irclog2html for #gllug on 20031019

00:00.07Leedsmurb: :-)
00:00.16murband it is faster...
00:00.22Leedshmm... 35 quid on the train...
00:00.27murbalthough don't get a train that stops at ashford
00:00.38murb35 quid on the train for what?
00:01.00Leeds50 quid to fly, given similar times
00:01.33LeedsLondon->Paris return, going on Thursday morning, coming back Sunday evening, last week in November, with a 50% off voucher
00:08.11Leedshmm... maybe I should stay till Monday morning
07:22.59JDhi eye69
07:24.11eye69This'll be fun. 206 packages upgraded in Sid.
07:52.56*** join/#gllug Leeds (~richardc@
08:50.03JDhi Leeds
08:50.11JDhmmm Lag
09:11.53*** join/#gllug SpudULike (
09:46.47XiaoqiJD: lag is fun :)
09:47.10Xiaoqifun in the kind of way that banging your head against a very hard spiky wall is fun
09:48.31JDXiaoqi: hmmm interesting ideas of fun you have
10:06.18JDeeck it's a Jenson
10:06.27JDquick, hide
10:06.32Jensonlol good morning to you too JD
10:09.26JDin a platonic way I hope?
10:09.45Jensoni do that to all my male friends these days
10:11.45JDJenson: how do you reach? step ladder?
10:11.49JDor make then bend over
10:11.57Jensongit :P
10:12.08Jensoni met zimm and his new g/f yesterday
10:12.13Jensonshe's really nice
10:12.35Jensonand now he's finally got his pc back he can irritate her with Debian lol
10:16.03Jensonactually, she reminds me of me, only better looking and more intelligent
10:19.09eye69Right, I can't get ADSL in my area even though BT said I could when I phoned to activate my phoneline.
10:19.23Jensoneye69: silly wankers
10:25.07eye69Exchange is scheduled to be upgraded 14th Jan
10:25.37Jensoneye69: we can get it here, i just cant afford to yet
10:34.15Jensonmoin Huhn
10:34.18JensonHOW ARE YOU?
10:34.31Huhnhi Jenson, fine, yourself?
10:34.44Jensonfine thanks
10:34.53Jensonare you going to be at the next gllug?
10:35.54Huhndon't think so, have to sort some things out in .de
10:36.30Jensoni think i'll be there during the day, but not the pub
10:40.11Jensonanyway, i really ought to go do something useful
10:40.14Jensonseeyall later
10:47.17*** join/#gllug stephen (
10:47.40*** join/#gllug stephen (
11:04.54JDhmmm my dad seems incapable of realising that if the door was closed when he came into the room that it should be closed when he leaves
11:15.49*** join/#gllug stephen (
11:18.17Clyphoxer howzit
11:18.57JDarm aches from playing with my ball
11:19.58ClyphoxThe 'ickle ball ? like mine?
11:21.02JDnah mine is huge
11:21.21ClyphoxI got mine at the Expo :-(
11:21.29Clyphoxit was free though :-)
11:23.00murbanyone for beer in londond today?
11:24.17Clyphoxnot me sorry
11:28.57*** join/#gllug stephen (stephen@
11:29.08eye69Not me
11:31.04JDnor me
11:49.43Huhnnope, sorry
11:52.45JDHuhn: which contry are you in?
11:52.57HuhnJD: .de at the mo
11:53.14JDas I though
11:53.42Huhnthere are lots of pics of me ;)
11:53.43JDyou want a copy?
11:53.49Huhnyes, why not
11:56.39Clyphox"Barbie would also be tired of Microsoft's licensing bullshit," he added.
11:57.24Huhnyep :)
11:57.30Huhnbest sentence
11:58.38HuhnYou don't have permission to access /IMGP0201.JPG on this server.
11:59.00JDtry now
11:59.37Huhnoh dear
11:59.40Huhnthanks ;)
12:00.03JDHuhn: np
12:03.42ClyphoxWTF? : "My husband and I realized that Michael was homosexual before he was even one year old"
12:05.05Clyphoxhow the FUCK do you get GAY toddlers?!?!
12:05.50WethrinErm. It's a pisstake.
12:06.09Clyphox"I look forward to the day when all children will be implanted with microprocessors that moderate their speech and behavior and suppress aggressive, anti-social impulses with a shot of seratonin to the frontal cortex"
12:06.19Wethrinmurb: What about Wycombebeer?
12:06.41murbWethrin: or beconsfield beer?
12:06.44murbI'm in london atm
12:06.52murbso will be coming back in that direction.
12:07.00WethrinBeaconsfield beer might be good too. What time, though?
12:07.10murbwell i've not breakfasted yet.
12:07.21Clyphoxohh.. so I don't need to spam  Jorge Lopez  hehe
12:09.14WethrinNeither have I.
12:09.28murbwell, i'm south of the river
12:09.28HuhnJD: you as KDE expert... can you explain XDG menus? just reading some release notes and I don't quite understand what it's all about..
12:10.19WethrinAlthough some people are coming around 4ish today. So I wouldn't be able to make beer if it was around 3. I could make beer if it was around 7/8 onwards.
12:10.59JDHuhn: asically it is a standard location and file format for menu entries shared between KDE and gnome
12:11.30JDI don't think so
12:11.32Huhnhow does vfolder connect to this?
12:11.41Huhnor is that another feature..?
12:12.18WethrinAren't GUIs just for opening lots of xterms?
12:12.24JDWethrin: aye
12:12.34WethrinThat, and web browsing
12:12.36murbHuhn: get a job writting artgicles for "linux magazine without users" then.
12:13.14HuhnI don't want to writt artgicles :)
12:13.39murbcan you make murblish the offical lanaguage of the magzine?
12:14.03murbthere are so few linux publications in native murblish, i'm sure they'd be a market
12:14.05Huhnmh, we could write a perl script that does murblish automatically..
12:14.07murbfor them.
12:14.40WethrinThe murblizer?
12:14.50WethrinBleh. Camden Town tube derailment
12:14.50murbI think google will go bust in 2 to 5 years if they don't have murblish interntionali=satinos
12:14.56murbindeed :(I
12:15.26WethrinDidn't seem to make the national news, though
12:15.34murbit has made
12:15.47JDHuhn: I thinik vfolders are used to provide structure to the menus
12:15.48WethrinYes, that's where I saw it.
12:15.55WethrinAfter reading on #keble :)
12:15.57JDand the menus are in just one folder
12:18.06HuhnJD: I'm trying to understand what vfolder does.. can't find anything useful so far
12:18.25Huhntheoretically it should provide that you can reach menu things in 2 levels
12:18.30Huhnbut how does it work?
12:19.03JDHuhn: aiui all the .desktop files are put in one directory and each .desktop says where it should be in the menu structure
12:19.10JDbut I could be wrong
12:19.29WethrinMm. Food time
12:19.44JDor it could be that the vfolder stuff is a way of decided where to put entries based on different criteria
12:29.02Leedshi JD
12:29.27Clyphoxwb Leeds
12:29.28JDwow that is some loag
12:29.53Leedsit's called "woke up early, had breakfast, went back to sleep:
12:43.23JDthat is a long lunch
12:44.30Leedswell, it also included tea, dinner, a couple of synagogue services, reading Ecclesiastes and so on
12:45.55Leedsall unexpectedly :-)
12:48.31murbbut you were fed.
12:48.36murbso what does it matter?
12:48.48eye69Are there any "good" options for unmetered dialup?
12:51.09Leedswhat do you mean by good?
12:52.25eye69Well, that work without problems with a standard modem, and don't require Windows, and that preferably wont limit you to a number of hours per month.
12:53.15LeedsI'm not sure you'll get 24/7 dial-up from anywhere for a reasonable price, if that's what you mean
12:53.33murbI know somsone who users demons service 24x7 but it is quite expensive.
13:04.51JDmurb: approx 45GBP a month
13:06.24Huhndo ppl here know how to check if a CD has copy protection? (I mean for online shops...)
13:08.33murbHuhn: you want to buy sokjmthing, but want to know if it is going to play in a comipute4r?
13:10.32Huhnmurb: exactly
13:10.50Huhnthere is one database I found, but the 2 CDs are not in it..
13:11.01HuhnI don't want to buy CDs with copy protection
13:11.47LeedsHuhn: buy 'em, if they're protected, return them noisily
13:12.05murbif they display the compact disk digitial audio you should be ok
13:12.29murbif they display that and they've brokne the standard they should expect philips lawyers to be in contract with them.
13:12.30Huhnmurb: I can't see that logo in an onlin store..
13:12.47murbHuhn: and you can't get it in a shop?
13:12.49Huhnso, the only chance is go to the shops these days..
13:13.03Huhnmurb: I don't fancy going out, I like online shopping, cause I'm lazy
13:13.07Huhnall I want is information
13:13.13Leedsyou should still be able to return it, but not as noisily, and with more work
13:13.29HuhnLeeds: sure, but that's not the point ;)
13:13.35murbHuhn: clearly you need a slave to go out on you r belhalf and buy the cd from a place that lets you take it back if you don't like it.
13:13.36HuhnI would like to know in advance..
13:14.02Huhnit would be great if shops like amazon had some information on that..
13:14.23murbis google of any use?
13:15.36Huhntrying already
13:23.11Huhnmh, pity, in that case you can't buy online anymore..
13:24.26JDHuhn: I could only help you if you brought them in a UK shop
13:24.46HuhnJD: what do you mean?
13:25.05JDwell I could explain how UK consumer law works
13:25.20JDbut that probably wouldn;t help you in .de and using the internet
13:32.54HuhnJD: nevermind, I called a friend and asked whether he knows sth (it's a Loreena McKennit CD and he's a fan) and he said the CD would most likely be ok, so I'll risk it ;)
13:33.32JDHuhn: well if you are in a UK shop ask if it is a CD
13:34.56HuhnJD: yep, my point is more: I want to buy in online shops and I want information about this, that was all ;)
13:35.14JDHuhn: I know which is why my knowledge is useless to you
13:35.41LeedsHuhn: call the online shop?
13:35.54LeedsI would expect I could call to ask them...
13:40.39HuhnLeeds: I'll send them mail that they should definitely include those infos on their sites, otherwise it's getting useless for customers
13:40.48Leedsgood idea
13:44.54Leedsthey can be
13:46.17HuhnWethrin: where are you buying?
13:49.11WethrinWell, individually they're not too bad. But the accumulated price...
13:51.02WethrinBut it's still quite tempting to buy the Hitchhiker's Guide and complete Blackadder.
13:51.47Huhnyep, I know
13:53.09WethrinAre they reliable?
13:53.43Leedsin my experience
13:54.29Leedsand the no shipping charge means it's easy to just pick one thing and buy it, which is nice
13:55.38WethrinBah. I'm just a poor student. I can't keep buying DVDs :)
13:56.18Leedsvery true :-)
13:56.21WethrinSo if anyone's feeling generous and want to contribute to a student's happiness buy buying DVDs.... :)
13:57.25Leedsrelease a shitload of (or some very high quality) free stuff, and put up a wishlist
14:02.36Leedsjust a thought :-)
14:04.11WethrinHm. Releasing free stuff might be harder...
14:06.02Leedsharder than what?
14:06.14WethrinThat not releasing :)
14:06.20Leedswell yeah
14:06.34WethrinWhat sort of free stuff were you thinking of?
14:06.47Leedsalternatively, release some non-free stuff, use money to buy DVDs...
14:09.04LeedsI've got plenty on my own to-do list, thanks
14:09.47WethrinOh well.
14:15.14murbWethrin: no work from suse after all then?
14:17.52Leedson 'TV'
14:18.08HuhnLeeds: poor PC, should've installed Linux
14:18.16murbLeeds: how close is your mac to you?
14:18.23Wethrinmurb: Yes, got work with SuSE
14:18.30Leedsit's still at "left Utrecht"
14:18.45WethrinBut that'll only just about cover monthly transport costs
14:19.32WethrinBecome a student
14:19.49murbstudent -> study;
14:19.55murbno thank yhou.
14:21.20WethrinGet a job.
14:22.43LeedsWethrin: duh
14:23.39murbWethrin: I had one and didn't like it.
14:23.55WethrinGet one you do like
14:24.10murboh and i was losing money doing it.
14:24.18Tarragonmurb: Does his mn rathr than work every hour an not get pai you just don't get paid and save the hassle?
14:24.46LeedsTarragon: keyboard trouble?
14:24.55murbTarragon: yeah, i get to cut out the middle man
14:24.56WethrinLeeds: No, he's talking in murblish
14:24.58JDLeeds: he is using murbish
14:25.00murband also the expences of living abroad.
14:25.09Leedsah, oops, sotrry
14:25.13TarragonYes. Wireless - think the batteries are dying again.
14:26.58murbis anyone going to the apple ukuug thing?
14:27.29WethrinI would do, but can't.
14:27.34Leedsmaybe if it weren't during working hours
14:27.55Leedspity really..
14:29.44murbLeeds: but other sun people seem to be able to get time off to attend it..
14:29.55murbnot as holiday etc.
14:30.05Leedsnot for me...
14:30.44Leedsand given that I don't actually have a Mac yet ;-)
15:29.49WethrinWell tell them to hurry up
15:30.00WethrinOh, OS 10.3 will be out RSN
15:39.19*** join/#gllug cupis (~paul@
15:41.01Leeds24th at 8pm
15:41.39Leedsor available *now* on bittorrent :-)
15:55.48WethrinI'm considering buying it.
16:02.46Leedswell, since I should get it for 14 quid... I think it'll be worth buying it
16:34.54*** join/#gllug murb (~murble@
16:37.31*** join/#gllug zachary (
17:30.56*** join/#gllug murb (~murble@
17:44.30*** join/#gllug Wethrin (~ecoli@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
17:44.30*** join/#gllug Tarragon ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
17:44.30*** join/#gllug nasr_hol (~paul@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
18:43.15*** join/#gllug cozmonort (
19:04.09Leedsmy ADSL went down :-(
19:05.01WethrinWhat are you using now?
19:05.13Leedsnot for very long, and AFAICT excactly 7 days after I last brought it up
19:05.19Leedsit's back up now
19:05.25WethrinAh, good.
19:05.37Leedsbut that 7 days is interesting
19:07.15WethrinRoll-over problem?
19:07.34WethrinSee if it happens next week, too.
19:07.37Leedsthe actual ADSL didn't go down, just the PPP...
19:08.03murbLeeds: which excuse for an isp are you using?
19:15.56WethrinHmm. Javadoc isn't so bad.
19:25.26Leedsoooh... Blair's been in hospital this afternoon with some heart trouble...
19:27.06Leedsin which direction?
19:27.52WethrinLet's just say that I'm none too fond of our prime minister
19:28.59LeedsI think the strongest appropriate hope is minor incapacitaion
19:29.00Jensonare any of us?
19:29.41WethrinWell, if he's forced to leave office, that's good enough for me.
19:29.56WethrinHe does have kids, so they do need a father.
19:30.30WethrinEek. I'm starting to kinda like Java.
19:30.31LeedsWethrin: that's pretty much what I meant, yes
19:30.56Jensongrrr msn news and mozilla dont get on, i think i'll use cnn
19:31.18WethrinBah. and
19:32.04Jensoni used to read cnn, but tend to read the news on a windows machine so use msn
19:32.56murbWethrin: did you like it before you started your course?
19:33.38WethrinI didn't have too much of an opinion on in. Only a mild aversion.
19:35.23*** join/#gllug cupis (~paul@
19:36.16*** part/#gllug cupis (~paul@
19:58.09*** join/#gllug cupis (~paul@
20:02.30*** join/#gllug Wethrin (~ecoli@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
20:02.30*** join/#gllug Tarragon ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
20:02.30*** join/#gllug nasr_hol (~paul@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
20:35.41TarragonIn the quest for knowldge I can report that 1999 Everard Daredevil beer (best before Oct 2001) is undrinkable. Owd Roger 1996 (best before Aug 1999) is fantastic!
20:36.17Leedsso if you're offline for a day or two we know why?
20:38.39TarragonBut seen as I fade in and out anyway and the keyboard is dying, how would you know?
20:39.28WethrinMmm. Bitshifts.
20:44.26Tarragon4 cycle clock penalty on Intel P4, 0.5 for hift but 3cycle for setup. imul is sometimes better
20:47.38TarragonHow will the new M$ emails in Office 2003 that self destruct work?
20:50.02murbthis computer will self distruct in 15 minutes
20:50.13Leedssent encrypted, only readable by MS clients... then anything is possible, in theory
20:51.38murbhave they not heard of copy and paste?
20:51.46murbor screenshots?
20:53.17Jensonmurb: ah, but a windows machine will probably crash in the process
21:00.10Jensonwhats the command to run a second X session?
21:00.45Wethrinstartx -- :1
21:01.02Jensonffs, i just noticed that any user logged into my system has access to my home dir
21:03.47Jensongrr, bloody GUI, now i need to work out how to permissions in console yay
21:04.23WethrinMake sense, girl.
21:04.50Jensonwell, i dont think other users, other than root are meant to be able to access my home dir lol
21:08.32Wethrinman chmod
21:09.02Jensonive moved on from that now lol doing something else
21:11.25WethrinAh. You've fixed ti then
21:12.43Jensonyeh, and now ive been reminded about how to start a second X session i can let my mother use it without her whinging about the colourscheme, i did try to convince her to use her own login
21:12.47Jensonbut it didnt work lol
21:13.10Leedschange your password, change the root password - make her use her own account
21:13.29*** join/#gllug cupis (~paul@
21:14.56Jensonshe doesnt know the passwords, i leave it booted up, if they reboot into windows then they can stay there
21:16.15Leedspassword the bios - make it boot into Linux
21:16.30murba ghost?
21:17.18*** join/#gllug Xiaoqi (
21:17.22JensonLeeds: when my lilo was dead, and i booted into linux from the slack cd, i used to forget to take it out the cdrom drive, that confused my parents a couple of times
21:17.25Jensonheya Huhn
21:17.26Jensonheya Xiaoqi
21:17.57Xiaoqigah -server died and I've lost all my screen sessions!
21:18.07Xiaoqigrumble grumble humph
21:18.17Jensonwell, make a ner one lol
21:18.21Jensonerm new one even
21:18.33Jensonthats why i stopped using Alex's server, kept being dead
21:18.50Xiaoqihmm :/
21:18.53Xiaoqinot a lot of fun
21:19.18Xiaoqiit hasn't started working again yet, it is busy refusing to be on the network :(
21:19.35JensonXiaoqi: well, ive just, yet again, completely redesigned my desktop colourscheme so thats cool
21:20.22Xiaoqimmm strawberries!
21:21.21JensonXiaoqi: did i tell you i saw zimm and his g/f emma yesterday?
21:21.35Xiaoqinope -how are they?
21:21.44Jensongreat it seems
21:21.53Jensonand Emma is really really nice, first time ive met her
21:28.43Jensonnight all
21:37.01JDLeeds: it's the one with the breast
21:38.05WethrinOh the shame.
21:38.23JDLeeds Spaced is on paramount 2
21:49.52WethrinG'night all
21:59.06*** join/#gllug Xiaoqi_ (
22:00.31LeedsJD: I've got both series of SPaced on DVD
22:01.03JDLeeds: it s=is the one where marsha finds out they arne;t a couple
22:01.14JDjust had a bugsy malone reference
22:02.06Leedsone of the DVD sets (second one, I think) has all the movie/tv/cartoon/etc. references as an alternate subtitle track :-)
22:02.33JDlol empire strikes back ending :)
22:06.54eye69Damn, Bliar wont be disappearing anytime soon.
22:07.02Huhnright, off to bed, nn

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