irclog2html for #gllug on 20051118

00:11.23Leedsboker tov kulam
00:11.57Leeds("mornin' all")
00:13.46Leedsthere is something strange going on here...
00:14.07Leedswhen I turn my 100% wired PC on, my wireless stops working
00:14.36Leedsthe only wireless thing on the PC is the mouse
00:15.13mozratdoes the wireless device have an IP address?
00:15.32Leedsa 192.168
00:15.37mozratsorry to ask an obvious question, but is it conflicting with anything?
00:15.53Leedsit's not an IP conflict - the link quality goes mad
00:17.08Leedsobviously, but a PC in a regular box shouldn't be putting out enough to swamp a connection... and it's not that the wireless drops to 0 and stays there - it bounces up to 100% for a few seconds, drops a bit, then goes to 0 for a while, then back up
00:20.11LeedsI thought it could be another network on the same channel, a microwave, something like that - but the connection was stable this morning until I turned the PC on...
00:20.24JAVis it a full closed box? (faraday)
00:21.03Leedsthe only other possible thing which comes to mind is a power issue... I've got a lot of stuff running off 3 sockets here, including the PC and the router/AP and I was wondering if something is browning out a bit
00:21.13Leedsit's closed... got a fan in the side, but otherwise solid
00:21.42Leedsyes, although they were actually on all night anyway... let me try turning them off
00:22.14Leedsnot the speakers
00:24.56JAVso you'll have to start with a basic conf (just cpu) and add things... or try tonight again :)
00:25.40Leedsat least if I know it's coming from the PC, I know that when the PC is off things should be stable
00:26.37Leedsand it's not my mouse, which I've just unplugged and taken the batteries out of
00:26.48JAVreboot the AP
00:29.48JAVwhy not? :D
00:31.24*** join/#gllug Leeds (
00:31.46Leedswell now... *something* didn't like me fiddling with the mouse...
00:53.09*** join/#gllug Gonzo (
01:00.15highburymozrat: did it work?
01:01.09mozrathighbury: I had to switch from HTTP to FTP
01:01.12mozratit worked fine
01:01.15mozratthanks again for your elp
01:01.36highburyyour welcome
01:02.21highburynn folks
01:02.29mozratme too
01:05.40z00daxlooks like mozrat took most of the channel with him
01:05.43*** join/#gllug Gonzo ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
01:05.43*** join/#gllug Leeds (
01:05.43*** join/#gllug George (i=george@kde/developer/gwright)
01:05.44*** join/#gllug togster ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
01:05.44*** join/#gllug agk ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
01:05.44*** join/#gllug Cope (
01:05.44*** join/#gllug eye69 ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
01:05.44*** join/#gllug pdr (n=pdr@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
01:05.44*** join/#gllug murb ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
01:05.44*** join/#gllug wethrin ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
01:05.44*** join/#gllug gregj (n=gj@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
01:05.44*** join/#gllug ufo_ ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
01:05.44*** join/#gllug Jango ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
01:05.46mozratg'night all
01:06.03z00daxnite mozrat
01:31.35Leedsand past time to go to work for me
02:43.17*** join/#gllug Leeds (n=richardc@
07:09.45*** join/#gllug SlayerXP (
07:12.16Leedsmorning mart
07:13.07SlayerXPfo sup ma niggaz?
07:24.26Leedsthere's some very strange throttling going on somewhere between me and - my download speeds up to about 200KB/s then drops to about 30 - getting a nice sawtooth picture on my ethernet usage graph
07:38.41LeedsGeorge: so did you have fun?
07:40.13Leedsat your open day
07:41.03Georgeit sucked
07:41.28Georgenot very surprising really
07:42.07Leedsbecause it wasn't oxford?
07:45.06Georgenah, because 6 hours of train journey surrounded it and I was likely to be pissed when I got there ;)
07:45.59SlayerXPGeorge: don't they have oxygen on whatever planet you're from?
07:46.13Georgeit's the next gen icon theme for kde
07:46.30SlayerXPKDE Themes: The Next Generation
07:46.42SlayerXPis one of the themes blad?
07:47.20Leedsyou were drunk when you got there?
07:47.43SlayerXPhow pointless.  cramming more eyecandy on top of bloatware
07:48.18SlayerXP"but it's pretty!"   "but it brings my dual opty 242 to its knees!"   "but it's pretty!"
07:48.50SlayerXPi like the devices section
07:48.57SlayerXP"Devices icons are very realistic yet somber which provides clarity while not confusing the user with too many details. It is important to represent devices and media storage in a way that user will immediatly recognize them."
07:49.10SlayerXPso why does my laser printer look like an inkjet?
07:49.43murbbecause laser printers just don't look printer like enough.
07:50.19SlayerXPi was shocked to find my printer is now EOL
07:50.20Leedsbecause a printer is a class of device - the mechanism inside used for making marks on paper doesn't matter in that context
07:50.26SlayerXPit's the bestest printer ever to be made
07:50.47SlayerXPhp laserjet 4050n
07:51.16SlayerXPthe only way I could make this better is if I bought a duplexer for it
07:52.04murbmy ickle brother printer does duplex printing, and just works with cups etc.
07:54.28*** join/#gllug morsing (
07:58.15SlayerXPno, Sparbu, NOrway
07:58.24morsingMmm... Norway
07:58.43SlayerXPNorway, Norway, so good they named it Norway.
08:00.02Leedsmorning morsing
08:01.52SlayerXPi should set up a norway cam
08:02.13GeorgeI think I've just had a sata controller fail
08:02.22morsingA Norway scam? Selling snow?
08:03.44LeedsNo way! scam?
08:03.47murbmorsing: want to buy some snow?
08:03.59morsingmurb: You german!
08:04.33SlayerXPhmm, I need a really long USB cable
08:04.56morsingSlayerXP: From Leeds to Norway?
08:05.19SlayerXPfrom my computer to my monitor which has an inbuitl USB hub
08:05.28murbnein, ich bin auslander.
08:10.09SlayerXPokay, driving me nuts.  excuse me while I unplug a fan.
08:10.33Leedsyou have a fan plugged into your nuts?
08:10.48murbLeeds: each to their own.
08:10.58Copecor - not much tolerance there
08:11.10Copeclearly his computer overheated the second the fan was unplugged.
08:17.12Leedsfirefox 1.5 experiment time
08:18.37Leedsseems to work...
08:18.51*** join/#gllug SlayerXP (
08:19.02SlayerXPturns out the noise issues not from whence I thought
08:19.13SlayerXPluckily I ordered a VGA cooler/silencer, too
08:22.21Leedsand... there's a new preferences window, of course
08:33.00Leedsseems to be a working browser...
08:34.53Copeand this surprises you because....
08:35.06SlayerXP....he's a gentoo user
08:35.14SlayerXPhe's used to having a half-compiled borwser
08:36.49Copehello mozrat
08:36.54Copeare you working tomorrow?
08:37.28mozrathey cope, no.
08:38.27mozratwhere are you today?
08:38.44Copeat home...
08:39.16Copemozrat is correct
08:39.25mozratw00t - wins on a technicality
08:39.29LeedsSlayerXP: I'm not a gentoo user... firefox has had serious variety in levels of usefulness and stability in the past, and this is rc3 not a full release
08:42.07mozratCope, you've mentioned this before. What is it?
08:42.11SlayerXPthere's a deer factory just up the road
08:42.21Leedsmozrat: deer park is the codename for firefox 1.5
08:42.26SlayerXPdozens of deer gambol free over the fields and fjords
08:42.30Copemozrat: what Leeds said
08:42.33SlayerXPand then get shot and eaten
08:42.40LeedsSlayerXP: how do deer gambol in fjords?
08:42.55SlayerXPLeeds: they get issued with water wings
08:43.03CopeLeeds: well, it depends on house rules, but you know the score... antes and the like
08:43.31Leedsah, fair enough... typical scandanavian practicality
08:43.42*** mode/#gllug [+o Cope] by ChanServ
08:44.10Leedsthis firefox feels quick to me - scrolling, tab-changing and so forth
08:44.18*** topic/#gllug by Cope -> Greater London Linux Users Group - see and | Next Event: To be announced.
08:44.46*** mode/#gllug [-o Cope] by ChanServ
08:44.56mozratnice one, Cope
08:45.36SlayerXPis there a link to my FAQ from the official site?
08:46.09mozratSlayerXP: There is from the "very nearly official site to be made live soon"
08:46.37mozratshould be done this weekend now I'm not working
08:47.07SlayerXPthankyou for using the design format I hate the most on the internet
08:47.18Leedsoh, mambo
08:47.27murbooh doom.
08:47.34Leedsmozrat: please please, change the favicon
08:47.42mozratLeeds: yes, on the list
08:48.04SlayerXPthe one that says "I know you have a huge display and that you browse full screen, so I'm going to use the world's tiniest window in the middle of your borwser rather than letting you decide what size you want your content. motherfucker."
08:48.29Leedsand could be the browser, but the buttons at the top, and the Back button in the body, are broken
08:48.31murbSlayerXP: well since they know all these things, why not?
08:48.34Leedsthey are the wrong size
08:48.51mozratit might not be this weekend then :)
08:49.35SlayerXPalso, it's look _shite_ in a text only browser
08:50.21SlayerXPyou also break the "opening a new window without warning the user" rule
08:50.36SlayerXPnever _ever_ open a new window unless you user asks for it
08:50.36mozratfor the planet link?
08:50.43SlayerXPfor the faq link
08:50.48mozratyeah, that was on my list too
08:51.29SlayerXP"Copyright 2000 - 2005 Miro International Pty Ltd."
08:51.32SlayerXPerrrm "no"
08:51.42morsingYo - Check it!
08:51.55SlayerXPeven more reason you need creative input :)
08:52.12mozratSlayerXP: Yes, it is appreciated. I share the concern about the size
08:52.29mozratI'm not sure Mambo is the best fit (or that template)
08:52.37Copemozrat: aww, mrs mozrat thinks its fine
08:52.48mozratCope: ?
08:52.59Copemozrat: you don't need to be concerned about its size...
08:53.12mozratCope, you haven't seen it :(
08:53.15highburycope: the next meeting is in december
08:53.19Copehighbury: i know
08:53.20SlayerXPi hate the navigation
08:53.21Copejust saw
08:53.31Copei didn't have the exact date
08:53.42SlayerXPwhat's with the random three links top right that do the same as the menu links on the lefT?
08:54.18*** mode/#gllug [+o Cope] by ChanServ
08:55.34*** topic/#gllug by Cope -> Greater London Linux Users Group - see and | Next Event: 10th December - Meet Novell/SUSE - Westminster Uni 1.30pm - 5.30pm
08:55.59highburyahh the suse event hasn't been confirmed yet
08:56.26Copenow you tell me!
08:56.29highburyI suspect that will be rescheduled to springtime
08:56.44Leedswill there be anyone left there by springtime?
08:56.50highburyaren't you on gllugadmin mailing list?
08:57.07Copehighbury: yes... but I can't remember everything!
08:57.21Copethat's why we have other helpful people around, like you :)
08:57.50SlayerXPi don't get what the "Event Review" thing is meant to do
08:58.10SlayerXPit's talk about "past events" but lists those in the future.
08:58.13mozratSlayerXP: It will hold reviews of past events
08:58.26*** topic/#gllug by Cope -> Greater London Linux Users Group - see and | Next Event: In December, according to highbury.
08:58.38morsingIs there a Gllug X-mas do?
08:58.46Copewe should have one maybe?
08:59.04mozratThere was talk of one after a talk by Robin someone on Linux in films
08:59.13mozratnothing organised
08:59.20mozratRobin Rowe IIRC
08:59.23SlayerXPyou're slecome to come over for drinkies
08:59.27Copeyes robin rowe
08:59.38SlayerXPgood luck finding th ehouse.
08:59.39gregjhow should I understand this sentence " circle the drain some more ", one of the emploees on fireing another one
08:59.59mozratgregj: it means you are fired. Clear your desk and leave the building
09:00.21mozratgregj: I dunno - that doesn't make any sense to me
09:00.27Copenor me
09:01.36gregj|<kevin> they fired tim
09:01.36gregj|<kevin> whee
09:01.36gregj|<kevin> circle the drain some more
09:02.05gregjI don't get it
09:02.48Leedsgregj: when your pet fish dies... you throw it in the toilet... where it circles the drain a few times before vanishing forever
09:03.15gregjnow I got it
09:03.23LeedsI hope you don't get it
09:09.00gregjthe thing is, current directors of company I am working for started fireing some ppl out, and Kev here and I are bit worried about R&D future
09:13.25mozratgregj: where do you work?
09:15.13gregjmozrat: some voip company
09:15.27morsingI thought voip was dead?
09:15.44Leedsmorsing: what?
09:16.56morsingLeeds: I thought voip was dead?
09:17.44Leedswhat are you talking about?  how is voip dead?
09:17.58morsingLeeds: Well, no-one is really using it?!
09:18.10Leedsmillions of people are
09:18.56mozratmy company is in the process of routing all of it's outbound calls out of one building in London
09:19.08mozratfrom every UK office
09:19.16Leedshmm... tag-dragging
09:28.32SlayerXPerr skypes
09:29.25Leedsso you're happy using proprietary communications protocols?
09:30.22SlayerXPit's simple, free (as in beer) and works better than pretty much anything else on the market
09:31.10Leedsokay, now what are the chances of bulldog having reused my IP since I cancelled a few months ago?
09:31.14SlayerXPruns on linux just fine
09:32.19Leedsbecause there seems to be a connexant-chipset ADSL modem on it :-)
09:33.10Leedshmm... I'd have thought you'd be more into something open, being a Debian freak and all
09:33.34SlayerXPi'm into whatever works best
09:33.38SlayerXPdebian works best, so I use it.
09:33.52SlayerXPskype works best, so I use it.
09:34.17Leedsah, okay - I had you down as a Stallmanite
09:39.05Leedsmorsing: anyway... ebay bought skype for billions of $ - and skype is a voip company, pure and simple
09:40.16morsingWhen at a prompt, entering a period cancels the command.
09:41.16SlayerXPthat must make doing anything with the current directory tricky
09:41.20SlayerXPls .
09:44.11Leedshmm... we appear to be skipping out of work a little early so my cousin can go smartphone-shopping :-)
09:46.03*** join/#gllug lanky (n=lanky@
09:46.07Leedshave a good rest_of_day all
09:46.17Leedshello, good evening and goodbye lanky
10:10.17Copehello lanky
10:16.56*** join/#gllug morsing (
10:17.04morsingHi again
10:17.23morsingIs there a shell command that removes the last character from a string?
10:17.29morsingOr regexp?
10:18.35stephensed -e 's/.$//'
10:19.37lankymorning all
10:19.54*** join/#gllug guly6363 (
10:19.55lankyit seems I am being rude by not responding to greetings. sorry. :)
10:20.17lankyI;m trying to read 8 IRC channels at once...
10:20.27CopeI currently have 28
10:21.02lankyI'm also *very*distracted by folk at work who seem to want me to*do* stuff
10:21.06lankyinconsiderate, really
10:21.49Copemaybe some of tese are /m,sg though
10:23.00morsingstephen, SlayerXP: Thanks for the effort but neither of your commands actually do anything
10:23.29stephenworks here
10:23.29stephenstephen@turtle:~$ echo foobar | sed -e 's/.$//'
10:23.51SlayerXPmartin@winter:~$ perl -e '$s="foo"; $s=substr($s,0,length($s-1)); print "$s\n";'
10:24.19SlayerXPdenying the blatantly obvious
10:24.29SlayerXPyou are Henry Gilbery, and I claim my five pounds
10:24.56morsingSlayerXP: Well, it must operate on a shell variable
10:25.21SlayerXPi write all "shell scripts" in perl.
10:25.34*** join/#gllug kbsingh (
10:25.57SlayerXPkbsingh: you work for xinit?  nice guys.  
10:26.02SlayerXPhow is rafi?
10:26.21*** join/#gllug ProperMadDad (
10:26.33kbsinghSlayerXP hi
10:26.38Copehi kb
10:26.42Copeyo ProperMadDad
10:26.49kbsinghrafiu is good - doing this thing
10:26.49ProperMadDadHi Cope
10:26.57kbsinghcope! ProperMadDad!
10:27.18ProperMadDadhi kbsingh
10:27.27ProperMadDadand hello to all
10:27.38Copekbsingh: after what we said about redhat support and qla drivers..... they are now saying they won't do *anything* until I blow away the 3rd party drivers and use their ones.
10:27.58Copekbsingh: they won't support a 'tainted' system
10:28.02*** join/#gllug Gonzo (
10:28.10SlayerXPCope: me either.
10:28.16CopeSlayerXP: :P
10:28.28ProperMadDadI can't support my own system
10:29.26kbsinghCope, will they get their drivers working for multipath in that case ?
10:29.39kbsingh{ you mentioned this being reason for HP drivers, right ? }
10:30.01SlayerXPyou know, I am up _to here_ with fucking stupid redhat morons
10:30.24SlayerXPI have some idiot bleating at me about how he can't get his video card to have 3d acceleration using RHEL
10:30.53SlayerXP"ask redhat for support, that's a commercial product" doesn't seem to be getting the required clue across
10:31.13SlayerXPi.e. he's a warez kiddie who thoughtit'd be cool to run "enterprise linux" on his self-built poxy home "server"
10:32.43mozratSlayerXP: is it subscribed to RHN (i.e. did he pay for it?)
10:32.48SlayerXP"but without a 3d accelerated GUI, I can;t use KI'mTooStupidToUseAComputerGUI!!!!"
10:33.03SlayerXPmozrat: of course not.
10:33.26mozratSlayerXP: then tell him he is running illegal software (for the trademark and copyright reasons) and you don't want to deal with him
10:33.27SlayerXPhe;s installed RHEL, then updated it with packages from all over the Internet, and wonders why his system is fucked.
10:33.40SlayerXPmozrat: I have, several times :)
10:33.42mozratI asked RH about this - you stop paying them, you stop using the system
10:34.04SlayerXPmozrat: I've just sent a reply along the lines of "fuck off, welcome to my kill file"
10:34.11SlayerXPhopefully that'll solve the problem
10:34.20mozratSlayerXP: was it to you directly or another mailing list?
10:34.30morsingHmm... Spot the deliberate mistake:
10:34.49SlayerXPdirectly to me.  FOAF work that I'm regreting agreeing to do.
10:35.14mozratYes, FOAF is never a winner
10:35.23SlayerXPunpaid FOAF work, I might add.
10:38.28mozratmorsing: go on?
10:53.37morsingmozrat: Go on what?
10:53.45morsingAhhh... the mistake>?
10:54.44morsingIt says "Engine size 2664" at the top
10:55.02morsingBut in the description he says the engine has been replaced with a four cylinder
10:55.20mozratI see
10:55.58morsingmozrat: Anyway - look at section 7.2:
11:03.31*** join/#gllug formi (
11:05.43ProperMadDadhave the people with blueyonder had there speeds increased yet ?
11:06.11formiwent from 1mb to 4mb
11:06.39formiits a joy when things come down the pipe at 400kb/s
11:06.41ProperMadDadwere still waiting for the upgrades in the wigan area
11:06.53kbsingh4mb ? is blueyonder on on llu ?
11:07.05ProperMadDadI'm on 4mb at the moment
11:07.12formikbsingh: blueyonder = cable
11:07.26kbsinghformi, what about uplink ? its no joy when it takes 2 days to upload something at 28k
11:07.28ProperMadDadwait for the 10mb
11:07.40kbsinghformi, ah of-course.
11:07.54formiuplink has moved from 128kbits to 384kbits
11:08.06kbsinghthat still sux
11:08.23formiit's better than most ADSLs
11:08.36kbsinghme too!
11:08.41ProperMadDadand me
11:08.42morsingOr cheaper SDSL!
11:09.03formidoes anybody know where to find a good email policy paper?
11:09.03kbsinghI say scrap adsl completely - move to SDSL at the ADSL prices :)
11:09.21lankywhat, you mean like large parts of the rest of Europe?
11:09.37SlayerXPformi: I'll write one for you if you like
11:10.01lankyI hear there are some very attractive pricing policies in parts of Germany and the Netherlands
11:10.02formimy MD just decided he wants everybody to include his own email address as part of the signature
11:11.37formiI am not happy with that
11:13.06kbsinghpeople should use their own email id's or the MD's email id in their own signatures ?
11:13.47lankyI wasn't clear about that either
11:20.17murblanky: not in .de
11:21.21murblanky: I think i'm paying ~60 euro / month for 6mb down 6xxkb up + isdn(inc flat rate to german fixed network.)
11:24.09lankymurb: 6mb down is not all that bad
11:24.30lankyut still roughly 600k up. expensive.
11:25.10murblanky: oh and not a static ip in sight.
11:25.29lankywhich part of Germany is that, then?
11:25.52murblanky: Wiesbaden, hessen
11:25.53lankyI heard some goood things aout stuttgart...
11:26.20lankymaybe I'd just had too much hefe at the time
11:30.17murblanky: german dsl prices oftern look cheaper because you have to pay an ISP for the BW and seperatly a telephone company for the DSL on the line.
11:31.32lankymurb: fair enough. /me is obviously underinformed :)
11:32.23murblanky: or the grass is always greener?
11:32.31morsingLeeds: what's the name of the famous HK piggy cartoon characters?
11:32.34lankymurb: very likely
11:45.27gregjmy mac just oopsed!
11:52.36mozratI've had that once on a USB device insertion
11:55.12gregjthat's on attempt to grab stuff from my cammera
12:07.02Georgebloody hard disks suck
12:09.27gregjyeah, they do
12:09.40gregjI find mac os x sucking more and more with time
12:10.41kbsinghgregj, what sort of a machine ?
12:11.16gregjthis thing is so sloooow
12:11.26gregjI hate bloody beachball
12:11.30kbsinghmove to Linux on that machine, it will be slow no more
12:11.52gregjI have linux on it as well
12:11.57gregjit is much better
12:12.23gregjI like mac os x in it self, but it requires much faster hardware than what mini provides
12:12.31kbsinghnot really
12:12.52kbsinghOSX is slow, visually lithargic ( sp? ) on pretty much any machine
12:13.09gregjI think it works perfectly well on PM
12:13.30gregjwe have iMacs at work, and those are pretty slow as well, but only 256MB of ram (joke)
12:13.52kbsinghI am sitting here on a 2 way G5 2.0 Ghz machine, I'd race my Linux box to your OSX box if you like
12:14.24gregjis it running linux ?
12:14.28kbsinghI have 2 gigs of ram in this machine, and Linux is still faster / more reliable than OSX ( not that I use osx much anymore )
12:29.42kbsinghso.. whats the general feeling in #gllug  - dovecot or cyrusimapd ?
12:35.26mozrator courier-imap
12:41.24mozrathey mikejw
12:42.26mikejwmozrat: hey :)
12:52.22wethrinGood man
12:52.40wethrinWas it good booze you had?
12:52.53mikejwprobably too good
12:53.04mikejwit was green and strong
12:53.58mikejwyeah something like that
12:54.08wethrinHm. Drunk student party? :)
12:54.32mikejwno more destructive
12:54.48wethrinVery drunk student party? :)
12:55.34mikejwwell as a mature student I made an effort to find more responsible people to hang out with
12:56.01wethrinHow mature are students?
12:56.22wethrinWas it the event last night?
12:56.28mikejwdepends on the life experience I guess
12:56.41mikejwoh I don't think so what's that?
12:56.56wethrinThe Frameworks Evening that was announced
12:57.04mikejwoh! is the London Perlmongers group. Their social meetings are the Thursday after the first Wednesday of the month
12:57.21mikejwyeah I was really in two minds with what to do
12:57.24wethrinAnd it involves BOOZE
12:57.33mikejwlol perl = booze
12:57.34wethrinI'll be there for the January meeting
12:57.54wethrinyes, and they almost never talk about Perl
12:59.19mikejwmy problem is that my other life, it seems, is as as a reckless musician
12:59.29wethrinThat also involves booze, doesn't it?
12:59.35mikejwapparently so
12:59.39wethrinGood good
13:00.03wethrinThinking of booze, I should probably head to lunch
13:00.19*** join/#gllug boudiccas (
13:00.51boudiccasmorsing; hiyas :)
13:01.04boudiccasjust sorting out my computer after moving over to centos 4.2
13:11.56morsingHow is it I start tcpdump to collect for ethereal?
13:16.49*** join/#gllug Leeds (
13:18.49Leedsevening all
13:20.06boudiccasLeeds; morning :)
13:21.37boudiccaswell, technically its the afternoon here in the UK :)
13:22.04GeorgeI have an offer from Durham
13:22.07Georgewethrin will be pleased
13:22.14Leedsso why did you say good morning?
13:22.26boudiccasbecause i haven't had my dinner yet
13:22.33Georgeit's lunch
13:22.44mikejwmmm.. lunch
13:22.56LeedsGeorge: I quite liked the town and Uni in Durham, but I was quite put off when the answer to "and is there XXXXX in Durham?" tended to be "no, but there's a train to Newcastle"
13:23.03GeorgeI'm in the middle of eating lunch. what position does that put me in?
13:23.06boudiccasto a southerner it may be lunch, but to a northerner its 'dinner' :)
13:23.30GeorgeI'm hardly a southerner
13:23.49Georgeanyway, durham's offered me AAB
13:24.01Leedsboudiccas: ahem... I call it lunch
13:24.12boudiccasif i want to use the 'memoir' package with latex on centos 4.2, where should i install it please?
13:25.06boudiccasLeeds; no problem, i'll call it 'dinner' :))))
13:25.17Leedsboudiccas: kbs ingh is our local centos expert
13:25.44Leedsand wethrin is probably our local latex expert :-)
13:25.48GeorgeI wonder why I haven't heard anything at all from York or St Andrews yet
13:26.00boudiccasLeeds; thanks, i hope he knows because atm this is a show stopper
13:26.11LeedsGeorge: why would you care what they say?
13:26.19GeorgeLeeds: well, I applied to them
13:26.25Leedsboudiccas: you might want to call his name...
13:26.43boudiccasok, ty
13:26.59LeedsI meant the other him
13:27.00boudiccaswethrin; hello
13:27.36Leedskbsingh: ping
13:28.03boudiccaswake kbsingh
13:28.18Leedsibot wake kbsingh and wethrin
13:28.23ibotkbsingh and wethrin: GOOD MORNING!!!
13:28.23boudiccaskbsingh; wake up please? :)
13:28.31boudiccasLeeds; thats the caommand i was looking for
13:29.25LeedsIRC is great as a real-time thing... but it also has the downside of being a real-time thing...
13:30.03kbsinghfish ?
13:30.05boudiccasLeeds; its also folks dinner-time too, so they could be out
13:30.22boudiccaskbsingh; can you help me please with a centos question?
13:30.43kbsinghboudiccas, sure - I'll try
13:30.52boudiccaskbsingh; if i want to use the 'memoir' package with latex, where should i install it please?
13:30.59boudiccasunder centos 4.2
13:31.06kbsinghI dont know - but i can find out - this is on i386 /
13:31.49boudiccaskbsingh; i've tried putting it under '/usr/share/texmf/tex/latex/memoir' but its not being recognised
13:33.50kbsinghboudiccas, let me dig up some info and get back to you - need to get into a meeting right now, be back in about an hours time
13:33.58boudiccask, ty
14:00.40JAVgood afternoon!
14:01.41Leedsfirefox is linking...
14:07.27JAVlastest firefox means saying goodbye to some plugins
14:12.02LeedsI've got a total of 2 out of 10 failed to run
14:16.10JAVnot bad, I have 3 out of 6 failed to run with... 1.4.99+1.5rc1.dfsg-1 (debian)
14:17.09JAVit's not a big problem for me
14:17.35JAVlunch time!
14:19.09JAV  --> world time
14:19.37Leedsthis is 1.5rc3
14:19.49Leedswhich identifies as 1.5
14:27.29*** join/#gllug Erwin (n=erwin@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/Erwin)
14:39.46boudiccaskbsingh; Sorted it! I didn't know I had to 'texhash' to rebuild the package database, but I've done it and its now working. Thanks anyway :)
14:55.33kbsinghboudiccas, cool. nothing to thank me for, I didnt do a thing as yet :)
14:55.39kbsinghbtw, you might want to let euclid know....
15:26.50Copeis there anybody in there?
15:35.43mozratam I too late to say "Hello"?
15:36.25SlayerXPis it me you're looking for?
15:37.04SlayerXPthe new website is still horrible.
15:37.33SlayerXPand, arguably, a mailing list isn't an online discussion
15:37.37SlayerXPat best it's nearline
15:38.06mozratAre you still picking holes in that? It's been over 6 hours now
15:38.17SlayerXPi just got from errands
15:38.39mozratSlayerXP: are you on the admin list?
15:38.52SlayerXPnope.  I'm not an admin
15:39.42mozratneither am I, but you are correct about that site. If it doesn't render in text mode browsers or scale text very well it isn't really what we preach
15:39.58SlayerXPwhat's the source of that backdrop?  is it a royalty-free image?
15:40.22SlayerXPfeel free to pass along my carpings :)
15:40.27mozratI will :)
15:40.54SlayerXPwhy is the online discussion / meetings / resources stuff linked from the "Home" text block
15:41.01SlayerXPthat's what the left menu is for, no?
15:41.35SlayerXPand what's with the buttons anyway?
15:41.42SlayerXP| this is a button                                                           |
15:42.12mozratsorry - phone
15:42.28SlayerXPthat's okay, I can carp for hours without input from others :)
15:44.30mozratGilbert has an interesting business model - will work for Roast Dinners
15:45.34morsingWho is Michelle Croxon?
15:45.44SlayerXPi'm avoiding commenting.  he's using slackware.
15:48.58mozratmorsing: I give up, who is Michelle Croxon
15:54.49*** join/#gllug rhowe (
16:36.53Copeaha rhowe
16:40.04*** join/#gllug pie (
16:41.42pieAnyone know how to find the AGP version of a motherboard?
16:44.26formipie: do you have it in front of you?
16:44.57formifind the slot
16:45.13formithey usually have the rev number written nearby
16:47.09pieNot that I can see.
16:48.29formican you find the mb product code?
16:48.35formibe back in 5
16:55.47pieHmmmm, pie
16:55.54pieyou like pie?
16:55.56piewe like pie.
16:56.07wethrinI had pie for lunch
16:56.23pieOK, there are no manufacturers markingss on the board.
17:02.12morsingmozrat: Don't know. She sent a mail to IT systems at Camelot (which is a lot of people) asking what type of firewall we use.
17:05.23pieIs it a piewall?
17:17.25Cope"what you should have asked was: I have a laptop running ubuntu, and I am trying to get a flatbed scanner working...."
17:20.48Copewethrin: george might go to durham when cambridge realise he's just a hot-house, boring, posh, geek.
17:21.05wethrinYeah, but he'd only be taken by Castle or Hatfield
17:21.19pieBut I don't have any of those problems... <wibble>
17:21.49Copewethrin: when is your xmas vac?
17:21.53Copehow long is it?
17:21.59GeorgeCope: what?
17:22.12CopeGeorge: ah.... there you are
17:22.12Georgewethrin: I've been accepted by the "16th college" whatever the fuck that is
17:22.12wethrinCope: Whenever I want, sort of
17:22.17wethrinGeorge: Ha!
17:22.22Georgesorry - was on the phone
17:22.23wethrinIt's the one without a name
17:22.29Copewas an 'is george idling' test
17:22.29wethrinNicknamed Benedict by some
17:22.34Georgewethrin: what???
17:22.39wethrinIt's the one without a name
17:22.40wethrinNicknamed Benedict by some
17:22.57Georgevan mildert
17:23.12wethrinCope: I'm going to be in Köln between 16th and 20th of December; haven't decided if I'm going back up to Durham between then and Christmas, or not
17:23.15Georgeinteresting. it's in "mill hill lane".
17:23.19GeorgeI live in Mill Hill
17:23.24GeorgeI bet that's why they chose it for me
17:23.36wethrinCope: And then returning to Durham in January
17:23.48wethrinGeorge: You got accepted by Mildert *and* Benedict?
17:24.03Georgewethrin: I dunno
17:24.06Copewethrin: well... we must diarise a meeting
17:24.24wethrinCope: Yes, yes we must. In fact, come to Köln!
17:24.25Copewethrin: and... in the new year I want to come up and stay with you, drink beer and go for a nice walk
17:24.37Georgewethrin: the postmark says "Van Mildert College"
17:24.51wethrinAhh....maybe they're doing the entrance admin
17:24.54Georgewethrin: the letter says "I am pleased to inform you that we are making you an offer of a place at Durham's 16th College"
17:25.07wethrinThe 16th college is still a building site
17:25.13CopeGeorge: did you even turn up?
17:25.14Georgeit's the new one?
17:25.17GeorgeCope: to where?
17:25.20wethrinJust to warn you that the buildings are likely to break within the first year
17:25.22wethrinGeorge: Yes
17:25.22CopeGeorge: the durham open day
17:25.28GeorgeCope: what durham open day?
17:25.36CopeGeorge: the one you were discussing going to
17:25.50wethrinCope: Well, given I'm in a tiny little student room, staying with me may be an issue, but the rest is easily doable
17:25.51GeorgeCope: that's bristol. I went. it sucked. never want to return.
17:26.05wethrinI was only at Bristol once for a UKUUG conference
17:28.32GeorgeI've not yet heard from cambridge
17:28.38Georgeeveryone else at school has their interview dates
17:28.39GeorgeI have nothing
17:28.41GeorgeI think they hate me
17:28.56Georgewethrin: WHAT HAVE YOU BEEN TELLING THEM!?!?!?
17:29.33CopeGeorge: oooh that sounds like bad news :(
17:30.07Copeand its mid november
17:30.08wethrinCope: But Oxford is so much better
17:30.18Copewethrin: well, had he listend to us....
17:30.28wethrinGeorge: Could've got lost in the post - they'd have sent you a rejection letter if they didn't want you
17:30.34wethrinPhone them up
17:30.39Georgenot now ;)
17:31.00Georgeit's 5:30
17:31.05Georgegood time to phone or not?
17:31.51Copebit late, and you'd probably get someone heading off home for the weekend
17:31.56CopeI'd call on monday morning
17:32.07GeorgeI'll email for now
17:32.38Copei honestly don't know if I'd contact them at all... not thought it through though
17:32.42Copewhat do you think wethrin ?
17:32.49wethrinI try to avoid thinking
17:32.57Georgelazy shit
17:32.58CopeI'd have thought you shoudl use your senuor tutor, or whatever they call them at eton
17:33.15GeorgeCope: so you think I should email the director of studies at harrow and ask him wtf to do?
17:33.27wethrinI'd get in contact and say that other people have received letters, and you were wondering if yours was lost in the post, or what the status was
17:33.31Copes/eton/harrow/ eek sorry
17:33.39Georgewethrin: email?
17:33.58wethrinGeorge: Could work
17:34.04Copewethrin: hmm, ok, I might be more formal and get the director of studies to intercede
17:34.20wethrinIt's been a long time since I've done undergrad applications
17:34.43CopeI got my interview offer for Queens at the end of oct
17:35.13Copeum... not 3 weeks ago
17:35.33Copea long time ago
17:35.49wethrinYou were a Queens person?
17:36.04CopeGeorge: The Queen's College Oxford
17:36.29GeorgeCope: pouf
17:36.39Copewethrin: I got an EE offer to do Chemistry, didn't take it, took a year out, and came back to do theology
17:36.48GeorgeCope: EE? BASTARD.
17:37.08CopeI miss Chemistry
17:37.15Georgewhat was your offer for theology?
17:37.16Copeooh daddy is home - brb
17:37.22CopeGeorge: unconditional
17:37.33Georgeoh you applied post a-level
17:37.35CopeI had my results by then
17:37.36wethrinCope: Ahhhh
17:37.45wethrinI got an EE offer from UCL
17:38.55mozratafternoon to you all
17:39.24mozrathello george cope wethrin
17:40.25Georgemozrat is a prime example of why people should go to university
17:41.03mozratGeorge, why is that then?
17:41.28mozrator are you simply a troll?
17:42.03mozratseriously a university education would have been handy but i've done ok without it
17:42.12SlayerXPmine was pointless
17:42.23GeorgeSlayerXP: yes, but you're a raving cynic.
17:42.37SlayerXPI've never raved in my life.
17:42.43Georgeyou're a cynic.
17:42.44mozratand i had more fun with those 7 years IMO
17:43.14Georgeand I'm already a higher rank than you ever were :)
17:43.51mozratYes George, The Army cadets really count
17:44.10Copemozrat: think you typo'd there... extra 'o'
17:44.24GeorgeCope: bitch.
17:44.51SlayerXPcease this man-love
17:45.01CopeGeorge: one day you will grow old and recede, and long-floppy hair will just look shit
17:45.05mozratGeorge, 3 years in the Army would sort you out
17:45.16SlayerXP3 years in iraq would sort him out
17:45.42mozratdo it!
17:45.42mozratyeah, i wouldnt recommend Iraq
17:45.53Erwinfilthy stupid real estate agencies
17:46.18Erwinthere's an average of 5 letters/week from them looking for property
17:46.40Erwinand they all send it in a white unmarked envelope so you cannot throw them away without opening them
17:47.30Copedo the unmarked envelopes have some magic forcefield which repel them from the bin / shredder?
17:47.37GeorgeErwin: note the postmark. throw away anything from that postmark.
17:47.53ErwinWell, I have to open them first, maybe it's some bill
17:48.29mozratErwin send them back in an envelope with no stamp and make them pay (or is that an urban myth?)
17:49.02ErwinThere's no return address, so I'd need to get one of my own envelopes, put in their address etc.
17:59.01wethrinWhat's the 3-letter code for Singapore dollar?
17:59.27Copeibot change 1 gbp to sgd
17:59.39Copesounds about right
17:59.45wethrin~change 720 SGD to GBP
18:01.06wethrinSingapore Dollar
18:16.09SlayerXPDorrah, surely? :)
18:17.48wethrinFIE DORRAH
18:34.40SlayerXPCope: I used to have sexual congress with a medical student born in singapore
18:34.43SlayerXPshe was pretty hot
19:29.51ErwinBut did she have an version of putting anything sticky in her mouth due to the restrictive Singapore chewing gum laws?
19:32.43Leedsibot currency for singapore
19:40.20Leedsyes, I know... but there is a way to get ibot to tell you
19:40.29Leedsanyway, it's 3:40am and I'm really really not here
19:41.08wethrinNight, Leeds
20:01.22Georgeibot: currency singapore
20:11.39*** join/#gllug zx80user (n=adrian@
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21:10.04*** part/#gllug boudiccas (
21:21.20mozratwheeee - my Tube stop next! laters
21:53.14GeorgeCope: ping
22:20.09*** join/#gllug Blissex (
23:10.53*** join/#gllug AngelChild (
23:55.40CopeGeorge: hello
23:55.49Copeah Blissex

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