irclog2html for #freedesktop on 20040818

00:00.03TMMdooky, failed to load mule nvidia... is that the Xserver reporting that? because it might just be possible that the xserver can't locate it's own nvida driver, and not the one that should reside in the kernel
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00:00.38dookydolio: root, group = video
00:00.40dookybut I'm in video.
00:00.42TMMdooky, the error either comes from the nvidia X driver (in which case it IS the kernel driver) or the X server kts
00:00.51TMMitself, in which case, its the xserver
00:01.16dookyi think its from the xserver
00:01.21dookybecause it was working fine earlier.
00:01.23dolioWhat's the access on it, though? For me it's 600, so you'd have to be root.
00:02.01dolioNo, that's the device node. I mean:  crw-------
00:02.21dolioCan you startx as root?
00:02.26dookyone sec
00:02.27dolioHmm. Okay.
00:02.35TMMdooky, the Xserver always runs as root, and afaik that's the only thing that calls that device node
00:02.58TMMbut it's been quite a while since I last looked at it, so I might be talking out of my ass
00:03.04dookynein, same error
00:03.12dookyTMM: lol :)
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00:03.53johnny00thy kdrive-binary is called Xkdrive?
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00:03.59goatboydooky: where did you install Xorg?
00:04.37Tonnerrejohnny00, no, they're called Xfbdev, Xvesa, ...
00:05.16johnny00Tonnerre: ok. but why aren't those files there? *wonder*
00:05.48dookygoatboy: /usr/X11R6
00:06.05TonnerreGNU still didn't put back grep 2.5.1, grr.
00:06.06riftwingis it possible to have all windows have a set transparency level by default than having to use transset to set each window individually?
00:06.10dookyjust tried reconfiguring
00:06.12SilverWolfNOOO :)
00:06.20SilverWolfWhen i got it to work, and then xcompmgr crash hehehehehe
00:06.22Tonnerrejohnny00, because you miscompiled?
00:06.39Tonnerrejohnny00, you did compile xserver from the fd.o CVS?
00:06.44SilverWolfit actually worked
00:07.00dolioriftwing: I don't think so.
00:07.01johnny00Tonnerre: yes, i did
00:07.14SilverWolfTonnerre, runnong xcompmgr with gnome?
00:07.16dookydo you guys know if there were any commits in the last 2 hours?
00:07.19dolioMaybe when your window manager becomes composite aware.
00:07.46dookySilverWolf: there is no possible way for me to look at that link )
00:08.14dookywhats it all about?
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00:09.16dolioIt's a log of cvs commits.
00:09.37dolioYou could also subscribe to the xorg-commit mailing list and it'd send you an e-mail whenever stuff gets committed.
00:09.57johnny00Tonnerre: and my host.def looks like this:
00:10.37dolioActually, that looks like a log of all freedesktop commits, not just xorg. But xorg is in there.
00:10.48Tonnerrejohnny00, for xserver theree is no host.def
00:11.04Tonnerrejohnny00, if you compile xorg you don't get kdrives.
00:12.08riftwingdolio, well that doesn't really make transparency viable at this point then I guess =/ having to set transparency on every single window is rather weak
00:12.15johnny00Tonnerre: so this-> <- is the only way?
00:13.12dolio:) Considering it hasn't even been released yet, it's not surprising that most window managers don't set the hints by default.
00:13.26dolioMetacity might. Apparently it's composite aware in cvs.
00:13.32dolioSo for Gnome 2.8...
00:14.43Tonnerrejohnny00, yes
00:15.18johnny00Tonnerre: ok.thanks ... i was using the wrong howto, then ... ;)
00:15.56dookydo you think they'll have a ton of stuff fixed by release?
00:16.51riftwingdolio, yes, metacity cvs does detect the composite extension I believe
00:17.19bryycedid mrproject get renamed?
00:17.53bryyceah, 'planner'
00:17.59dolioriftwing: Yeah, does that mean it just has a "Set Transparency..." in the window menu or something? I haven't really heard it explained.
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00:20.32riftwingIt has a composite manager but I've never used it so I don't know how it works
00:20.52dolioOh, it actually has it's own composite manager? Interesting.
00:21.46ajaxyeah, you can save some latency when the compmgr and the window manager are the same process
00:22.08ajaxi think anyway
00:22.31dolioDid they just take xcompmgr and splice them together or did they write it from scratch?
00:22.43ajaxi hear a rumor that the performance blows, though, because wms and compmgrs require different response characteristics from the server
00:23.18dolioHeh, so you save latency, but the performance is worse.
00:23.21ajaxthey probably cribbed from xcompmgr
00:23.44SilverWolfhow do i search for text in multiple files?
00:23.46ajaxwell, in theory i think you could save latency, since you already know where the windows are going to go
00:24.08ajaxbut i may be completely wrong there
00:24.08dolioI see.
00:24.58deltabSilverWolf: grep?
00:26.24SilverWolfdeltab, how do i get it to check in multiple files
00:26.35ajaxyou specify multiple files on the command line
00:26.36deltabgrep pattern *
00:26.39ajaxgrep foo *.c
00:26.50SilverWolfahh oki. Thanks
00:28.04Tonnerregrep -R pattern dir # sometimes evven this ;)
00:30.06Tonnerre"Mummy, what does rm -- -rf do?" ;)
00:31.27SilverWolfhehe thanks
00:33.44riftwingthere anyway to turn off shadows?
00:33.56SilverWolfriftwing, launch it without c or s
00:34.05SilverWolf-c or -s
00:34.23dolioHe probably means on individual windows.
00:34.32dolioI don't think it checks any hints for that.
00:34.43ajaxsomeone should come up with a hint for that
00:34.58ajaxso the gnome and kde panels don't cast shadows over all windows
00:35.11dolioIt looks bad for karamba, too.
00:35.16SilverWolfWhat does this thing XInternAtom(dpy, "_NET_WM_WINDOW_OPACITY", False)
00:35.31riftwingI'm guessing you can't turn off shadows for individual windows without a window manager that has composite features?
00:35.45ajaxSilverWolf: you know, how when you transset a window, you can specify the opacity?
00:35.59dolioxcompmgr doesn't draw shadows on konsole for me. :)
00:36.05ajaxSilverWolf: you do that by setting the _NET_WM_WINDOW_OPACITY property for the window
00:36.10dookyk, make install action atm
00:36.27SilverWolfoki. What do the XInternAtom() do=
00:36.35SilverWolfXChangeProperty(SilverDPY, win, XInternAtom(SilverDPY, "_NET_WM_WINDOW_OPACITY", False),
00:36.47ajaxum.  maybe the manpage knows? ;)
00:36.56SilverWolfis there MAN pages for that ?!? :)
00:36.59deltabgets a number (an atom) identifying that string
00:37.15ajaxamazingly enough, there are man pages for most of libX11
00:37.16deltabatoms are more convenient to handle than strings
00:37.21SilverWolfdeltab, a number which have been specified somewhere?
00:37.31ajaxSilverWolf: no, just a number, like a file descriptor
00:37.34SilverWolfi've not read about atoms yet
00:37.37deltabgenerated by the server
00:37.37SilverWolfah oki
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00:38.03dookywb ryan
00:38.05SilverWolfbut but
00:38.10SilverWolfive builed without documentation :)
00:38.18SilverWolfgoogle is my friend
00:38.25ajaxSilverWolf: you probably have it anyway from your last X install
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00:38.33ryanpghowdy, I might have caught another little bug in xorg.conf DisplaySize 349 229
00:38.49ajaxi tend to abuse's man.cgi whenever i need to look up manpages online
00:38.57ryanpgxdpyinfo | grep resolution   resolution:    74x85 dots per inch
00:39.00SilverWolfhahaha... as you can say it :)
00:39.08SilverWolfryanpg, niiice
00:39.39ryanpgSilverWolf, yeah... nothing looks particularly wrong but...
00:40.23ryanpgand inspite of the above like in xorg.conf xdpyinfo reports -> dimensions:    1024x768 pixels (351x229 millimeters)
00:40.27SilverWolfWhen i use the XChangeProperty(dpy, win, XInternAtom(dpy, "__NET_WM_WINDOW_OPACITY", False);, then the window dont respect it
00:40.43dookystill doesn't work
00:40.45SilverWolfXChangeProperty(SilverDPY, win, XInternAtom(SilverDPY, "_NET_WM_WINDOW_OPACITY", False), XA_CARDINAL, 32, PropModeReplace, (unsigned char *) &opacity, 1L);
00:41.07danielsSilverWolf: __NET_WM_WINDOW_OPACITY != _NET_WM_WINDOW_OPACITY
00:42.10ryanpgsomeone else wanna help test for this bug?
00:42.26SilverWolfdaniels, ah sorry, it was just a typo. it's right in the code
00:43.01TonnerreSilverWolf, syntax error aas well
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00:44.09dookydamn, still nothing on reboot :-\
00:46.01dookyoh well :-\
00:46.27SilverWolfJust wanted to type it as it would be good understandable :)
00:46.28SilverWolfXChangeProperty(SilverDPY, win, XInternAtom(SilverDPY, "_NET_WM_WINDOW_OPACITY", False),
00:46.28SilverWolfXA_CARDINAL, 32, PropModeReplace,
00:46.28SilverWolf(unsigned char *) &opacity, 1L);
00:46.51dolioYou're sure it's not something simple like Driver "Nvidia" being capitalized or something that you might not notice?
00:47.32dookydolio: yeah
00:48.04dolioHmm. That stinks. If you change it to 'Driver "nv"' does it work?
00:48.18dookyis cvs update the right command?
00:48.33ryanpgdooky, cvs up -dP
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00:49.24dookydolio: just checked
00:49.28dookynv doesn't work either
00:49.42dookyfor that it says....
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00:49.59dookyno devices detected, no screens found
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00:53.03dolioWhat's your Device section look like?
00:53.28danielsbenh: yo dude
00:53.44SilverWolfhehehe, love when time just go on when hacking
00:53.59dookySection "Device"
00:54.08benhdaniels: yo
00:56.02dolioAnd it says Device "BFG 6800GT" in your "Screen" section?
00:56.36dookyyou mean "Display" ?
00:56.46dolioSection "Screen"
00:57.01dookyyeah thats it
00:57.09dookyyes, it says Device "BFG 6800GT"
00:58.53dolioI'm at a loss, then. I don't know what your problem is.
01:00.14SilverWolfthen ive been debugging like hell... and i try to do it without my changes... it still remove the transparety after selection...
01:03.21dookydolio: Lol. :(
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01:04.13dolioIs anyone else getting weird virtual desktop switching delays with recent cvs?
01:04.19dolioEven with xcompmgr off?
01:04.44ajaxi'm not
01:05.03martindanope, I'm not
01:05.58dolioHmm... seems to be gone now. It's intermittant.
01:06.02dolioOh well.
01:06.55dookyi sure hope the release is alot more stable :P
01:07.00dookyI bet the xfree guys are saying :'(
01:08.03ajaxmore stable than what?
01:08.11dookythan now!
01:08.21dookyor usable
01:08.22dookyat all
01:08.27dookyit won't even start up ffs
01:08.50SilverWolfdooky, works fine here
01:08.59dookySilverWolf: don't tell me that! then I feel bad :'(
01:09.03SilverWolfat the moment only xcompmgr have a habbit of crashing if there is too much mork
01:09.04ajaxindeed.  you probably just have something misconfigured.
01:09.10SilverWolfdooky, hehe i know :p
01:09.12dookyeveryone is playing with hawt hawt stuff and I get none :'(
01:10.06dookyajax: IIRC the only error is that it can't load the module nvidia
01:10.14dookywhich can be loaded by other xorg versions
01:12.20SilverWolfdooky, the nvidia module is loaded ai?
01:12.30SilverWolfand you have reinstalled the nvidia driver ?
01:13.49dookyno, it won't load, yes i've reinstalled
01:13.55dookyK, it does work
01:14.04dookybut at 320x240 with the 8 bit vga driver
01:14.05dookythis is fun!
01:14.16SilverWolfwhat error do you get ?
01:14.25dookycannot load module nvidia, no devices found
01:14.47SilverWolfoki. Im sure it's because you changed so much in your xorg .. 1 sec
01:15.17SilverWolfhere, install mine
01:15.20SilverWolfand see if it start
01:15.28SilverWolfI have a gf card and usb mouse
01:15.32SilverWolfshould work at you too
01:15.49SilverWolfyou maybe have to take a look at the screen section for your resolution
01:16.03dookyk one sec
01:17.04dookySilverWolf: nope.
01:17.09dookystill doesn't work.
01:17.11dookysame error
01:17.19SilverWolfis nvidia listen when you type "lsmod"
01:17.53SilverWolfokay.. and changing "nvidia" to "nv" in the driver section, don't change anything?
01:17.55ajaxtry specifying a BusID for your card
01:18.06ajaxBusID       "PCI:1:0:0"
01:18.31ajaxor whatever the PCI address is, in the Device section
01:18.48ajaxshouldn't be necessary but it's helped me out on occasion
01:19.09SilverWolfajax, do you where havoc pennington hides sometimes?
01:19.11dookydoesn't wrka
01:19.19dookytrying busid
01:19.26dookyhow do I find the busid?
01:19.30ajaxdooky: lspci
01:21.01SilverWolfWould be cool if there actually was numbers on how many machines running linux
01:21.09SilverWolfand other non ms's os's
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01:26.49martindaajax: are there any reference materials for these XRenderComposite and XRenderCreatePicture and friends available?
01:27.01martinda+ that you know of :)
01:27.16martindaI'm trying to get started on a gl composite manager
01:27.51dolioLet me know when you have something, I'll test.
01:28.05martinda(now that launching gl apps doesn't crash my server, although that was my goof :)
01:28.27ajaxmartinda: not that i know of, besides the source
01:28.30dolioI should learn OpenGL so I can help you out.
01:28.35martindaok, that's what I figured
01:28.44ajaxyou'd be a wonderful person if you wrote the man pages and submitted them for inclusion ;)
01:28.52ajaxnudge nudge
01:28.55martindatough part is, trial and error sucks because once it takes over the window tree... ;)
01:29.01martindadolio: oi.
01:29.11martindaajax: I've never written a man page before!
01:29.15martindaI suppose there's no time like the presenty
01:29.22SilverWolfmartinda, have you played with the metacity code?
01:29.25dolio:) He'd have to know what they do first, as well.
01:29.34martindaSilverWolf: nope..
01:29.41martindawhy, is there something noteworthy there?>
01:29.51SilverWolfmartinda, oki. Trying to implement some window transparety when changing focus
01:30.02martindagood luck :)
01:30.30SilverWolfjust that i think metacity are playing me a bit... can't find where it gives me the fingre and remove the property i set
01:32.18dookystill nothing
01:32.26dookygot the latest cvs even
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01:38.30SilverWolfdamn.. this metacity hack is ruining my sleep
01:40.36polewhat metacity hack?
01:40.53polewhat is goinng on with metacity?
01:41.23SilverWolfpole, just me fooling around
01:41.40poleare you trying to make the WM a composite manager also?
01:41.46SilverWolfcan't get the proper window.. or i get it.. but the property dont get set in some weird way
01:42.05SilverWolfnot really, only trying to implement transparent windows when changing focus
01:43.59dookythis is weak sauce at its finest :(
01:50.03*** join/#freedesktop boss (
01:51.25dolioApparently the wm already is a composite manager.
01:53.37*** join/#freedesktop ShawnLaptop (
01:53.39ShawnLaptopgood news
01:53.54ShawnLaptopthe Synaptics mouse driver works fine with xorg-HEAD
01:54.10ShawnLaptopi wanna ask the author if we can merge it into Xorg
01:54.48ShawnLaptopits GPL code
01:54.52ShawnLaptopi dont know if thats allowed or not
01:54.55ajaxit's not
01:55.19ShawnLaptopoh well
01:55.27ShawnLaptopit works 100%
01:55.27strawwhat is the 'good' license choice?
01:55.51ajaxany MIT or BSD style license would be fine
01:55.59ShawnLaptopwhat if it was dual licensed?
01:56.07ajaxthat'd be fine too
01:56.39ShawnLaptoplets see if he/and everyone would agree to that
01:58.56danielsShawnLaptop: already been done
01:59.02danielsthere was one dude who we couldn't track down to agree
01:59.07danielsso his contributions need to be clean-roomed
01:59.21ShawnLaptophow much code did he write?
01:59.29danielssadly, we can't find from the archives who that was, and warren turkal has disappeared, so that effort sort of disintegrated in confusion
01:59.32danielsnot terribly much
01:59.57ShawnLaptopthese people?
02:00.58ShawnLaptopif his code was not much do we know what code it was?
02:02.37strawi came across that site while searching for ways to get all 8 buttons working on this mouse
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02:03.18ShawnLaptopif his code wasn't much I'd be glad to rewrite the questionable code
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02:11.18ShawnLaptopim still discussing with the GATOS author about having his code merged into xorg in a gatos branch
02:11.33ajaxyes plz
02:12.08ShawnLaptopis there a mailing list for getting things merged in?
02:13.55ShawnLaptopof the two big things I'd like to see in xorg is GATOS and the Synaptics driver
02:14.42ShawnLaptopI think both will be in soon
02:15.08ShawnLaptopand I'll do my best to help in any way possible
02:20.43tmortonHey you KDE in violation of the menu-spec standards with this line? Categories=Qt;KDE;Game;StrategyGame
02:20.50tmortonWhy is there that Game; item?
02:21.09tmortonIsn't just having StrategyGame more correct?
02:22.27ShawnLaptopits a bug then ;-)
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02:37.39SilverWolfclosing time
02:37.41SilverWolfsleep tight
02:40.58dolioDone with glcompmgr yet? :)
02:41.08martindanah, just getting started. :)
02:41.24dolioCome on, it's been like over an hour. :)
02:41.31martindaI was out and about..
02:41.52bosshi i'm wondering if someone might be able to help with a compile problem here
02:43.31bossi'm using the script from  when it starts compiling in Xfont it stops on fontcache.c - fontcache.c:35:26: fontcacheint.h: No such file or directory
02:44.30bossany ideas?
02:46.12danielscvs up
02:46.15danielsi think
02:47.11bossno thats not it, the script actualy checks out everything fresh from cvs
02:49.27danielsi might get around to it later
02:49.31danielsbut it's 3:45 and i'm buried in other code
02:50.38ShawnLaptopno segfaults except xcompmgr is busted ;-)
02:58.54danielsSTRICTLY SOCIAL
02:59.12danielsit's from a drum n bass song
02:59.28danielsgive me leeway. it's 4am, i'm tanked on caffeine and sugar, and stoked after finally defeating the code i've been at for hours.
02:59.30ShawnLaptopdrum 'n bass == good
02:59.41ShawnLaptopdefeating ?
03:00.43danielsyeah. it was shit code, i was trying to improve it, it was resisting.
03:00.52danielsright now, listening to roni size - strictly social
03:00.58danielsthis is coming off lots of meat katie, pendulum, et al
03:01.29ShawnLaptopCanada is doing bad at the Olympics ;-(
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03:01.47bossAustralia is doing well at the olympics :-)
03:02.02ajaxcurrent xmms playlist contains fluke, eat static, and breakbeat era
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03:02.55martindawell, it would appear to be initializing opengl.. now to see if I can get anything on the screen
03:03.27ajaxmartinda: good luck writing the code to split pixmaps into textures
03:04.04martindaI've written some GUI code in OpenGL before, so that's somewhat familiar
03:04.23ajaxwhich you'll probably have to do even if you use NV_texture_rectangle, since you're still limited to the max texture size supported by the card
03:05.11martindaI'm going to try to do it without extensions to start
03:05.16ajaxi915 is nice though, max texture size is 2048^2
03:05.30martindamost cards support large textures like that now
03:05.50martindawell, "most"
03:05.57ajaxi915 was the only one i knew offhand.  i'm languishing on a voodo5
03:06.11ajaxand no npot support
03:06.11martindayeah, the nVidia cards have supported that size for some time
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03:07.00martindawell, something is amiss here. :)
03:07.16martindaI'm just trying to bind a glX context to the root window and clear it in xcompmgr
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03:07.57ajaxwon't work if you want it double-buffered
03:08.35martindaoh, how come?
03:09.08ajaxbecause the root window isn't a double-buffered visual
03:09.22martindaI wonder why it wasn't throwing any errors.
03:09.41ajaxtry running one of the xscreensaver demos directly on the root window, but forcing a double-bufferd visual ID.  it doesn't work.
03:09.58ajaxthere's a bug about that but i think it's closed REMIND
03:10.43martindaso, what to do then? :D
03:10.48martindacreate another window?
03:10.51martindabut then...
03:10.53dookyajax: so any other ideas at all? :O
03:10.55ajaxjust do it single-buffered, or create another window
03:11.08martindasingle buffered will look so bad though. :|
03:11.12ajaxdooky: no, not really
03:11.15martindaoh well, try it this way for now
03:11.23dookybummer :P
03:11.47ajaxmartinda: not completely terrible if the driver can do vsync.  but still not great.
03:12.20martindaso if I do create another window, can I still redirect the entire window tree to that window? O.o
03:12.23martindaor does that even make sense
03:13.15ajaxdon't know the answer there
03:13.28ajaxi know xscreensaver does something similar but it might not work in this case
03:13.54martindathanks, btw.
03:15.10ajaxlet me know if you get something semi-working
03:15.16ajaxi'm sure we can rig xapps hosting for you
03:15.18martindaheh, I've also never used glX, so this could take some time.
03:15.35martindadoesn't seem bad though
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03:20.07danielsfabbione: what are you doing up, dad?
03:20.09danielsit's way too early
03:20.20danielshmm, unless it's just his irc client
03:23.33ajaxword, cfb seems to be beaten into submission
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03:23.48martindaahh, yeah, make current is failing
03:24.00martindaI wonder if you can even bind a gl context to the root window
03:24.08rootcodeIs this the channel for DBUS?
03:24.36ajaxmartinda: i'm sure you can, glmatrix -root works
03:24.57martindaI was just going to ask if you could try :)
03:25.02martindaI have no screensavers installed
03:25.38ajaxin fact that was how i know you can't double-buffer on the root window
03:25.45ajaxthe conversation went something like:
03:25.58ajax<user> glmatrix on the root window is all flickery!
03:26.09ajax<me> (digs, switches channels)
03:26.21tmortonHey you KDE in violation of the menu-spec standards with this line? Categories=Qt;KDE;Game;StrategyGame
03:26.25tmortonWhy is there that Game; item?
03:26.31tmortonIsn't just having StrategyGame more correct?
03:26.32ajax<me> keithp: is there any way to db the root window?
03:26.42ajax<keithp> why on earth would you do that?
03:26.54ajax<me> people want to run GL hacks on the root window
03:27.01ajax<keithp> they're insane
03:27.48ajaxand that was pretty much the end of that
03:28.17martindaI guess he'll tell me to make another window then
03:28.30ajaxwe could hack the server to force a db visual for it but it's, shall we say, a low priority
03:28.38martindayeah, fair enough
03:29.32ajaxhopefully we'll get that for free when we write X as a GL app
03:30.58deltabtmorton: "Desktop entries should list all categories that clearly apply." --
03:31.27tmortondeltab: OK...guess I wasn't interpreting the standard right :D
03:32.40dookydolio: here?
03:32.57dookydid you happen to use any patches?
03:33.03dookyon the cvs version, that is.
03:33.14dolioHmm... Let me check the ebuild.
03:33.21dookyoh, you made your own ebuild?
03:33.34dolioNo, I used the fluidportage ebuild.
03:33.58dookydoes that get the newest cvs snapshot?
03:34.22dolioYou use gentoo?
03:34.35dookyis there an easy easy way for me to get the entire overlay?
03:34.38*** part/#freedesktop tmorton (
03:34.49dolioGo to the forums, and search for fluidportage and go into the "Redeeman's cvs ebuilds" post.
03:35.06dolioIt walks you through using subversion to get the ebuilds.
03:35.08dookygreat, thanks alot man
03:35.17dolioOne note:
03:35.32dolioEmerge it twice. The first emerge has pam disabled, which causes permission problems.
03:35.45dookyemerge xorg-cvs twice/
03:35.46dolioFor some reason it doesn't enable pam unless xorg is already installed.
03:35.56dookyweird, man.
03:36.04dolioYeah, 'emerge xorg-x11-cvs' and then again.
03:36.21dookyscore, found the thread
03:36.24dookythanks alot :P
03:36.28dolioNo problem.
03:36.42ajaxfour more framebuffer modules to go and i should be set
03:36.44dookywhat should I do about the version I installed manually?
03:37.01ajaxwith any luck i broke cfb users horribly too
03:37.17dolioI guess just leave it. You could try 'make uninstall'.
03:37.23dolioIt won't hurt anything.
03:37.28dookyno rule....
03:37.31dolioJust might take up some extra space.
03:37.44dookyyeah, i can manually clean up
03:37.53dookyi'll just rm-rf /usr/X11R6
03:38.01dookyI'm losing patience rapidly :)
03:38.17dolio:) You'll probably have to reinstall nvidia-glx if you do that.
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03:42.42dookydolio: so does this explain why the first time i emerged xorg-x11-cvs 15 hours ago then tried x, it didn't work?
03:43.15martindaman oh man
03:43.54martindaI'm not having much luck with the google!
03:44.04dookywhat are you looking for?
03:44.18martindahow to get visual info from a window, or a visual
03:44.42dookycan't help ya there :D
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03:44.42martindajust want the visual info for the root window
03:46.50ajaxXGetWindowAttributes on the root window
03:47.09martindayeah, and I can get the Visual * from that
03:47.45martindathat's in the xcompmgr.c already, but I can't find a reference for Visual, or a way to get an XVisualInfo from a Visual * :)
03:48.13martindaI can get the Id
03:48.49dookymartinda: is it a very new feature? google might not have crawled any pages with that info yet
03:48.58martindait's just Xlib stuff
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04:10.55utopianajax: you posted on my bug. :-P
04:11.03utopianajax: but yeah, it was the defaultdepth
04:11.14utopianshouldn't xorgcfg have set the defaultdepth for me?
04:11.40utopianafk quitting irssi and using xchat
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04:13.16utopiannow comes the burning question: how do I test composite?
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04:13.37ajaxsection 9
04:13.58utopianajax: thank you very much
04:14.06utopianyou have really been my benefactor today lol
04:17.17utopianproblem with CVS though
04:17.26utopianautomake-1.5: `AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE' must be used
04:17.34ajaxyou need automake 1.7
04:17.35utopianI know I shouldn't be using automake-1.5
04:17.42utopianbut I have automake-1.8
04:17.42martindaman, ajax types fast
04:17.53martindathere's some environment variable to set
04:17.55utopianI don't know why it uses it...?
04:18.05ajaxexport WANT_AUTOMAKE=1.7
04:18.09ajaxif you're using gentoo anyway
04:18.17ajaxi don't know what the magic word is for other distros
04:18.22utopianajax: absolutely
04:18.59dookymmm, gentoo+magic
04:19.04utopianagh now it's giving me a pkg-config error
04:19.26ajaxexport PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/opt/xorg-cvs/lib/pkgconfig
04:19.30dookyyou just can't win today :(
04:19.36dookyajax: I didn't have to do that!
04:19.39utopiantell me about it