irclog2html for #flyspray on 20061113

05:16.15judas_iscariotemda: the admin password hash has been fixed in svn.
05:28.29mdaok thanks.
05:29.06mdahow about fixing the web page:
05:29.26mdato indicate the necessary order
05:31.51judas_iscariotemda: I just added a bold text...
05:32.09*** join/#flyspray floele (
05:32.16judas_iscariotemda: we are movinf the wiki so I want to avoid to create mayor changes..
05:32.30judas_iscariotefloele: morning
05:33.19judas_iscariotemda: we are moving toe whole thing to our own domain and server...
05:35.58judas_iscariotefloele: ^^ created a SVN server there?
05:42.57floeleif so, I assume that we let development run on the old rep until the new server is finished. we'd also need websvn and email notifications then
05:46.18*** join/#flyspray judas_iscariote (n=cristian@
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05:47.15judas_iscariotedamn provider.. :)
05:47.39judas_iscariotefloele: did you told me something ???
05:47.55judas_iscariotenetwork connection went down ;S
05:53.30floelefloele: created a SVN server there?
05:53.30floele[06:42] floele: if so, I assume that we let development run on the old rep until the new server is finished. we'd also need websvn and email notifications then
05:58.12judas_iscariotefloele: nono...
05:58.19judas_iscarioteis just the "url"
05:58.37judas_iscariotenothing more, I see no reason to move the repository to other place atm..and you ?
05:59.10judas_iscariotewe just got "a new name" nothing more... ;)
05:59.43judas_iscariotecurrent server works quite fine ^^
06:05.25*** join/#flyspray floele41 (
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06:15.46floele_now I see
06:16.02floele_does anyone know why freenode doesn't like my password or floele anymore?
06:18.13*** part/#flyspray judas_iscariote (n=cristian@
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06:19.02*** kick/#flyspray [floele!n=cristian@] by judas_iscariote (User terminated!)
06:19.10*** kick/#flyspray [floele41!n=cristian@] by judas_iscariote (User terminated!)
06:19.30judas_iscariotefloele_: try again ^^
06:22.43*** join/#flyspray floele (
06:23.00floelesaid floele is already in use
06:23.11floeleand then disconnected me
06:24.05judas_iscariotefloele: yes.. sometimes stuff hangs
06:24.28judas_iscarioteI just kicked you and you are back in business now ^^
06:25.13judas_iscarioteyou can alias your nicknames for the main one and the /ghost the hanging process...
06:27.55floeleI did
06:28.04floelebut if it doesn't accept my password..
06:31.25floeleanyway, I have to go now
06:31.29floelecu later :)
09:49.41pizhei judas_iscariote
09:49.54judas_iscariotepiz: hay
09:51.21pizjudas_iscariote: i have a new toy...
09:51.27pizfor a week now
09:51.33judas_iscariotepiz: what toy eh ?;)
09:51.48pizi bought it friday before last week
09:51.53piza nikon d70s
09:52.25judas_iscariotewe also have new toys...
09:52.35judas_iscariotepiz: we are moving flyspray...
09:52.49judas_iscarioteto another self-administered server.l
09:52.55judas_iscarioteand domain.
09:53.51judas_iscariotepiz: so, we have new gadgets to tweak ;)
09:55.10pizwow :)
09:56.04judas_iscariotenew location
09:56.58judas_iscarioteserver required a lot of tweaking..
09:57.23judas_iscariotepiz: including upgrading the ancient PHP version that debian sarge has
10:00.54judas_iscariotepiz: but we are mostly ready to make the swith..unfortunately the data is still on the other server..
10:01.08judas_iscarioteand we dion't have access to that information at all.
10:03.43judas_iscariote~seen knigits
10:03.49jbotknigits <> was last seen on IRC in channel #flyspray, 173d 11h 25m 21s ago, saying: 'flo was telling me on jabber last night how he wants to make a theme like'.
10:04.41judas_iscariotewow, long time tony does not join the channel...
10:04.47judas_iscariotejbot: thanks.
10:04.47jbotpas de quoi, judas_iscariote
10:05.39judas_iscariotejbot: wtf flyspray
10:06.11jbotflyspray is, like, an excellent lightweight bug tracking system: see or #flyspray or see it in action:
10:52.17pizjudas_iscariote: why don't you have access to this data
13:05.38*** join/#flyspray netWolf (
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13:42.49*** topic/#flyspray is Flyspray Bug Tracking System - - report bugs at
14:29.47*** join/#flyspray floele (
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18:19.16mdawhat is "default category owner"?
18:19.38floelea user who automatically is on the notification list for tasks of his category
18:19.51floeleonly applies to new tasks
18:20.19mdabut why is it configured to by project instead of by category?
18:20.39floelecheck the category list
18:20.43mdaseems like it is really "Default project owner"?
18:20.52floelesort of
18:22.45mdaso how it works is the "Default category owner" gets auto-assigned new tasks if the new task has a category without an owner?
18:27.01mdalooking at the existing FS db, it seems this is a dead horse, but if i want to remove fields i have to edit templates, and if i want custom fields i either have to reuse one of those now unused-fields, with new labels, or I'm in for some serious php and database programming.
18:27.33floelethat's a whole different topic
18:27.36floelesee FS#218
18:28.23floelethat is v. 1.0 ;)
18:28.57mdayeah, i saw #218.
18:29.38mdajust checking on what the situation is right now, before I jump in.
18:29.55mdai'm going to change "Operating System" to "Task Size Estimate"
18:30.25floelechange whatever you like, but it might be quite a pain later ;)
18:30.39floeleyou never know what happens when trying to update to 1.0 then
18:31.09floeleupdating customised versions will of course not be supported by the updater
18:31.32floeleand I can't tell you what happens if you try despite that fact
18:31.42floeleprobably your data is erased
18:32.18mdawell, it is either that or move to mantis. but fixing the UI of mantis is probably harder than beating the backend of fs into submission.
18:32.53mdabesides, the upgrade script won't know that "One Week" is not a valid value for operating system :)
18:33.01floeleI suggest that you rather help us working on FS#218 than wasting time with a non-recommended custom version of flyspray ;)
18:33.25mdaok, i'll think about it.
18:33.38mda(my wife is insisting we go out now)
18:33.51floeleok, hope to hear from you again ;)
19:04.39*** join/#flyspray judas_iscariote (n=cristian@
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19:12.06mdahow is the "Assigned To" widget in "New Task" supposed to work?
19:12.24mdait looks like it is supposed to offer a selection of people, but the list box is empty
19:25.09mdatablecontrol.js is screwed up:
19:25.24mdathat isn't valid javascript.
19:27.55mdaIs there some reason the "Private" checkbox is not on new task, just edit task?
19:28.03mda(mda continues to talk to himself....)
19:33.46macnewboldI'd answer, but I don't know the answers :)
19:40.10floeleI'm back :)
19:40.16floelemda, you still there?
19:41.04floelethe first answer is that it does not contain a list of users
19:41.36floeleyou can enter a user in the textbox and press + to add him
19:42.29floeleI don't know about the javascript. if you think that it is wrong, feel free to fix it
19:42.48floelethe private box is prpbably just not there because someone forgot it
19:43.07floelecertainly easy to add
19:43.48mdawhat is the logic with respect to private? to show a task the project and the task must be public?
19:44.10mdaso a task in a private project, it doesn't matter what its individual private checkbox is?
19:44.22floeleno or yes
19:44.46floeleprivate means that only project admins, those who are assigned to the task or the one who opened the task can see it
19:45.11floeleeven if you have a global view_tasks permission
19:46.38mdaand what about project vs. task being private? how do they interact?
19:47.06floeleproject privacy is not like task privacy
19:47.22floeleyou ask difficult questions :-p
19:47.53floelewell...project privacy prohibits access to a project if you don't have the view_tasks permission
19:48.19floeleso I'd say task privacy is stronger than project privacy
19:50.45floeleI wish we had a doc writer ^^
19:51.11mdai know the feeling.
19:51.26floeleI don't quite have the time to explain all the stuff I'm coding
19:51.46floelefor 1.0 we have to create the docs somehow though
19:52.13mdathe only thing saving it is that the UI is generally pretty usable....
19:52.21floelebut on the other hand everything I write down now might be different in 1.0
19:52.34floeleI think it is for the most part
19:52.49floelemore than other bug trackers at least ^^
19:53.22floelebut as I mentioned before, feel free to improve what needs improvent in your eyes
19:53.43floeletwo developers can't take care of every aspect
19:54.31floeleand neither me nor Christian is a GUI expert
19:58.28mdayears ago i was project lead for what became Atria ClearQuest....
20:25.22floeledon't know this one
20:39.26mdaIBM sells it now.
20:39.34floeleI see
20:39.41mdahad configurable state machines, field level access control, the whole deal.
20:40.20mdaall the web-based bug trackers including JIRA are inferior to the best of the windows-based ones, IMHO.
20:40.28mdabut who wants Windows ? :)
20:40.54floeleme ;)
20:45.57judas_iscariotemda: JIRA is fine piece of software...
20:46.38mdayes, it is probably the best of the web-based systems, commercial or open source.
20:47.12mdasad to say, there is no #2 :)
20:47.26mdaamong open source solutions.
20:48.05floelenot yet :-p
20:48.21judas_iscariotemda: maybe... but flyspray targets other market segment..
20:48.58judas_iscarioteJIRA is clearly for enterprise/big proyects usage.
20:53.49judas_iscarioteIm not sure if want flyspray to become a monster like bugzilla or JIRA:::
20:53.59judas_iscarioteprobably no..
20:54.40judas_iscariotefloele: what is your impression ?
20:55.10floeleof course not
20:55.38floeleFlyspray should stay as simple as possible, but still offering the most imporant features
20:57.03floelebut there is still room for features atm :)
21:04.50mdathe fact that FS has an admin gui for most of its config is good. Some things (like customizing severity/priority) requiring hacking php files. But it is still better than mantis where practically everything requires editing files.
21:05.19floelemantis is too slow anyway
21:05.23floeleand too ugly
21:07.54mdathese hard-coded row ids in are really unpleasant....
21:08.14judas_iscariotemda: that requires redesign yes.
21:08.19floeleyou mean for severities and priorities?
21:08.50judas_iscarioteI kinda hate the modify.php stuff, I think a more elgant solution can be created, however, the current one works.
21:09.14floeleI don't like it this way too...
21:09.43floeleI wonder whether it would be better to put each modification in the corresponding file
21:09.44judas_iscariotewe agree :)
21:10.01floelethat is all admin center modifications go into admin.php for example
21:11.30judas_iscariotefloele: I think a class admin.class.php where each action is a method.. and the construcrot recieves the action as its agurment.. is a nicer solution...
21:11.44judas_iscarioteor kinda
21:11.52floelesounds also interesting
21:12.06floelewell, we have enough time to think about that after 0.9.9 ;)
21:12.28mdanot to mention this initialization of projects with uninternationalized hard-coded category, os, and version..... I'm commenting that out right now....
21:13.18judas_iscariotemda: patches welcome :-P
21:20.51floeleI'm currently working on 1.0 :)
21:21.19floeleimproving the user and group stuff a bit. neither me nor our users liked it ;)
21:21.45judas_iscariotenice ;)
21:22.37floelethe fact that I improve it or that no one liked it?
21:23.11floeleespecially I want less clicks to be necessary
21:24.14floeleand I have already found a new codename for 1.0
21:24.23judas_iscarioteyes ?
21:24.24floeledouble F again ^^
21:24.58floeleFuniculì funiculà
21:27.25floeledo you know it?
21:27.41floeleI didn't until recently
21:28.54floelejust found something else:
21:29.21floeleit's not urgent
21:29.30floelethis guy got free hosting for too long anyway
21:29.58floeleI told him to buy his own domain but he didn't hurry
21:30.22floelehis old website had traffic probs, so I hosted his page there *temporarily*
21:31.53judas_iscariotesecuirty restrictions "errors" ( omissions )
21:32.13floeleso do you know the code name
21:32.55judas_iscariotefloele: I know a song that is named like that
21:33.12floeleright ^^
21:33.48floeleI liked it the first time I heard it...that applies both to the song and the name ;)
21:34.06judas_iscarioteyes ^^
21:34.34mdawho wrote the javascript in FS? because there is this nonsense like $('assigned_select') everywhere.
21:34.34floeleit's no nonsense
21:35.11floeleit was  Anders Betnér btw
21:35.49judas_iscariotefloele: btw.. the cdburnerxp has issues with the database... when certain kind of operations are done, (not sure what) mysql uses 30% or more of CPU, the database seems to need some indexes  ^^ :P
21:36.16floelewell, as the rest of cdbxps website internals, it's all old
21:36.31judas_iscarioteyup ;)
21:36.46judas_iscariotemda: what is the problem with the javascript.. ?
21:37.21mdathat isn't legal.
21:37.39mdait is like somebody is mixing in perl or php syntax into js.
21:38.19floeleit's prototype
21:38.25floele$ is a function
21:38.36floeleand it is well accepeted among developers afaik
21:38.40floelethe library
21:38.59floele$('...') = Getelementbyid(...)
21:39.19floeleonly that I never get the spelling of the latter function right ^^
21:39.42floelethus I prefer $ too
21:40.44floeleI didn't know that the team page was edited
21:41.47floeleI see too many "inactive"s on the page :(
21:41.47floeleeveryone who reads the page probably doesn't get a good impression...inactive, inactive, inactive,...
21:43.09judas_iscariotefloele: I edited the page.
21:43.09judas_iscarioteI think we can create a better section
21:43.17judas_iscarioteafetr I edited it I got the same impression.
21:43.33floeleonce we have control over the website we should do some structural changes anyway
21:43.44judas_iscarioteyes. several ;)
21:43.51floelefor example I don't see why the development team is located in "help"
21:44.21floeleand a lot of pages are only hidden
21:44.55judas_iscarioteit think we may have two sections there "active contributors" and a second "past/inactive contributors"
21:45.20judas_iscariotefloele: yes.
21:45.24floelethe graveyard...
21:45.26judas_iscariotesite needs fixing
21:45.30mdafloele: ok, nevermind, i found function $ is defined in prototype/prototype.js
21:46.25judas_iscariotemda: yes, and if that code has a bug, it comes from other place.. if your found need to bug developers..
21:47.09judas_iscariotemda: code comes directly from their svn repository.
21:47.16mdayeah, i think that part is fine.
21:47.36mdai think there are must be higher level problems.
21:47.40mdabecause my firefox error console is pretty busy....
21:47.44mdai'll look into it....
21:48.24floelejudas_iscariote: if you want to find time consuming queries (which I wrote), you can use my sql class
21:48.48floeleI'm not actually proud of this one, but all queries go through it
21:49.12judas_iscariotefloele: adodb has it's own profiling mechanism ...
21:49.23floeleI don't use adodb though
21:49.39floeleand now that I mention it...
21:49.55floeleno, it's fine
21:50.21judas_iscariotefloele: I can make mysql deamon to find the guilty
21:50.42floelethen you don't have to see the class at least
21:51.42floeleI think I get eye cancer when I see it again ^^
21:52.28judas_iscariotemda: if you are skilled in  javascript we urge to make constructive critisism ( aka . a patch)  :-P
21:52.51floeleI already suggested to help doing FS#218
21:53.12floelethe first part is pretty straight forward actually
21:53.20floelethat is a field editor
21:53.20mda218 is a huge task IMHO.
21:54.13judas_iscariotefloele: did tony provided you the data yet ?
21:54.16mdayou have to have a gui for creating fields. you need to control their order. the templates have to be thrown out because the order has to be data driven. access control has to be able to pertain to custom fields. query building is changed. it affects the whole architecture.
21:54.25floelejc: not yet :(
21:55.03floelewell, permissions for particular fields won't be done for 1.0 I think
21:55.10floelethat's wa too complex
21:55.59floelethe field editor and integration of fields into tasks can be done seperately though
21:56.55floeleso you could do the editor and then we can see later how we added them to the templates (not so difficult) and how we do the queries and remaining DB structures
22:09.05mdaso what svn command you prefer to use to create patches? where do i send them? should i post a bug with an attachment?
22:10.15judas_iscariotesvn diff
22:10.32judas_iscarioteand posta  bug with an attachment.
22:10.39floeleML is fine too
22:11.02floeleI always press "1" when I see such an email on the ML
22:11.08floelethen I won't forget it
22:29.07mdawell, here it is:
22:29.18mdabut it looks like crap because i just pasted the diff in.
22:29.23mdaand now i can't edit it....
23:04.19judas_iscariotemda: that will be fixed when we move the BTS
23:04.55judas_iscariotemda: you will not believe me. but BTS is not under our control  atm.
23:05.28judas_iscariotewe are moving for that reason . we need more flexibility.
23:06.01judas_iscariotemda: and the revision that BTS is running is buggy .. it has not been updated since months...
23:26.11mdai followed up with an email to the ML
23:32.02mdait could be worse, you could be dependent on sourceforge :)
23:35.00*** join/#flyspray macnewbold (
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23:36.17mdais there self-registration with approval?
23:36.22mdaor just autoreg and no reg?
23:39.43macnewboldyou can do self-reg with approval
23:39.47macnewboldyou allow registration,
23:39.56macnewboldand tell it to place newly registered users in a group with no permissions
23:40.00macnewbolduntil you move them to something better
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