irclog2html for #gllug on 20060409

01:56.54z00daxzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz time
02:19.01Leedsbreakfast time
03:41.26*** join/#gllug cbz ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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03:41.27*** join/#gllug Leeds (
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07:51.05morsingLeeds: What did you have for breakfast?
08:21.51Georgeho ho ho ho ho
08:42.25morsingWhere did Leeds go?
08:48.03morsingGeorge: What did you have for breakfast?
08:48.10Georgea steak pie.
08:54.33LeedsI went shopping
08:55.33Leedsfailed, again, to buy a bathrobe, and succeeded in buying a PC insteal
09:03.37Georgebathrobe = dressing gown?
09:04.01Georgesounds like Tangent
09:04.16Georgeone day he came online and said "I went out to have a look around the shops... came back with this HP laptop"
09:05.42Leedstowling robe
09:05.47Leedstowelling robe
09:09.09Leedsit seems it will be cheaper to buy one online from the UK and have it shipped here - particularly if I can get the UK people not to charge me VAT
09:11.43morsingCheck it!
09:11.47Georgecheck what?
09:18.57Georgewhat new machine is this then?
09:19.29Leedsthe one I just bought in pieces
09:25.12*** join/#gllug mozrat (
09:25.17Georgeargh, it's mozrat
09:30.16mozratGeorge: what are you doing today?
09:30.38Georgemozrat: nothing, why?
09:30.58mozratJust wondering.
09:31.26mozratWondered if you were going to frolick in a field, or paint some watercolours
09:31.34mozrator sit on IRC all day
09:32.02Georgeyou're odd
09:32.56mozratthis book looks interesting
09:33.05mozratTime Management for Systems Administrators
09:33.54mozratHi morsing
09:34.10morsingGeorge: No *you're* odd
09:34.16Georgemorsing: indeed
09:34.25Georgemorsing: which means I'm in a prime position to call mozrat odd
09:35.07mozratI'm not odd!
09:36.29Georgeyes you are
09:37.05mozratNo. no, I'm not really
09:37.18mozratI'm fairly standard
09:38.04morsingmozrat: Except for your beard
09:38.33morsingmozrat: When was the pool picture taken?
09:38.40mozratlast autumn
09:41.33mozratwoo - cope sent me a photo
09:41.37mozratthis time with his clothes on!
09:42.20Georgeanyone want to buy a bunch of SCSI disks?
09:42.26Georgethey're SCA, 9.1GB
09:47.08morsingSCA sucks
09:47.14mozratibot seen Angelchild
09:47.23ibotangelchild <n=Catalyst@allegro/user/angelchild> was last seen on IRC in channel #gllug, 24d 8h 24m 39s ago, saying: 'night!"'.
09:47.23morsingBin them
09:47.57Georgemorsing: you suck
09:54.46mozratYou know what sucks?
09:54.54mozratBlack holes.
09:54.58mozratthey really suck
09:55.59Georgeno they don't
09:56.01Georgeyou fool
09:56.28Georgeour perception of "sucking" is to create a partial vacuum, which causes air pressure to push liquid into our mouths
09:56.48mozratwhat about vacumn cleaners
09:56.53stephenmozrat: hehe at that book
09:57.01Georgemozrat: still done using a partial vacuum
09:57.25Georgeon the other hand, black holes work on the principle of being so massive that their gravitational field is so strong that the escape velocity exceeds the speed of light
09:57.25mozratstephen: :)
09:57.29Georgecompletely different
10:03.33mozratGeorge: Get a girlfriend
10:03.38Georgemozrat: why?
10:04.14Georgeactually, that reminds me.. I have to write an email
10:04.27mozratIf you had ever had one, you would know. It would stop you considering the consequences of black holes
10:04.41Georgeblack holes are so incredibly boring
10:04.51mozratyes. kinda my point
10:05.09GeorgeI'll write the email later
10:05.39mozratGotta run
10:05.43mozratcatch you latererer
10:11.39GeorgeI really am a violent bastard aren't I?
10:35.38*** join/#gllug kuesse_ (
10:36.28Leedsathlon64 3000+, 256x2 PC3200, some nvidia graphics card, 300 GB SATA2 drive, quiet fan/PSU
10:38.22Leedsnot amazingly powerful, but only cost 290 quid
10:50.50Leedsliterally - he ended up quoting me a price in pounds, which was lower than the price he'd offered in hkd
10:53.01murbmaybe it was cheaper to do that and get pounds of Leeds than buy them frmo a beurduwasit
10:56.17morsingCheck it!
10:56.41morsingmurb: Is there a meeting place/pub for the Friday?
11:04.50Leedsrealised I had a minor problem... plugged the SATA2 drive into the SATA controller, but that SATA2 controller is only supported from 2.6.16 - which Slackware certainly doesn't use to install
11:06.16LeedsGeorge: because I showed him the price in pounds which was 296 or so, but we were still haggling, so he offered a lower price
11:06.46Leedsibot change 290 gbp to hkd
11:07.15Leeds3915 was the final price :-)
11:08.47*** join/#gllug kuesse_ (
11:14.14Leedshis original price was arout 4370, so I got about 10% off...
11:26.11murbmorsing: yes
11:27.18murbbar of Kilverts Hotel from 1900
11:56.42morsingmurb: Cool
11:57.05murbmorsing: have you booked accomidation?
11:57.12morsingmurb: Yes
12:45.15*** join/#gllug Leeds (
12:55.32Leedssomeone should buy agk a drink for me next time he's seen... I do like lvm, when it works :-)
12:56.24morsing...when it works...
12:56.29morsingLeeds: Install AIX!
12:57.29Leedsnah, it works...
12:57.52cbzaix and pains.
12:59.42morsingLeeds: LVM in AIX is far superior to the one agk work
12:59.44morsings on
12:59.51morsingReally, really far
13:00.13morsingcbz: Clearly you don't know what you're talking about
13:00.51Leedsmorsing: and clearly you've drunk far far too much IBM kool-aid
13:02.54morsingLeeds: Do *you* know what you're talking about?
13:03.06LeedsI've seen an AIX machine yes...
13:03.17morsingOh you're an expert
13:04.28Leedsrhowe: hello... long time no see
13:04.48rhoweFinally got myself some DSL
13:04.59rhoweLeeds: I'm now a UKFSN customer
13:06.13Leedsso, how's life?
13:06.43rhoweNot so bad
13:06.55rhoweMoved flat, and living with Jia now
13:09.52rhoweI can walk to the office in 10mins, the river in about 15
13:10.03rhoweI jogged back from the west end last week in ~20mins
13:10.43LeedsI can walk to the star ferry in about 15-20 minutes :-)
13:10.54rhoweIt'd take me a little longer than that
13:11.37rhoweHas summer started in HK yet?
13:11.42rhoweThey forecast snow today in London
13:12.20Leedsnah, not summer yet - it's only raining a little every day at the moment
13:12.36Leedsat 9pm, it was 25 degrees
13:12.55rhowehm, not sure it's hit 20 yet, but probably been above 15
13:13.14Leedsgoing to be cold here over Easter apparently - but a lot of people are leaving town
13:13.32Leedsit might even fall *below* 20 overnight :-)
13:49.09Leedsthere we go, my lvm has moved machine (for the second time) and grown by about 260GB
14:02.33morsingLeeds: Impressive?!
14:09.26*** join/#gllug wethrin (
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14:09.26*** join/#gllug murb ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
14:28.48GeorgeTuesday the 31st December 1844 never existed in the Phillipines
15:09.35morsingGeorge: Why not?
15:09.44Georgemorsing: because it didn't
15:09.55morsingGeorge: Was it a Wednesday?
15:10.16GeorgeMonday hte 30th was followed immediately by Wednesday the 1st
15:11.37morsingThe crap weather continues
15:12.08Georgethe weather is lovely
15:12.09Georgeshut up
15:12.13Georgeit was horrible in taiwan
15:12.15Georgebut lovely here
15:44.10resuDaedJust install gentoo, and am running with no config file and have a resolution of 2048x1536, a resolution my monitor is not officiall capable of (quoted max is 1280x1024)
15:49.48resuDaedthe only problem with gentoo is if you need software in a hurry (I could download binaries, but I don't *really* want to start my case study yet)
16:50.16mozratseems unlikely
17:13.58resuDaeddon't know about anyone else, but we are having some fairly impressive bouts of hail here (Sheffield)
17:14.05Georgemozrat: pig
17:14.11mozratresuDaed: lots of rain here
17:14.16mozratGeorge: :D
17:15.48resuDaedit is however surprisingly warm (even though according to google it is only 2 degrees)
17:16.11resuDaedand we are meant to be having light rain (no rain, just hail)
17:17.30resuDaedand according the the metoffice, it is 8 degrees with thunder (again wrong)
17:19.47mozrathow is it in Sheffield?
17:25.36Georgemozrat: it seems a lot of SD card readers have a 2GB limit
17:26.34George18:25:10 <Tangent> Emily's fine... reminds me of a small tramp tho
17:26.35George18:25:26 <Tangent> drinks until she throws up... passes out... soils herself.. wakes up with no idea how she got there
17:26.42Georgein reference to his week old daughter
17:50.54*** join/#gllug Erwin (n=erwin@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/Erwin)
17:55.08resuDaedhas anyone managed to get bootsplash working with linux kernel 2.6.15 yet?
17:55.18GeorgeI've never had bootsplash working.
17:57.44resuDaedmozrat : Sheffield's great (apart from the snow we now have everywhere), it's just my job that sucks (packing newspapers for WHSmith News between 0130 and 0530 6 days a week)
17:58.38resuDaedbut trying to find a job that pays half decently and doesn't interfere with uni isn't easy, so I am stuck with it for the next 6 weeks (till we break up for summer)
17:59.33Georgeyou break up in 6 weeks?
18:01.55resuDaedish, I have 2 weeks off atm for easter, then 3 more weeks of teaching, then exams
18:02.42resuDaedIn this 2 weeks, I need to write 7500 words, do a mechanics assignment and teach myself the finer points of calculas
18:02.57resuDaedand do 12 shifts at work
18:03.23resuDaedfound bootsplash,, they have just changed the name of it in the kernel config
18:06.23resuDaedcould be interesting, timing a kernel build while simultaniously building
18:15.28resuDaedwish openoffice would build in 1m58, looking at >8 hours
18:15.49mozratresuDaed: Sorry, am wandering around. That jobs sounds harsh
18:16.32resuDaedwouldn't be so bad if they weren't such a backwards company (IMHO)
18:17.06ErwinHey, any opininons on smartphones with a qwerty keyboard? e.g. treo vs nokia 93/9500 ? I like the Blackberry, but it's too dependent on the Enterprise server of theirs
18:27.47mozratErwin: I have a Blackberry - the infrastructure is better than the usability of the handset
18:28.11mozratThe mail functionality of the BB is fairly retarted
18:28.46mozratibot thank you
18:28.46ibotmozrat: sure thing
18:29.42mozratLeeds has a Treo, I saw one recently and they look quite nice
18:30.14mozratafk, playing g-tar
18:31.28cbzYou play it fairly seriously mozrat?
18:32.27Erwinmozrat: Hmm. Well, the thing is that I may move back soon, and in Denmark I won't probably be able to use the entrprise functionality
18:46.08mozratcbz: I can play OK
18:46.33mozratErwin: Are you asking from a personal POV?
18:46.58cbzelectric, classical ..?
18:47.00mozratTo get any good functionality out of it you really need the BES
18:47.21mozratcbz: I have an acoustic and an electric, I prefer the acoustic
18:47.32mozratI'm teaching my daughter but she needs longer fingers
18:47.34cbzWhat sort of stuff do you play?
18:47.38mozratshe tries really hard
18:47.47cbzGet a smaller guitar :)
18:47.59mozratcbz: popular music really - chords and sing-alongs. Oasis, Travis, Nirvana
18:48.07mozratUmm, whatever she asks me to play
18:48.17mozratI'm fairly good at some Busted now unfortunately
18:48.47mozratI can play Purple Haze fairly well on the electric
18:48.58mozratbut it's just for me, I don't really play for anyone else
18:49.05cbzFair enough.
18:49.50cbzYou may or may not be interested in this
18:50.27mozratMm, cool. Thanks
18:50.31mozratDo you play cbz?
18:50.48cbzYep. Mostly classical, some electric.
18:52.05mozratI learnt classical as a kid
18:52.14mozratI can still play one or two pieces
18:52.28mozratNot quite sure what they are now though
18:53.24mozrathehe - George, check your quote for this half hour on the channel stats
18:58.46mozratGoing to buy eggs. Be back later.
18:58.57mozratBird flu... BRING IT ON
18:59.15morsingBird flu rocks!
19:00.08mozratI think the chances of me getting killed in a road accident going to get these eggs far far outweighs the chance of me dieing of bird flu in the next 5 years.
19:00.36mozratIf I do happen to get killed going to get these eggs I want George to read that last sentence at my funeral
19:06.30Georgewhy me?
19:19.33mozratwhy not?
19:25.27GeorgeI don't want to read at your funeral!
19:35.13Georgeplease talk more, you people are boring
19:38.19Georgemozrat: why not?
19:38.35mozratmaking dinner
19:38.43Georgegod damnit
19:38.46Georgefor whom?
19:38.52mozratGeorge: what did your butler bring you this evening?
19:38.58GeorgeI don't have a butler
19:40.17mozratwhat happened to him?
19:40.55GeorgeI never had one
19:43.19GeorgeI NEED A JOB
19:43.21mozratyou're mean :(
19:43.52mozratwhat kind of work are you looking for?
19:44.07Georgemoney paying work
19:44.32Georgeto buy TOYS
19:46.04Georgewhy am I such a loud bastard?
19:46.38mozratThis is work just for the summer though, correct?
19:46.47George6 weeks
19:46.57mozratah right
19:55.17mozratIs there a way to switch from single monitor to dual monitor without restarting X?
19:55.22mozrator is that wishful thinking
19:55.27morsingQuick, which options on mkisofs for an mp3 CD?
19:56.02Georgeman mkisofs
19:56.09Georgemozrat: wishful thinking
19:56.16mozratGeorge: sucks
19:56.27Georgemozrat: indeed
19:56.33Georgemozrat: X11 is very old technology...
19:56.51mozrati don't care - I just want it to work
19:57.06Georgemozrat: well, go say that to the SA80 you keep stashed under your dinner table
19:57.21mozratMy new TV can take PC audio/video input - it is quite cool
19:57.32Georgeyou have too much money
19:57.46mozratMy TV was 10 years old when it went pop
19:57.48Georgeyou seem to buy lots of stuff
19:57.55mozratNo, not at all
19:58.16mozratI bought a TV and a RC plane - thats all
19:58.30Georgemozrat: you're made of money
19:58.32mozratand the TV was still in the cheapo price brcket
19:58.39mozratI wish
19:58.48Georgemozrat sold his wife on ebay
19:58.59mozratthe buyer gave me negative rating
19:59.25mozratGeorge: did you hear she fell down the stairs?
19:59.37mozratGeorge: She fell down the stairs
19:59.43Georgeanything broken?
19:59.59mozratno, the stairs are fine
20:00.04Georgeis her jaw broken?
20:00.09mozratNo, he nose
20:00.11mozrather nose
20:00.16Georgehow'd she fall down the stairs?
20:00.21Georgeyou pushed her?
20:00.35mozratno, I was phoning her from work
20:00.49Georgefucking hell
20:00.55Georgeyou have some strange abilities
20:01.02Erwinmozrat: re the BB; yes, my US company doesn't provide a BES so I'd be dependent on the telco
20:01.20GeorgeDVD 38% burnt :D
20:01.29Erwinmozrat: And it seems that the Danish telco expects your own company to roll out a BES. And the BB can't even do TCP/IP from the phone by itself, like other modern phones
20:01.42mozratErwin: so you don't get the synchronisation of contacts, appointments etc.. which you would need Domino or Exchange for anyway
20:01.54mozratErwin: I can do some sort of networking from my BB
20:01.56GeorgeI have one of those :D
20:01.58mozratSSH, HTTP etc
20:02.12mozratbut yeah, it isn't a very good phone IMO
20:02.14Erwinmozrat: So it seems like I need a Treo 600 (650?), Motorola Q (out "soon"), Sidekick (ugh?)
20:02.18mozratand the actual phone functionality sucks
20:02.34mozratAsk Leeds about his Treo - he likes it
20:02.36ErwinOr maybe the Noika 9300/9500
20:02.46mozratand he has IMAP push going on (or something)
20:02.47ErwinThe Motorola Q looks really good, but not out yet
20:03.12mozratGeorge: why on earth do you have one of those?
20:03.14Georgethe google guy in Taiwan showed me his Nokia 770
20:03.16Georgeit was cute
20:03.23Georgemozrat: google guy gave it to me at LWCE last year
20:03.33Georgemozrat: I LIKE BLINKY THINGS
20:03.51mozrat<blink>YOU SUCK</blink>
20:04.05mozratisn't there a way to make text on IRC blink?
20:04.07mozratI think there is
20:04.38mozratGeorge: please make it with someone nice, I need an ego boos
20:04.55Georgemozrat: ruth kelly?
20:05.28Georgemozrat: or anne widdecombe
20:05.35Georgemozrat: yes, anne widdecombe.
20:05.42mozratthe MP?
20:05.54mozratNo, please make it also believable
20:06.10mozratRuth Kelly is *waaaay* to high-brow for me
20:06.20Georgeann widdecombe
20:06.23mozratand Anne Widdecombe - sheeesh
20:06.26mozratI wish
20:06.29Georgeyou wish?
20:07.03mozratGeorge - google image search for your name without quotes
20:07.37Georgeit's Leeds and Charles Samuels
20:07.41Georgeat LWCE SF
20:07.45Georgesaying how much they love me :D
20:09.10morsingGeorge: You're ever so helpful
20:10.02morsingGeorge: Just give me the options!
20:10.02Georgemorsing: I DON'T KNOW
20:10.02Georgechristing puce
20:10.10GeorgeDVD-R finished burning
20:11.54ErwinMy girlfriend has asked me to teach her emacs & UNIX. Is that the pinnacle of geek heaven? :-)
20:12.00mozratmorsing: sorry, I don't know
20:12.04Georgegirlfriends are evil
20:12.10Georgegirls deserve to die horribly. all of them.
20:12.16mozratErwin: Congrats - is that psuedo-code for "I want to marry her and have children"?
20:12.26mozratGeorge: STFU
20:12.37mozratibot STFU
20:12.39ibotsomebody said stfu was Shut the F*** Up!, or  Sucks To Feel U
20:12.39Georgemozrat: you're a girl?
20:13.36mozratBah, wikipedia is broken tonight
20:13.45mozratthere is a better STFU image to put there
20:15.00mozratibot STFU is also or
20:15.02ibotmozrat: okay
20:15.08mozratibot STFU
20:15.09ibothmm... stfu is Shut the F*** Up!, or  Sucks To Feel U, or or
20:15.22mozratclose enough
20:33.57morsing344342 extents written (672 MB)
20:44.52ErwinArgh, it seems all the full-qwerty smartphones are ALL set to arrive in Apr'06
20:45.04ErwinMotorola Q, Samsung SGH i320
20:45.10ErwinAnd some iPaq too
21:01.31morsingg'night all
21:29.30Georgehi wethrin
21:29.34Georgewethrin: fix my extended brain
21:29.41mozratnn morsing hello wethrin
21:34.08wethrinHave you tried a lobotomy?
23:14.35*** join/#gllug z00dax (
23:21.49Georgehey z00dax
23:23.38z00daxGeorge, good weekend ?
23:42.08resuDaedmy watch is about to go off any minute to tell me it is time to get up for work

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