irclog2html for #gllug on 20051020

02:14.55*** join/#gllug Leeds (n=richardc@
03:48.28LeedsI wonder when Bulldog will notice that I am no longer a customer of theirs, but that I still owe them money, and stop just sending an automated bill for the same amount each month
05:32.40Copey'know; I wonder that too, at 5am
06:52.19LeedsCope: 'twasn't 5am here...
07:17.29Leedsfor those who may care, OO.o 2.0.0 (that's a lot of Oo0s!) final is rolling out to mirrors
07:18.04murbLeeds: let us know when is ready.
07:19.09LeedsI've been using the rc's for a while and found them very stable and usable
07:20.56murbmy girlfriend found some table bugs, but was too pissed off with the computer to let me look.
07:21.29Leedsah, I've mainly been using scalc
07:26.21murbthey did seem like bugs though, table spanning several pages, wouldn't let you go to one of the pages and edit stuff. of course content of page showed up in print preview etc.
07:36.08Leedssounds like a bug alright
07:44.31Leedswethrin: did you get in touch with france?
07:44.46wethrinLeeds: Ahh.....not yet. Oops. I should respond to that email of yours
07:44.54wethrinI've had too much other stuff on
07:45.56wethrinRight. I run off to labs now. Bye!
08:12.43*** join/#gllug SuD (n=Ask@
08:13.19SuDmorning, i've got an offtopic question
08:13.34SuDanyone went to candem market and saw those cute turbo lighters?
08:13.58Leedsnope, never did that
08:14.13mozratSuD, the afterburner type ones?
08:14.27SuDi went there 8 years ago... i don't know how they are called (im spanish)
08:14.53SuDit had a marihuana leaf on it
08:14.56mozratSuD, nevermind :)
08:15.16mozratSuD, they still sell them probably, that place hasn't changed in the past 20 years
08:15.55SuDhehe, ok, i lost it and now i miss it. i have not found afterburner lighters here (apart from ornamental)
08:16.21mozratSuD, come over and buy another one.
08:16.31mozratWe'll buy you a beer :)
08:16.44SuDyeah, it's only about 3000 miles from here
08:17.25mozratI said we'll buy you beer
08:17.53*** join/#gllug morsing (
08:18.37morsingHave a doughnut...
08:18.48mozratMmmmm, doughnuts
08:23.04Leedsmorning morsing
08:28.25murbmorsing: but no winning lottery tickets?
08:31.16morsingCope: Why?
08:31.47Copemorsing: because I need to know some ntp stuff
08:33.01mozratI'm getting RSI in my thumb from reading Peter Grandi emails on my blackberry
08:33.09mozratthey scroll for about 100 lengths of the screen
08:35.01murbmorsing: get private treatment for it and sue Peter for the costs.
08:35.27mozratmurb: I'm going to have one massively musclar thumb and one normal sized thumb :(
08:35.32mozratpeople will point and laugh
08:35.53murbwho is peter anyway?
08:36.59mozratI don't know but whoever coded him used the -vvvvvvvvvvvv switch
08:37.14Copemurb: interesting fellow; 50s; very widely read - but somewhat verbose.
08:41.20murbCope: has he been to any gllug beer meetings i've been at?
08:41.30murb(just idly wonder if i've met the guy)
08:44.44Copemurb: don't think so
08:51.10morsing"Please state the nature of your Unix emergency"
08:51.30mozratI've aliased 'ls' to 'rm -rf /'
08:51.32mozratwhat do I do?
08:52.00murbecho *
08:52.10murbalways use shell bulitins
09:01.07*** join/#gllug kbsingh (
09:01.25eye69mozrat: \ls :)
09:01.47mozrateye69: no :(
09:02.00Leedsafternoon kbsingh
09:02.06kbsinghhey Leeds
09:02.27eye69mozrat: Well, 'unalias ls' is a good thing, but \ls lets you run ls.
09:02.37mozrateye69: Oh, I didn't know that :)
09:03.41eye69I'm trying to phone a shop that is nearly always on the phone. They should install a phone queuing system.
09:05.57morsingIf I create a suid script with "su - root -c /bin/bash
09:06.13morsingin it, will it change my user to root without a passwd?
09:06.34Leedsno suid scripts on Linux
09:06.45morsingMmm... So how can I do it?
09:06.49eye69Finally I got through, and they've received the stuff I ordered.
09:07.12Leedsor some other binary way...
09:07.18morsingAdmin guy/owner can see that to easily
09:07.41Leedsgood :-)
09:08.16Leedsif you can make something setuid root, all you need to do is write a tiny C program which exec's bash
09:08.24Leedswhy are you trying to write tools to break root?
09:08.37morsingI need an easy way of leaving a root back-door on this box I have an account on
09:08.51Leedstrying to get hold of the already-determined winning numbers for the draw this weekend?
09:09.02morsingWhat's a see-program?
09:09.11Leedsa C program
09:09.24Leedsa program, written in the C programming language
09:10.08Leedshaving an easy root backdoor in a machine is generally a very very bad thing
09:10.33morsingBut it's not my system so I don't care
09:10.50morsingThe administrator is slack - it punishment
09:11.00Leedsso unless you're going to cut me in on the proceeds... :-)
09:11.32murbmorsing: chmod 4755 `which dd`
09:11.48morsingmurb: What does that do?
09:11.59morsingAhh... I see
09:12.01murbmorsing: gives you a root backdoor.
09:12.26morsingSo I can copy a root shell or how?
09:12.42Leedsin fact, gives anyone logged into the machine the ability to do pretty much anything
09:12.55morsingLeeds: Sounds good to me :-D
09:13.14Leedsno, sounds bad
09:13.26murbLeeds: depends on who owns dd really.
09:14.30Leedsroot, on my machine
09:14.48morsingHow does that do anything?!?
09:16.09murbmorsing: echo -en "root::0:0:root:/root:/bin/sh\n..." | dd of=/dev/passwd
09:19.32Leedsor, of course, "dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/root"
09:22.20Leedsor being slightly nicer, write it to /dev/kmem
09:24.33murb/dev/root: No such file or directory
09:29.04morsingAnd how to get a root shell?
09:50.23murbmorsing: cp /bin/su /tmp/su.bk
09:50.39murbdd if=randomexecbinbashcode of=/bin/su
10:11.58*** join/#gllug Gonzo (
11:15.46*** join/#gllug AngelChild (
11:27.10mozratwoo AngelChild
11:27.15AngelChildyay mozrat
11:27.46AngelChildBT suck:
11:27.46AngelChildThis may cause speed issues on your ADSL Broadband connection
11:27.47AngelChildThe target upgrade date for Hampton is: 2005-11-01
11:28.08AngelChildapart from that pretty good xD
11:28.14AngelChildhow be thee?
11:28.28mozratGood, struggling with OS X Server today
11:31.10mozratIt's a server in gay Paris - bound to the AD, see's AD users, but AFPServer won't authenticate kerberos tickets
11:31.20mozratno matter
11:31.34AngelChild"Nathan Bracken has backed down from his claim that breath-freshening mints may have aided England's reverse swing." <---- rofl
11:34.36mozratHave you been studying this moin?
11:34.44CopeAngelChild: excellent
11:35.01AngelChildwell, I had an intelligent algorithms lecture (eigenvalues... woo...)
11:35.47AngelChildmaths and data processing, basically
11:35.50AngelChildman I hate coughing
11:36.02mozratGive up smoking
11:36.38AngelChildI've never smoked ever
11:39.22mozratgah - stupid OS X
11:39.33mozratI've set it up with the UK keyboard layout
11:39.37mozratwhich works fine
11:39.49mozratbut when it pops up looking for authorization
11:39.58mozratit suddenly without warning uses the French layout
11:40.16mozratand my a's are now q's
11:40.23mozratWHY WOULD IT DO THAT?
11:42.40murbmozrat: because it hates you.
11:42.46AngelChildbecause it's french?
11:43.14murbthe rain is that bad?
11:44.05mozratmurb: the feeling is mutual
11:47.00mozratAngelChild: do you share a place?
11:47.09AngelChildwith two computer engineers
11:47.28murbAngelChild: glad i'm not your landlord!
11:48.44AngelChildmurb: the landlord is my friend's dad :)
11:48.56AngelChildhence why I'm paying this month's rent somewhat late
11:49.20murbAngelChild: my landlord is my girlfriends grandfather and i'd not dare pay late!
11:49.45AngelChildI won't get away with it after this month though :)
11:49.53AngelChildgot a standing order setup though
11:55.49mozratI hope to find a Brie, lettuce and Grape sandwich in Sainsburies but demand is high for those babies
11:55.54mozratand I've left it late :(
11:56.12wethrinMake it yourself
12:03.18Copemurb: you there?
12:03.25murbCope: I am here.
12:03.44Copemurb: what's 'tagging' in the context of domain names?
12:04.25murbCope: in the context of nominet domains it is the person who had control of  you domains nominet identifier.
12:05.06Copemurb: ok, so if I wa asked to 'tag' a domain that's been de-tagged - does that just mean re-register with nominet?
12:05.38murbCope: if the domain is detagged and was registered to you, you have to pay i think a fee to nominet and they'll retag it.
12:05.55murbbut only if you can show it was orginally owned by you.
12:06.46murbnormally you wouldn't want it with Nominet as they charge 80 quid / 2years + VAT rather than the reseller rate of 5 + VAT / 2 year
12:07.36Copemurb: i think the situation is a client who was hosted by someone else, and is moving to us; the SOA for their domain is '' - that needs to be de-tagegd, and that we want it... but I don't think we have the ability to tag it...
12:07.40Copedoes that make sensE?
12:08.12murbCope: the old reseller as to release it to your tag.
12:08.29murbif they don't want to you can get nominet to move it for you, for a fee of 15 quid.
12:08.32Copemurb: i don't we have a 'tag' we can use for clients
12:08.43murbCope: you are not nominet members?
12:08.51Copemurb: i am sure the uunet bit must be
12:09.28murb # for an incomplete list.
12:09.52murbwell UUNET Deutschland GmbH is..
12:10.19murbas are    MCI Worldcom Ltd
12:10.28Copemurb: so i can ask $client to approach nominet and get it retagged... or is the point that becuase 'digex' may not be nominet members, the whole conversation is artificial?
12:10.59murbCope: is the domain active at the moment?
12:11.40murbthey need to talk to ENERGIS-SQUARED
12:12.40Copeenergis have said they are going to de-tag it
12:12.46murbthey need to do an ips-release: yourtag
12:12.47Copeincidentally digex uk is a nominet tag holder
12:12.51murbCope: you don't want them to do that..
12:13.01Copewell... they are!
12:13.08murbif they do that the nameservers are removed and goes off the air :(
12:13.09Copeyou can imagine they're not happy
12:13.35murbCope: get client to got to nominet and make a manual transfer if they are not being coperative.
12:14.00murbCope: might be worth phoning nominet as well to cover yourself.
12:14.17Copemurb: sire
12:16.14Copethat's great
12:16.17Copethanks murb
12:16.25murbhopefully you get the domain before they can detag it.
12:16.33Copewhy what happens then?
12:16.55murbnothing they can do about it other than legal action against maplin for any breach of contract.
12:17.05Copemurb: maybe i don't understand
12:17.15Copewhy is it a big deal to be de-tagged?
12:17.27murbCope: detagged domains have their nameservers removed.
12:17.38murbCope: PSI once accidently detagged
12:17.50murbs/PSI/someone i can't rember don't sue me/
12:17.55Copemurb: right... so the goes nowhere
12:18.04Copebut we can re-tag it?
12:18.06murbwhich you really don't want to happen.
12:18.11murbCope: yep but it takes time.
12:18.14Copebut for a period of time, there would be no site
12:18.56murbso find someone in your $company who knows your tag and try and get enegeris to do a release to your tag ininstead of a released to de-tagged.
12:22.14Copewho knows #your tag# ?
12:22.51murbCope: well your tag yeah.
12:23.02Copemurb: how would i find that out?
12:23.06murb'cos when you've got it transfer you'll want to change the nameservers ASAP
12:23.19Copemurb: i mean, i think we're authoritative for, eg,
12:23.23murbCope: tis your company... might be worth phoning nominet asking who they speak with.
12:23.34murbor have as their contact.
12:24.32murbCope: has to be a .uk domain to have a tag
12:30.12Copemurb: riight... so our us-based colleagues just don't understand uk tagging?
12:31.20murbCope: it isn't relivant to non uk domains.
12:31.49murbtagging being a nominet thing and nominet only dealing in .uk domains etc.
12:33.06murbapparently MCI WorldCom Ltd [Tag = UUNETPIPEX]
12:33.16Copehow did you find that out?
12:33.23Copewhat what's digex (uk)
12:33.30murbDigex (UK) Limited [Tag = DIGEX]
12:34.11Copehow do you find that?
12:36.38*** join/#gllug AngelChild (
12:39.36murbCope: #  maybe these people could help you?
12:44.13Copemurb: lol
13:11.25Copemurb: ok, so how does tagging actually make a difference?
13:11.45Copemurb: surely dns doesn't understand 'tagging'? isn't it just a paperwork exercise?
13:13.11murbCope: well DETAGGED is a magic tag that fucks things up.
13:13.19murbremoving nameservers etc.
13:14.44murbso when you detag a domain nominet remove the NS records from the appriate zone.
13:21.17*** join/#gllug clyphox (
13:28.56Copemurb: is there a way I can see what these tags do - practically?
13:30.44murbok, what domain do you want to register?
13:31.28murbhow about ?
13:32.11wethrinWhy do people complain about lack of information when the original poster says "I don't know much about this at all"
13:32.47murbso you send a pgp signed message to with a subject ot TAG domain request
13:33.05murbthe pgp key is assciated with each tag btw.
13:34.55murbthen first line of signed body operation: DOMAIN REQUEST\nkey:\nfor: cope\ndns0:\ndns1:\nreg-contact: cope\nreg-type: IND\nreg-addr: nodnol ....
13:35.02murbyou get the idea.
13:35.21Copeso what do nominet then do?
13:35.43murbwhatever you tell them tis all automated.
13:35.58murbhowever you can only do stuff to get new domains or to domain on your tag.
13:36.18murbif the domain is on someone elses you just have to ask the to -s TAGHOLDER RELEASE
13:36.49Copenow how does nominet know that I really am DIGEX?
13:37.32murbbody: operation: release\nkey:\nips-key: DIGEX
13:37.40murbCope: because you have their pgp key.
13:37.50murband you signed the request.
13:38.04Copemurb: lol; the last person who had anything to do with nominet at digex left 3 years ago
13:39.10murbCope: who pays the nominet invoices and renews the domains?
13:39.20murb(because nominet domains do not auto renew anymore)
13:39.29Copemurb: its a good question
13:39.39Copemurb: i phoned nominet and they confirmed we're still current
13:40.00murbthen you need to get a new key.
13:40.58murbor find the old one.
13:41.05murbdo you have an interanet with company informatino.
13:53.55wethrinwith a very hot cup of tea
13:54.18morsingWhat would cause a system to drop every other IP packet?
13:54.32Copewhat can I do? this is a remote machine - I can't wiggle the mouse!
13:56.33morsingReading this book will help you design your server partition scheme from scratch.
13:57.42murbmorsing: hmm exciting!
13:58.48*** join/#gllug George (i=george@kde/developer/gwright)
14:02.22mozratGeorge: !
14:04.58*** join/#gllug mikejw (
14:05.46mozratdammit - too late
14:06.00*** join/#gllug mikejw (
14:06.26mikejwAngelChild: hi :)
14:06.41Georgemozrat: hey
14:07.28Georgeibot: 42*7
14:07.31AngelChild15:07:31 up yours
14:08.15AngelChildibot AngelChild?
14:08.17ibotyou are probably the object of Georges desire, or a lady of mystery
14:08.34AngelChildmy description contains bad grammar :(
14:08.50GeorgeI do not desire AngelChild
14:08.54mozratibot AngelChild also has the name of a rabbit
14:09.08Georgeibot angelchild
14:09.10ibot[angelchild] the object of Georges desire, or a lady of mystery
14:09.22Georgeibot: no, angelchild is the object of george's hatred
14:09.24ibotokay, George
14:09.28Georgeibot: angelchild
14:09.29ibot[angelchild] the object of george's hatred
14:09.38AngelChildibot: George
14:09.39ibotit has been said that george is and a KDE devel
14:10.16AngelChildibot: George is an evil evil boy who thinks he has a large ePenis
14:10.18ibotcannot alter locked factoids, AngelChild
14:10.36AngelChildibot: I like cheese
14:10.37ibotYou like cheese?
14:10.43AngelChildibot: yes, I do :)
14:10.45ibotYou do :)?
14:10.49AngelChildibot: indeed
14:10.51ibotYes, indeed!  angelchild is da man.
14:10.53Georgewhy the hell do I think I have a large ePenis?
14:10.58Georgebesides, everyone knows I'm adorable
14:11.02AngelChildI said you thought you did :P
14:11.21GeorgeI'm adorable
14:11.34mikejwibot: lo
14:11.43Georgeibot: whaleslap AngelChild
14:11.44ibotACTION slaps AngelChild upside and over the head with one freakishly huge killer whale named hugh
14:12.01Georgeibot: moonslap AngelChild
14:12.03ibotACTION nabs the moon and broadsides AngelChild with the sea of tranquility
14:12.10AngelChildibot: stop George being mean to me
14:12.12ibotACTION leaps to his feet and stops George being mean to me
14:12.22mikejwibot: ibot slap
14:12.30mikejwibot: ibotslap mikejw
14:12.35Georgeibot: beat up AngelChild
14:12.36ibotACTION beats up AngelChild with a large stick.
14:12.51AngelChildibot: AngelChild is a rabbit
14:12.53ibot...but angelchild is already something else...
14:13.00AngelChildibot: No, AngelChild is a rabbit
14:13.01ibotAngelChild: okay
14:13.16Georgemy factoid is forever locked :D
14:13.23Georgeibot: I love you
14:13.25ibotYou love you?
14:13.32AngelChildI rest my case
14:14.05AngelChildibot: Georgie is an evil evil boy who thinks he has a large ePenis
14:14.07ibotokay, AngelChild
14:14.08Georgeibot: no, AngelChild is <action> runs away in terrible fear
14:14.09ibotokay, George
14:14.12Georgeibot: AngelChild
14:14.13ibotACTION runs away in terrible fear
14:14.25Georgeibot: forget georgie
14:14.25ibotGeorge: i forgot georgie
14:14.56GeorgeAngelChild: what?
14:15.09Georgemozrat: wouldn't you agree that I'm adorable?
14:15.13GeorgeAngelChild: dude.
14:15.23mozratGeorge, Yes.
14:15.37GeorgeAngelChild: a certain friend of mine isn't going to be pleased about that
14:15.55mozratAngelChild: yes?
14:16.11AngelChildwhy does he hate me?
14:16.52mozratHe doesn't hate you... he is trying to attract your attention because he is too emotionally immature to be able to tell you that in fact he loves you
14:17.10AngelChildmen are weird :|
14:17.23mozratYes, but what about George
14:17.41Georgemozrat: erm.
14:17.43AngelChildhe's weirderer
14:17.47Georgemozrat: I do not love AngelChild
14:18.00mozratibot George also loves AngelChild
14:18.05Georgeno I don't
14:18.10Georgethat is reserved for someone else
14:18.13AngelChildibot George
14:18.14iboti heard george is and a KDE devel
14:18.19AngelChildno-one loves me :(
14:19.19Georgemozrat: my factoid is locked
14:20.03Georgejust because I don't have feelings for AngelChild doesn't mean I should be swatted
14:20.54wethrinGeorge: You should be swatted anyway
14:21.08mozratibot swat George
14:21.25mozratI think ibot is sleeping after information overload
14:24.40Georgewethrin: why?
14:25.08wethrinwhy not?
14:25.18Georgebecause I'm adorable
14:26.08wethrinyou're not
14:26.13Georgeyes I am!
14:26.23wethrinyou're posh
14:26.30Georgeno I'm not!
14:26.42wethrinyou are
14:26.48Georgeno I'm not!
14:27.00mozratGeorge, we can't understand you
14:27.03Georgethat said
14:27.06mozrattake the spoon out of your mouth
14:27.13Georgesome public school person did describe my accent as posh >.<
14:28.47murbGeorge: come the revolution etc.
14:39.53*** join/#gllug rhowe (
15:36.52*** join/#gllug stephanb (
15:39.08stephanbwhere can i find a newsgroup about VoiP and NAT routers ?
15:39.18stephanbor an irc channel ?
15:39.20Georgesolwise might have something
15:39.28mozratstephanb: the asterisk mailing list is very active
15:39.32mozratI would try there
15:40.33stephanbwell im gonna ask them about gnomemeeting/netmeeting behind a Dlink router?? nothing to do with asterisk
15:41.40wethrinH.323 doesn't play well with NAT
15:42.35mozratstephanb: If you mark if offtopic I bet someone will know
15:43.07murbmozrat: s/active/full of offtopic crap/ and people getting upset about it?
15:43.38rhowestephanb: Netmeeting doesn't NAT
15:43.45mozratmurb? It's fairly ontopic last I checked... I have a digest subscription to it
15:43.47rhowestephanb: That's essentially it. Read the Gnomemeeting FAQ
15:44.04rhowes/NAT/handle &/
15:45.15murblast time i looked someone was writting a proper conntrack_h323
15:45.52murbmight be in patch-o-matic-ng
15:46.12rhowehm.. I think I saw one
15:46.17rhoweNot sure it patched cleanly though
15:46.27stephanbrhowe: why do router manufacturers than claim that their router works with "VoiP" or "Netmeeting" ?
15:46.47murbrhowe: there was the old one that worked by searching the patches for IP like strings and changing them, this isn't that.
15:46.57mozratStupid redhat
15:47.10mozratFirst of all their email address for the EMEA office is
15:47.32mozratwhich bounces anyway and also bounces
15:47.38stephanbrhowe: btw I read from a *cisco* document about H323: a. try not to be behind a router :-D
15:47.48stephanbrhowe: b. use IP tunnelling
15:48.01murbstephanb: c: conf t
15:48.15stephanbI am tempted to try OPenVPN
15:48.22stephanbmurb: conf t ???
15:48.28rhowestephanb: Well Gnomemeeting is at least a bit more NAT-friendly than Netmeeting (in that it tries to stick to a known range of ports)
15:49.27stephanbmurb: unfortunately my correspondant is on Windoze... so i'm still waiting for a Win32 port of Gnomemeeting
15:49.54murbstephanb: can't they use netmeeting?
15:50.02stephanbmurb: or try Gnomemeeting+SIP with MS Portrait
15:50.17murbwhat is wrong with kphone?
15:50.23murbas a sip client i mean or asterisk?
15:50.53rhowestephanb: Hm, I thought there was a win32 port of GM, just without video support
15:51.00stephanbmurb: shure but is seems that netmeeting <- internet -> Dlink router <- LAN -> Gnomemeeting dont work too well :-(
15:51.02rhowestephanb: Openphone works well, although the UI is horrid
15:51.09rhowestephanb: Not sure if opal's out yet
15:51.28stephanbok guys I am after a video solution!
15:51.30murbstephanb: i thought you said there was a cisco ?
15:51.35rhowestephanb: Openphone works well
15:51.37murbcouldn't you just run a local gatekeeper?
15:51.57rhoweOpenphone would be lovely if it could query an ILS server, or if there was a way to initiate calls via callto:// URLS
15:52.17murbasterisk is a pretty good ip phone client.
15:52.24murband there is a win32 port.
15:52.28stephanblocal gatekeeper: doesn't that mean that I build a linux box with a H323 gatekeeper to *replace* the Dlink router ?
15:52.32rhowe(neither of which I could get it to do without getting far too intimate with the source and setting up a win32 build environment)
15:53.55wethrinGET A BETTER UI
15:54.03murbwethrin: upgrade to the new version.
15:54.10murbor install photoshop.
15:54.17wethrinmurb: Photoshop costs £££
15:54.17stephanbwith my limited understanding I thought the best solution was to put OPenVPN on both machines
15:54.25murbwethrin: not if you are a student.
15:54.27wethrinAnd I've just downloaded the newest stable release for Windows
15:54.33murbwethrin: my sister got it free with her ibook.
15:54.45murbbut then the ibook was also free.
16:27.56Georgefelt like poking the wobbling mass known as wethrin
16:44.06*** part/#gllug stephanb (
17:29.59*** join/#gllug leslaptop (
18:54.33*** join/#gllug Blapto (
19:22.47*** join/#gllug AngelChild (
19:24.24*** join/#gllug Leeds (
19:24.57Leedsmorning all!
19:30.25Leedsdinner with cousins turned into dinner with cousins and friends-in-from-out-of-town, followed by drinking much vodka in a vodka bar, then much schnapps in a German bar, then beer in a very seedy bar full of whores...
19:30.31Leedsfollowed by falafel :-)
19:33.06AngelChildwhat's falafel?
19:33.25Leedsreally?  never eaten it?
19:33.30AngelChildgoogle states its some kind of chickpea thing
19:33.40AngelChildbut i wondered if it was a euphemism :x
19:34.04Leedsever come across humous?
19:34.36Leedsif I said I had it in a kebab shop, would that help you? :-)
19:34.41AngelChildoh right :D
19:36.26Leedsand now I feel the need for toast
19:37.11Leedsbonus feature of the night: cousin I was out with is also my boss... so he knows exactly how I'll feel in the morning and why :-)
19:52.48Leedsmmm... toast
19:57.19clyphoxhead-pains ?
19:57.42clyphoxtoast+cheese > toast+toast
20:32.59clyphoxI want a TCP/IP enabled vacum cleaner!
21:42.08*** join/#gllug Blissex (
21:44.02mozrathello Blissex
21:44.12BlissexHi everybody!
21:48.04AngelChilddo you do love life ones?
21:48.22AngelChildif linux could solve my lovelife then I'd be rather impressed
21:50.12mozratLinux can solve your love life
21:50.18mozratit allows you to touch
21:50.34z00daxand finger ?
21:50.36AngelChildman mount, etc I know
21:52.09AngelChildnot really :(
21:52.22AngelChildfinger is kinda umimpressive from a pleasurable point of view
21:53.07z00daxBlissex, I have a problem that could use a solution ( and some python hackery if you are upto that )
21:53.12BlissexAngelChild: I can do ''agony aunt'' stuff, but people find me too realistc for that.
21:53.22AngelChildheh :)
21:53.25Blissexz00dax: try -- I am not really a Python guy though.
21:53.33mozratz00dax: what is it?
21:53.39z00daxBlissex, how about rpm ?
21:54.02mozratThere you go AngelChild -- Linux also provides you with a Python!
21:54.05Blissexz00dax: can do RPM. But the convention on IRC is to ask questions anonymously to the channel and then hope someone knows about it.
21:54.11z00daxit takes over 2 hrs to get the entire repository metadata for and repo's to be generated
21:54.20AngelChildmozrat: yeah, but it's too flexible :P
21:54.45mozrat*whooo* Adult themed GLLUG tonight!
21:54.47z00daxbe nice if I didnt also need to have the entire rpm tree sitting around under the metadata creating process ( were talking 180 gigs of stuff )
21:56.23Blissexz00dax: so the problem is: you want to scan a really large number of RPMs and build the RPM db from it. How to make it fast? How to use just the metadata?
21:56.31Blissexz00dax: is that it?
21:57.17z00daxBlissex, the repository hosts metadata for apt-rpm, yum2 and rpm-md formats ( so that people can use those pkg managers to download + install stuff )
21:57.43z00daxthe problem is, I also need to have all the rpms around to do this
21:57.55Blissexz00dax: so basically the problem is: I have lots of RPMs, and I want to build various dependency manager indexes for them.
21:58.05z00daxbe nice if I could just drop in 1 rpm, and metadata could be created for just this 1 pkg and appended into the rest already online
21:58.31z00daxBlissex, humm.. look at it this way, adding 1 pkg to the mix should not mean having to rebuild for the entire lot
21:58.39z00daxs/rebuild/rebuild metadata/
21:59.21Blissexz00dax: yes, ideally...
21:59.24z00daxam i making any sense ?
21:59.29Blissexz00dax: a bit more :-).
22:00.47Blissexz00dax: so you don't want to build an RPM db for _installed_ packages, but a repository managed db for _uninstalled_ packages, and you want to build several types thereof...
22:01.14Blissexz00dax: please object if my paraphrases are incorrect. Or please state the problem clearly :-)
22:01.40z00daxBlissex, humm... thats mostly accurate
22:02.26Blissexz00dax: so ideally you want two different operations: bulk build and incremental add.
22:02.36Blissexz00dax: that are:
22:02.41z00daxbulk build i can live without
22:03.15Blissexz00dax: with bulk build, something scans all packages, extracts just the metadata, puts it into a file and then the different repo indexes are built out of the metadata only file.
22:03.42Blissexz00dax: incremental is: once the different indexes are built, just update them as packages are added to the repo.
22:03.45Blissexz00dax: OK?
22:03.53z00daxvery much so
22:04.00Blissexz00dax: because you do need bulk build if the indexes get damaged for example.
22:04.42z00daxthere is one thing though.... there is no 'something that extracts metadata'... the repo index's you refer to _is_ the metadata
22:04.57z00daxeg. look at this :
22:06.53mozratIt's quite nice
22:07.09Blissexz00dax: man thats not quite right.
22:07.18z00daxisnt Mambo deprecated in favour of Joomla or Joombla or something ?
22:07.27mozratz00dax: I think so yes
22:07.49Blissexz00dax: the metadata in an RPM is one thing, the metadata in a repo index is built from the metadata into the RPM.
22:08.16z00daxBlissex, I agree
22:09.06Blissexz00dax: now getting the metadata out of an RPM is not hard. At worst it can be done using 'rpm -qf' itself, with a suitable format string.
22:09.48Blissexz00dax: then one would need to massage that into something suitable for APT4RPM, Yum2 or RPM-MD. Uhm.
22:10.01z00daxBlissex, indeed
22:10.29z00daxhowever, why not make it a bit easier, and just let apps like createrepo extract and do their bit ?
22:10.49z00daxthat way only need glue to move 'new incremental set' upto 'master set' of info
22:10.54Blissexz00dax: BTW, a detail: usually one uses APT-RPM to indicate the _client_ side (that is, 'apt-get' and company) while APT4RPM is the repo side things.
22:12.34Blissexz00dax: I suspect the ''incremental'' bit is going to be hard, because it is not straightforward to add/delete stuff say to an APT 'Packages' file.
22:12.55z00daxexactly :)
22:15.32Blissexz00dax: the best I can imagine is: some tool e.g. written in Perl/Python keeps a berkeley DB database of all RPMs, and from that generates everything else.
22:15.49Blissexz00dax: that tool could be 'rpm' itself!
22:16.38Blissexz00dax: IIRC (and I am pretty sure that I do) 'rpm' has an option that says ''add to the RPM db just the metadata, dont actually extract the files''.
22:16.50Blissexz00dax: but then how to handle conflicts? Nah.
22:17.03z00daxand 7 different architectures
22:17.41z00daxrpm 4.4+ does sqlite backend for the rpmdb
22:18.13z00daxgetting pkgs into a rpmdb Packages format is easy, how do you propose getting it from there into the repo index's ?
22:18.17Blissexz00dax: ah I had not noticed that. Not a bad idea.
22:18.21z00dax( as in incremental update at that )
22:18.56Blissexz00dax: well, the idea is that the big deal is scanning all the RPMs several times to build the repo indexes.
22:19.26Blissexz00dax: actually building the repo indexes even from scratch every time from a central metadata index is going to be quick.
22:19.42Blissexz00dax: now, the interesting question that would require some googling is:
22:20.17Blissexz00dax: is there an existing repo index format that is essentially equivalent to an 'rpmdb'? In that case it could be the pivot of the whole mess.
22:21.06z00daxrpm-md uses xml gzip'd
22:21.14z00daxthats the one format I care of the most
22:21.53Blissexz00dax: yes, but it not nowhere as good as a good old DB.
22:22.17Blissexz00dax: however, Berkeley DB exists also in an XML DB version. Uhm.
22:25.25z00daxBlissex, the end result however is rpm-md's xml format, changing that format is not an option really :)
22:25.35z00daxI have no desire to rewrite a dep-resolver + pkg manager
22:25.36Blissexz00dax: well, you need all three formats.
22:25.51z00daxtrue, but the one i care for the most is rpm-md
22:26.18z00daxalmost 84% of traffic is now in that format ( 12% in yum2's .hdr format the rest apt )
22:27.23Blissexz00dax: well, what I would do is: write in Python or Perl a nice bulk or one-package metadata extractor, and extract to an SQLlite or berkeleyDB database indexed by '.rpm' file path name
22:28.13Blissexz00dax: then write a second nice util that scans all records in the database and turns each record into XML or a Packages file. Should be pretty easy.
22:28.21Blissexz00dax: almost trivial.
22:28.48z00daxBlissex, feel free to go for it.
22:29.19z00daxthe rpm-md format is well documented at that link, a generator is also supplied ( createrepo ) in python
22:29.44Blissexz00dax: alternative: use the 'Packages' file and convert them to either Yum2 or RPM-MD XML formats. But then you lose incremental, it is rather hard to do incremental without a DB.
22:30.21Blissexz00dax: or viceversa...
22:30.34Blissexz00dax: as a temporary measure there is a little shortcut!
22:31.18Blissexz00dax: I would suspect that it is friggingly easy to do two XSLT stylesheets: one to conver the RPM-MD XML to the Yum2 XML, and one to convert it to 'Packages'.
22:31.56z00daxyum2 does not use xml, it has .hdr files, once per pkg and one overall headers file
22:31.57Blissexz00dax: this would at least mean that only the RPM-MD scan needs to be done, the two other repo file formats can then converted from it.
22:32.27Blissexz00dax: Oops, I thought it did. Ah on the client sisde perhaps.
22:32.57Blissexz00dax: But XSLT can surely convert an XML.gz to lots of text files anyhow. Are the '.hdr' text files?
22:35.50z00daxBlissex, yup, let me find you a link to look at
22:36.05Blissexz00dax: I'd have to google a bit to piece together what's out there. But I am a bit busy on some other channels, so heavily timesharing.
22:36.29z00dax <-- thats a repo index for yum2
22:36.33z00daxhey Cope
22:36.51z00dax <-- thats the master file
22:37.10Copehi z00dax
22:37.35z00dax <-- contains rpm-md style index for the same set of rpms
22:38.24z00daxCope, here is something for you :
22:38.45Copenice one :)
22:39.04z00daxits got a much patched kernel in there - so not truly EL style ( yet )
22:39.17Copegood work though!
22:39.29Copedid you get spot and the gang to help?
22:39.43z00daxthey have been looking for a functional installer, we have one!
22:39.56z00daxso no reason why aurora and us cant work together on stuff.
22:40.03Copeyeah absolutely
22:40.33z00daxfrom what I can tell there should be a FC6/sparc release along with the other arch's  and thats what aurora want to migrate into ( transmorgify ? )
22:41.20z00daxso while we could build into a 'stable' and 'here for 7 years', they would most likely move to follow FCore
22:41.34Copeyeah that works nicely
22:41.37Copei like that
22:42.29z00daxplus, we dont have their kind of (a) skill and (b) number of people and (c) system and resources
22:42.37z00daxso having them working on 'upstream' code suits us fine :)
22:42.46Copeyeah absolutely
22:43.32Copebeta-tester cope :-)
22:44.06z00daxCope, DRI + Xorg dont like each other much ( so far ) and someone reported issues with the esp controller, apart from that - there have been a few thumbs up, it works
22:46.20Blissexz00dax: the Yum2 '' is text, but the '.hdr' files are binary...
22:46.54Blissexz00dax: however, given that there is one per package, it is easy to do incremental with it.
22:47.00Cope81 /home/sanelson$ firefox &                      
22:47.00Cope[1]     2950
22:47.01Cope83 /home/sanelson$ /usr/lib/firefox-1.0.6/ line 159:  2975 Bus error               "$prog" ${1+"$@"}
22:47.44z00daxbus error ?
22:47.55z00daxBlissex, i think you should be able to gunzip those .hdr files
22:48.40Blissexz00dax: I was looking at them with Konqueror and evidently the web server is not serving them with the right MIME type... Well, having a look with something else.
22:49.19Copehmm, something broken here:
22:49.20Cope99 /home/sanelson$ gaim
22:49.21Copeksh: gaim: /usr/bin/gaim: cannot execute [Input/output error]
22:51.02Blissexz00dax: it is a '.gz', but the thing inside is a binary, looks like the header of the '.rpm' file.
22:52.31Copecould be a pickle....
22:53.17z00daxBlissex, would we really need to mess with that ? we could just drop in the new .hdr files generated into the same dir and concat the new into the master
22:54.14Blissexz00dax: well, the Yum2 format looks the best ''master'' format. Because it can do incremental. In effect, the 'headers' directory is a Berkeley DB or SQLlite equivalent.
22:54.29z00daxBlissex, yea
22:54.34BlissexCope: I hope its not the case, but those things look like hw errors.
22:55.05CopeBlissex: /me suspects disk
22:55.29BlissexCope: for the Ā«[Input/output error]x it is almost certain.
22:55.33z00daxi need to get something to eat
22:55.37CopeBlissex: agreed
22:56.08BlissexCope: the Ā«Bus errorĀ» may be either bad memory or more likely a bad disc block being ''executed''.
22:56.36CopeBlissex: ext3-fs errors in the logs
22:57.50Copeoh well :) its only a disk
23:02.03BlissexCope: it is often possible to recycle a disk by low-level '''formatting'' it, that rebuilds the sparing tables.
23:02.45Copewell, i'm not seeing the errors after taking the box down, and up again (just in case of memory randomness)
23:03.06Copealthough firefox still isn't starting - but I see no i/o errors now...
23:03.41BlissexCope: if there have been IO errors, some disc sectors will have been zeroed/remapped. Bad news indeed.
23:03.52BlissexCope: I'd do a 'rpm -Va' just in case.
23:04.17CopeBlissex: yep, and strace complains of missing files; hosed fs :)
23:04.49CopeBlissex: nah, nothing lost; just rebuild with a new disk and restore from backup
23:05.41BlissexCope: thats lucky, or perhaps good planning. I am a backup maniac.
23:05.58Copewe expect disks to fail
23:06.08Copethat's why we have raid, and why we do backups
23:07.25Coperight, gimme 2 tics while I down this box and reach for a new disk
23:15.58Copez00dax: how old is 3.3?
23:25.18z00daxCope, 3.6 is about to be released...
23:25.23z00dax3.3 sounds Dec 2004 or so
23:25.34Copecan i yum ---> 3.6?
23:25.39z00daxthere would be a fair few updates to a machine that you install 3.3 on
23:25.43Copefrom a 3.3 install?
23:26.06z00daxyeah that would work fine.
23:26.12Copegreat, I'll do that
23:26.19Copesaves me burning a 4 iso
23:26.59Copeplus i use 3 at work mostly, 4 is still in testing
23:26.59z00daxonce you do the update, make sure you do a 'yum list' - and checkout the new pkgs added since
23:26.59z00dax4 is still in testing :) its been out since Feb
23:27.04z00daxyou must do a lot of testing
23:27.07Copeyeah i got the dvd
23:27.12Copez00dax: umm, yes
23:27.23Copewe only just moved off solaris 8
23:27.31Copewe generally run on r-1
23:27.42Copeor n-1
23:27.50Copeor whateve ryou want to call it
23:27.59z00daxright. makes sense.
23:28.00Copei don't have a singe 2.6 kernel in production
23:28.11z00daxas long as it does the job, you prolly get a more stable distro that way anyway
23:28.28Copeyeah, and performance is fine
23:28.47z00daxI am not sure if thats a bad thing, in some fringe cases - people have shown CentOS3 to perform better than CentOS4
23:29.08Copethe real kicker in rhelv is lvm2 for me
23:29.23Cope4, i mean
23:29.26z00daxlvm2 is cool :)
23:30.20z00dax:) he was there at linuxworld, I managed to poke him about a few bugzilla's :)
23:30.40z00daxok zzzzzzzz time
23:30.52z00daxBlissex, let me know if you come up with something
23:30.53Copeyeah i should sleep too
23:30.57Copegotta be up at 6
23:31.06z00daxouch, yeah sleep b good
23:31.14Copecatch you tomorrow dude
23:31.17Blissexz00dax: Uh, I am thinking about it. I'll do some web searching tomorrow.
23:31.31z00daxBlissex, muchos gracias
23:32.27Copez00dax: I might just engineer a netboot centos/sparc solution...
23:32.36Copeand have a play over the next week or so

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