irclog2html for #gllug on 20030226

00:01.34skuggnight, I'm going to bed now
00:01.40Jensonnight skugg
00:01.42dankolb'night skugg
00:02.42cupisformi: not to worry formi. Thanks anyway.
00:07.18*** join/#gllug Jenson (
00:07.47cupiswb Jenson
00:11.11JensonBed time
00:11.13JensonNight guys
00:11.39cupisnight Jenson
00:11.49Jensonnight cupis
00:11.57*** part/#gllug Jenson (
00:16.06dankolb'night all
02:33.50highburyeeek! its late
03:29.56*** join/#gllug OrangeSkies (
03:30.06OrangeSkieshi all
03:30.19OrangeSkiesi've run into problems :(
06:36.37*** join/#gllug SpudUAway ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
06:54.41*** join/#gllug zachary (
06:54.58zacharygood morning
06:58.09eye69I should go to bed but I'm not especially tired.
07:01.16zacharyIt's nice to watch the sun rise now and then. :)
07:02.08eye69It's not like I've got any light coming into my computer room.
07:06.53zacharyknow anything about the update iso for debian 3.0r1?
07:07.43eye69Update ISO? Nope.
07:07.53eye69Updates are done from the net. :)
07:08.33eye69  <- Netinst ISO
08:57.07*** join/#gllug nasrat (~paul@
09:03.03zacharyThanks eye69, morning dank_work
09:04.05zacharymorning nasrat
09:08.31zacharynasrat: nick a play on tarzan?
09:08.48nasratzachary: no my surname
09:09.11nasratalthough echo nasrat | rev | sed 's/s/z/'
09:10.55zacharyprobably get that alot?
09:11.11nasratmore so when I was in school
09:13.03zacharydaughter has tired eyes, brb
09:29.16SpudUAwayIt's alright for you lot, my name backwards is Niloc! Too descriptive!! And accurate!!!
09:34.27dpashnearly a diva ;)
09:50.05*** join/#gllug Clyphox (1000@
09:56.19Clyphoxsorry.. system just choked.. outa mem.
09:56.28Clyphoxbloody laptop.. this is weird..
09:56.42ClyphoxI got nearly 200 swap too and thats full..
09:57.09ClyphoxHow can I find the memory usage of each program? ps aux sais its all using virtually nothing..
09:57.25dank_workNot sure
09:57.58Clyphoxit might just be a program.. killing xmms..
09:58.45Clyphoxer.. yes!
09:58.54Clyphoxlots of swap available now..
09:59.02dank_workDid you reboot?
09:59.10Clyphoxer.. no
09:59.25ClyphoxI'm gonna increase my swap quickly.. with no reboot :)
09:59.41nasratdd is your friend
09:59.49Clyphoxand xcalc
10:00.17Clyphoxhow do I use that?
10:00.17nasratbah, awk
10:01.30Clyphoxno bc here..  can you give me an example multiplication with awk?
10:01.45dank_workWhat about: echo $[ 3*2 ] ?
10:01.48dank_work(assuming bash)
10:03.29Clyphoxhm.. not working
10:07.29nasratwhat are you trying to calculate?
10:07.36nasratsomething based on ps?
10:08.56highburyawk 'BEGIN {print 10 * 100}'
10:09.38highburyawk '{print $1 + $2, $0}'
10:10.03highburywill add columns 1 and 2 print total followed by rest of line
10:10.50highbury"top" is a usefule utility to watch memory usage
10:11.11nasratand vmstat for checking for heavy io/swapping
10:17.15ClyphoxHmm.. its definatly a bad thing to dd a mounted swap file
10:17.36Clyphoxreally not good..
10:17.39zacharymorning highbury
10:17.47ClyphoxI think I need coffee
10:18.00ClyphoxGod I love an OS that onlt fucks up when I fuck yp!
10:18.04Clyphoxer up
10:18.05highburymorning guys
10:18.08ClyphoxHi highbury
10:18.27dank_workClyphox: And that OS would be? CP/M?
10:19.48ClyphoxI was really surprised by CP/M when I used it.. I actually thought dos was cool once..
10:25.55ClyphoxThat emero fella last night must have been in a really bad mood
10:26.14Clyphoxnearly bit my head off just for trying to help him..
10:29.33dank_workDebian users...
10:36.26*** part/#gllug nat (
10:44.56highburyClyphox: just appeared to a bit of a wanker :-/
10:45.07highburyemero that is
10:46.50ClyphoxNot Like  I dissagreed with him.. gnome/kde are to big for slow, old PC's.
10:46.53Clyphoxbut still..
10:48.15Clyphoxer... gtg.. kitchen work..
10:48.46*** join/#gllug zachary ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
10:48.46*** join/#gllug SpudUAway ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
10:49.44*** join/#gllug zachary ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
10:49.44*** join/#gllug SpudUAway ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
11:16.52*** join/#gllug Steev (
11:17.27TarragonMorning Steev
11:17.40dank_workHi Steev and Tarragon
11:17.53Steevhi dank_work and Tarragon
11:18.13dpashmorning all
11:18.21Steevhi dpash, dank_work and Tarragon
11:18.21dank_workhi dpash
11:18.55TarragonLoud music time then?
11:18.58dpashnah. got irc ;)
11:19.12dpashTarragon: maybe, but I have to answer the phones
11:20.11dank_workNO, I'M ON IRC!
11:23.24dpashour customers keep phoning my bosses mobile instead of calling the office
11:23.32dank_workBah. Ignore them then
11:25.56dpashwe keep telling them, but they keep phoning him
11:26.30dank_workIgnore them :)
11:26.36dank_workIt's your bosses mobile. :)
11:29.26dpashcan't really get away with that one
11:29.38dpashboss has asked me to phone them
11:32.46dpashprinter has just printed out 25 blank sheets of paper
11:34.15TarragonWhy do you want to print out 25 blank pages again?
11:34.38nasratnice warm paper :)
11:39.14TarragonHug the server
11:47.08*** join/#gllug formi (
11:53.40*** join/#gllug KMD (
11:54.41Tarragonmorning - just
11:55.36KMDgood afternoon  --minus 5 minutes.  hehe
11:56.45dpashTarragon: I wanted non-blank paper
12:16.50*** join/#gllug SpudWLike (
12:21.13*** join/#gllug zachary ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
12:23.05dank_workWhat's up?
12:23.25ClyphoxI need to view some PDF's but I'm having font problems galore..
12:23.38ClyphoxIt wants some MS ones.. helvetica et.c.
12:23.58ClyphoxNot sure how to rehash my fonts either..
12:24.04nasratwhich distro
12:25.09ClyphoxAhh I don't have the TTF folder in my X font paths.
12:25.14*** join/#gllug Leeds (
12:25.18dank_workHi Leeds
12:25.42Clyphoxhi Leeds
12:27.09Leedsanyone what?
12:27.40ClyphoxI need font help.
12:27.43ClyphoxI'm helpless
12:27.54Leedshelpless or clueless?
12:27.58ClyphoxAll I want is to view a font.
12:28.05ClyphoxNot sure..
12:28.12nasratdo you have the corefonts themselves (
12:28.13Clyphoxer view a PDF I mean
12:28.27Leedswhat are you trying to view it with?
12:28.30nasratyou can grab the cab file and you'll need cabextract
12:28.39ClyphoxXpdf and gv
12:28.57Leedsyou could always try acroread...
12:29.07ClyphoxI think it might be why I can't see all of some of these work documents
12:29.40Clyphoxno thanks.. last case scenario..
12:29.44LeedsI tend to find that xpdf can view pretty much anything nowadays
12:30.00Leedsworst case is going to Windows... acroread is less bad than that
12:30.17nasratClyphox: do you have freetype installed
12:30.34Clyphoxafaik yes.. trying to check it all
12:30.34Leedswhat is the actual problem?  Error message, doesn't display, etc...
12:32.37dank_workHi Huhn
12:32.58ClyphoxI just can see the fonts.. on the console it sais something like:
12:33.14Huhnhi dank_work, hi all ;)
12:33.19ClyphoxError: Couldn't find a font for 'Helvetica'
12:33.19ClyphoxError: Couldn't create t1lib font from '/usr/share/ghostscript/fonts/n019003l.pfb'
12:33.19ClyphoxError: Couldn't create FreeType font from '/usr/share/ghostscript/fonts/n019003l.pfb'
12:33.20ClyphoxError: Couldn't create t1lib font from '/usr/share/ghostscript/fonts/n019003l.pfb'
12:33.20ClyphoxError: Couldn't create FreeType font from '/usr/share/ghostscript/fonts/n019003l.pfb'
12:33.24Clyphoxsry bout that..
12:33.33Clyphoxheya Huhn
12:33.56Leedsdo you have the core fonts, as nasrat asked?
12:35.07ClyphoxAhh.. lets see what installpkg /mnt/cdrom/slackware/ap/gnu-gs-fonts-6.0-noarch-1.tgz does..
12:35.13Leedsand X and freetype can see them?
12:35.26Leedsyeah, installing the fonts might be a good start :-)
12:35.34ClyphoxAhh thats much nicer
12:35.48nasratClyphox: and you have  fonts.dir  fonts.scale
12:35.56Clyphoxfreetype and X are good.. running anti-aliased gnome2 stuff no prob
12:35.57nasratin the truetype dir
12:36.13Clyphoxwhats fonts.dir fonts.scale?
12:37.25Clyphoxno just .ttf fonts..
12:37.29*** join/#gllug jenson (~jenson@
12:37.39ClyphoxHe jenson
12:37.39nasratyou need to run ttmkfdir > fonts.dir in that directory
12:38.07Clyphoxnasrat, thanks..
12:38.44nasratthen update the font server xfs, config and restart it
12:39.28jensonClyphox: You and Tom (I know Beth isn't) and your fiancee coming to the installfest?
12:41.02ClyphoxWhat matters is that I can see the pdf's now thanks :)
12:41.12ClyphoxStill got big blank areas on a rather plain .doc
12:41.20Clyphoxjenson, I'm in Aberdeen atm..
12:41.31jensonClyphox: You gonna be back?
12:41.34Clyphoxjenson, I suspect Alex (brother) Beth and tom will though yes
12:41.47Clyphoxjenson, Alas no
12:41.51jensonDoes Alex chat here?
12:41.58ClyphoxAbiword only complains about missing the british dic.. wierd.. I'll have to try OO I suppse :(
12:42.01jensonBeth is going out with a mate on Saturday or something
12:42.17Clyphoxjenson, he's on sometimes.. but not really
12:42.28Clyphoxohh.. you know more than I..
12:42.31jensonClyphox: What nick?
12:42.38Clyphoxjenson, a4266
12:42.38jensonYeah Tom told me yesterday
12:42.44jensonOh yeah I've met him
12:43.32Clyphoxnasrat, how do I updated it? I seem to remember something like xset fp rehash or something..
12:43.47Clyphoxjenson, he's a weirdo.. you'll like him :)
12:43.48dpashhi jenson
12:44.01jensonheya dpash
12:46.02jensonClyphox: How old is he?
12:47.12ClyphoxWe're twins..
12:47.20ClyphoxHis 21st on the 21/03
12:47.29ClyphoxI got the looks and the brains..
12:47.40dank_workYour fiancee must think you do
12:47.55dank_workAnd you're using Slackware, which is a good thing
12:53.11ClyphoxNikki here, I think david's lovely, nomatter what system he uses
13:05.15ClyphoxGirrlss.. Girrlllss Girrlllss..
13:05.25dank_workNothing but trouble, the lot of 'em
13:07.37jensonyeah I know
13:09.46jensonDinner time
13:09.51jensonI might be back soon
13:09.57jensonI might not
13:10.08jensonI might not be back today
13:10.13jensonBut I will be back tomorroq
13:13.49*** part/#gllug jenson (~jenson@
13:18.46dank_workwb Huhn
13:18.54Huhnty dank_work
13:20.26ClyphoxCoffee is gods drink
13:20.50Huhncoffee is black gold ;)
13:22.35TarragonMmmm homemake warm bread :-)
13:22.47Huhnarghs, dcc some :)
13:31.53Huhnwow, I didn't know that Slovakia was that beautiful..
13:32.09dank_workSome parts are..
13:32.27Huhnnext lbw will be in Slovakia, really nice
13:33.05TarragonSlovak is nice and cheap. Very friendly people
13:33.29HuhnI was impressed when they sent the info for the beer prices ;)
13:36.11dank_workHow cheap?
13:36.41HuhnI think it was sth 2.5 EUR per liter, could be less
13:38.22dank_workNot bad :)
13:44.13*** join/#gllug zachary ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
14:58.35nasrathmm, I may go to this lbw
14:59.58Huhnmurble: it's fun :))
15:02.46murbleHuhn: Well, I've been reading the list, and am trying to figure out how to get their.
15:03.49murblePeople seem to be flying to  Munich
15:04.35Huhnmurble: yes, but p2 said he would be going by car..
15:07.11murblebut not on any of the lists?
15:08.13Huhnno, he sent a pm
15:08.41Huhnyou could ask him, as far as I know the car should be big enough for 2 ppl, and you could share the costs
15:11.38murblewell my last experience of p2s driving was lost in Koeln not being able to find the youth pris^Whostel
15:13.25*** join/#gllug resuDaed_ (
15:16.19murblehi dead.
15:18.07resuDaed_afternoon murble ... just using my box to bypass college proxies
15:22.53dpashanyone going to cebit?
15:24.02dpashbefore the end of march
15:24.12dpashfancy going to germany
15:26.30*** join/#gllug steve (
15:26.58dpashHuhn: ping
15:27.13*** join/#gllug fallen_angel (
15:27.23dpashhi steve
15:27.33fallen_angelthat wasn't steve
15:27.46dpash[15:27] -!- fallen_angel is steve causer-smith
15:28.12resuDaed_sshhe's with me ... I thought you thought that he was 'steve'
15:28.48dpashresuDaed_ssh: no, he claims to be a steve
15:28.53dpash[15:26] -!- steve is steve causer-smith
15:29.02resuDaed_sshI know ... but there already is a steve
15:30.36dpashso given my 6 days should I go to geekski or cebit?
15:31.25Huhndpash: geekski
15:31.28TarragonWalk round a computer show or ski and drink beer with geeks?
15:31.41dpashhow much will geekski cost?
15:31.48dpashI can't ski
15:31.53Huhndunno, depends..
15:31.56TarragonHow much do you intend to drink?
15:32.04dpashHuhn: very cheap please
15:32.11Huhnaccomodation is 35 EUR per night, incl. breakfast and dinner
15:32.20dpashTarragon: none of that westmille tripel
15:32.23Huhnthe skiing pass is around 30 EUR a day (I'd guess)
15:32.31dpashhow many days?
15:32.34Huhntravel costs.. no idea, depends on the flights
15:32.59Huhn7 days
15:33.10dpashis that 7 nights?
15:33.17dpashor 6 days?
15:33.25Huhnthat depends on the flights you can get
15:33.33HuhnI'm going from 22.3. - 30.3.
15:33.36HuhnLiam and Ann too
15:33.48Huhnsome other geeks go from 21.3.-29.3.
15:33.58Huhnagain: other ppl go for 5 days
15:34.07Huhnthat would be best, there's a mailinglist
15:35.59resuDaed_sshhow do you uyse wget to download an enitre sirte?
15:37.39HuhnGeekski mailing list
15:38.20nasratanyone know anything about ansi standard and auto arrays
15:40.02dank_workresuDaed_ssh: wget -m
15:40.08dank_workBut be careful it doesn't start going off-site
15:45.58dank_workCan you send me one on a floppy disk?
15:47.02nasrat5 1/4 preferably
15:47.32dank_work5.25" Bah.
15:54.17resuDaed_sshdpash : could be nasty considering my laptop has only a 40Mb HDD
15:55.20resuDaed_sshwhats the best way of allowing someone to upl;oad files to my box?
15:55.29dank_workssh / scp
15:55.34nasratwebdav over ssl
15:55.42fallen_angelhow difficult is it to scp from winnt
15:55.51resuDaed_sshopps ... wrong window :-)
15:56.12dank_workWhy does he ask a question, and then run off?
15:56.38resuDaed_sshdank_work : he didn't, I typed it on another windows ... /quit so I dont get too confused?
15:58.16LeedsresuDaed or whoever you are - putty!
15:58.48murblewihtout putty the windows would fall out.
15:59.15resuDaed_sshI know ... I'm on putty @ moment ... but never used it to scp
15:59.29Leedsputty has a scp client...
15:59.33dank_workYou want pscp you do
15:59.42dank_workibot putty
15:59.42it has been said that putty is a GPLed ssh/scp for win32
15:59.58resuDaed_sshibot resuDaed
15:59.59hmm... resudaed is finally using a respectable version of linux, or has a thing (about debian)
16:00.03murblehmm it is't GPLed is it?
16:00.11dank_workI thought it was
16:00.48murbleno it isn't.
16:01.00dank_workOh, okay.
16:01.05dank_workWell, it's open-sores, anyway
16:02.02nasrathmm, interesting seems to have used some of Robert de Bath's stuff who maintains dev86 (the 8086 compile tools)
16:02.08zacharyresuDaed_ssh: have you seen the temp job offer that was posted to the mailing list?
16:05.40resuDaed_sshno, I'll have a look when I get home
16:06.53zachary6month junior administrator position, winnt4, linux/solaris.
16:07.17resuDaed_sshsweet ... mayeb I'll lynx through ~/Mail then
16:09.52dpashresuDaed_ssh: are you using debian or slack?
16:12.42dank_workdpash: Unfortunately Debian, so it's not that respectable
16:13.31resuDaed_sshzachary : what was the subject of the job offer? (exact)
16:13.50resuDaed_sshdpash : I am using both ... one on each box
16:13.59murble[Gllug] VACANCY - 6 month junior sysadmin contract
16:31.40dpashdank_work: debian is very respectable
16:31.50dpashit has package managers and stuff
16:32.09resuDaed_sshlaters all
16:33.00dpashanyone on geekski here?
16:33.12dpashany ideas of costs for ski equit hire
16:40.49murbleI think the ski pass was about 180 euros
16:40.54murbleI don't know about hire
16:41.11dpashmurble: HuhnSHOP said 30EUR/day
16:41.41dpashcost of accomodation, ski pass and flights is currently 380 GBP
16:41.51murbleflights are about 90 quid
16:42.01murblethen train, i don't know howmuch that costs
16:42.03dpashjust lunch, beer, ski hire and spending money
16:42.22dpashhow far is munich from Tux?
16:42.37murbledpash: easyjet to munich
16:42.45dpashmurble: yep
16:42.58dpash81.76 GBP
16:46.56dpashmurble: there is the nearest train?
16:47.05murbledpash: Ski pass ca. EUR 20-25 per day -> 5days ->~120EUR, 7days ->~170EUR
17:00.40Huhnremurble ;)
17:01.23dpashHuhn: so will I still get accomodation?
17:01.57Huhndpash: I have to ask, you can say you're interested and I will ask them tomorrow when I call again
17:02.07Huhnsame for murble
17:02.42dpashmurble: are you near stansteed?
17:02.54dpashHuhn: any idea on equitment hire?
17:03.24Huhndpash: no idea how much that is
17:03.48Huhndpash: I suggest google for and have a look at the prices of the shops..
17:04.04dpashHuhn: cool
17:04.21dpashhow many german speakers will we have?
17:05.18Huhndpash: me.. and... me :)
17:05.22HuhnI dunno ;)
17:05.50dpashhow much english do they speak in austria?
17:06.03Huhnmy brother, my parents and my uncle/aunt do not count.. ;) they#re staying in another village but same time (coincidence)
17:06.21Huhndpash: funny accent, but they do speak English ;)
17:06.29murbledpash: high wycombe.
17:06.38murble18 quid by bus, if the bust turs up.
17:10.11Huhndpash, murble: as soon as you know that you want to come, please let me know with a definite answer, since it is really horrible to have to phone every day and change plans for the group
17:18.04*** join/#gllug zachary ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
17:48.11dank_workBwah. I want pub. Waiting for friend to arrive...
17:51.53dpashHuhn: I need to work out how much money I don't have
17:52.02Huhndpash: sure
17:52.13dpashIf it is going to cost me 600GBP I need to find some of that
17:52.15nasratgotta go beer calls
17:52.49dpashHuhn: are you booking doubles with shower and WC?
17:53.03Huhndpash: nobody wanted to share rooms
17:53.22dpashshared shower?
17:53.24Huhnthat's a shared shower, right
17:53.49Huhnwhat's wrong with that?
17:53.57dpashI don't know any german
17:54.24dpashother than ich habe kiene partner
17:54.34dpashwhich I learnt well at school
17:54.37Huhnthat's more important
17:54.56dpashdank_work: I never said I could write german
17:54.59Huhn(btw: ich habe keinen Partner)
17:55.17dpashclose enough for me
17:56.23Leedslittle, no?
17:56.56Leedsor possibly no, no
17:57.20murbleLeeds: geekski?
17:58.04Leedsand I'm still not keen on the whole lbw/geekski concept
17:58.15dank_workwhy not?
17:58.57Leedsto be honest...
17:59.05LeedsI prefer to go on holiday with non-geek friends
17:59.26Huhnnothing wrong with that
17:59.36dank_workFair enough
18:00.20LeedsI've just booked 6 days in Spain with a very good friend (*his* mum grew up with *my mum) for June - more my kind of thing :-)
18:00.25Leedsdank_work: you really can't! :-)
18:00.27dank_workBut, right now, I'm off to the pub
18:00.32dank_workLeeds: Wanna bet? ;-)
18:00.48dpashmurble: for me, or for you?
18:06.28Leedsdank_work: seeya
18:07.02Huhnbye dank_work
18:11.07dpashhmmm one shop is quoting about 51EUR for a ski kit for 5 or 6 days
18:11.18dpashI assume that is just skis and bootsa
18:12.10dpashcan you hire those too?
18:12.32Leeds51EUR sounds quite cheap... are you sure it includes skis?
18:13.10*** join/#gllug Tarragon (
18:13.20dpashthey list ski set: 51, ski: 46, boot: 26
18:13.35dpashI was thinking that the set was ski+boot
18:13.40dpashthat is for 6 days
18:13.56dpashunless a ski set is nice warm clothing
18:14.03dpashit doesn;t really say
18:15.45Leedsfair enough... I could be very wrong
18:15.47dpashmaybe I should look at another few sites to compare
18:16.04Leedsyou could always use the voice web (aka call them) to ask
18:17.03murblethat would require having a common language
18:17.21murbleor can you get for voice calls?
18:17.31murbleVoIP via babelfish anyone?
18:17.40*** join/#gllug formi (
18:22.19dpashfrom my flakey german, those prices don't look too bad
18:22.21murbleehlo murble
18:22.45formimurble: wrong output
18:22.46dpashI think about 100EUR-100GBP will be the cost of boot+ski(+clothes?)
18:24.01LeedsI tend to find that a lot of places will be happy to speak Enlish if you call them...
18:24.36formileeds another for you, this time galeon
18:26.00formithat's all
18:27.49*** join/#gllug Davilion (
18:28.23formiwith the screenshots I posted, if you highlight the offending bit, you can find the right text
18:28.54formionce you stop highlighting it, it reverts to giberish
18:29.37dpashokay we are at about 440GBP with ski hire, accomodation, half board, plane. just lunch, beer, train, bus and spending money to go
18:30.07dpashso budget 600GBP and we should be okay
18:33.45murbleI think skiing is tooexensive.
18:38.18*** join/#gllug OrangeSkies (
18:39.04formimurble: have you made a decision about mangling data on a ship?
18:40.11formihi OrangeSkies
18:41.43dpashmurble: for a week, it is not cheap
18:41.49Leedsbye all
18:43.10OrangeSkiescan someone tell me, is it normal for windows to be very jerky when dragged across the screen in linux?
18:44.07formihow old is X
18:45.53OrangeSkiesX being.... ?
18:45.59OrangeSkiesim a newbie :(
18:46.32OrangeSkiesive just installed mandrake 9.0 so itll be whatever came with it
18:46.59formiX is the framework that provides part of the gui system
18:47.18formibasically drives the hardware
18:47.26OrangeSkiesah okay
18:47.43dpashargh, can't install java
18:48.02formidpash: that's normal
18:48.15OrangeSkiesive got the feeling everythings running a bit slow, windows are very slow to minimise and the 3D games are unplayable
18:48.17formihave you tried the ibm one
18:48.45dpashformi: I want a 1.3
18:48.46formiyou probably don't have acceleration on
18:48.56murbleformi: it wasn't on a ship and i've not applied for it.
18:49.27OrangeSkieshow do you turn it on?
18:49.34formimurble: ok
18:49.55formiwhich card are you using?
18:50.39OrangeSkiesnvidia vanta 8mb
18:52.21murblevantas are horrible.
18:52.50OrangeSkiesi know, im in serious need of an upgrade
18:58.13OrangeSkiesso is there anything i can do?
19:01.34*** join/#gllug stephen (
19:06.33*** join/#gllug alex_ (
20:08.49*** join/#gllug nasrat (
20:13.56Huhnany Newcastle supporters around?
20:14.02Huhncongrats in that case :/
20:15.07formioh no
20:15.28formithe last thing this channel needs is sports talk
20:15.29dpashHuhn: are you the right side of the tyne to say that?
20:15.31formisorry Huhn
20:16.00Huhndpash: ?
20:16.06formidpash: she is on the side of the channel
20:16.14formidpash: she is on the other side of the channel
20:16.48formiHuhn: he is talking probably about some english river
20:17.08Huhnno idea :)
20:17.28dpashHuhn: newcastle and sunderland do not get on. they are either side of the Tyne
20:17.52Huhndpash: ah, like Cologne and Duesseldorf ;)
20:17.55dpashour wonderful leader of the opposition decided to congratulate Newcastle in Sunderland
20:18.06dpashHuhn: probably
20:18.15Huhndpash: so, what's the "right" side of the Tyne?
20:18.36dpashHuhn: tip: don't wear black and white vertical strips in sunderland
20:18.41dpashformi: lol
20:18.49Huhndpash: I do not intend to go there ;)
20:18.52formiis there where Rammsteinn are from?
20:19.08Huhnno idea where Ramstein is from
20:19.08dpashHuhn: depends what you are saying. If you congratulate newcastle, do it on the Newcastle side of the tyne
20:19.24dpashHuhn: probably a good idea.
20:19.27Huhndpash: that was pure irony, I'm a Leverkusen supporter ;)
20:19.41dpashHuhn: never heard of them
20:19.43formiHuhn: Rammsteinn some heavy industrial music band
20:19.55Huhnformi: I know Ramstein
20:19.56nasratformi: they aren't that heavy
20:20.05Huhnbut I have no idea where they are from
20:20.22dpashmuch like I have no idea where Leverkusen is
20:20.27formiI'm not a expert on music styles, I just like them
20:20.32Huhndpash: few metres from Cologne ;)
20:20.44Huhnoh noooo :(((
20:21.06Huhnyes :(
20:21.21HuhnShearer again
20:21.23dpashI take it that it wasn;t for your team
20:21.26Huhnso what..
20:21.27dpashold fart
20:25.25dpashw00t 548 words
20:25.36Huhndpash: how many do you need?
20:26.23dpashI have one section left to write tomorrow night
20:26.29HuhnI have 4382C written and need around 11500
20:26.41dpashand then I can start removing words until Sunday
20:26.45formilook for a marketing drone or a politician
20:27.05formithey are very good at saying many things and meaning nothing
21:07.44*** join/#gllug zachary (
21:17.27eye69Evolution is nice.
21:20.11*** join/#gllug resuBitch (
21:20.45*** join/#gllug Tarragon (
21:20.45resuBitchHi all
21:21.21dpashhi beth
21:21.34resuBitchWhoz u? :)
21:26.10resuBitchdpash: no response?
21:30.05*** join/#gllug formi (
21:36.33dpashresuBitch: what as the question again?
21:38.44resuBitchdpash: asked who u were..
21:39.14resuBitchEveryone seems to know me more than I know them...
21:42.37dpashresuBitch: that is because you joined:
21:42.40dpash[21:20] -!- resuBitch [] has joined #gllug
21:42.43dpash[21:20] -!- resuBitch is Beth
21:43.11formicome on, don't they teach those things at school?
21:43.45dpashformi: you just didn;t look in the right places
21:44.10formiwhat do you mean?
21:44.16dpashresuBitch: I will be at the Installfest
21:44.23dpashformi: I can;t read
21:44.45dpashformi: ignore me
21:45.01formifor ever?
21:45.10dpashformi: no, just in the past
21:45.21resuBitchdpash: I was at the last one, but wont make the next.
21:45.29*** join/#gllug OrangeSkies (
21:45.38dpashresuBitch: so when will I get to meet you?
21:46.15resuBitchdpash: do u want to?
21:46.40resuBitchformi: what's resuDaed been saying about me?? ( want gossip :) )
21:46.52dpashresuBitch: it is always nice to meet people from irc
21:47.07dpashgives you a better idea of who people are
21:47.08resuBitchdpash: true. Though was the other way round for me...
21:47.23resuBitchlogs or lots???
21:48.04resuBitchdpash: I'm dating resuDaed, meet everyone one last month, then joined.
21:48.25dpashresuBitch: I figured you knew resuDaed
21:48.37resuBitchSo want the gossip.
21:49.25resuBitchAh! Is that what happened?
21:49.46resuBitchBloody hell.
21:49.53dpashresuBitch: if you select something and then press the middle button it will paste it
21:50.06resuBitchI have no middle button...
21:50.41dpashresuBitch: both buttons together act as a middle button
21:51.22resuBitchWill get there one day
21:51.37resuBitch( I'm not a geek.. yet apparently. )
21:52.21dpashresuBitch: you are a few steps further than most
21:52.39resuBitchdpash: pride myself on managing to get in!
21:54.18dpashbrb loading gnome
21:56.04dpashokay gnome isn;t appearing in my kdm menu
21:57.54resuBitchdpash: Haven't a clue what it is...
21:58.46resuBitchBloody hell
21:59.11dpashresuBitch: type it out by hand
21:59.22*** join/#gllug davilion (
22:03.28resuBitchdpash: wasn't trying to copy it again, just used the wrong key
22:04.24resuBitchdpash: what is it btw?
22:06.55dpasha picture of me
22:07.28resuBitchdpash: Ah!
22:07.32*** join/#gllug pie (
22:08.11resuBitchdpash: may have one of resuDaed and I...
22:09.44resuBitchHi poe
22:09.50resuBitchLoL Pie even
22:10.26pieOK, who wants to have a look at a really interesting perl problem who's answer is not 'use c'?
22:11.00pieHmm, not too many takers
22:13.15resuBitchpie: don't know what it is. ;)
22:13.36pieIf you are really interested
22:14.03resuBitchpie: that's ok, wouldn't understand.
22:16.20dpashresuBitch: quite a good beard you have there ;)
22:17.56formiwho took that photo?
22:18.38pienot resuBitch
22:18.42pieor formi
22:19.03formipie: I guessed that
22:19.57pieyou never can be too careful formi, the walls have ears.
22:20.17pieand the cielings take photos.
22:20.55*** join/#gllug cupis (
22:20.57dpashformi: sorry who is in that photo apart from resuBitch
22:21.00dpashhi paul
22:21.10cupisevening all
22:22.15piecupis, you know perl?
22:22.36cupispie: yes
22:23.00pieOoooh, any good?  I have a hard problem...
22:23.09cupispie: what's the problem?
22:23.14formidpash: me is the guy with the glasses
22:23.23pieand the next in the thread
22:24.30formiI remenber now tarragon as his dodgy cam
22:24.38formiI remenber now tarragon and his dodgy cam
22:26.41cupispie: if you run the CGI from the command line, with warnings turned on, what warnings does perl give? or are there any warning left in the server error log?
22:27.31*** join/#gllug dankolb (
22:27.37resuBitchformi: was a bit dodgy...
22:27.43pienot tried, the actual script is pretty big
22:27.57pieI have warnings and strict turned on
22:28.45cupispie: if you turn off strict, does it work? otherwise, we need to see what warning perl is giving - does the script have write permissions on the target directory?
22:28.51cupishi dankolb
22:29.21resuBitchhi dan
22:29.36piethe thing is, it works when called from one place in the script (it is a sub), but not from another
22:29.49pieexcept when the text/plain header is output
22:32.07cupispie: are you using:
22:32.07cupisuse CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser warningsToBrowser);
22:32.59pieno, but then the script doesn't die
22:33.17piethe script should die leaving the relavent error message in the logs.
22:33.26cupispie: those lines will tell perl to send the warning to the output HTML as comments
22:33.30pieIt doesn't write the file, but doesn't die
22:33.45pieYes, but I can check the error_logs for those warnings
22:33.55cupispie: change the print line to create a file with some static text in - see if that works
22:34.04cupispie: are there any warnings?
22:34.25pienone, although warnings are turned on in the script
22:35.56pieYep, that works
22:36.20pieit writes to the file when I make it write a static line
22:38.41cupispie: so we've narrowed the problem to the binary input/binary output print line, right?
22:39.24pieYep, except that that line does work when the subroutine is called from a different part of the script...
22:39.49cupispie: so maybe it's the input file not being picked up properly?
22:40.33piepossibly, I am using the same file for testing
22:40.48pieand it works when I use one section and not another
22:41.13pieWhat is confusing me is that printing the text/plain header makes it work, I can't see how it does that
22:41.27cupistry: if($file) { print "file exists"; } else { print "file? what file?"; }
22:42.07cupispie: the other time the script is called, has an HTTP header been printed?
22:42.31pieI am not sure where you mean, but I am checking that the file doesn't exist before attempting to write it and I can see that the file isn't there afterwards
22:42.34*** join/#gllug dpash (~david@
22:43.08cupispie: not checking the file exists, but checking there is some content in the $file variable waiting to be read
22:43.21cupiswb dpash
22:44.31pieYep, data there
22:45.20cupispie: try printing the text/plain header and dumping the file to STDOUT?
22:45.31cupisto confirm it is being read successfully?
22:45.46piehow do I do that (when being run as a CGI)?
22:46.12cupispie: use Data::Dumper; print Dumper( $file );
22:46.19dpashback again
22:48.15pie$VAR1 = bless( \*{'Fh::fh00001File0001.jpg'}, 'Fh' );
22:48.39cupispie: I suppose you might like to use Content-type: image/jpg rather than tesxt/plain :)
22:49.11piewell, it just dumps $VAR1 = bless( \*{'Fh::fh00001File0001.jpg'}, 'Fh' );
22:49.16pienot binary data
22:49.42cupispie: okay, what about if you do print $file; ?
22:49.54cupis(i.e. without Data::Dumper
22:51.03cupispie: what about if you use image/jpg and print $buffer (instead of $file?)
22:51.46piewill try
22:52.47pieworks, I get the jpeg
22:53.27cupisnow use image/jpg and print OUTPUT $buffer;
22:54.21pieworks, but I get:
22:54.22pieThe image ?http://localhost/cgi-bin/ebulbs/ cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.
22:54.54pieproblem is though, it *does* work as long as I output a header before trying to do the file write
22:55.04cupispie: do: print OUTPUT $buffer; print $buffer;
22:56.00pieworks, but with the same error
22:57.18pieHmmm, it is almost like some buffer is getting flushed when I print the header or something
22:57.34pieI tried setting $| to 1 but it didn't make a difference
22:59.20cupispie: but without the HTTP header and using print OUTPUT $buffer; if doesn't work?
22:59.40piewill try
23:01.14pieit works if I print no HTTP header
23:01.38pieobviously with a 500 error from apache
23:01.56cupispie: remove the 'exit;'
23:02.26cupisdoes it still work?
23:02.59pienope, stops working
23:03.26cupisinstead of exit;, use print "Content-type: text/plain\n\nWork, damnit!\n";
23:04.09pienope, still nothing
23:04.44cupistry my print line folowed directly by exit;
23:05.14piethat worked...
23:06.04cupispie: That part of the script works. It's later that the script fails.
23:06.29piebut surely the file should be written when I close OUTPUT?
23:06.38cupisi.e. if you create the file (and optionally print a test output) it works.
23:06.46cupispie: no, you are wrong.
23:06.57pieme, never :-)
23:07.25cupispie: when you close, it is still in a buffer. it is written when the buffer is flushed. if the script dies, the buffer is discarded, not flushed.
23:08.08piehow about if I set $! to 1?
23:08.11pieOK, woerd
23:08.26cupisyou need to set autoflush or $|
23:10.42piesetting $| to 1 doesn't seem to make a difference
23:11.02pieI put the code segment in { } and used local $| = 1;
23:13.47cupispie: use IO::Handle; OUTPUT->autoflush(1);
23:13.59cupisafter opening, before printing
23:15.02pienope, doesn't work
23:15.08pieI now have:
23:15.17cupisautoflush(0) ?
23:15.23pielocal $| = 1;
23:15.23pieopen (OUTPUT, ">$upload_dir$filename") or die "Could not open file $upload_dir$file for writing: $!";
23:15.23pieuse IO::Handle;
23:15.25piewhile (read($file, $buffer, $buffer_size)) {
23:15.27pie#print $buffer;
23:15.29pieprint OUTPUT $buffer;
23:15.31pie#print $buffer;
23:15.35pieclose(OUTPUT) or die "Could not close file $upload_dir$file : $!";
23:15.48piealso nope
23:16.21cupispie: fix the script so it doesn't die before the buffers are flushed?
23:16.49pieid doesn't die, it outputs valid HTML and I get a 200 OK from apache
23:16.51cupisor try just $| =1; without localising
23:17.36pieunlocaling $| doesn't work.
23:17.52pieI hate computers...
23:39.28*** join/#gllug Leeds (
23:39.53dankolbHi Leeds

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