irclog2html for #gllug on 20040107

00:00.14rhoweAh right, a couple of train stops from here then
00:00.25rhowewell, and a bit of a walk
00:02.23rhoweDo you know any good pubs in London? Ones which don't serve watery beer with what I'd call froth on top?
00:02.57Coperhowe: London's pretty damn big/
00:03.05rhoweCope: I noticed
00:03.09wethrinCome to Gllug beermeets and help us find them :)
00:03.10CopeBut yes, I know several.
00:03.23rhowewethrin: I would, but you haven't put the date for the next one in the topic
00:03.27rhoweFriday? :)
00:03.36wethrinThey don't tend to get announced on the topic
00:03.37pawelI know a nice pub in Southgate.
00:03.44wethrinWe tend to discuss them here :)
00:03.55rhowewethrin: When's the next Gllug beermeet? :)
00:04.03wethrinHm...Friday is too close to the beermeet
00:04.06wethrinNo idea yet :)
00:04.12wethrinHaven't decided
00:05.00wethrinSome time next week would be better for me
00:05.06wethrinI'll have the train tickets then :)
00:05.20wethrinCan't do Mondays
00:05.39wethrinrhowe: Come to the beerthing
00:05.42pawelI prefer this weekend.
00:05.45rhoweHow many turn up at these beerthings?
00:05.51rhowewethrin: What's A perl group?
00:05.53Copewethrin: doesn't it help to be a pm?
00:05.56wethrinThe Gllug ones, about 10
00:06.00wethrinYes. London Perlmongers.
00:06.04wethrinNot that I code in Perl
00:06.15rhowehrm, a Java person in a room of perlitists? :)
00:06.40rhowewethrin: when/where?
00:06.49wethrinBelgravia, IIRC
00:06.53Copewhy? how?
00:07.18stephanbk everybody, im off to |=---|
00:07.29pawel3000km from Central London. 8-)
00:08.06wethrinnight stephanb
00:08.10paweli'm going out.
00:08.24wethrinnight pawel
00:08.28stephanbbye wethrin, bye pawel
00:08.31*** part/#gllug stephanb (
00:08.47pawelbye all.
00:09.49rhowehm, sounds like it's easy enough to get to from work
00:10.03rhowewethrin: What time are you planning to get there, and where will you be travelling from?
00:10.16wethrinI'll be in Parsons Green earlier - need to go into Mailbox
00:10.21wethrinSo I'll be coming from there
00:13.04rhowehrm, OK
00:15.20rhoweAh, so it's on Belgrave Ms. (Mews?) West
00:15.33wethrinErrr....possibly :)
00:15.39wethrinHalkin Place
00:16.51rhoweAh well Hyde Park Corner's easy enough to get to
00:17.12rhoweSince I'll be starting at London Bridge
00:17.32rhoweShould I tell anyone I'm crashing their meet?
00:19.54wethrinNo, just turn up
00:26.41rhoweOK. If you see me ( looking lost in a corner of the pub, don't just leave me there :)
00:30.01wethrinGrumpf. I'm seriously limited as to what to do with my PCs now
00:30.35wethrinI need a full tower case to have all my disks in. It's an ATX tower
00:31.13wethrinBut the Athlon 900 is fucked. So I've got two other mobos to move into that
00:31.38wethrinA P3/450, but that only has 1 ISA slot, and I need to. Or a K62/450, but that's more of an AT-style motherboard
00:31.46wethrin(although it has an ATX connector)
00:32.00CopeWhy do you need 2 ISA slots?
00:32.38wethrinSoundblaster AWE64, and 3c509 network card
00:33.12wethrinDo you have a PCI version of the 509?
00:33.42wethrinNo. :-/
00:33.56wethrinI want something that's compatible with basically every OS that's out there
00:34.07wethrinI don't think OpenStep has support for the 905
00:34.16wethrinYes :)
00:34.47wethrinYes, but not by OS
00:34.48Copeintel chipset iirc
00:35.11wethrinI've got one sitting here to take down to Mailbox with me
00:35.19rhoweIf I could be bothered rebuilding the FreeBSD box, it'd be a spare Realtek card
00:35.24wethrinBetter than this Realtek pile
00:36.01rhowehm, I guess I could try a FreeBSD rebuild..
00:36.23wethrincvs -d :)
00:36.34rhoweNot quite that simple :)
00:36.39Copewhy not?
00:36.44rhoweThe box doesn't have enough disk space to hold sources and objects
00:37.03rhoweSo it's going to need an NFS mount, but the NIC is crappy and always causes NFS to timeout. Plus it's a slow Cyrix
00:37.15Copegah cyrix
00:37.24rhowe(underclocked for stability/heat reasons)
00:37.27wethrinOpenBSD - 454M
00:37.36rhoweThis is a PR150+
00:37.52rhowe(should be clocked at 133, is clocked at 120). The box also has a mix of FPM and EDO RAM :)
00:38.10wethrinWell, I guess I can get away with 4 PCI slots and 3 ISA slots
00:38.11Copewethrin: I never hear you mutter about netbsd - what's your not-so-humble opinion on that?
00:38.27Copewethrin: sounds fine.. what's the drawback>
00:38.42wethrinI could do with one more PCI slot, just in case....
00:38.53wethrinAlthough 4 is just about enough
00:39.03Copewethrin: ok
00:39.12wethrinI haven't used it for some time.
00:39.20wethrinIt's a nice clean portable system
00:39.39wethrinI'd definitely use it on hardware for which I don't have the 'real' OS
00:40.54wethrinMe too
00:41.00wethrinThere's lots of things I want :)
00:41.12rhoweCope: I have (or had) a box of A3000 bits
00:43.04CopeI remember being blown away by one of my childhood heroes - we had an email conversation in which he decried x86 architecture, and swore to use only RISC-based machines; this was way back, and he was running bsd on his archimedes.
00:43.30rhoweSteve Furba(e?)r? :)
00:43.39CopeHe said it was mega stable, and acceptably effiecient.
00:43.41wethrinYes. I've sworn never to buy any more x86 hardware
00:44.19wethrinWhich does make it a bit more difficult for me now, when the easiest for me would be to go out and buy a new ATX mobo+CPU
00:44.22CopeI plan to buy a shed load of old, reliable dells or compaqs and make a compiler farm
00:44.42CopeBut other than that, I'm with you.
00:44.46wethrinBut, dammit, it's worth a bit more hassle to not be on that damned upgrade cycle
00:45.12wethrinReliable Dells/Compaqs == server systems. You do have a soundproof room?
00:45.13Copewethrin: What's your !x86 philisophy, apart from macs
00:45.38Copewethrin: If I get this job, I'll devote a room to it!
00:45.49CopeI mean what hardware -will- you buy?
00:46.05rhoweAh, mindless pop music... in Korean
00:46.14CopeMmmm - korean.
00:46.15rhowehrm, no, Japanese
00:46.20rhoweBut sung by a Korean
00:46.47wethrinAh. Buying will probably end up being Macs. Unless I can find cheap Sun/SGI/Alpha kit
00:47.10CopeOld macs?
00:47.20wethrinI have some - don't need more :)
00:48.38wethrinSilicon Graphics
00:48.42CopeAh ok
00:48.44rhoweYou don't know what SGI is?!
00:48.49rhoweDo you not run XFS? :)
00:48.52wethrinI've got a couple of early Alphas
00:48.53CopePlayed with those at uni, they were sexy
00:49.08CopeXFS: as in journalling file system?
00:49.14rhoweSGI-XFS CVS-2003-05-24_05:00_UTC with ACLs, no debug enabled
00:49.36rhowewethrin: Most probably, although it'll probably be v1 directories, which the Linux XFS code isn't so hot at, plus the page size may differ
00:50.10wethrinActually, I want to do an Irix reinstall on the Indy - I've got a spare 2GB SCSI drive just for it :)
00:50.18rhoweOh and if it's not unmounted cleanly, the Linux XFS code probably won't be able to read the log
00:50.51Copewethrin: where did you get irix for this purpose?
00:51.19wethrinCope: From a friend - he copied a copy of the CDs
00:51.25wethrin(fingers crossed they still work)
00:51.29rhoweOh but go on, you know you want to run 400KiB of filesystem code in your kernel :)
00:51.57wethrinBah. Monolithic kernels
00:52.14rhowe-rw-r--r--    1 rhowe    rhowe        611K 2003-12-21 16:01 xfs.ko
00:53.05wethrinMy PDA is older than yours
00:53.11rhoweMine cost less (free ;)
00:54.16rhowehrm, to Morning Musume or to not Morning Musume
00:54.38wethrinYes, but would it be *useful*? :")
00:55.36CopeNow don't get all functional on me, wethrin!
00:55.47rhowewethrin: familiar is only barely useful. Linux with 32Mb of storage isn't fun
00:55.56rhowewethrin: I'd need a HD to make proper use of it
00:55.57CopeI want a cshell and a compiler
00:56.10wethrincsh? Bad cope!
00:56.34CopeI want a kshell and a compiler
00:56.45wethrinThat's better
00:56.47rhoweIt's BoA on speed
00:57.16rhoweI can see you'll need more explaination :)
00:57.25Copeibot google for BoA
00:57.26wethrinYes. An expansion would be nice
00:57.54rhoweNone of them are the right BoA :)
00:58.01Copeibot boa
00:58.03Lightweight and High Performance WebServer. URL:
00:58.03rhoweboaweb is the homepage of the British group Boa
00:59.24Copeibot boa is also a British group called, </flash-warning>
00:59.26Cope: okay
00:59.48wethrinRight. It appears to be 1am again
00:59.58wethrinJust like it was 24 hours ago
01:00.03Copeibot william
01:00.06from memory, william is probably either eating, or sleeping, or having his nappy changed, or bad at typing
01:00.23rhoweibot Boa is a British group, found at, and also a Korean pop star, famous in both Korea and Japan,
01:00.27...but boa is already something else...
01:00.27rhowes'what it should be
01:00.42Copeibot forget boa
01:00.50rhoweibot Boa is a British group, found at, and also a Korean pop star, famous in both Korea and Japan,
01:00.52...but boa is already something else...
01:01.09rhoweibot Boa is a British group, found at BoA is a Korean pop star, famous in both Korea and Japan,
01:01.13...but boa is already something else...
01:01.16wethrinUSe 'boa is also'
01:01.28rhoweibot Boa is also a British group, found at BoA is a Korean pop star, famous in both Korea and Japan,
01:01.29okay, rhowe
01:01.29wethrinibot won't let you forget things that you haven't set
01:01.31wethrin: have you tried ?
01:01.35rhoweibot boa
01:01.37Lightweight and High Performance WebServer. URL:, or a British group called, </flash-warning>, or a British group, found at BoA is a Korean pop star, famous in both Korea and Japan,
01:01.40Copeibot no, Boa is a British group, found at, BoA is a Korean pop star, famous in both Korea and Japan, both Korea and Japan,
01:01.42Cope: okay
01:01.42wethrinibot fuck off
01:01.46ACTION humps off's leg in public
01:02.11Copeibot boa
01:02.13boa is, like, a British group, found at, BoA is a Korean pop star, famous in both Korea and Japan, both Korea and Japan,
01:02.22wethrinibot cope
01:02.24it has been said that cope is always smiling at me when I say Hi, or the father of William, a geek in the making.
01:02.25evangineerwethrin: have you seen
01:03.09wethrinI have now
01:03.16wethrinPity about the VIA Rhine and AC97
01:03.36wethrinAND I DON'T WANT DEBIAN! ARGH!
01:03.38Copeibot no, boa is a Lightweight and High Performance WebServer. URL:
01:03.40Cope: okay
01:04.16Copeibot boa is also one of the more common galaxy class cruisers in Elite
01:04.18Cope: okay
01:04.39Copeibot boa is also a British group, found at
01:04.41Cope: okay
01:04.54evangineerwethrin: I wouldn't run debian on it, I'd use rock linux powerppc port.
01:05.09wethrinGlutton for punishment
01:05.23Copeibot boa is also a Korean pop star, famous in both Korea and Japan -
01:05.26okay, Cope
01:05.34evangineerWell, you could run NetBSD on it.
01:05.43wethrinIt's 'in development'
01:05.59rhoweheh, whoever thought three letters could create such confusion :)
01:06.09evangineerWhat the powerppc port?
01:06.26wethrinFor that board specifically
01:06.51wethrinAnyway, for a challenge, I'd like to get NetBSD running on my Data General AViiON (m88k)
01:07.00wethrinThere's the first stages of an m88k port
01:07.14Copeibot boa
01:07.16it has been said that boa is a Lightweight and High Performance WebServer. URL:, or one of the more common galaxy class cruisers in Elite, or a British group, found at, or a Korean pop star, famous in both Korea and Japan -
01:07.17wethrinBut it's not even on the web page proper
01:07.20wethrinibot netbsd
01:07.24hmm... netbsd is at
01:07.35wethrinibot whoset netbsd
01:07.37bugger all, i dunno, wethrin
01:07.50wethrinibot change usd to gbp
01:07.59wethrinibot change 1 usd to gbp
01:08.18wethrinibot change 1 gbp to usd
01:08.50Copeibot no, NetBSD is a small, clean, *BSD, best know for its multiple ports to any architecture you can think of.
01:08.52okay, Cope
01:08.52rhoweah, BoA -
01:08.59wethrinRight. Sleeptime.
01:09.00wethring'night all
01:10.10Copeibot whoset netbsd
01:10.13Cope: parse error: dunno what the heck you're talking about
01:10.20Copeibot You suck
01:13.44rhoweCope: You should see her dance :)
01:14.36CopeAnd you have?
01:14.46rhowethrough the wonders of mplayer, sure
01:15.07rhoweI did /notice you a couple of URLs
01:16.03evangineerCope: xine should do just as well.
01:16.57evangineerfair enough.
01:17.09rhowehrm, so I can't torture you with Morning Musume videos
01:18.40evangineerThat reminds me, I need to look into bitchx and gtkBitchX
01:19.22rhowehrm, why all the milky-white liquid, I wonder
01:19.56Copeevangineer: irssi
01:20.17rhoweheh, Ayumi doesn't half look silly
01:20.26evangineerwhy irssi over bitchx?
01:20.38rhoweYou have to ask? :)
01:20.57rhoweWasn't bitchx intentionally backdoored by its author a few years ago?
01:21.05evangineerI've only been doing IRC for a few weeks!
01:21.47rhoweEven Sarah likes irssi
01:21.54rhowe(and she's an mIRC user)
01:22.22evangineerrhowe: the final insult!
01:22.36rhoweevangineer: She's seen the light now
01:29.04evangineerhmm - from a quick glance at the website, irssi seems to support a lot of the features I have gotten used to from using xchat.
01:29.48rhoweYup, it's nice. Plus, there's xirssi if you really want a GUI IRC client
01:30.49Copeirssi is awesome - blows xchat out of the water imo
01:31.34evangineerxirssi - excellent.  What I want is the IRC equivalent of the vim/gvim duality.
01:31.44rhowehm, I really need a higher quality version of this video.. 640x480 minimum
01:32.04Copeevangineer: xirssi isn't supported iirc
01:32.17Copeie its not under active development
01:32.50rhoweCope: Hrm, I thought that was irssi-gtk?
01:33.34rhoweVersion: 0.99+cvs.20021222-2.1
01:33.40rhoweHrm, doesn't look that maintained to me :)
01:34.17rhoweo/~ jiiiiibuuuuunnn nooooo
01:34.24rhoweo/~ mooooonooooo saaaashiiiiiideee
01:34.27CopeBut 0.99 will work, and all the plumbing should be there
01:34.56rhowe"The GTK and GNOME versions of irssi haven't been developed since early 2000, and currently lack much of irssi-text's functionality."
01:35.31rhoweheh, and the thing that every Jpop track seems to be required to have... a pointless guitar riff, slap bang in the middle
01:35.57rhoweNothing illustrates this better than evolution by Hamasaki Ayumi
01:36.30CopeA Jpop star wrote a funk MUA?
01:36.46CopeCoool. IIRC
01:40.45rhoweAnyone for food? :)
01:40.57rhoweAdult Video profiles? :P
01:41.12rhoweAV in Japan seems to have a rather comical double meaning :)
01:41.30rhoweAh, Ayumi back when she was a swimsuit model
01:41.34rhoweThat was quite a few years ago
01:42.36rhowecantopoop or the mainland stuff?
01:42.43rhoweI wouldn't call myself an expert :)
01:43.02CopeAll the songs have to form:
01:43.50CopeI fell in love with rhowe, he was amazing, but then he got run over by a bus, and now my heart is broken, and I'll never love anyone again (chorus) but the moon is shining and the starts are beautiful, but I am miserable
01:44.24CopePlus rocky guitar solo in the middle
01:44.33rhoweCope: Does your SO understand Mandarin?
01:44.44CopeGiven that she is Chinese, one would hope so.
01:44.55rhoweCope: Well she might only know Cantonese...
01:45.14rhoweBut since you said Mandarin was good, I guess not :)
01:45.28CopeI'm a bit opinionated on the subject
01:45.41CopeProduct of having mainland SO
01:45.54rhoweWell Sarah's from Hangzhou, sorta
01:46.18CopeI just think its like saying: does rhowe speak english? or cockney?
01:47.12rhoweIt's a bit more polarised than cockney and english :)
01:47.20rhowehence the need for two phrasebooks
01:47.21CopeNot as a $age
01:47.31rhoweNo, but as a language
01:47.39Cope%age I mean
01:47.58Cope%age of people who speak cantonese is rather low out of the set: chinese
01:48.17CopeGeographical region likewise.
01:48.29rhoweYes, but significant in the UK where a large proportion of the Chinese population is from Hong Kong
01:48.49rhoweDownload that - see if she recognises it :)
01:48.50CopeYeah, but I'm not talking about the UK, that's not representative
01:49.18rhoweWell I'm in the UK, you're in the UK and she's in the UK, which makes it quite likely she's from Hong Kong
01:49.26CopeVery fair point.
01:49.30rhoweCope: *sigh*
01:49.40CopeBut if I get the job... I'll have a laptop!
01:50.09rhowesheer luck though, and they're not hiring any until I leave :P
01:50.37rhoweHe is now my boss
01:50.44rhoweHis wife is Japanese, actually
01:50.44Cope2nd interview... yesterday was #1
01:51.00rhoweAh, this was my 2nd interview, and since I was the sole candidate, they offered me the job at the interview :)
01:51.08rhoweI started 2 weeks later
01:51.14CopeWhat do you do?
01:51.25rhowe"Assistant Network Administrator"
01:51.28rhowePFY, basically
01:51.47rhoweI do all the work and $boss sits around getting quotes and talking to management :)
01:52.15rhoweMost Chinese people I know are pretty damn prejudiced against Japan
01:52.21rhoweAnd the Japanese
01:52.26Copealthough kinda understandable
01:52.30rhoweWell yeah
01:52.44rhoweBut still, oppressively so
01:53.51CopeI know the feeling; and the state education is somewhat indoctrinaire, which can make for hard work.
01:54.15rhoweI do have a very good book about the history of Hong Kong though
01:54.29rhoweVery much from the British perspective, but still good
01:54.44rhoweG B Endacott, "A History Of Hong Kong"
01:54.50rhoweNational Trust 2nd hand bookshop :)
01:55.09CopeFrom the perspective of hating british imperialism
01:55.12rhoweMore so than Hangzhou, I think
01:55.42rhoweCope: Does Sophie not have MP3-playback capabilities?
01:55.57rhoweNot personally, I mean, but access to :)
01:56.25CopeIf I want music, I have a 3000 pound turntable
01:56.53CopeIf I want movies, I go to the cinema or watch a dvd
01:57.20CopePlus my machines are pretty old, and I like minimalism.
01:57.42rhoweI found the lyrics
01:57.46rhoweOK, Sarah's gonna get a suprise :P
01:57.51CopeBut when I get another machine I'm going to make an mp3 server
01:58.10rhoweo/~ dui mian de nü hai kan guo lai kan guo lai kan guo lai zhe li de biao yan hen jing cai qing bu yao
01:58.59rhoweo/~ wo zuo kan you kan shang kan xia kan
01:59.23rhoweYou should be able to understand that last one :)
02:01.05CopeWell... given that I can't see the things that say if its 1st 2nd 3rd or 4th kan could mean a number of things...
02:03.54rhowethis is kan as in to look
02:03.59Copewatch, look shrugs... something about  about going up and down
02:06.42rhowei look left, look right, look up, look down
02:06.58rhoweaccompanied with the appropriate head actions, it's the chorus of the song
02:09.03Copezou (3) is left, but could have been something else - eg its the verb to do
02:09.13Copeas in to make food
02:09.21rhowe*nod*, but in context... :)
02:09.31CopeI use it when Sophie's mum calls and she's cooking
02:09.47Copezou fan - making food
02:10.12rhowedo rice :)
02:10.45rhoweExcept Sarah can't cook, so it's always me doing the cooking :)
02:10.46Copeand shang is to be on - as in if your are on the bus
02:11.06rhoweHrm, this reminds me.. time to get xcin working
02:12.53Copeshui jiao = sleep
02:13.01rhoweSo I'm reading
02:13.10rhoweSo, wa an would be the right thing to say
02:13.23rhoweOr, a Cantonese person might say "I'm going to meet chau gong"
02:14.57CopeSophie is asleep at the top, where pillows go
02:15.01rhoweSetting up xml-core (0.04) ...
02:15.01rhoweupdate-xmlcatalog: error: entry already exists
02:15.01rhoweupdate-xmlcatalog: reading catalog data /var/lib/xml-core/xml-core
02:15.04CopeWilliam is asleep in the middle
02:15.15Copeibot william
02:15.21methinks william is probably either eating, or sleeping, or having his nappy changed, or bad at typing
02:15.40rhowewe haven't done the marriage thing yet
02:15.54rhoweSarah's still at uni
02:16.24rhoweAnd doing pretty damn well... she's been told to apply for an award that only goes to 3 students in the whole of HK each year
02:16.26CopeWhere's yifang from?
02:17.19rhoweSomewhere on the mainland, but I can't remember where. She spent some time living in Shanghai, but she's from somewhere with more of a taste in chilli than that (not Sichuan, AFAIK)
02:17.20rhoweIf Sarah gets this award, she'll be getting GBP 10,000
02:17.33rhoweMaybe, I really can't remember where she said.. she just calls it "hometown"
02:17.57CopeDoes she live in the UK? Or is she just visiting?
02:18.38rhoweLifang? She's a student here, and so's her brother
02:18.59rhoweBeen here 4 years now, I think, looking to get a job over here after her degree if possible
02:19.14rhoweSarah, OTOH, is looking to finish her degree and get a job in HK
02:19.41rhoweAnd since Sarah's my gf, and Lifang isn't, and isn't going to be, things are going to get expensive :)
02:19.53rhoweSarah is Li Na, Rita is Huang Lifang
02:20.08rhoweRita's bf is called Ashwin, Sarah's is called Russell :)
02:20.55rhoweRita's a very good friend of mine though.. could be said too good a friend at times :)
02:22.45rhoweAnd no, s/Sarah/Lifang/ isn't going to happen
02:23.06rhoweWould be a nice bit of short-term fun, but nah, we just wouldn't make a good couple :)
02:23.13rhowes/nice/very \1/
02:25.52rhoweAnyway, that's sort of a current dilemma at the moment, and one that should be kept quiet
02:26.22rhoweSince I could quite easily be quite, quite dead in the water
02:28.35rhoweI guess this must be one of her early TV performances
02:28.48rhoweShe looks remarkably short on plastic surgery in this one
02:29.38rhoweo/~ lasberry dreeeam
02:29.52Cope----> bed
02:32.56rhoweooh, Claire's online
02:33.17CopeWho is Claire?
02:35.13rhoweShe's always so busy working she never gets online - haven't seen her on in 4 months or os
02:35.26rhoweMarried, lives in the US, works for the government making radiation detectors and the like
02:36.47rhoweWorks at Los Alamos, no less
02:37.01rhoweNot exactly allowed to IRC from work like I can :)
03:18.44rhoweCope: Sarah wants to see a photo of your kid :)
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07:22.47Copemorning zachary
07:26.24zacharymoin Cope
07:32.31zacharymoin Clyphox
07:32.44Clyphoxhopla zachary
07:32.54ClyphoxI want a caffeine IV
07:33.14Clyphoxbut ah don't need it.. I'm a big boy
07:33.17ClyphoxI can stay
07:33.31Clyphox..awake... </yawn>
07:33.39Copeclyphox: fit like? o............
07:34.02Clyphoxjust being a little insane
07:34.08Clyphoxcomes easy these days
07:34.24Clyphoxhows the family?
07:34.34Clyphox(I like asking that =)  )
07:35.21CopeGood - William's decided he likes our bed, and is asleep in it, upside down; Sophie's making some food, and I'm waking up and organising myself for the day.
07:35.40CopeI like you asking that :o)
07:36.19ClyphoxI once was excited to have kids.. can't imagine what its like
07:36.43Clyphoxcertainly enough to kick-start your motivation I'm sure
07:37.00Clyphoxohh its that interview today innit?
07:37.29CopeIts kinda surreal - I keep looking at this little bundle and thinking 'goodness - thats a baby human; and I helped make it'
07:37.50CopeYeah, interview 2 today.
07:38.17Clyphoxyeah man.. he's a part of j00 and vice-versa
07:38.25Clyphoxain't life fun sometimes =)
07:38.43Copepretty mind-blowing
07:39.42ClyphoxI bet you can't wait till he's a spotty teenager?
07:46.26new2unixand X is such a battery hog
07:46.26CopeTo quote a friend of mine, Slackware owns.
07:47.02CopeX is eyecandy; how much of it do you actually need?
07:47.45CopeI'm happy with X on this machine, as I've got it lean and pretty, but on most machines I don't bother.
07:48.38new2unixX makes your box more approacable by the uninitiated
07:49.05CopeNot sure why I want the unititiated to approach my laptop.
07:49.41new2unixthe family wouldnt touch a pc that had a "broken" mouse :)
07:50.47CopeAll the more computers for me to play with!
07:52.17new2unixCope: Goodluck with #2.
08:22.51*** join/#gllug mozrat (
08:25.28Copewoo mozrat
08:26.13mozratbrb.... need coffee
08:45.19BobTheDogjust don't say squirrel.... it drives my dogs nuts ;)
08:45.20zacharyBow wow, woof woof, grrrrr?
08:52.17zacharyanyone using ipcop/smoothwall with a cable modem?
08:54.15mozratI tried once with the cable modem BT provide, but went for an ethernet interface instead
08:59.35mozratWould having lots of hidden fields in a HTML form generate acres of white space on the page??
09:00.49Copehidden field in tables?
09:01.22mozratNo.. I have <form> then the hidden fields and then the <table>
09:05.43mozratOh... today is the day, huh
09:14.09BobTheDogmozrat - no, hidden form fields should not affect a page / table etc.
09:14.17BobTheDogthey never have for me anyway
09:14.22mozratThe page is being printed out by a Python CGI script, so it may the snake to blame
09:14.49CopeMaybe, yeah.
09:15.11mozratDuh.. easy way to test... call the page direct from disk without CGI.. hang on a mo
09:15.13CopeWell, if you're still having problems this evening, let me know.. I have to go and get a job now.
09:15.14BobTheDogthere aren't any hidden characeters, or wrong quote matching up taking place?
09:15.35mozratCope: no stay... this is more important. The interviewer will understand
09:15.56CopeSee you this evening.
09:16.06mozratHmm -- it's the CGI stuff doing it. If I call the page direct it is fine
09:16.11mozratGood luck Cope
09:41.58*** join/#gllug ar (
10:44.56*** join/#gllug zachary_ (
10:48.49*** join/#gllug BobTheDog (~david@
10:49.10BobTheDoghow do you burn .nrg (nero images) under linux to dvd?
10:49.23BobTheDogespecially when they don't mount as iso9660 over loopback
10:50.12BobTheDogand aside from that, who would I need to talk to if I wished to give a talk/presentation on ha clustering etc?
10:50.33pawelsorry, I haven't experience with this.
10:51.51zachary_ver2BobTheDog, Send a proposal of what you would like to talk about to
10:52.24pawelhi zachary.
10:52.35mozratzachary_ver2: What are the benefits of Zachary version 2 over the original version. Any new features?
10:53.04zachary_ver2that would be on my client side. Faster machine, larger display. :)
10:55.14pawelmozrat, bigest requirements  
11:14.50mozratCope|afk: Back so soon
11:19.21arany reccommendations on webmail providors?
11:20.17Cope|afkOther than setting it up yourself?
11:20.52ari didn't really want the responsibility ;)
11:23.23arit is the easiest solution, plenty of email addresses left :)
11:23.30Cope|afkI used myrealbox, which is a novell test-bed, but i think they are not accepting new testers any more; but you could look for something similar
11:26.14arindeed they have stopped new sign-ups
11:26.27arlooks quite good mind
11:28.15arheard of before?
11:32.54pawelCope|afk, .
11:34.28pawelok, I will try again.
11:35.54pawelexport HELLO=hi
11:36.06pawelecho $HELLO Cope|afk.
11:39.11wethrinWebmail? Other than Hotmail/Lycos?: )
11:41.00pawelecho $HELLO wethrin.
11:41.32wethrinBwah. Time to rip apart PCs again
11:56.12*** join/#gllug anth_ (~anth@
11:56.43Cope|afkHello anth_
11:59.22wethrinMmm. Tea.
11:59.27wethrinHi anth_
12:02.15anth_Hello. Hows it going?
12:04.48wethrinCould be better. I'm currently ripping apart PCs
12:06.35anth_Hence scraping off thermal gunge yesterday
12:07.06wethrinYes. And putting some new stuff on.
12:07.18wethrinThen finding the CPU/motherboard is screwed anyway
12:12.27anth_Makes a bit more sense now. I was struggling to think of a reason to take it off.
12:16.42wethrinPut a nice fresh bit of gunge on there
12:17.15pawelis there any official way to be member of GLLUG?
12:18.06wethrinSign up to the mailing list
12:18.26zacharyyea. show up at more than one meeting.
12:18.36wethrinAnd pubmeetings don't count :)
12:19.08pawelI will be on the meeting.
12:19.15pawelnext meeting.
12:19.29pawelgosh, 9th day without coffee.
12:19.48pawelI'm not feeling good.
12:20.29zacharyi think my heart would stop.
12:23.58pawel24th Jan, date of the next meeting, nice. 25th will be my birthday. :-)
12:24.24anth_Why don't pub meetings count?
12:25.35anth_If Lonix had the same rule it wouldn't have any members
12:25.45zacharyPub meetings are just because some of need beer.
12:26.12zacharyLonix is not the same as GLLUG.
12:27.06pawelwhat is Lonix? Lo(don)(U)nix(User Group)?
12:28.32wethrinLonix is not Gllug :)
12:28.53anth_But has almost the same people in it
12:28.56wethrinOfficially Gllug is supposed to have speaker meetings. The pubmeets are informal things when we decide we want beer
12:31.10wethrinLonix exists to provide locations for beer
12:31.44*** join/#gllug ar ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
12:32.14*** join/#gllug ar (
12:33.52*** join/#gllug zachary_ver2 ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
12:34.47zacharyI wouldn't exactly call Lonix a "User Group." But rather a "*NIX, *BSD, *Linux social meeting to talk about current issues and bitch about MS.
12:37.02zacharywethrin: Lapi should be ariving soon :-)
12:45.22wethrincool :)
12:50.04zacharyparts are starting to arive(psu and case).
12:52.56wethrinMy memory is too tall
12:59.31zacharygrind it down then!
13:14.32wethrinRight. That's fixed now
13:18.28anth_What will you do with the memory dust left over from the grinding?
13:20.26wethrinSell it on eBay ;-)
13:25.09*** join/#gllug nosis (~uno@
13:25.45mozratformi: hello
13:26.32formihas anybody seen murble lately?
13:27.52TarragonHe was on here yesterday I think talking about SATA
13:28.58formiim just trying to find if he´s annoyed with me
13:31.12wethrinformi: He's in Germany still, I think
13:34.11formiwell ill be back on saturday
13:36.46formidoes anybody now where i can check/buy a .no domain? ? -
13:37.42wethrinAlthough I don't think you can buy .no domains - they're controlled by the government
13:43.45formisome multinational wants to build a cement plant 2km from home
13:44.03formiand would be nice
13:44.22formior even better
13:50.18*** join/#gllug Cope|afk_ (
13:53.01formiit´s unbelievable, our coast is thousands of miles long, and where do they want it built, in a highly populated area where a lot of people depend on fishing in the bay
13:56.21rhowehrm, repaint problems
14:46.17*** join/#gllug evangineer (
14:46.56*** join/#gllug Leeds (
15:05.20*** join/#gllug Jenson (~jenson@
15:41.24rhowewhee, Lifang's on her way to London
15:56.44*** join/#gllug anth_ (~anth@
16:00.14rhoweo/~ I want a girl with a short skirt and a looooong jacket
16:02.20Leedsyou're planning to borrow her pen?
16:02.31Leeds(or is it the other way around?)
16:03.03Leedsmmmm.... Cake :-)
16:04.03rhoweo/~ well a lot of good caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaars are japanese
16:04.49Leedsbut they've got seatbelts and buckets seats and stuff in the way :-(
16:06.46rhoweo/~ Last night we slept on the lawn / You woke up and I was gone / Back to the dream I dream to leave
16:07.03Leedsdunno that one
16:08.17rhoweo/~ My life with her is a bore / A worn - out metaphor / No more surprises up its sleeve / We're old at being youg, young at being old
16:08.35rhoweMP3s at work++
16:10.38rhoweo/~ you can be my Yoko Ono / You can follow me wherever I go / Be my, be my, be my Yoko Ono.
16:11.48*** join/#gllug mozrat (
16:12.35rhoweo/~ Be my yoko Ono, oh no, here we go, our life is one big pun
16:13.41rhowehrm, I should rip my BNL CDs and add them into the collection
16:19.56*** join/#gllug evangineer (
16:30.13mozratrhowe: Nice photos!
16:31.51rhowemozrat: Not of me though :)
16:32.05mozratrhowe: Oh... Who?
16:33.08rhoweThe girl with the Gucci bag is my gf, Sarah. The girl in the wedding dress was one of her teachers
16:34.27mozratOne of her teachers?????
16:34.41wethrinTeachers can get married :)
16:35.12mozrat:-) What does she teach (I'm guessing not school)
16:37.42rhoweOh and the guy is apparently called Penny
16:37.51rhoweShe's a secondary school teacher I think
17:54.49*** join/#gllug jason_ukfsn (
17:54.52jason_ukfsnhey all
17:56.19Leeds# See my vest, see my vest, made from real gorilla chest
17:57.31LeedsSimpsons quote :-)
17:57.54jason_ukfsnah. I remain largely ignorant of Simpsons dialog
17:58.05Leedsbad bad man
17:58.19jason_ukfsnI take it that's another one?
17:58.45Leedsno, just my response to you...
17:58.59*** join/#gllug anth_ (~anth@
17:59.59Leedscould be worse... they're arm-wrestling over on :-)
18:02.35jason_ukfsnoh dear.
18:02.43jason_ukfsnI've been having more car trouble.
18:02.50Leedsoh dear :-(
18:02.51jason_ukfsnSome scrote tried to nick my car on Monday
18:03.00Leedsoh dear oh dear
18:03.34jason_ukfsneven worse - the bugger failed and I now have a car with barely working door locks and a disconnected ignition under the steering wheel (which makes starting it interesting)
18:04.38Leedsoh dear oh dear oh dear
18:05.38jason_ukfsnit should be fairly easy to fix the ignition however the door locks now need to be replaced now.
18:05.52jason_ukfsnthis is on top of the carb needing to be cleaned/retuned
18:09.17wethrinARM wrestling?
18:11.36pawela = oh dear
18:11.41pawela = a + 1
18:11.54wethrinSurely a = a.a :)
18:12.38jason_ukfsnno wethrin is should be a = a . ', ' . a;
18:12.48wethrinWell, yes
18:13.03wethrinOr a.", ".a
18:13.16jason_ukfsnnotice the introduction of good punctuation
18:14.09jason_ukfsnof course it may be appropriate to amend this slightly to:
18:19.21wethrinA$="Oh dear"
18:19.27wethrinA$ = A$ + ", " + A$
18:20.19Leeds30 print A$
18:20.26Leeds40 goto 20
18:21.00jason_ukfsnbut then you are capitalising incorrectly. You only want to uc() the first character in the first a
18:21.45wethrinA$ = A$ + ", " + LCASE$(A$)
18:21.55wethrin10 A$ = "Oh dear"
18:22.08wethrin20 PRINT A$ + ", " ;
18:22.21wethrin30 PRINT LCASE$(A$) + ", ";
18:22.23wethrin40 GOTO 30
18:22.44jason_ukfsnyou'll always have an invalid comma at the end
18:23.00wethrinThere's no getting out of that one, though :)
18:23.05wethrinNo neat exit, anyway
18:23.25Leedsthe regular email updates from the Beagle 2 team are getting shorter and glummer... you'd almost think they might have given up hope :-(
18:23.27jason_ukfsnyou could code a break statement into the loop
18:24.16jason_ukfsnit will turn out that Beagle 2 did discover marian life but was too busy humping it's leg to remember to turn on it's comm systems
18:31.03Leedsanyone want a job at Nullsoft?
18:31.06*** join/#gllug resuDaed (
18:33.58*** join/#gllug resuDaed (
18:48.35wethrinTum-te-tum. Win2k SP4 takes its time to download
19:15.21Leedsapparently students of theirs worked on the image compression for the US Mars rovers...
19:15.47wethrinThe working or non-working rovers? :)
19:20.00wethrinWell, that's been about 30 minutes of installing SP4
19:22.25wethrinAh.Done. Just needs a reboot
19:23.02*** join/#gllug ar__ (
19:27.13*** join/#gllug Cope (
19:27.36wethrinSubscribe to the new Gllug social list
19:29.59*** join/#gllug cozmonort (
19:30.39cozmonorthi wethrin
19:30.50TarragonIs the new list to discuss emergency pub meets or just OT chat?
19:30.59wethrinEmergency pub meets
19:31.06wethrinAnd other social things. Not for OT chat :)
19:31.28wethrinback later
19:31.30TarragonOK I will not join. Bit far
19:35.55jason_ukfsnhi Cope
19:36.00CopeHello jason!
19:42.01Copejason_ukfsn I believe so; My friend my have one I can borrow - I'll ask him this evening and let you know.
19:57.20wethrinTarragon: What? We're not worth your presence? :)
19:58.53*** join/#gllug Xiaoqi (
20:00.40CopeHi Xiaoqi
20:02.46Xiaoqihi Cope
20:09.44*** part/#gllug Clyphox (
20:20.04CopeOk, trying to stop mail notifications on my console; set MAILCHECK=0 but still getting them; any other tricks?
20:20.19wethrinman biff ?
20:20.55CopeOr even just that it might be biff that's doing it?
20:21.09wethrinbiff n
20:21.21Copeyeah saw that
20:21.29CopeI didn't know what biff was...
20:21.38wethrinIt's a mail notified
20:21.47CopeNo shit?
20:23.17CopeI feel so drained and without focus...
20:23.29wethrinWear glasses
20:23.43wethrinAh. Change them? :)
20:24.12CopePost-interview blues... won't hear anything till mon/tues
20:24.48wethrinWell, come to pubmeet tomorrow
20:25.00CopeOf FFS!!
20:25.06Copebiff is set n
20:25.15CopeAnd I -still- get the sodding notifications!
20:25.41wethrinwhat about the MAIL environment variable?
20:26.08CopeCould be that biff wasn't set no in the other terminal.
20:26.19CopeAnd I haven't changed any files yet.
20:26.31CopeBut I've set biff n there too, so lets see.
20:27.50wethrinBitchX is not particularly nice.
20:27.50*** join/#gllug cozmonort (
20:28.00wethrinIt's okay if you're only on one channel
20:28.08cozmonortback, computer was being a bastard
20:28.12CopeYeah, haven't added any more channels yet,
20:28.54CopeYeah, that sucks
20:38.09Copea nasrat...
20:38.14wethrinIt's a nasrat
20:41.59*** join/#gllug mozrat (
20:42.06mozratCope: ping
20:42.19Copemozrat: packet filtered
20:42.27mozratCope: Spoilsport
20:42.39mozratCope: any good news to report?
20:43.25CopeWell... the good news is that I think the interview went really well; the bad news is that they don't make the decision; they feed back to the first guy, and he's away till Monday.
20:43.48mozratWell thats not bad news then!
20:45.02CopeNo... I just feel exhausted and a bit impatient.
20:45.25mozratI found out why my CGI script was fscking up my HTML form....
20:46.37mozratAll of the <head> tags and the hidden elements of the form were being hidden from the browser (as they should) but the new lines characters '\n' were being passed to the browser
20:46.51Copemozrat: ahh
20:47.18mozratso I think I may need to read the HTML page out one line at a time and do the Python equivilient of a perl chomp() for each line
20:47.55mozratAny here know what that would be for Python????
20:48.16mozratI guess var[:-1]
20:49.51wethrinshell(perl -e chomp())
20:50.31mozratwethrin: is it bad practice to mix and match languages in a script??
20:50.45wethrinOf course. This is why it should be done :)
20:50.55wethrinFor bonus points, CGI-FORTRAN
20:55.45murblegood evening!1
20:56.23wethrinmurb! tomorrow?
20:57.04murblei land at STN at 1950 or somthing.
20:57.15mozratwethrin|Cope: ah ha... someones written a Python version of chomp() that I can use.. Success looms
20:57.23murbleasumming i don't miss it
20:57.33wethrinmurble: So you should be able to get to central London by about 9pm :)
20:58.07mozrat>  def chomp(s):
20:58.07mozrat>    if s[-1:]=='\n': return s[:-1]
20:58.07mozrat>    else: return s
20:59.15murblewethrin: with a ruck sack, big sports bag and a sleeping bag
20:59.25murble(assuming i managed to fit everything back intot that space)
21:01.02murblei don't know about the stansted london bit.
21:01.09murblewould bit be cheaper than stansted wycombe
21:01.18murblewethrin: isn't that funnily expensive in an unfouny way?
21:01.27murbleisn't the express like 20 quid to liverpool street?
21:02.43JDHIGNFY :)
21:03.16murbleon a wednesday?
21:03.22JDuk gold
21:03.36murblecan't get that here very easily.
21:04.17JDcan't get it here without selling your soul
21:05.20murbleto mr murdock?
21:08.03wethrinmurble: Not sure
21:13.25wethrinAnd JD
21:14.47murblewhere are people staying for fosdem?
21:14.57murble(assuming they are going etc..)
21:15.06wethrinSpudULike is trying to get people to stay in the Youth Hostel
21:16.22wethrinSo.....go up Friday morning, come back Sunday evening?
21:18.42JDI can't get the day off work :(
21:19.42JDlooks like I will be meeting you in the pub
21:20.24TarragonI am down for the Youth Hostel, but may take the EuroStar about 3pm on the Friday
21:20.39*** join/#gllug cupis (
21:20.47JDooh a cupis
21:20.50JDgood timing
21:20.54JDcupis: fosdemming?
21:20.54cupisIt certainly is.
21:21.00cupisHmm, not sure yet.
21:21.11cupisI keep meaning to have a look .
21:21.29JDcupis: not sure if I can get the day off, so I may be going on Friday night
21:21.45*** join/#gllug mozrat (
21:21.57Copelo mozrat has some stuff about doing FOSDEM on a budget.
21:25.41wethrinHm.. Anyone taking Eurostar on Friday morning?
21:26.34JDI was going to, but if I can't get the day off then I will have ot go in the evening
21:27.52CopeSpudULike: good budget plans!
21:29.54SpudULikeHmm, yeah. Can't help those with parental prioritories though!   ;-)
21:30.24Copelol - I'm getting used to being unable to do anything at all.
21:32.24mozratlo Cope
21:37.27SpudULikeIn fact, use the wiki to co-ordinate Eurostar travel too.
21:37.59wethrinThis requires more effort than the mailing list
21:40.21*** join/#gllug Cope (
21:41.00mozratCope: which os?
21:41.41Copemozrat: just linux; binaries are built against the wrong perl version, so built it myself.
21:41.55CopeJust very slow on the old old machine.
21:42.03CopeOf course :o)
21:43.22Copesorry - the compile was slow, the application is fine.
21:49.37wethrinSeen it :)
21:56.29rhoweLike a damn sauna in here
21:57.23CopeNi hao
21:57.31rhoweyeah yeah hi :)
21:57.41rhowe(badly :)
21:58.05rhoweSince I 1) Can't sing, 2) Don't know Mandarin
21:58.06rhoweOh and 3) Can't sing
21:58.52rhowe3) is very important and can cause severe trauma if forgotten
22:01.08rhowePlus, Sarah wouldn't like it of course
22:01.12rhoweMustn't forget that one
22:01.31CopePossessive, is she?
22:01.59rhoweNo, but I don't think she'd much like me fraternising with my Chinese friends when she's not here :)
22:02.15CopeI see.
22:03.51rhoweheh, this song reminds me of the time I made Sarah cry by singing :P
22:04.01rhoweIt was one of the tracks from this album
22:04.52Copecry with joy? embarrasment? emotion?
22:06.30rhoweAh yes, this was the track
22:06.35rhoweCan't remember any of the lyrics any more though
22:06.42rhoweemotion (I hope :)
22:06.48rhoweEither that, or pain :P
22:07.01wethrinGrumpf. /me takes one of the servers out of the backup mail servers
22:07.16rhowehrm, backup mail servers..
22:07.21rhoweI should probably have one of those
22:07.33wethrinI can do it for you if you want
22:07.58rhoweNo need yet - Nildram still have tcp/25 closed off for me
22:09.03Copeibot nildram
22:09.06i haven't a clue, Cope
22:09.11rhoweOK, looks like tonight is build FreeBSD RELENG4_9 night
22:09.27wethrinJoy. I've installed JDK on Windows today
22:09.28rhoweibot Nildram is a good, but !cheap ISP
22:09.30rhowe: okay
22:09.42rhoweibot: Nildram is also found at
22:09.44rhowe: okay
22:09.49rhoweibot Nildram
22:09.51nildram is probably a good, but !cheap ISP, or found at
22:10.19Copeibot demon
22:10.23methinks demon is one of the oldest and wisest of all ISP's, and deserves respect. They also do a mean DSL service. :)
22:10.48wethrinISP's what?
22:11.52wethrin"Show clue by whistling at 300baud down the telephone line"
22:12.57rhoweThen again, I was using Compuserve then
22:14.15wethrinHm. 11 seconds for disks to spin down
22:14.57Copewillizsm isz impropvginjg
22:15.24CopeHe's getting the idea of using a finger, not a hand
22:16.35Copecat /etc/services | grep hand
22:17.02rhoweor just grep hand /etc/services :P
22:17.32wethrinGratuitous use of cat...
22:18.04Cope---> change nappy
22:22.35*** join/#gllug mozrat (
22:23.35Coperelo mozrat
22:23.49mozratYip Yip
22:25.38mozratwethrin: social list??
22:26.26wethrinJust been set up
22:26.59mozratWhere, why, when, how,; to facilitate discussion and organisation of social events; today; presumably using majordomo or a python varient thereof, judging my the webpage.
22:32.23CopeMailman == python variant of majordomo?
22:33.04wethrinMailman is a GNU mailing list manager
22:35.26Copeibot mailman
22:35.27Mailing list manager with built in web access. URL:
22:36.12mozratI use mailman for a client of mine, and I'm rather fond of it: BTW I've subscribed now!
22:41.19wethrinSeen :)
22:43.38mozratMrs mozrat informs me that her bus fair into town has risen from 70p to £1 -- a 42% increase. Mentally preparing letter to Bus company
22:44.35mozratIf the service was worth a pound (or even the 70p) I wouldn't mind so much
22:46.41mozratMy sons toddling at the moment.. the bus is a little kinder to both of them
22:47.02*** join/#gllug Marios_ (
22:47.07CopeYes, I also noted the 42%% fare rise.
22:47.18Marios_hello people
22:47.24Copehello Marios_
22:47.33wethrinhi Marios_
22:47.37mozratHello Marios_: Which side of the pond are you now?
22:47.41wethrinYou back on the wrong side of the pond?
22:47.53Marios_just reached back in America
22:48.29Marios_but it was an awesome trip...
22:48.30mozratDid you notice any heavily armed sky marshals on your flight?
22:49.07Marios_yeah there was one with a portable mortar ;)
22:49.47Marios_the flight went smooth....the funny thing....when I arrived in Chicago the new immigration software crashed
22:50.05Marios_so nobody will enter US..even those with US passports
22:50.25Marios_and I stayed there for 2-3 hours
22:50.38wethrinWell, surely it's only terrorists who want to enter the US now? :)
22:50.49Marios_waiting for the program to work
22:51.10CopeInterviewer today said: You'll spend lots of time benching redhat boxes, 'cos they chew up memory and it vanishes up their arses.
22:51.20Marios_yeah all of us are terrorists
22:51.48wethrinBenching? Dropping them from a great height onto a bench?
22:51.53wethrinOr only feeling that way?
22:52.33CopeCan someone try to ping ?
22:53.10Marios_it is responding fine
22:53.40CopeHmm - what do you get if you try to ssh to it?
22:54.05rhowemozrat: Would Mrs mozrat have written in to Metro about this, perchance?
22:54.23rhowemozrat: 'cause someone did, using pretty similar wording :)
22:54.37Coperhowe: I think its a well vocalised opinion
22:54.59mozratrhowe: Nope1
22:55.33rhowemozrat: Ah
22:56.05CopeAre you using it?
22:56.09rhoweSure, daily
22:56.30evangineerCope: not getting a response from the ip address you gave.
22:57.07CopeNor me.
22:57.07Copeevangineer: Hi! :o)
22:57.07evangineerHi Cope!
22:57.07evangineerHi peeps!
22:58.01CopeHmm; can telnet to 80
22:58.19evangineerIs sshd running?
22:59.04wethrinIf it wasn't, you'd get a connection refused
22:59.51Copeevangineer: I can't get into the box to find out what's wrong.
23:01.30evangineerCope: Is there any way you can get someone local to the box to look at it or reboot it as neceesary?
23:01.40CopeSo 1214 and 6346 are the only open ports, says nmap
23:02.30Copeyep, webpage is down too.
23:03.40Copeevangineer: It would mean a phone call; Its not critical, I just noticed it not responding; someone will do something soon.
23:03.55wethrinEveryone's servers are dying?
23:04.15Copex86 hardware--
23:05.28wethrinCope: I agree completely
23:05.36wethrinThis is why I'm cutting down a lot
23:05.42CopeMaybe FreeBSD nicked Slackware's /etc/services ?
23:06.27Copewethrin: Can you think of any commercial bsd (ie !SysV) unixes still around?
23:06.43wethrinHm. Solaris went to SysV some time ago
23:06.54wethrinOTTOMH, no
23:07.14CopeNor I, but figured the TOYH might have more information than mine.
23:07.51wethrinI'll have to check Irix
23:09.26wethrinRight. Trigger happy TV time
23:11.03CopeIrix - based mostly on SysV release 2 but has inherited several of its features from BSD releases.
23:15.07*** join/#gllug mozrat (
23:15.50CopeWhen M$ bought hotmail it was run on Solaris; M$ migrated it to NT but NT couldn't cope, so they went back to Solaris! It's still run on Solaris.
23:15.54mozratHmm Xchat bombed out there for a sec
23:32.57evangineerAccording to this, Hotmail uses/used FreeBSD on the front end webservers and Solaris on the backend handling the mail and user data.
23:33.05rhoweCope: I thought they just beefed up the servers majorly and ran it on Windows but on servers that cost many times more?
23:42.14rhowefinally, I can open the window and let out all this damn heat
23:43.22rhowehm, tea.. hm
23:44.46rhowe*sigh*, guys really are suckers
23:45.16CopeEither that or girls are manipulators.
23:46.09evangineerThat is not necessarily an either/or situation, more likely an and/or.
23:47.48rhowehrm, in this case, it's me being a sucker :)
23:50.40wethrinMicrosoft tried moving the whole lot of Hotmail over to Windows, but failed miserably. So they contented themselves with running the backend on FreeBSD and the frontend on Wni2k
23:51.53rhowe23:50 -!- Threnody [] has joined #IPsex
23:51.53rhowe23:50 < Threnody> talk dirty to my bits!
23:51.53rhowe23:51 -!- Threnody [] has left #IPsex []
23:52.06CopeThanks for that.
23:52.16rhowenp :)
23:52.41rhowe#IPsex is my channel on Undernet, for when #ipsec just gets too much
23:53.18Copewethrin: Should I have a dedicated firewall, and a box behind the firewall that routes between internal and external DMZ or just use the firewall?
23:53.34CopeThank you.
23:53.44Copeibot lart wethrin
23:53.49wethrinDepends how many boxes you feel like running
23:54.22wethrinIf you want to cut down on noise and electricity bills, do it all on one
23:54.35wethrinTraditional thinking dictates one service per server
23:57.46Cope7 in total, including laptop
23:58.39mozratnight peeps
23:58.45Copenn mozrat

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