlammerXP: try asking it...
09:32.25SlammerXPi'm making a xen-for-dummies howto which bypasses the normal xen install routines
09:32.43SlammerXPfor those who have a perfectly fine kernel already, and just want xen, not xen's kernels
09:33.05SlammerXPsince applying the xen patches, 'make bzImage' has stopped working.
09:33.20SlammerXPi can compile the kernel, but grub won't boot it wit an unrecognised format error
09:33.38SlammerXP"file" ran on the new kernel image differs to that run on the real kernel
09:33.49SlammerXPI'm wondering how to convery the new kernel image into something bootable
09:34.14SlammerXPmyth:/usr/src/linux# file vmlinuz
09:34.14SlammerXPvmlinuz: gzip compressed data, from Unix, last modified: Tue May 16 11:30:38 2006, max compression
09:34.14SlammerXPmyth:/usr/src/linux# file /boot/linux-2.6.15
09:34.14SlammerXP/boot/linux-2.6.15: Linux kernel x86 boot executable RO-rootFS, root_dev 0x302, swap_dev 0x1, Normal VGA
09:34.17SlammerXPlike so.
09:35.12rhoweSlammerXP: bzImage is deprecated, isn't it?
09:35.28rhoweSlammerXP: Aren't you just supposed to do "make" now?
09:35.31SlammerXPwell, it worked for the last kernel I built. i..e 2.6.15
09:36.18rhoweSlammerXP: Also, are you sure vmlinuz is what you want? Shouldn't it be arch/<$arch>/boot/bzImage
09:36.20SlammerXPjust "make" gives a vmlinuz that grub doesn't recognise.
09:36.38SlammerXPrhowe: there is no such file created.
09:37.01rhoweSlammerXP: Try just "make"
09:37.02LeedsSlammerXP: is it actually failing, in the sense of giving an error and crapping out, or is it just not bothering to build the image?
09:37.10SlammerXPLeeds: the latter
09:37.28SlammerXPrhowe: as I said, I get a vmlinuz that grub won;t boot.
09:37.33Leedswhat are the last couple of lines of output?
09:37.55LeedsI assume you have no modules?
09:38.01SlammerXPi have modules
09:38.23Leedsdo you actually have a file called vmlinuz or is it vmlinux?
09:38.53SlammerXPi have three:  vmlinux  vmlinux-stripped and vmlinuz
09:39.22Leedswait, is this meant to be an i386 kernel or a xen-on-i386 kernel?
09:39.48SlammerXPthis will be the host kernel
09:40.47Leedsso it's meant to be booted on top of the xen hypervisor?
09:41.18SlammerXPI wonder if I have this all wrong.
09:41.47SlammerXPafter my post yesterday, i decided to refresh my xen knowledge
09:42.01LeedsI don't know all that much about xen... but the way I understand it is you boot the hypervisor on the metal, from the BIOS, etc... then you run one (or more?) dom0 OSs, with zero or more domU OSs on top of that?
09:42.08SlammerXPxen 3.0 has appeared since I tried it last, and I didn't build it all from sourcer last time
09:42.19Leedsjust the one dom0 OS, I suppose
09:42.50Leedsit seems my ex-colleague who is porting Solaris to Xen isn't online...
09:47.11SlammerXPi think I shall stop working on the problem for a while
09:49.08rhoweSlammerXP: I've never seen a 'vmlinuz' produced by a kernel build for a fair while
09:49.17rhoweSlammerXP: What architecture? i386?
09:49.41rhoweSlammerXP: And you have no arch/i386/boot/bzImage file, after running "make"?
09:49.43SlammerXPthough I'm starting to wonder if it's not really i386-xen
09:49.49SlammerXPrhowe: correct.
09:50.02rhoweSlammerXP: Ah, if you're building dom0 or domU, it probably is i386-xen
09:50.17rhoweSlammerXP: find -type f -name 'bzImage' arch :)
09:50.52rhowe(if there is such an architecture, and if it doesn't piggy-back on the i386 arch)
09:51.04SlammerXPrhowe: nothing.
09:51.14rhoweSlammerXP: Are you sure the build completed without error?
09:51.25SlammerXPrhowe: yep. a make comes back clean
09:51.40rhoweSlammerXP: odd
09:51.51SlammerXPwell, i'm doing al kinds of not recommended things
09:52.35*** join/#gllug dani (
09:54.43rhoweIs this wise?
09:54.52SlammerXPof course not :)
10:20.58iTronLeeds: You are correct : You boot the hypervisor on the bare metal, then Domain0 is booted, and from there, any number of DomainU virtual machines. Note that you can boot a Domain-0 kernel for use as a Domain-U virtual machine, also.
10:21.49iTronIf I remember correctly, you needed to specify ARCH=xen whenever you performed a make <anything> .
10:22.09iTronI think this has changed in the newer, development versions.
10:57.11Leedsbah, it got downgraded to category 3 again
11:41.26*** join/#gllug Leeds (
12:06.10*** join/#gllug cbz (
12:23.25JAVgood afternoon
12:24.55JAVLeeds: a windy day? :D
12:28.27Leedsnot particularly noticably - but it's a bit wet
12:38.08keithlardhola chicos
12:39.54JAVhello keithlard
12:40.29keithlardque hay
12:41.47JAVpues nada, aquí andamos :)
12:47.38keithlardhmm no puedo ver las letras acentadas de nuevo :(
12:49.37JAVyou'll have to use ISO-8859-15 fonts
12:59.01*** join/#gllug stephanb2 (
13:02.06keithlardi do not actually know how to set the fonts in gaim
13:03.07stephanb2yeah thats a good question
13:03.29stephanb2my guess is that gaim takes the fonts defined for gnome
13:04.03keithlardthese fonts work fine with unicode web pages ekcetera though
13:06.20keithlardno comprendo todo sobre fuentes ekcetera
13:06.26stephanb2keithlard: do u need to type in gaim using a non-roman alphabet ?
13:07.15keithlardi could not see some of jav's spanish letters
13:08.09stephanb2hmm, and you haven't selected "exotic" fonts (i.e. non-unicode) for your gnome desktop?
13:08.56keithlardno, unicode characters work fine, how if i type this? áéíóú
13:13.10stephanb2it shows up fine here = with accents
13:15.11*** part/#gllug stephanb2 (
13:20.44rhoweHm, a Greek guy from Undernet #linux is in town this weekend
13:21.00rhoweSaturday, Sunday or Monday
13:21.27murbi propose a piss up this evening in freising near flughafen munchen
13:22.05rhoweA good proposal, but not without practical difficulties
13:22.41SlammerXPi propose a beer evening in Onkel Oskar's.  11 Kongensgata, Steinkjer
13:23.16z00daxSlammerXP: how'se the lemonade there ?
13:23.27keithlardi suggest finchley as it is handy for me :)
13:23.28SlammerXPnever tried it.
13:24.46Leedsyou're all welcome to join me for drinks in soho
13:26.16rhoweLeeds: Wrong soho
13:26.49Leedshow is it wrong?
13:27.12rhoweIt's not in London
13:27.24Leedsneither am I, so it works for me...
13:27.32Leedshmm... MacBook anyone?
13:35.41skugghmm.. probably, in time.
13:36.12rhowe (fairly-SFW although if you have content filters, it might set the alarm bells ringing)
14:08.31Leedsnot particularly windy, just starting to rain
14:12.35keithlardooh, typhoon!
14:38.12Leedsyup :-)
14:38.43JAVclothes will dry fast :P
14:48.41Leedsin the rain?
15:35.25rhoweOK, I moderate the bacula-users and bacula-devel mailing lists
15:35.42rhoweI've been getting a lot of bounces lately from someone's email filtering software, called "Interscan MSS"
15:35.46keithlardoh aye
15:35.57rhoweAs far as I can tell, it blocks any email containing the text "Hi" and "hello"
15:36.22keithlarda bit like AOL blocking any messages containing
15:36.38rhoweAnd, of course, the bounce messages are all in Spanish
15:37.00keithlardah well, no hay problema :)
15:37.07rhoweThat's handy.. it doesn't actually tell me who the message was destined for
15:38.36rhowef$¢ĸ|ŋg mail servers!!
15:51.34*** join/#gllug murb (
15:59.38*** join/#gllug stephanb2 (
16:00.26rhoweibot change 10 cad to gbp
16:00.40rhoweibot change 35 cad to gbp
16:01.01rhoweibot change 45 cad to gbp
16:03.46stephanb2i am new to ethereal. does it often happen that ethereal doesn't always pick the protocol for certain packets
16:03.57stephanb2and you have to nudge him in the right direction?
16:04.49rhowestephanb2: Hm.. not sure.. I think it usually figured things out when I used it
16:05.00rhowestephanb2: I'm only an occasional ethereal user, though
16:05.17stephanb2rhowe: hmm, sometimes it gets everything straight
16:05.39stephanb2rhowe: most often i have to point to h.245 and rtp manually
16:06.50keithlardyou know you can do that currency conversion with google now
16:10.28keithlardit is a wizzo trick if you do not know it
16:10.59stephanb2keithlard: when will i be able to use lisp in google ?
16:12.12keithlardthere's no lisp api? :-D
16:12.49keithlardthere is definitely a SOAP implementation for common lisp
16:21.55keithlardi'm melting!!
16:25.18*** part/#gllug cbz (
16:33.32*** part/#gllug stephanb2 (
16:34.23keithlarddo not run! we are your friends!
16:40.47rhowe* You are being eaten by a grue
16:41.41keithlardOverall, there is a smell of fried onions
16:44.50keithlardThe lamb samosa hits!
16:51.20*** join/#gllug iTron (
17:14.01SlammerXPit's basically "Hi. I want to filter my mail, but I don't want to pay for the service, please tell me how to do it.  For free."
17:26.27keithlardfor a pound i'll tell him to google for spamassassin
17:27.22*** join/#gllug Kristian (
18:52.13shaiwhat's LUG anyways..?
18:52.44shaiargh... you don't open your gmail for 1 day and you get 71 msgs ... bah
19:19.22*** join/#gllug eye69 (
20:05.06*** join/#gllug Gonz0 (
20:28.26*** join/#gllug JAV (
20:42.46*** join/#gllug angelchild (n=Catalyst@allegro/user/angelchild)
20:50.35skuggbut then I'm a miserable bastard.
20:54.25eeyorei burnt my mouth on pizza
20:56.11murbskugg: /ignore is hmm useful.
21:23.54*** join/#gllug Gonz0 (
21:41.35rhowe50 years of Eurovision
21:42.51JAVthis year Finland will win :)
21:53.01iTronrhowe: Have I ever called you "weird"? ;)
21:54.20iTronIt would be nasty if the thing got bricked.
21:54.31rhoweiTron: Eurovision is the best thing on TV
21:54.57iTronrhowe: Incorrect. Doctor Who is far superior to Eurovision.
21:55.22rhoweI think Wogan would disagree :)
21:55.32iTronYes but he's a tit.
21:56.29eeyoreoi. he's my hero
21:56.42rhoweo/~ "Oh your breasts are like swallows in nesting"
21:57.34eeyoredid he really say that?
21:57.55JAVis eurovision happening now?
21:58.02rhoweeeyore: No, it was in a song
21:58.08rhoweJAV: Nah, it's this Saturday
21:58.20rhoweJAV: BBC1 has a program 'celebrating' 50 years of Eurovision on at the moment
21:58.21eeyorei was going to say he's going down in my estimations :)
22:03.32rhowe"Suprisingly, Germany have never won this contest"
22:05.38iTronRighty. Good. set top box upgraded fine.
22:06.02iTronNow to record Ultraman from NTSC vhs to DVD. :)
22:58.27eeyoreoh dear i'm ranting on the mailing list
23:01.36eeyorefor no particular reason
23:01.36eeyoreprobably time for bed
23:01.36rhoweprobably time to launch mutt :)
23:49.10*** join/#gllug Leeds (
23:53.09z00daxmorning Leeds
23:54.27rhowehm, that should be "jo san!"
23:58.40z00daxrhowe: morning
23:59.46rhowez00dax: When do you start?
23:59.56Leedstyphoonwatch: signal 3 was hoisted about 45 minutes ago... it's pretty windy out, but not raining... looks like we might not get to signal 8 (the go-home signal) since it's turned east and will miss us by, it seems, at least 100 miles

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