IRC log for #flyspray on 20100311

00:56.22ohnobinkiviper550: if you're trying to talk to flyspray devs, none of them are in atm
00:56.42ohnobinkithey hold op when they're in here, so you'll be able to tell when they are around ;-)
01:22.20Viper550I'm just trying to make it less ugly
03:20.49*** join/#flyspray cytrinox_ (
06:13.00*** join/#flyspray floele (
06:13.01*** mode/#flyspray [+o floele] by ChanServ
09:31.45*** join/#flyspray khertan (~d4eabb96@gateway/web/freenode/x-svgpemefyxtgsict)
09:31.48khertanHi !
09:32.37khertanI ve a question about the api in 1.0.0 200909 snapshot ... does it permit to create a task as i didn't see anything about that in the api.
16:11.10*** join/#flyspray floele (
16:11.10*** mode/#flyspray [+o floele] by ChanServ
16:18.49ohnobinkikhertan: who made the snapshot?
16:19.16khertanhum ... found it on the wiki if i remember
16:19.31ohnobinkioh, ok
16:20.16khertananyway i m currently looking at the svn current version :)
16:20.51khertanearth template seems to look like very nice (i'm trying to fix some errors i got with it ...)
18:04.18*** join/#flyspray floele (
18:04.18*** mode/#flyspray [+o floele] by ChanServ
20:00.49*** join/#flyspray Viper550 (kvirc@wikipedia/ViperSnake151)
22:23.35*** join/#flyspray crrodriguez (~crrodrigu@opensuse/member/elvigia)
22:23.36*** mode/#flyspray [+o crrodriguez] by ChanServ
22:55.31*** join/#flyspray Viper550 (kvirc@wikipedia/ViperSnake151)
22:59.43Viper550crrodriguez: you a dev?
22:59.53crrodriguezViper550: yes
23:00.07Viper550right now, fluxbb is planning some massive changes to the dev process
23:01.06Viper550we're planning on dumping svn/trac and moving to git and going towards a different bug tracker too,
23:04.11Viper550fluxbb, is a fork of punbb
23:04.19Viper550the forum software your forum currently uses
23:30.09Viper550though I'm currently in between that or mantis, it'd be ironic, if we did switch, for you to be using pun...meaning if we were to endorse you, endorsing us in return could be a good trade
23:32.15crrodriguezViper550: that's ok
23:32.27crrodriguezshould be no problem
23:37.10Viper550the upcoming version of fluxbb, is based off punbb 1.2, but with improvements such as unicode support
23:37.18Viper550and new styles
23:50.41crrodriguezViper550: cool =)

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