irclog2html for #flyspray on 20070228

01:14.11*** join/#flyspray \phil_ (
05:32.43*** join/#flyspray floele (
05:32.43*** mode/#flyspray [+o floele] by ChanServ
06:34.56*** join/#flyspray hamZta (
08:17.41*** join/#flyspray tnorth (
12:15.16tnorthhum, has anybody some tips about templates ?
12:33.33\phil_be more specific
12:52.45tnorthI discussed some days ago with floele, who told me we can have customized templates into the /templates/<templ_nam> directory
12:53.01tnorthI already have a theme with that name
12:53.40tnorthNow, let's assume I have theme1 as a theme, flyspray should read templates from /templates/theme1, right ?
15:50.16*** join/#flyspray tnorth_ (
15:57.25*** join/#flyspray floele (
15:57.25*** mode/#flyspray [+o floele] by ChanServ
16:48.44tnorth_i had one more question related to templates
16:49.23tnorth_i have a theme, theme1. it is a theme1/ directory. ok.
16:49.48tnorth_The templates associated to this theme have to be in templates/theme1/, right ?
16:50.04floeleor wait
16:50.35floelein /themes/Theme1/...
16:51.04tnorth_in a directory called templates ?
16:51.20tnorth_ok, so with all pictures
16:51.25tnorth_and stylesheets.
16:54.15tnorth_yeah it works :P
16:54.22floelegood ;)
16:54.53tnorth_(don't worry, i wasn't searching for that for 2 days, just came back on it and spotted it didn't work as I thought...)
16:58.06tnorth_oh btw, is there an easy way to set up user permissions for a project ?
16:58.32tnorth_(ex. user1 allowed to view project1 but not project2 ? )
16:59.07floelemore or less easy
16:59.49tnorth_i have to make groups ?
17:00.12floeleat least one
17:00.46floeleto see a project, a user has to be in a project group or the project is public
18:29.51*** join/#flyspray Khalsa (n=Khalsa@
18:30.29KhalsaHello, New installation of flyspray, basic user has permissions to add attachments, etc. Created a new task with an attachment... Where is it?
18:30.49macnewboldyou should see it on that tasks page
18:30.58macnewboldon the server, you can look in the attachments directory
18:31.07macnewboldwere there any error messages while uploading it?
18:31.23Khalsano errors, apache log shows no error, not visible on the tasks page
18:31.30macnewboldyour server might not support file uploads, or might have a lower limit than the size of the file you tried to upload
18:31.35macnewboldhow big did you try to upload?
18:31.40Khalsafew kb
18:31.42macnewboldis attachments dir writable by the apache user?
18:31.47Khalsaletme go see
18:31.53macnewbolddefault limit is several MB, so you should be fine there
18:32.02macnewboldfloele might have ideas too
18:32.33Khalsaattachments folder is 666
18:33.35Khalsaah, fixed to 755 and comments attachment worked
18:33.46macnewboldthat was it
18:34.00Khalsasorry to bother, should have checked that first
18:34.02macnewboldif it isn't owned by the same user that apache runs as, you'd need it to be in the same group, and chmod 775
18:34.09macnewboldno problem, simple mistake
18:34.14macnewboldenjoy flyspray :)
18:35.23KhalsaI will :-)
18:35.52KhalsaI allready love using it on
18:36.05macnewboldI like it a lot too
18:36.24macnewboldwe've been using it for work since before 0.9.8 was released, and have loved it should upgrade ;)
18:38.07floeleand I want firmware for my trekstor vibez ^^
18:39.56floeleKhalsa: for 1.0 flyspray will only let you add attachments if the folder is writable
18:41.07floeleand there will be a status page which shows all dependencies for flyspray and the consequence if one of those are not OK
18:48.20KhalsaOh cool
18:48.26Khalsais there a roadmap somewhere?
18:56.40*** part/#flyspray Khalsa (n=Khalsa@
19:33.05*** join/#flyspray khalsa (
19:34.49khalsaSorry I had to go , "is there any roadmap available?"
19:47.31floelekhalsa: yes
19:52.33khalsacool thanks
19:54.59khalsaI'm so happy flyspray was so easy to get up and running, other projects in this space are very much less so
19:59.49floeleyes, we do our best to make everything simple
20:00.22floeleespecially setup since lots of stuff might cause problems...
21:32.21*** join/#flyspray khalsa3 (
21:38.08*** join/#flyspray floele (
21:38.08*** mode/#flyspray [+o floele] by ChanServ
22:12.38khalsaBtw, at least I found an embeddble (java, not flash) player that works with OGG icecast streams

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