IRC log for #flyspray on 20090316

00:06.16LetehI can't find anything. Is there a database row I can edit?
00:07.15\phil\not\here\what are you looking for
00:07.30LetehI am trying to make it so that unregistered users can post a comment
00:08.45\phil\not\here\maybe that will help
00:14.32judas_iscarioteLeteh: I strongly suggest you dont do that... spammers may take over your bugtracker.
00:23.40\phil\not\here\i was assuming it is locked down behind a vpn or something
03:20.43*** join/#flyspray cytrinox_ (
05:55.57*** join/#flyspray floele (
05:55.57*** mode/#flyspray [+o floele] by ChanServ
12:00.47*** join/#flyspray andrey22 (n=Andrey@
16:19.28andrey22how can i talk to flyspray team?
16:19.31andrey22i want to buy advertising on the website
16:29.55jamsandrey22-  your in the right channel,  could also send an email i suppose.
16:30.34andrey22yeah but i'd beeter have a talk with someone from the team first
16:30.54andrey22are you one of them?
16:31.11jamsnope, just a user
16:31.32andrey22ok, i'll just idle here and wait for them
16:31.36jamsi think floele is in charge of the website, but  not 100% certain of that
16:32.07andrey22ok thanks for the info
17:50.13*** join/#flyspray floele41 (
17:50.13*** mode/#flyspray [+o floele41] by ChanServ
20:44.45*** join/#flyspray xrogaan (
22:49.43*** join/#flyspray judas_iscariote (n=crrodrig@opensuse/member/elvigia)
22:49.43*** mode/#flyspray [+o judas_iscariote] by ChanServ
23:11.05*** join/#flyspray andrey23 (n=Andrey@

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