IRC log for #flyspray on 20070411

02:01.34*** join/#flyspray LANSHARK_ (
02:01.40*** part/#flyspray LANSHARK_ (
05:21.24*** join/#flyspray floele (
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05:33.53*** join/#flyspray hamZta (
06:04.15judas_iscarioteheheheheh .... LOL
07:56.06*** join/#flyspray _judas_iscariote (n=cristian@
07:56.06*** mode/#flyspray [+o _judas_iscariote] by ChanServ
09:28.09hamZta1Hehe, judas_iscariote
09:29.45judas_iscariotehamZta: hi
09:29.52hamZtaHi judas_iscariote
11:54.29*** join/#flyspray exg (i=exg@irssi/staff/exg)
14:22.02exgwe (irssi) have a very old version of flyspray running at and would like to upgrade. Unfortunately following the istructions on the download page the upgrade does not work, possibly because it is a really old version. Any clue/suggestion ?
14:49.46Caarrieexg: what version do you have?
14:50.50*** join/#flyspray Geert (i=geert@irssi/staff/geert)
14:51.33exgCaarrie: it is a version dated may 2004
14:52.15Caarrieyou need to download each version up to .9.9.1 and upgrade  [you dont need .9.9 though]
14:52.22Caarriefrom svn
14:52.47Geertwe tried that, breaks along the way
14:52.54Caarrieon what version?
14:52.57Geertwe even tried it multiple times
14:53.01Geertlots of versions :)
14:53.05Geertalways 1 version up
14:53.27Caarrieso you start off where you are and go up version by version and it does not work right?
14:53.39Geertusernames/passwords broke
14:53.49Geertand some other things too
14:53.51Caarriei am not a dev here so i cant help with that :S
14:54.00Caarrieyou will have to wait for the devs to show up
14:54.28exgdo they come often?
14:54.58exgok thanks, we'll re-ask them then
15:10.12*** join/#flyspray floele (
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15:11.12Caarriehi floele
15:11.24Caarrieexg: tell floele your problem
15:11.56exghi floele
15:14.17exgwe (irssi) have a very old version of flyspray running at and would like to upgrade. Unfortunately following the istructions on the download page the upgrade does not work, possibly because it is a really old version. We have also tried upgrading version by version, without success.
15:16.17*** join/#flyspray floele_ (
15:17.41floele_hi you two
15:18.09floele_exg, what's your problem?
15:18.16*** part/#flyspray hamZta (
15:18.31Caarrie[11:14:41] <exg> we (irssi) have a very old version of flyspray running at and would like to upgrade. Unfortunately following the istructions on the download page the upgrade does not work, possibly because it is a really old version. We have also tried upgrading version by version, without success.
15:18.58floele_what is this "very old version"?
15:19.09Caarrie[10:51:57] <exg> Caarrie: it is a version dated may 2004
15:20.27floele_can't you simply look at what the footer tells you?
15:22.21exgit does not seem to include the version
15:24.00floele_then check the source, class.flyspray.php or something similar
15:24.18floele_I won't be able to help you without more prcise information ;)
15:24.34Caarriefloele_: what about in the database?
15:25.15exgfloele_: hmm there is no *flyspray*.php
15:26.03exgthere is a with a Flyspray class
15:29.08Geertit's a version where the config is still in header.php
15:29.34floele_oh dear
15:29.48floele_still, somewhere the version will be stored
15:30.24floele_if necessary, search all files for "0.9.3", "", "0.9.4", ... and so on until you found one o fthese versions ;)
15:31.15exgseems at least 0.9.5
15:31.21exgI have found a comment with that version number
15:32.30exgGeert: can you do a grep for 0.9 ?
15:41.08exgCaarrie: Can I get tarballs of old versions anywhere?
15:41.26Caarrieyou can download it from svn no tarball though
15:43.12exgshould be 0.9.5 or 0.9.6, they were released in 2004
15:44.26exgGeert: where did you find the date?
15:45.32Geertls -al header.php :p
15:45.36*** join/#flyspray floele (
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15:45.40Caarriewb floele
15:47.12floelestill no version?
15:47.14exgfloele: should be 0.9.5, but the version is nowhere
15:48.12floelethen upgrade to 0.9.6 and 0.9.7 manually (using the upgrade scripts in 0.9.7 or 0.9.8) step by step, then let the upgrader of do the rest
15:48.59floeleCaarrie: don't you already know the details? ;)
15:49.08Caarriei told them that floele
15:49.33Caarrie10:53:50] <+Caarrie> so you start off where you are and go up version by version and it does not work right?
15:49.33Caarrie[10:53:56] <Geert> no
15:49.33Caarrie[10:54:02] <Geert> usernames/passwords broke
15:49.33Caarrie[10:54:13] <Geert> and some other things too
15:50.07floelethey'll only brake if you don't use the upgrade scripts
15:50.15Geertwe did :)
15:50.19floelethere is a PHP and MySQL file for each vesio
15:50.24floeleboth need to be executed
15:50.27floelein the right order
15:50.30GeertWe'll try again and give you detailed output
15:50.48Geertfloele: We're not stupid, we do know how to RTFM :p
15:51.12floelethere is not much more I can tell you, none of the current developers were involved in 0.9.8, 0.9.7 or 0.9.6
15:51.25Caarrieall that is the same is the name :P
15:51.47floeleso basically we don't know much more than you do ;)
15:52.31exgiiuc the minimum version to use the upgrader of is 0.9.7 ?
15:53.43exgGeert: do you have 0.9.6/0.9.7 tarballs?
15:53.57Caarrie~upgrade from 0.9.5
15:54.00jbotrumour has it, upgrade from 0.9.5 is then upgrade to 0.9.6 and 0.9.7 manually (using the upgrade scripts in 0.9.7 or 0.9.8) step by step, then let the upgrader of do the rest
15:54.01floeleif you don't, grab old version from SVN
15:54.21Geertexg: No, but I bet google has :)
15:54.29floeleour SVN repo has
15:54.36floeleall from 0.9.4 to
15:54.46floeleyou can  also compare your version with those
15:54.52floelecheck the tags directory
15:55.03Geertcould be, mijn phone spreekt geen @ voor mms
15:55.28Geertnm, wrong win 148 versus 158
15:58.54exgfloele Caarrie: thanks for the help so far
15:59.00Caarrie~upgrade from 0.9.5
15:59.02jbotis to upgrade from 0.9.5  upgrade to 0.9.6 and 0.9.7 manually (using the upgrade scripts in 0.9.7 or 0.9.8) step by step, then let the upgrader of do the rest
16:02.09Caarrieslap <action> slaps $lastspeaker
16:02.36Caarrieslap is <action> slaps $lastspeaker
16:03.24Caarriekick is <action> drop kicks $lastspeaker
16:03.53floele~seen macnewbold
16:04.18jbotmacnewbold <> was last seen on IRC in channel #uphpu, 1d 23h 2m 43s ago, saying: 'so it is perfectly legal to own a recording of a public broadcast, but it is not completely public domain'.
16:08.30jbotACTION jumps in a big trunk and runsover Caarrie
16:11.11Caarrie~jump on exg
16:11.13jbotACTION scrambles up the nearest tree, screams, then leaps feet first on top of on exg
16:12.30Caarrie~wake exg
16:12.32jbotACTION throws a barrel-full of ice water on exg and shouts "GOOD MORNING!!!!"
16:15.06jbotACTION runs around in circles screaming "My pants are blue!!!"
16:15.50jbotACTION jumps in a big trunk and runsover $nextlastspeaker caarrie
16:16.01Caarriei guess that did not work :P
16:19.35jbotACTION takes two shots to the head and crumples to the ground, lifeless.
16:22.27jbotdeath is probably what happens when you don't /msg, or the opposite of life
16:25.20jbotextra, extra, read all about it, life is a board game
16:42.40*** join/#flyspray floele (
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16:45.40*** join/#flyspray floele_ (
18:10.36*** join/#flyspray floele (
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18:23.32*** join/#flyspray floele (
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19:24.30*** join/#flyspray RogerHuston (
20:34.13*** join/#flyspray judas_iscariote (n=cristian@
20:34.13*** mode/#flyspray [+o judas_iscariote] by ChanServ
20:34.33Caarriehi judas_iscariote
20:34.57judas_iscarioteCaarrie: hi
20:37.27judas_iscarioteRogerHuston: did you solved your problem ?
20:39.10judas_iscariotearghhh.. my IP is listed in blacklist **sigh** has to renew it..bbl
20:41.48*** join/#flyspray judas_iscariote (n=cristian@
20:41.48*** mode/#flyspray [+o judas_iscariote] by ChanServ
20:42.32judas_iscarioteyup, changed ip address, IRC servers were banning me as open proxy...
20:42.48Caarrienever heard of that
20:46.56judas_iscarioteCaarrie: open proxy ==> bad thing, really bad and very dangerous.
20:47.59judas_iscarioteCaarrie: it is a usually a misconfiguration that makes your system an "opne gateway" to forward web trafiic requested by anyone.
20:49.18judas_iscarioteI dont have any proxy installed, nor apache mod proxy is **even** loaded.
20:49.53judas_iscarioteso, other used had my IP address and used it as a open proxy...
20:50.21Caarriei got a cloak so i should not have that problem
20:50.41judas_iscariotenope. even if you have cloak
20:50.55judas_iscariotethe server itselfs wont let you to connect.
20:51.15judas_iscariote( efnet was refusing my connections ;) )
23:38.30judas_iscariote~poke Caarrie
23:38.31jbotACTION cuts down a small tree, sneaks up behind Caarrie, pokes Caarrie repeatedly, hilarity ensues.
23:38.50jbotACTION looks at caarrie 'I wonder why caarrie looks so sad'
23:39.11judas_iscariotenow it has learnt ;)
23:39.41Caarriei am trying to teach him a bit
23:40.08Caarrie~upgrade from 0.9.5
23:40.10jbotto upgrade from 0.9.5  upgrade to 0.9.6 and 0.9.7 manually (using the upgrade scripts in 0.9.7 or 0.9.8) step by step, then let the upgrader of do the rest
23:49.56RogerHustonI am about to start a fresh install of flyspray to see if I can get rid of my problems.
23:50.00RogerHustonWish me luck.

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