irclog2html for #gllug on 20030714

00:05.29*** join/#gllug murble (~murble@
00:54.11*** join/#gllug SpudULike (
02:07.11*** join/#gllug Clyphox_afk (~clyphox@
05:19.55new2unixmoin al
06:26.44new2unixmorning SpudULike. Ive got some more tickets. i'll tell you about them when i get back. off to work now. Adios Amigos
06:50.21*** join/#gllug zachary (
08:14.24*** join/#gllug jason_ukfsn (
08:14.28jason_ukfsnmorning all
08:22.02copeNew to #gllug and irc in general - be gentle! :o)
08:24.13jason_ukfsnAre you based in or near London cope?
08:24.28copeYeah NW6
08:25.23copeWould be happy to come to a gllug meeting! I went to an event you put on a year or so ago, and enjoyed it - esr talk, iirc.
08:26.05jason_ukfsnYou just missed this month's GLLUG meeting - on Saturday. There is, however, a Lonix meeting this week. See for details
08:26.22jason_ukfsnLonix is more a social thing
08:27.11copeWed 6pm EC2 - groovy.
08:27.33copeAh... so chill and chat basically. Nice.
08:28.16jason_ukfsnpretty much yes.
08:28.32copeCool. So you're based in London, then?
08:29.07copeSorry - dumb question, the answer to which is yes.
08:29.55jason_ukfsnI'm based in Borehamwood which is just on the border or London and Herts.
08:30.18jason_ukfsnI grew up in Kilburn so I'm fairly familiar with NW6
08:31.24copeAh yeah - we live more or less in Kilburn
08:31.53copeDo you work in IT?
08:32.01jason_ukfsnwest hampstead or willesden?
08:32.26copeWest Hampstead.. Mill Lane just at the Kilburn end of Mill Lane
08:32.35jason_ukfsnI run a couple of ISPs.
08:33.02jason_ukfsnMill Lane is right opposite where I grew up (Cummit Court)
08:33.05jason_ukfsnMill Lane is right opposite where I grew up (Summit Court)
08:33.15copeAh - I know there. Heh!
08:34.20copeI have just been given some IT responsibility and a small budget to deploy a server at work - and hopefully that will lead on to a few other projects.
08:35.02jason_ukfsnWhat's the server for? Will it be running Linux?
08:36.04copeFor sure! Its going to run apache, be an imap server and a few other bits and pieces - routing, dial-in - the primary task is to set up imap email and diary sharing for the company.
08:36.46copeOh and probably replace the current mail server/dhcp server - ages old and unmaintained.
08:37.29zacharyWelcome cope, next gllug event will be in Bletchley Park next month. Details will be posted to the website and announced through the email lists in the next few weeks.
08:37.53copeThanks zachary!
08:38.44*** join/#gllug SPQR (~a4266@
08:43.03copeAnyone use irssi?
08:43.31copeI want to know how to stop stuff scrolling off the screen?\
08:44.28TarragonOhh Text100 PR has lost the SCO contract (They also do IBM) and SCO will now use ICAS for all their sick twisted PR
08:56.39*** join/#gllug Bogart (
09:08.45SpudULikecope: How are you getting it on the screen in the first place fro it to scroll off?
09:09.12SpudULikeTarragon: Yeah, had to happen, you could feel the indecision in the releases.
09:12.00SpudULike"Early will I seek thee" - sign above the door of the Emmanuel C E Primary School. Got bits of stone in the walls dating back to the C14.
09:14.05copespudulike> I have irsii running (console only) but in busy rooms such as #debian I lose a lot of stuff as I have not sussed out a paging feature.
09:14.37TarragonDoesn't PgUp work?
09:15.26copecope Such as I have in tinyfugue where /more on sets up more paging - and tab scrolls page by page.
09:15.26copeI didn't even try pgup
09:15.26copeOh that's fine then!
09:15.28copeThanks Tarragon!
09:15.51SpudULikejason_ukfsn: What school did you go to then?
09:17.50SpudULikeI ask, 'cos I grew up (some would say) in the house on the corner of Mill Lane and Fordwych Road.
09:18.17jason_ukfsnschool? Primary schools were St. Agnes in Cricklewood and then later Mazenod in Kilburn
09:18.25copeGosh! we're all Mill Lane people then!! I can see that house out of my window!
09:18.39jason_ukfsnAfter that I occassionally went to St Georges
09:18.53jason_ukfsnIt's the "mill hill massive" ;)
09:19.41jason_ukfsnwhen did you grow up there SpudULike?
09:19.54jason_ukfsnPlease don't say "when I was a kid" or similar
09:20.17SpudULikeWhen I was younger. I can just remember that far back ;-)
09:20.27SpudULikeSpoil sport.
09:20.58SpudULikeI'm 3, errr, 3, errr, 3, errrr, I'm not going to say on here.
09:21.42SpudULikeIt's the something in the 3 something that I'm fighting with.
09:22.58SpudULikeI lived in Fordwych road between '69 and '82. My Mother still lives in Lowfield Road. Do you remember the sweet shop in Hemstel Road?
09:23.43copeHemstel Road is of West End Lane iirc
09:23.59SpudULikeWoud have been the shop the kids from St. G's would have gone to from the Annexed school.
09:24.27SpudULikeNear the Grange park.
09:26.51SpudULikejason_ukfsn: Did you go to the junior part of St Georges?
09:27.12SpudULikeWhy didn't you do Hampstead?
09:27.20jason_ukfsnJunior part? If you mean the annex the answer is yes.
09:28.08SpudULikeAnd the local sweet shop from that bit of the school?
09:28.17SpudULikeYou remember that?
09:28.27jason_ukfsnno, I don't remember it.
09:28.58SpudULikeAh, no problem then.
09:29.14jason_ukfsnI was more interested in where to buy cigarettes
09:29.38SpudULikeOK, the sweet shop did fags too.
09:29.58TarragonWhat type of sweets did they sell? Did they have proper glass jars of stuff or just a counter with 1p toffees?
09:30.11SpudULikeHemptel Road would be the road you would walk up if you were going towards West End Lane.
09:30.58copeFrom Kilburn - connects Kilburn and the Southern End of West Hampstead.
09:31.07SpudULike1p toffees. Next time you see D, ask her for £5 worth of .5p MoJo's.
09:31.18jason_ukfsnlots of roads connect Kilburn to W.Hapmstead
09:31.49SpudULikeIt would have be the one you would have walked along to get to West End Lane from the School.
09:31.51copeYep - Messina, Gascony, Quex (from Memory)
09:31.58copeI cycle around there all the time!
09:32.43SpudULikecope: So you live there or work there?
09:33.07copeI live on Mill Lane and work in Fitzrovia
09:33.35SpudULikeYou cycle in to work?
09:34.19SpudULikeGood man.
09:35.09TarragonHalfpenny mojo's. You was robbed. We could get Mojo's, Fruit Salads or Blackjack's at 3 for a penny. Maybe I am a lot older.
09:35.33SpudULikeMaybe thems 'up north prices?
09:35.47copelol - I remember mojos going up to 1p
09:36.39SpudULikecope: Did you grow up in West Hampstead or have you moved there recenlty?
09:37.03SpudULikeTarragon: Then were those funny big pennies though!
09:37.23TarragonYes - Cheaper in North. Here we also had he glass jars and one had differing colours of sherbert. The jar was about half empty, and I noe regret asking for some as i still do not know how they got it out without mixing up the colours
09:38.25SpudULikejason_ukfsn: When were you at Aggies?
09:38.39copeSpudULike> I grew up mostly in Scotland - moved to West Hampstead just over a year ago - lived in London about 2 years
09:38.50jason_ukfsn1975 - 1978. When I moved to Mazenod as it was supposed to be better.
09:39.34SpudULikeWas it?
09:40.32jason_ukfsnI can't remember. I started a career of truancy soon after.
09:42.14SpudULikeOK, well I started at Hampstead in '75.
09:47.46copeWhat other irc channels are good? I have used #debian which I found was busy and a bit elitist, #knoppix was friendly... any recommends?
09:49.30SpudULikeNo, I don't think anyone from #debian lives/lived in West Hampstead/Kilburn/Cricklewood.  Best stop here.
09:50.25SpudULike;-)                                                                                         btw
09:57.09copeOk - opinions - setting this machine up as a mail server - sendmail? postifix>? exim?
09:58.32copeAll I know is that exim users hate postfix and vice versa... and sendmail has a huge config file!
09:58.40copeSendmail is maybe a bit old? Dunno - what do you guys think?
10:04.12jason_ukfsnI'd go with Postfix as it is very easy to configure and works really well.
10:04.19jason_ukfsnI use postfix for my ISPs.
10:08.08jason_ukfsnPostfix, exim and sendmail are the MTA. IMAP is a different layer. All of them can work with most IMAP implementations and I know that Postfix works with all of them.
10:08.25jason_ukfsnWhich IMAP daemon do you intend to use?
10:11.24copeProbably courier\
10:12.10jason_ukfsnpostfix with courier is very easy and works well in my experience.
10:13.37copeapt-get install time, methinks.
10:31.40*** join/#gllug nasrat (~paul@
10:32.35copeHiya :o)
10:35.10JDhi all
10:41.42*** join/#gllug JD (~david@
10:48.53*** join/#gllug SPQR (~a4266@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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10:55.15*** join/#gllug nasrat (~paul@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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10:55.15*** join/#gllug Clyphox_afk (~clyphox@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
10:55.15*** join/#gllug SpudULike ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
10:55.15*** join/#gllug cope ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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10:55.16*** join/#gllug agk_away ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
11:00.48JDhi jason_ukfsn
11:00.56JDhow is sunny britian?
11:04.31jason_ukfsnVery sunny and hot
11:07.18JDame here
11:29.17jason_ukfsnwoohoo, two servers have just arrived from DNUK. Time to play. bbl
11:40.14JDhmm 100Mbit
11:42.27nasratJD: so you've slurped 2.6 test1 :)
12:04.37JDer I only buld 2.5.75 yesterday
12:11.19*** join/#gllug resuDaed (
12:12.11resuDaedhas taken me 10 minutes to work out how to run putty on this damn (almost secure) windows box
12:13.18resuDaedno access to explorer, winfile, the desktop, command prompt, only a network drive, that cannot even be accessed though iexplore
12:13.40resuDaedbut they left VBE in word :-)
12:13.42copeHow did you do it?
12:14.08resuDaedone button, one text box and the simple Shell ("textbox") :-)
12:14.27*** join/#gllug jenson (~jenson@
12:14.55resuDaedsaved putty to my documents folder, and run it from word :-)
12:15.17jensonheya resuDaed
12:15.26jensonarguing with Windows too are you?
12:15.36resuDaedyeah, some bastard made it almost secure
12:15.45copeNice one :o)
12:16.12resuDaedas I said above ...
12:16.16resuDaedno access to explorer, winfile, the desktop, command prompt, only a network drive, that cannot even be accessed though iexplore
12:16.32jensonresuDaed: yeh our sc hool did that, except we found that we could use word to get to the explorer, then run netclient to take over other com,puters lol
12:17.06resuDaedword is one of the biggest security flaws on windows boxes
12:17.12jensonOnly in Windows could you install a scanner of the fscking driver disc, have i working for 2 years, and then find that this time i need to fscking patch it
12:17.18jensonso now i'm d/ling patches
12:17.50jensonI dont use Win if I canb help it, I justy think I have more chance trying to get this scanner working with Win that with Slack
12:18.45jensonresuDaed: where the hell were you all weekend, i didnt see you or Beth
12:18.57jensonI spent most of the weekend with Costa
12:19.07jensonmainly because we walked round Enfield all Satuday night
12:19.23copeWhy do people (myself included) so frequently typo that for than? I mean n is nowhere near t...
12:19.26jensonThen bloody Sunday night I got home at 11 coz our trains got delayed by a suicide
12:19.39jensoncope: coz wew're geeks
12:19.58jensoncope: no ewww was looking at two severed arms and not being able to see the rest of the body
12:19.58resuDaedjenson : tidying my room (not a small job)
12:20.08jensonresuDaed: ah yeh, i understand
12:20.41jensonDammit I'm shakingh
12:20.50jensontaking up smoking for thw whole of one night was not sensible lol
12:20.53resuDaedhe he, the code to run any proggy you like ...
12:21.07resuDaedPrivate Sub CommandButton1_Click()
12:21.07resuDaedShell (TextBox1)
12:21.09resuDaedEnd Sub
12:21.22jensonresuDaed: Is your network back up yet?
12:21.36resuDaeddo an nmap on
12:21.56jensonlol cope most of my stuff insot on the desk
12:21.59jensonits in the corridor
12:22.04jensonmy dad painted the cieling lol
12:23.15jensonright, i'm out, better reboot and see if this works, if it does I'll BBL coz I have to email all this shit I'm scanning
12:26.02copebrb - switching to laptop (still haven't got sodding dhcp server working - bah)
12:35.27*** join/#gllug jenson (~jenson@
12:35.38jensonbloody windows
12:37.19JDhi jenson
12:37.26JDhow ar eyou hon
12:38.55resuDaedcan someone confirm the time for me pls (this ultra secure box seems not to have a clock)
12:42.12*** join/#gllug cope (
12:42.43copeHaving problems with getting an ip address dynamically from the laptop running Knoppix
12:42.59copeOdd - when not running knoppix (ie suse atm) it works fine.
12:46.09jensongrrrrr how bloody long does it take to d/l 3MB ffs
12:46.36JDon a modem around 15minutes
12:47.12jensonor I cant read
12:47.29jensonI think I might still be sleepy lol
12:47.52jensonOh well, cant d/l that now
12:47.55jensonhave to do it tongith
12:48.07JDthat would be about 2 hours
12:48.31jensonthats what it said lol
12:48.53jensonYou'd thinjk I'd have worked out that with 1 hour 51 at 4.4kb/s I wasnt d/ling 3MB duh
12:49.01jensonI need that driver
12:49.05jensonI'll get it tonight
12:50.01jensonI'd just use another system if I hadn't killed all my RAM
12:50.07jensonI have 3 fscked computer now
12:50.13jensonAnd 6 dead HDD
12:50.24jensonI think I best find a job in software when I bother to get one
12:52.48jensonWell I have one, but as a claner
12:52.54jensonand I'm better thab that
12:52.57jensonerm cleaner
12:57.07jensonoh well
12:57.10jensoni better go
12:57.13jensonsee you guys later
13:01.44JDhi Clyphox
13:01.50JDhow are things going?
13:01.59Clyphoxok.. j00?
13:02.13ClyphoxMight get a spiffy solaris job atm..
13:02.26Clyphoxas long as its not M$ I'm happy
13:02.43JDjob == money == cool hardware
13:03.01JDare you coming toukuug?
13:03.15JDah yes today is Monday
13:03.38Clyphoxdon't know.. busy and poor
13:03.51ClyphoxMight be in the area for booze up later at least
13:03.56copeAnyone in the mood for helping me troubleshoot this failure to get an IP for my laptop? I'll save my fingers telling you what I have established if not! :o)
13:04.33Clyphoxcope: I can try to help
13:05.40copeOk - here's the score:
13:06.04copeLaptop normally running suse, connect to adsl router acting as dhcp server - fine with suse - eth0 using natsemi driver
13:06.26copeShove in knoppix cd - fails to get ip address.
13:06.47ClyphoxMight be a kernel thing.. is it pcmcia?
13:06.48copeChecked lsmod - natsemi driver is there but unused
13:06.58copeNot pcmcia
13:07.39Clyphoxany notable errors in dmesg?
13:07.51copeChecked dmesg - finds NIC - picks right module, but fails on autonegotiation and sits there.
13:08.01Clyphoxis it supposed to receive dhcp?
13:08.04SPQRhey Clyphox
13:08.06copeLet me just look at dmesg again.
13:08.57copeclyphox> Yeah - its set to try... and I tried manually with both dhcpd3 and netcardconfig
13:09.19Clyphoxjust try ifconfig etho 192.168.0.XX
13:10.02copeOk - ifconfig -v shows its there now - 192,168.1.2
13:10.03Clyphoxer : ifconfig eth0 $IP
13:10.50copeCan't ping router - just hangs - no messsage.
13:11.58*** join/#gllug ultravox (~ultravox@
13:11.59nasrattry ethtool/mii-diag to see if it thinks it has a link
13:12.09ultravoxi have an epson c82 printer and i've been thinking about printing Linux t-shirts for my own personal use but could not find any newbie friendly tutorial about it
13:13.10*** join/#gllug sash (voidzero@SDF.LONESTAR.ORG)
13:13.15copenasrat> Never used ethtool - is there a -d switch or something?
13:13.55nasratcope just as root /sbin/ethtool eth0
13:15.01nasratcheck cabling then :)
13:15.24copek - brb
13:18.26copeWell... did ifconfig eth0 down then up - can ping router but nothing else
13:18.26copeTried dhcpd3 eth0 again - No subnet declaration for eth0 - ignoring requests on eth0
13:20.34nasratifconfig eth0 x.x.x.x netmask up
13:20.50nasratroute add default x.x.x.y (router ip address)
13:21.11Clyphoxinit? route add default gw x.x.x.y  ?
13:21.22nasratClyphox: yup you are right
13:22.07copeWhere gw is given that that is the ip of the adsl router?
13:22.20nasratno route add default gw
13:23.26copeThen run /etc/init.d/networking restart?
13:23.33*** part/#gllug ultravox (~ultravox@
13:23.40copeOr just take eth0 down and up?
13:26.19copeHmm - not getting anywhere... *scratches head*
13:26.36nasratcope do nothing then
13:26.57nasratok if you have got the ip and gateway configured ping your gateway
13:27.25nasratthen ping
13:32.03nasratdo those work
13:32.17nasratif those work then try ping
13:32.34nasratif that fails you need to setup nameservers for dns (/etc/resolv.conf)
13:36.45*** join/#gllug cope_ (
13:37.12cope_Now can't even ping the router.
13:37.52Clyphoxdoes anything return?
13:46.58nasratping -b for broadcast isn't it
13:47.16ClyphoxI've never done it that way..
13:47.23Clyphoxthere's always nmap -sP
13:52.48*** join/#gllug Cope (
13:53.34CopeWell... it works on my desktop machine.
13:56.38*** part/#gllug Cope (
14:17.02*** join/#gllug sash (voidzero@SDF.LONESTAR.ORG)
14:39.42*** join/#gllug cope (
14:41.20copeOk - purely at a conceptual level - apart from cable - which is fine, why might I be completely unable to ping the router?
14:41.34nasratswitch or hub?
14:41.47copeNope - I have it connected directly into the router.
14:42.08copeeth0 isn't there on startup - if I then ifconfig eth0 up - it appears
14:42.27copeAnd its using the same kernel module I use atm when not using knoppix - and that is fine.
14:42.56nasratcope: sounds like a knoppix startup thing
14:42.59copeObviously, since it failed to get an ip, I have to give it one manually - is that right?
14:43.25Clyphoxany idea how to force a pcmcia nic to not auto negotiate and go too full 100?
14:46.52copeHmm... maybe an irq conflict - dmesg shows rather a lot of things on 11
14:47.12sashClyphox: mii-tool?
14:50.58sashClyphox_afk: Full or half duplex?
14:51.04nasratethtool for modern cards
14:53.45*** join/#gllug cope_ (
15:30.04*** join/#gllug SPQR (~a4266@
15:36.54JDhi from nowray
15:37.14JDwe give Sweden nil points
15:55.31*** join/#gllug cope (
15:55.52*** join/#gllug jenson (~jenson@
15:57.04JDhi jenson
16:04.36jensonis it too much to ask for anyone else scanners to be correctly instaqlled, just coz mine isnt lol
16:04.51*** part/#gllug SPQR (~a4266@
16:04.59*** join/#gllug SPQR (~a4266@
16:05.04jensonre Al
16:05.04SPQRheya beki
16:28.09copeAnyone able to explain a little about framebuffers to me?
16:29.21nasratibot: google for framebuffer linux
16:30.57*** join/#gllug G2 (~gdive23@
16:38.43copeWell.... not quite true.
16:38.55copeJust didn't answer what I need to know.
16:39.36nasratwhat are you trying to do
16:42.11copeI'm trying to understand why on my laptop when I run some distros I only get a visible screen of a rectange about 50% area of the screen
16:42.41copeAnd with others after a few seconds teh screen changes and fills the screen
16:43.12copeThis has happened in console mode and in X.
16:43.41nasratmurble: no I don't like to spam
16:45.27copeAnd is how I came to run SuSe on my laptop as it was the first one I found that actually used the whole screen...
16:45.28copeBut I wonder if its actually pretty easy to do...
16:45.28copeDoes my description make any sense or would you like clarification?
17:13.20*** join/#gllug zachary (
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18:55.22Xiaoqihello hello!!!
18:57.25murblewavie people.
18:57.42murbledid anyone go to gllug, was itg worth missing?
18:58.25sashI went. Depends on what you're interested in :).
18:59.22sashmurble: You might have been able to help one individual with his install.
19:01.50sashSorry about that, new2unix is being an eejit, insulting me via com.
19:02.47murbleI was toobusy carrying computers accross london, and being fed random acholoic substances and eating bbqed meat and tofu
19:03.02*** join/#gllug stephanb (
19:03.24murbleand this week i'm stuck in .LU including for the weekend :(
19:04.07stephanbmurble: .lu = london underground intranet ???
19:13.25murbleyou're not camping?
19:35.31*** part/#gllug sash (voidzero@SDF.LONESTAR.ORG)
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21:21.36*** join/#gllug Jenson (~jenson@
21:22.02stephanbJenson: back once again with the renegade master...
21:22.27Jensonyeh back again
21:22.37Jensonstill arguing with scanner installation
21:23.12stephanboh... i haven't been lucky on that front, one day i'll buy a scanner supported by SANE
21:24.36Jensonmine is supported
21:24.57Jensonim only trying to install it in Slack coz I've spent ages arguing with my Win drivers today, something has gone worng ewith them
21:25.08new2unixfscking mail clients. why do they all fsck?
21:25.19Jensonnew2unix: lol
21:26.19new2unixjust sent mail to the list. went to read it on the web and found its all mangled up. ffs. cant mutt/Outlook agree on anything for once?
21:27.56new2unixok. i'm better now. :)
21:28.06new2unixhi Jenson, stephanb
21:28.13Jensonnew2unix: you'd have liked the severed arms I saw on the train track last night then
21:30.26stephanbnew2unix: hi there, what's happening ?
21:33.02Jensonso we'll try thast
21:43.23*** join/#gllug G2 (~gdive23@
21:44.31Jensongreat i now have an unsupported scanner that is detected, and a supported scanner that isnt detected
21:44.43Jensoni need to boot into windows
21:44.46JensonExcuse me
21:48.15*** join/#gllug Jenson (~jenson@
21:48.33Leedsugh, blisters
21:48.49Jensonheya Leeds
21:49.14Leedshow's everyone's weekend been?
21:49.47*** join/#gllug testing|n (enoma@SDF.LONESTAR.ORG)
22:04.07new2unixd/l TextMaker. determined to give it a whirl for 30days. :)
22:22.15new2unixnight all
22:22.31Leedsis it?
22:22.45*** join/#gllug G2 (~gdive23@
22:24.11Jensonnight Leeds
22:25.32Jensonlol duh sorry
22:25.35Jensonim being sleepy
22:25.50Jensoncomes from trying to get a scanner to work since dinner time
22:25.52Leedsg'night then
22:26.49Jensonyeh lol im gonna sleep soon
22:27.06LeedsI don't worry about scanners and printers and stuff - only digital info matters..
22:28.41Jensonlol yeh, this is for my mother
22:32.04LeedsI've been to my sister's graduation today... posted my photos on the web this evening... if they want print-outs, they can do it themselves... :-)
22:33.03Jensonheh, soubnds like me, i dont print things, if i wanna look at them, the voputer is switched on
22:38.01Leeds... or my iPAQ...
22:38.43Jensonvoputer lol;
22:42.58LeedsI am gaining the ability to read the stange and illogical Jenson version of English
22:43.26Jensoni keep getting in the worng place on the keyboard
22:45.09Jensonsounds like my mother
22:45.21Leedsbut I still recommend Bournemouth in the sunshine :-)
22:46.01Leedsoh, and Newcastle
22:52.16*** part/#gllug stephanb (
23:12.21*** join/#gllug G2 (~gdive23@
23:13.03Jensonre G2
23:18.11G2Jenson: sorry?
23:18.38Jensonoh well
23:18.46G2night night

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.