irclog2html for #gllug on 20060304

00:11.29*** join/#gllug ibot (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
00:11.29*** topic/#gllug is Greater London Linux User Group - see and | Next Event: Crispin Cowan, chief architect of AppArmor, 2006-02-28, 1900, Fotango
00:19.42George"Now, it's a very difficult job and the only way to get through it, is, we all work together as a team. And that means you do everything I say."
00:51.37angelchildwhat's that from again?
00:52.29z00daxsounds like my last boss
00:56.08angelchildah, the italian job
00:56.11angelchildhi z00dax :)
00:56.24z00daxhey angelchild
00:56.55z00daxhow'se life down in s'hampton
00:58.59angelchildlife's cool! I started a games development society :D
00:59.34z00daxneed any beta testers ?
00:59.42angelchildhehe, it's more of a show and tell kinda thing
01:00.04angelchildwith a set presentation to begin each week
01:00.17angelchildit's kinda cool because we've got a couple of the lecturers to agree to do it too :)
01:02.07z00daxhumm.. show and tell..
01:02.24z00daxlecturers doing a show and tell....
01:02.36z00daxis all this legal ? :p
01:36.10angelchildyou suck :)
05:13.41*** join/#gllug ibot (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
05:13.41*** topic/#gllug is Greater London Linux User Group - see and | Next Event: Crispin Cowan, chief architect of AppArmor, 2006-02-28, 1900, Fotango
07:33.39*** join/#gllug ibot (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
07:33.39*** topic/#gllug is Greater London Linux User Group - see and | Next Event: Crispin Cowan, chief architect of AppArmor, 2006-02-28, 1900, Fotango
07:41.19*** join/#gllug morsing_ (
07:41.56morsing_How do I steal a screen session that is attached somewhere else?
07:43.19murbscreen -dr
07:51.04morsingAnyone awake yet?
07:51.32morsingI got booted out from work yesterday.
07:53.14morsing"conflict of interests" or something
07:53.39morsingI have NO phone now and didn't get a chance to copy any numbers from it!
07:56.17morsingWhy are you up so early?
07:56.22morsingEnjoying your tea?
08:29.03SlammerXPanother 2 weeks and my first mail filtering box will get its 10,000th message
08:32.22SlammerXPi need more domains for it
08:33.05SlammerXPufo_: kps  p: kps
08:33.12SlammerXP"u:" that should be
08:50.27morsingCheck it!
08:51.07*** join/#gllug Erwin (
09:01.28*** join/#gllug Erwin (n=erwin@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/Erwin)
10:25.39*** join/#gllug pontifex (
10:31.57*** join/#gllug SlayerXP (
11:05.19murbmorsing: they didn't give you any other reason? are they claiming gross misconduct or something?
11:09.12morsingmurb: No
11:09.23morsingmurb: It's quite normal practice...
11:10.17murbdo you have anything else at the moment to fall back on?
11:13.54SlayerXPmorsing: been given the boot?
11:14.10SlayerXPEKS are always first against the fall
11:14.17SlayerXPeerrr wall
11:15.55murbSlayerXP: a long fall?
11:16.14SlayerXPi'm assuming morsing is EKS
11:16.20SlayerXPif not it's a pain
11:16.20murbwith a hemp necktie for safety?
11:18.34morsingmurb: Well, my Barclaycard role starts in three weeks
11:18.48murbmorsing: oh you'd already given notice?
11:18.57morsingAnd no, I'll be paid up until yesterday and nothing more
11:19.01morsingmurb: Yes
11:19.15morsingSo, I'll be unpaid for three weeks
11:19.22morsingwhich will cost me a lot...
11:19.24SlayerXPerrm, what does your contract say about that?
11:19.39murband are the terms in your contract legal?
11:19.45morsingSlayerXP: Well, I'd have thought they have to pay me three months salary?
11:19.48murbmorsing: you don't have any unspent holiday or anything?
11:19.57morsingmurb: Only three days
11:20.00SlayerXPmorsing: it depends on your contract
11:20.16murbmorsing: well you should be able to atleast get some money for them.
11:20.17morsingSlayerXP: My contract says they have to give me three months notice
11:20.25SlayerXPand did they?
11:20.36morsingNo, 20minutes
11:20.40murbSlayerXP: well he already gave them notice iiuc
11:21.16morsingibot iiuc
11:21.17iboti heard iiuc is \"If I understand correctly\"
11:21.31SlayerXPmorsing: then write them a letter, sent by special delivery, that either they pay you 3 month salary as per your contract, or you'll be taking them to court
11:21.55SlayerXPif their HR department has even the slightest clue, they will pay up
11:22.01murbmorsing: are you a member of a union?
11:22.08morsingSlayerXP: The problem is that I didn't stick to my side of the contract
11:22.11morsingmurb: No
11:22.16SlayerXPmorsing: in what way?
11:22.26morsingI only gave them 5 weeks notice
11:23.01SlayerXPemployment law is actually stacked up well in your favour
11:23.14morsingSlayerXP: I know. What should I do?
11:23.29murbSlayerXP: people are normally too timid to use it.
11:23.30SlayerXPwrite them a letter, something along the lines of
11:23.33SlayerXPDear Sir
11:24.25SlayerXPI have sought legal advice regarding this issue and I don't beleive that you have the right to withold payment of my salary for my outstanding notice period"
11:25.50SlayerXPdress it up a bit, but that's the core.
11:28.08z00dax$TZ Greetings
11:28.19z00daxSlayerXP, hola
11:28.28z00daxhowse life in the bedian world ?
11:30.43SlayerXPi rock, it's official.
11:30.57SlayerXPi have per-domain greylisting and spam thresholds working in exim
11:31.42murbSlayerXP: not per user@domain?
11:32.01SlayerXPantibody has no concept of users.
11:32.23murbcan you white list email to postmaster?
11:33.03SlayerXPor, rather, you can say that certian addresses in each domain are not spam checked/virus checked/greylist
11:33.46SlayerXPlikewise you can say certain senders are never spam checked/virus checked/greylisted
11:41.50z00daxcheck it!
11:45.04morsingWhat's the phone area code for Windsor?
11:46.59SlayerXPor 01753 if you mean the UK
11:47.03z00dax707's are personal redirect numbers
11:47.45MacRohardwindsor ontario?
11:49.01MacRohardnah. that's 519
11:49.54morsingz00dax: Thanks, I had a number starting with 07153.
11:50.05morsingHe obviously put 71instead of 17
11:50.41z00daxmorsing, consider it checked
12:10.55Georgesausages and CREAM!!!!
12:13.02Georgehey z00dax
12:13.05Georgez00dax: get a new nickname
12:13.16z00daxGeorge, whats wrong with this one ?
12:13.22z00daxits only 12 years old now
12:13.32Georgez00dax: it's got 00 in it
12:13.37Georgez00dax: how old were you 12 years ago?
12:17.12z00daxi was $Present_Age - 12
12:17.43z00daxwhich would make me 17 at the time
12:17.59Georgez00dax: hah
12:18.08z00daxi only have 8 finges and 2 thumbs, took me a while to work it out
12:43.51morsingwethrin: Did you hear the news?
12:43.57wethrinmorsing: Which news?
12:44.13morsingCamelot kicked me out yesterday
12:44.17wethrinoh :-(
12:44.23wethrinWhat happened?
12:44.28morsingI'm a free man with three weeks holiday :-)
12:44.31wethrinAnd you were leaving anyway, weren't you?
12:44.34*** join/#gllug SlammerXP (
12:44.36wethrinThis is a good thing?
12:44.43morsingwethrin: We couldn't agree on my leaving date and they got upset!
12:44.47wethrinmorsing: Oops
12:44.49morsingwethrin: Well, yes.
12:44.50wethrinNever mind, eh :)
12:44.54morsingIt was my choice
12:45.21morsingwethrin: I could actually come up for a few days if you're not too busy?
12:45.46wethrinmorsing: When? After term ends I won't be so busy
12:45.55wethrinSo if you can wait another couple of weeks... :)
12:46.00morsingWell, during the next three weeks
12:47.33wethrinYeah, I think that can be manageable
12:47.52wethrinMaybe weekend after next?
12:48.07morsingwethrin: Sounds good
12:48.22morsingI haven't got a phone though or your number
12:48.26*** join/#gllug highbury (n=steve@
12:48.43wethrinmorsing: Oh. I can give you my number. But you should get a phone :)
12:49.02morsingwethrin: I'll get one when I start at Barclaycard
12:49.06wethrinOkay :)
12:50.21morsingHas anyone here been to the peak district?
12:51.01morsingWhere to stay overnight?
12:51.05morsingWhat to see?
12:52.39wethrinI can try and book you in to the Vic
12:52.49wethrinVery nice pub/B&B
12:53.04psnlpub mainly
12:53.13wethrinAh. psnl's alive
12:53.41morsingwethrin: Link?
12:53.47wethrinI don't think there is one
12:54.04Georgewhat hostname should I give my new VM?
12:54.07wethrinOther than the Cathedral, I'm not sure what else there is to see
12:54.11wethrinGeorge: twatwaffle
12:54.26psnlwethrin: I'm not just alive, I'm talking elsenet
12:54.51wethrinDo some work! :-P
12:54.58psnlmorsing: the Vic, as suggested by the name, is not a tendy location
12:56.46wethrinBed & Breakfast
12:57.17psnlwethrin: while you are alive, come pick up the e4k
12:57.24wethrinpsnl: When I have space!
12:57.39wethrinpsnl: Would you like some bits of an iPod?
12:57.56psnlhow much of your shelf broke?
12:58.23wethrinThe shelf did't
12:58.28wethrinThings just fell off it
12:58.43psnlwas the ipod one of them?
12:58.45wethrinThe iPod broke some time ago. But it has a battery pack and a 10GB hard disk
12:59.02psnlum, yeah, sure
12:59.13wethrinYou can get adapters to make the hard disk work with a 2.5" IDE connector
12:59.24wethrinRight, excellent
12:59.50highburyhi folks
12:59.50wethrinIt doesn't have a case or a screen. Don't know what happened to the screen
13:00.57murbhighbury: no internet access in oxfordshire?
13:02.19highburyhopefully I will have, but I'm probably going to be off air for a week or so, I need to get homechoice disconnected here, and a new ISP where I'm moving to
13:02.35highburybut they only have 1Mb, since its a remote village
13:03.41highburyanybody know about plusnet? as an ISP
13:07.59murbthey've had a certain amount of bad press, but which isp hasn't/
13:08.27murbkilling idle PPP sessions and things like that are policy.
13:08.48psnlwethrin: you heading into town at some point today?
13:09.15wethrinpsnl: Wasn't really planning to, but I suppose a walk could be good for me
13:09.22murbs/are/where when i last read about it/
13:09.27murbbut see
13:10.06psnlwethrin: how about nowish?
13:10.12Georgecpu MHz         : 2992.799
13:10.33murboh and beware of anything that describes itself as a "fair use policy"
13:11.15Georgemodel name      : Intel(R) Xeon(TM) CPU 3.00GHz
13:11.32wethrinpsnl: Hmm. 15-20 minutes?
13:12.28psnlwethrin: leaving then, or arriving then?
13:12.41wethrinleaving. Or are you in need of going right now?
13:13.29highburythey almopst all have fair use policies :-(
13:13.42psnlnah, 20 mins is fine
13:13.47wethrinOkay :)
13:31.14wethrinWeb browsers are being cunts
13:32.45psnlcome to town!
13:33.55rhowebye bye
13:34.17wethrinWhen/if the web browser stops being a FUCKING CUNT
13:38.24psnlwethrin: haven't you given up yet?
13:38.48wethrinApparently the hateful thing isn't going to work
13:39.29wethrinpsnl: I can leave now. When will you leave?
13:39.46wethrinMeet where?
13:39.57psnlum, coffee
13:40.06psnlnice to see that gilesgate is batting normal
13:40.45wethrinHow long does it take you to walk down?
13:40.54psnlabout 20 mins
13:41.02wethrinRight. See you there in about 25-30, then
13:43.42murbhighbury: well fwiw i use eclipse in the uk althought they don't seem to be the cheapest.
13:44.32murbi think 20 quid for 1 mb unlimited / month.
14:43.09murbmore beer
14:47.18*** join/#gllug George (i=george@kde/developer/gwright)
14:56.24murbgute idee.
15:33.11*** join/#gllug zachary (
15:34.00*** join/#gllug george_ (
15:35.09zacharyhey morsing!
15:35.40zacharyafternoon George.
15:35.40Georgehey zachary
15:42.48george_I have a cool reverse dns :D
15:43.00morsingDo you?
15:44.13George15:34:06 -!- george_ [] has joined #gllug
15:46.50SlammerXPerr, no, you don't.
15:50.47Georgeer, yes I do
15:53.55*** join/#gllug stephen_ (
15:58.43*** join/#gllug Gonzo (
16:00.12morsingstephen_, Gonzo!
16:08.24Georgemozrat: know much about TUN/TAP?
16:08.41mozratGeorge, not a lot, no.
16:08.51Georgemozrat: useless.
16:09.03mozratdont be so hard on yourself
16:09.23mozrathi morsing! fancy seeing you here!!
16:41.40wethrinMmm. Spam.
16:55.56wethrinBURN IT!
16:57.31SlammerXPso, Herr Wethrin, will you be truning your MX records over to me then? :)
16:58.32wethrinSlammerXP: I have my own, thanks
16:58.43SlammerXPbah, any excuse.
16:59.07wethrinAnd I have 2 other MX records
17:00.43eye69Hmmmm...anybody else had problems with SNMP interface statistics on 2.6.14?
17:04.21SlammerXPsingle network manglement protocol
17:11.47morsingCheck it!
17:14.14murbSlammerXP: you want to read peoples email?
17:14.17murblike postini do?
17:14.44SlammerXPi was tempted to suggest that it was very unlikely that any GLLUG members were intereting enough to make me want to do so
17:16.30eye69Argh, fucking thing.
18:23.16wethrinmm. Beer
18:24.36*** join/#gllug djw (i=dan@unaffiliated/djw)
18:36.21Georgehey mozrat
18:37.41GeorgeI have a virtual server! :D
18:45.37*** join/#gllug george_ (
18:46.39Georgemozrat: I even have a snazzy reverse dns. mwahahaha.
19:30.32*** join/#gllug ldnblk (n=Just@
19:41.52Georgehey ldnblk
19:58.11*** join/#gllug George (
20:07.26*** join/#gllug George (
20:07.47*** join/#gllug George (
21:53.06*** join/#gllug angelchild (
22:54.08*** join/#gllug gregj (n=gj@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
22:56.03*** join/#gllug murb ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
22:56.03*** join/#gllug wethrin (
22:56.03*** join/#gllug agk ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
23:21.25*** join/#gllug ibot (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
23:21.25*** topic/#gllug is Greater London Linux User Group - see and | Next Event: Crispin Cowan, chief architect of AppArmor, 2006-02-28, 1900, Fotango
23:27.52*** join/#gllug eye69 ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
23:31.48*** join/#gllug Leeds (

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.